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    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

I'll add a bump also, i have been making up my list of seeds for next yeas grow, I have three list boy things can add up quickly, the second one will have to wait till January it has the most on it but,  My granddaughters want me to get them something for the hollidays, I thought I could get them interested in some peppers,  but that was a no go. Oh well I had to give it a shot.   John those are some nice micro shots.  
Hey Nightshade your plants are coming around nicely did you use a phone cam for your photos? 
I have been looking at Camera"s and some equipment, but I may just go with a smartphone I need to get one aways,  just as a precauthion and to keep up with todays tech. which keeps changing by leaps and bounds.
First off I need to figure out why i can't down load photo's from flickr to here, I can up load but when I try down loading them things don't want to work right. I think part of the problem is me as my brain just can't quite make the connection.
The ferts and plants are exhausted,hell,I am too. I think I will be cutting way back on wilds,it's a lot of picking!

We are getting nights in the 20s and my season is officially done. Finishing up picking and throwing out plants.







Got a flexuosum cleaned up to bring inside for the winter. No stowaway aphids allowed inside.

See yah next spring!
Pr0digal_son said:
The ferts and plants are exhausted,hell,I am too. I think I will be cutting way back on wilds,it's a lot of picking!

We are getting nights in the 20s and my season is officially done. Finishing up picking and throwing out plants.







Got a flexuosum cleaned up to bring inside for the winter. No stowaway aphids allowed inside.

See yah next spring!
John, excellent pics brotha. Will get ahold of you sometime and see about getting some seeds for the new season...
My list that I'm attempting for next season.
Wild- all pepperlover, other than tepin.
CAP 215
CGN 19198
Cumari pollux
"Most prolific" C. Chacoense

Tepins will pretty much br a guaranteed grow every year, simply for the fact my wife loved my plant this year, and has said she wants me to grow it again. Hopefully the other wilds strike her the same and I get free reign on wild plants every year!
Love checking in to this thread.  I get 4 or 5 pages behind and then get my fix of stunning pics of beautiful flowers and plants.
I grew a C chacoense (thanks to Portuge for seed) this year.  It was highly productive for me and delicious.  I'm hooked.  I don't have room for many, but I think I'll likely be trying a wild every year!
Keep up the good work all.
cone9 said:
Love checking in to this thread.  I get 4 or 5 pages behind and then get my fix of stunning pics of beautiful flowers and plants.
I grew a C chacoense (thanks to Portuge for seed) this year.  It was highly productive for me and delicious.  I'm hooked.  I don't have room for many, but I think I'll likely be trying a wild every year!
Keep up the good work all.
Your welcome Dave, just trying to give back to the great community we have here... If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have grown as many different types of Capsicums...
Just finished setting up my plant table so I will have room again in my front room, before a brought in all my plants I gave them a good hose down and sprayed for anything that might hide above or below the surface, but damn I found 3 plants that were infested with aphids, so they will get washed and sprayed again.  I worked quite hard to keep the damn things out,  but once again it looks like I will be fighting them till spring unless I can gain control.
I would take them all outside and hose them down, but its now 40F. and falling, so they get a good shower and a spray down. ia a couple of days I will look at everything again and hope that I got them all.
John as usual your photo's are great that Lance looked like it was a very big plant.
Portuge said:
Here's a shot of the whole canopy of the Cap 1141 and the C. baccatum var praetermissum to the left
Damn. That's great. 
Pr0digal_son said:
The ferts and plants are exhausted,hell,I am too. I think I will be cutting way back on wilds,it's a lot of picking!

We are getting nights in the 20s and my season is officially done. Finishing up picking and throwing out plants.







Got a flexuosum cleaned up to bring inside for the winter. No stowaway aphids allowed inside.

See yah next spring!
Say WHAAAA!? I love this thread
Tick said:
Thanks Portuge and your Blue Mystery is very nice!  I got free Blue Mystery seeds from PepperLover a few summers ago and had a nice dark-green seedling, but it died over the winter.  Maybe Iโ€™ll try growing it again.  I lucked out on the galapagoense, and itโ€™s grown quickly (sprouted April 30 or May 1st) but it doesnโ€™t compare to Prodigal Sonโ€™s, that plant is loaded with pods!
Cumari pollux, further along:

Wild chinense (2nd year):

Chiltepin Sonoran Orange (2nd year):

Bradleyโ€™s Bahamian (2nd year) on left, bhut jolokia x Bradley's on right:

Nice wild peppers everyone!
- Tick
Hi, I'm from Brazil, congratulation, nice pods. That wild brazil I sent some seeds in 2008 to USA, in that time I called Wild from Roraima (That is a Amazonia state), two years later I identified this pepper, It`s olho-de-carangueijo C. chinense, olho-de-caragueijo means crap's eyes, https://www.inpa.gov.br/nucleos/roraima/pimentas_rr/rltPimenta.php?id=47 
my pods https://www.pimentas.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10432&p=186138&hilit=selvagem+roraima#p186138
Thank's and  I`m sorry if I borring you 
claudiotxr said:
Hi, I'm look for bufforum peppers seeds...Someone could help me?
Sorry Claudio, don't think anyone has any seeds available right now. C. Buforum is native in Brazil, as I see your from Brazil also... Should ask around the local area and see if your able to find some...
Pr0digal_son said:
The ferts and plants are exhausted,hell,I am too. I think I will be cutting way back on wilds,it's a lot of picking!

We are getting nights in the 20s and my season is officially done. Finishing up picking and throwing out plants.







Got a flexuosum cleaned up to bring inside for the winter. No stowaway aphids allowed inside.

See yah next spring!
Looking good John!!!! Keep up the good work my friend. :)
I don't think anyone has the C. buforum as its on the restricted list and the seeds can't be sent out of Brazil, I for one would love to grow it, but as i said its restricted along with several other wild varieties, in fact you would have better luck getting seeds in Brazil than what any of us could here in the States. 
Portuge said:
Sorry Claudio, don't think anyone has any seeds available right now. C. Buforum is native in Brazil, as I see your from Brazil also... Should ask around the local area and see if your able to find some...
I'm looking for this pods for the last 3 years, It's hard to find real C. Bufforum... Thank you...
I been low key for a while now, I'm still going thru some hard stuff ( Marriage) and I tend to neglect everything just to clear myself. Anyways I'm still growing but on a small scale and I have a few started for next season and still waiting for more to pop ;)

First off is this siling labuyo found in the wild by a friend in the Philippines and far away from any population. We refer to it as "Rice grain labuyo " because the pods are close to the size of a rice grain. I'm having flowers at the moment and soon when pods develop I'll update.
Rice grain labuyo - C. Frutescens.

Flexuosum :), only one has popped for now waiting for at least another one to aid in pod and seed production.

Will post more soon.
