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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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The younger plants aren't handling the temperature fluctuations as well as the over wintered plants.

The new growth of some of the plants pictured has been affected.
It's hard to see but are you talking about curling/cupping? And you reckon temp fluctuations are causing it? Wouldn't surprise me at all as some of my plants are doing it and the temps here have been fluctuating also.

What would you plan on using it on?
Uh... chillies, of course! ;)

It sounds like you would have some reservations using it on certain plants?
It's hard to see but are you talking about curling/cupping? And you reckon temp fluctuations are causing it? Wouldn't surprise me at all as some of my plants are doing it and the temps here have been fluctuating also.
The key issue is head of many of the plants producing small distorted leaves and loss of vigour. The fluctuating temperatures make it difficult to determine how often and how much to feed the plants.

Uh... chillies, of course! ;)

It sounds like you would have some reservations using it on certain plants?
My experience is different species of Capsicum respond differently to fertiliser. The Starfish plants here take off like a rocket at the whiff of a little Nitrogen. My Chinense varieties benefit from a little more Calcium and Magnesium.

In terms of which plants I was thinking about young plants versus established plants. I can't say much more as I haven't tried that product.
Just went and checked on my "Wasps" and they are banging! The little (big) buggers are really starting to put out now:




Looks just wrong in those pots: :lol:


They are firmly bolted into the ground though... can't even tip 'em or lift 'em a cm.

NOT Dorsets putting out:


Been especially waiting for this guy to ripen--another Baccatum x Chinense parent pod:


Overwintered ButchT coming back after second prune (damn mites!):

In terms of which plants I was thinking about young plants versus established plants. I can't say much more as I haven't tried that product.
Ah, I get ya now.... ;)

I was thinking both young plants and established plants (reduced rate on the youngens, of course).

I dunno, just getting impatient ATM with everything going so slow and looking for anything and everything that might boost growth--even if just the tiniest bit.....
I've been getting some leaf curl too. Two weeks ago it was Humid and 30C, last week it was raining none stop and low 20's. This week we have had some warm, humid weather, and also some cooler nights with temps getting down below 18C. Was hoping to get some pods started on my yellow hab, but all the flowers fell off. Not really surprised with these lower temps. Good news is my seedlings are doing well, and I now (cross my fingers have a germinated Choc bhut jolokia. I'm still at the 2 leaf stage with my seedlings but my TS butch T's seem to be going strong. My Zimbabwe Birdseye are starting to flower too. :)

Love your plants guys, wish I had some over wintered plants right now, I'm still way off getting pods.

@ Gas I know what you mean by wanting them to hurry up, I'm going to go look for worm castings this weekend. :rofl:
Good news is my seedlings are doing well, and I now (cross my fingers have a germinated Choc bhut jolokia. I'm still at the 2 leaf stage with my seedlings but my TS butch T's seem to be going strong.
Good to hear the Choc Bhut finally came through for ya. :)

Yeah, my BT babies were strong as last season (quick to germ, fairly fast growing) but then they ended up slowing right down when it got really hot. :(

Love your plants guys, wish I had some over wintered plants right now, I'm still way off getting pods.
You have to go through all the hard work and toil of growing them first! Pods from overwinters is earned, not just given.... :P :lol:

@ Gas I know what you mean by wanting them to hurry up, I'm going to go look for worm castings this weekend. :rofl:
Yeah, that stuff is the shiznit! I've yet to give my plants a good water with it (about to go do that now) but even after their first foliar feed the results were noticeable.
Good to hear the Choc Bhut finally came through for ya. :)

Yeah, my BT babies were strong as last season (quick to germ, fairly fast growing) but then they ended up slowing right down when it got really hot. :(

You have to go through all the hard work and toil of growing them first! Pods from overwinters is earned, not just given.... :P :lol:

Yeah, that stuff is the shiznit! I've yet to give my plants a good water with it (about to go do that now) but even after their first foliar feed the results were noticeable.

Yeah still early days with my seedlings, still I'm proud of my babies.

As for overwintering, I'm yet to cross that bridge, so yeah I would think it is pretty easy. :liar: :scared:

Have you considered what your friends might think if you mention the worm jizz (or just jizz) while their eating your peppers? :rofl:
Have you considered what your friends might think if you mention the worm jizz (or just jizz) while their eating your peppers? :rofl:
Tried that.... they ruined it though by knowing what I meant. :mope:

Although, I DID turn one mate off by telling him I was gonna piss on my plants after finding an article about how urine was good for plants.... (Wondering now if I should tell him that I'm probably not gonna try it.) :rofl:

Gas my man.. You are an absolute mad scientist!
I like it! :D But in reality, I'm just a man desperate for his stuff to grow....

To me that seems a lot like GOGO Juice or something like that. I always see it in bunnings and am tempted to give it a crack ... that or GOGO juice or worm rum/juice
Yeah, was at Bunnings today and opted for the GOGO instead. Never used it before so will see what happens. Probably will give the Eco-Aminogro a burl at some stage too but I think I've already spent enough on ferts and whatnot lately!
Gas... We have a term we use in golf called paralysis by analysis. You remind me of me. That is why I made the comment about tge mad scientist.
Are you getting problems under the shade cloth?
I thought if chillies couldn't handle 34-36C, no point trying to grow them in Perth.

My chinenses and the younger potted ones are under shade from a tree and in buckets, but theres about 4 jalapenos, 4 bell capsicums, 2 Hungarian blacks and 2 Hungarian hot wax that are under full sun all day in the ground, plus a bunch of younger seedlings.
Full sun, yeah that wilt every day, but all are podding, and they are only 2 months old. Not wilting in that photo because it's 5pm when it was taken, and the yard is shaded by then. I'm come home after working in the sun on roofs or in ceiling spaces fixing a/cs and yell at them to toughen up, then they drop their "poor me' wilting act and knows who's boss.

Some weak seedlings died, but even some that are unhealthy and yellow and were lost causes are adapting and toughening up, only lost 4 out of about 16. So only the extra weak had died


Of course it's only going to get hotter and I have other plants in a more shaded area, those were just an experiment since I though the heat was coming later this year (it was 24C and raining a couple of weeks ago!)

Ground cover hab. 30cm x 30cm wide, but only 20cm high, if that!

Star survivors in buckets under shade, get about 2.5Hrs direct sunlight in the morning, and the same in late afternoon. Not big growers because of that, and wilt very quickly any longer in the sun so far...

Still haven't watered them for 3 weeks now! (edit, the ones in the buckets and in shade, the ones in the sun all day and in the ground get watered every 3rd day). As you can tell, I've stopped coddling them and told them to work it out themselves mostly LOL. If they can't survive a few days of mid 30C temps, they don't have much of a future in Perth :)
Actually I haven't noticed any problems yet and I didn't water them today... except for two overwintered plants that are in full sun and withered up but they sort of look sick and the heat just helped it along.

I am really thinking poor me :( no aircon in house or car. It's nearly 9pm and still hot inside.
Actually I haven't noticed any problems yet and I didn't water them today... except for two overwintered plants that are in full sun and withered up but they sort of look sick and the heat just helped it along.

I am really thinking poor me :( no aircon in house or car. It's nearly 9pm and still hot inside.
I spent the day outside, so didn't use the a/c in my car by choice. I hate getting used to cool temps, only to get out the car and work on a roof fixing an a/c for 2 hrs in the sun. I rather be hot all day than hot/cold/hot/cold.
I didn't even get to start work on the road until 12pm, stuck on the phone all morning listening to the whingers call every 4 min about their a/cs not working! Every time I received a call or made one, 4 missed calls in that few minutes!
It would not be so annoying if it wasn't people that knew their a/c didn't work months ago, or only decided to install one now, and are only ringing everyone in town for the cheapest price, same day service, free quotes etc ie they are nearly all time wasters that actually stop me working, because they waste all my working hours on the phone! Chuck in the odd telemarketer, hot days are fun for me!
Add that to the fact that these jokers could have colled my a month ago or more, when I was almost going broke because of no work since August... Stuff 'em
If you want an a/c, I can do you a good deal. I've got an old split system you can have for free.
WOW looks like everyone's plants are starting to come along really well now that the weather is getting much better

On another note..... (I hope it's OK to post this here Nova?)
I have just finished our first range of JungleRain Hot Chilli Sauces
just in time for Xmas if anyone is interested, just send me a PM,
You can find the finished product here;


There it is again for ya! Post whatever you like here JR.

It's nearly three in the morning here and i just got back from Eminems sydney concert.
Never heard a crowd like that in all my life, went ballistic when he first came on stage and didn't stop. The man is a money making machine! Hilltop Hoods supported and were ok, Lil Wayne supported too, i don't get his angle or lyrics. If Tupac or Biggie were still here i don't think lil wayne would be!

Rat bastard speed camera got me on the way home too. Who invented those bloody things anyway?
I'll hunt him and or her down damnit! :lol:
Ambitious task ahead. Putting my four year old Scorpion in the ground, that dirt has been worked over something cronic so i am expecting Mr Scorpion to go off it's head.

Just put bedding and food into my homemade worm farm, mushroom compost, coco coir and some paper and food scraps. Worms get here next week, 2000 red's, tigers and blues. Hmmmm 2000 new pets to look after...
