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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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I'm a baby killer :( The pot fell over as I was moving them from outside to inside. Luckily I had triplets of red rocotos.

Murderer!!! :P

Does anyone else get the guilts from culling seedlings, or is it just me? :lol: I can rip up a grown plant no worries (although sometimes it's a shame) but them babies..........
I used to split them... but now I just don't have the time or space to raise for anyone but myself (unless someone I know puts in a special request... I'm more than happy to do it) so it's cover my eyes and snip...... :lol:
I'm a baby killer :( The pot fell over as I was moving them from outside to inside. Luckily I had triplets of red rocotos.

The pot fell.... or was pushed!!! :O

I hate culling seedlings but if you just plant one seed you get a lot more no shows for some reason. If you plant two or three together they all pop up full of life, ready to be cut down :( I just think of it as improving the strain and survival of the fittest.
Fellow Aussie blabberers!....i need your advice if possible!!

OK, i really need to think about trying to get my plants to ,'man up' a bit, and have rigged something up in the back porch this afternoon to house some of the bigger plants....but with the VIC weather, i just wondered if this is a good idea or not? I've looked at the 10 day forecast and the lowest temp is 5 / max 18 or so....
There is no back door (see pics) but it is quite sheltered in there. There is already some shade cloth over the windows, so it wont be full sunlight unless i remove the cloth.
General consensus?? Good idea? Bad idea? Wait a while?? Helllllp!!! :)


Just put them out in the full sun and tell them to harden the F up! :lol:

Sun would still be quite mild down there, wouldn't it? I really don't think you would have too much issue hitting them with some direct winter sun. Try some morning sun first and see how long they can take it.
Yeah, me thinks they'll be fine,...just bring em in a night, just in case!
...also have your wife sit at the backdoor during the day on watch...she can bring them in if they start to droop...
other than buying one of those cheap hothouses you can sometimes pick up at aldi's..
Oh yeah... the lows... they sound pretty low!

Can't believe how cool it still is down there. Might as well be well into spring here. Nights are still nice and cool but day highs 25-30C??
What direction does the window face? If it faces north they should get plenty of sun all day. At night just close it up as much as possible and keep the cold wind off them and they should be ok... unless you get a sudden uberfrost. In there with no back door is better than out in the yard exposed.
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Mine have been outside for a week now. In 5deg min half sun for 4 days and full sun for 2 days. Besides a few leaves with sun burn they are going alright. Just chuck em out there Nee Man!
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Thanks guys....

Yeah Megamoo, it's a north facing window which is a bonus...

Lavatung...are yours totally outside now, or under cover of some sort?

I briefly had a couple of them outside this afternoon, but after painfully watching the smallest breeze almost bend them in half, i pulled them in again..lol (aaargh...my Baaaabies!!)
Does everyone else stake them before letting them loose outdoors?
I always put my babies out right from word go (as soon as they hook) so they get exposed to the elements at an early age (and beats the heck outta having to fuss around with hardening off). But then, I guess, conditions are more ideal up here in the winter. :P

Just the other day we had some pretty rough wind. It was just about blowing some of my babies outta their shoes! But no sooner had it eased, they were standing tall again. Early exposure, I tell ya!

Don't be afraid to rough your plants up a bit. Whatever doesn't kill 'em only makes 'em stronger, right? (don't hold me on that :lol:)

("Just chuck em out there Nee Man!") ;)
Thanks guys....

Yeah Megamoo, it's a north facing window which is a bonus...

Lavatung...are yours totally outside now, or under cover of some sort?

I briefly had a couple of them outside this afternoon, but after painfully watching the smallest breeze almost bend them in half, i pulled them in again..lol (aaargh...my Baaaabies!!)
Does everyone else stake them before letting them loose outdoors?
Ok you caught me out.. They are under an alfresco... but it is fully open. I bring them out to the edge to get full sun then put them back in the corner. It's probably 2deg warmer in the corner ;)
I do the same as gasi, put them out early as possible, even if it's for a couple of hours. Keeps them from being leggy, toughens them up. Only problem is pests though...
Your's look like teenagers/juvies that should have been kicked out of home already LOL
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Hey Guys and Gals,

Great to see everyone is well into the new season.
And of course being the start of a new season brings all the joys and heartache that we go through at this time.

Keep up the good work and keep on Chilliing on Brothers and Sisters!

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Best of luck with the upcoming season everyone. I've been really slack and didn't get around to planting any seeds so I'll just have to pop in here from time to time for a look.