plant-care Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Bloody fruit fly mongrels...

All to be cooked and discarded. :(
I'm growing a few chillies this year after moving into a place with a backyard for the first time in years. I bought a few super hot seedlings from Masters. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get an early start on the season here in Melbourne, but they are coming along well so far.
I tasted one of the not even ripe Aji Limon pods, rated at 7/10, and it was so hot it gave me hiccups and I had snot running out of my nose... newbs :)
Hey guys n gals, I hope its acceptable to 'bump' an oldish thread, especially considering I'm a newbie around here :P
I've been lurking on THP for too long so its time to join in on the fun 'n frivolities (I've even read all this thread ... god help my soul).
I noticed that the 'sandgropers' thread is still relatively active but the one for the rest of the Aussies has gone cold.
So yeah, I live about 70k's east of Melbourne in a pretty quiet semi-rural location. I've been growing chillies for 3 years now starting with a couple of mild ones and now having 10 or so different types. I got some Peach Bhut from Candice at Wildfire, some Morugas from Grant at JungleRain, some Carolina Reapers from ChilliCo and a few types from the Chilli Factory (via Masters).
The season is starting to come to a close and I've moved the chillies I want to keep into the hothouse to overwinter.
Here's my last 'lil harvest:

And after a lttle while of chopping, they're hanging in front of the split system to dry, ready to be turned into powders:

I've already taken some cuttings from my faves (just incase the overwinters don't make it), they took about 31/2 weeks to strike, sitting on a heat mat in rockwool cubes under some LED lights.
Hopefully this thread will become active again and I hope to have some decent banter with you all.
It's alive! The Aussie thread is alive! :woohoo:
:welcome: aboard. Looking bloody fantastic, mate!
I really do wish people would stop saying they read this whole thread, though... I hate to think of all the dumb inexperienced stuff I've said in the past. :oops: haha
:welcome: - Good to see the thread revived!
Nice pods
 lol Gassy, I read the whole thread and I can't even remember what you said... Hopefully mite free this coming season hey *fingers crossed*
I'm waiting for some seeds to arrive and then I'm gonna get started. Lucky I have a heated propagator... Canberra is on the chiller now.
Shurbryn said:
:welcome: - Good to see the thread revived!
Nice pods
 lol Gassy, I read the whole thread and I can't even remember what you said... Hopefully mite free this coming season hey *fingers crossed*
I'm waiting for some seeds to arrive and then I'm gonna get started. Lucky I have a heated propagator... Canberra is on the chiller now.
Talking up bark potting mixes (which are terrible! at least by the standard that is flogged off to us), suggesting sources of equipment and whatnot that can be found much cheaper elsewhere, general dumb stuff. I like to talk like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I'm quite the slow learner.... :lol:
Mite-free... I'll be in on that! :D Funny, last season I didn't really have too much of a problem with the bastages. Either previous releases of predatory mites have well and truly done the trick or it got so hot last season that it killed off the little buggers. Unfortunately that same heat also killed off, or at least contributed to killing off, half my plants too. :( And then there's the fruit fly which almost makes the issue of broad mite feel insignificant. At least I can set a bunch of feasting machines on their asses. What eats fruit fly, anybody know? hahaha (I laugh or I cry)
I can't believe winter has finally arrived here! :dance: Around 10ºC this morning I think... brrrrrrr...... hahaha.... nah, it's nice. :D It would be getting down close to 0ºC down there, wouldn't it? :P
Daaamn, just had a look at your forecast and looks like you guys are hitting the minuses? That's it, I'm moving to Canberra! I don't care if I can't grow year round... I love the cold!
Whoahhhhhhh watch out it lives again whoahhhhh..................................................
Edit....BTW great harvest there Nuclear!
miguelovic said:
 What the deuce is that bug in your avatar pic? Looks damn cool.
It's a male peacock spider. One of my hobbies, besides chillies, is spider macro photography. I'm lucky enough to have 2 different kinds in my yard. They're really tiny though (size of match head) so are pretty hard to find and only appear in spring.
Here's a 'lil collage of some of my pics:

These spiders are so cool :dance:
This one isn't my photo but it gives you an idea of how small they really are:

They will happily munch on aphids so that's another bonus, although they won't eat as many as say a ladybug would.
Speaking of aphids, I don't have a problem with them when my plants are outside in spring/summer 'cause there are enough predators around but as soon as I move my 'overwinters' into the hothouse I notice the little blighters make an unwelcome appearance. :hell:  So yeah, looks like it's time to bust out the garlic & chilli spray and nuke the little scumbags b4 they get too established.
Now all we need is Nova and a few other older stalwarts to drop in and it will complete the time warp!!

Welcome ...nice haul and great macros!!
I'm back!!!!!! been lurking from time to time.....
how did everyone's chilli season go???? mine was shit the worst I have ever had but I'm back with a vengeance this season...
I just started again today, sowing the first of 1500 seeds/500 varieties for this chilli grow season, decided to work on some of the rarer C. Frutescens varieties also and some rarer Brazilian Chillies. I have also sown some of my superhot hybrids I'm working on but only the most promising coming soon!!!
Wooooooaaaaaaah.... now the ball is rolling! :dance: :dance: :dance: :party:

Welcome back, Grant!
JungleRain said:
how did everyone's chilli season go???? mine was shit the worst I have ever had but I'm back with a vengeance this season...
Aye, same and same. But once you hit the bottom, you can only go back up, right? So stuff it... I'm going all out this season! :D OK, not 1500 seeds/500 varieties all out, but it's still gonna be big... ;)

JungleRain said:
I just started again today, sowing the first of 1500 seeds/500 varieties for this chilli grow season, decided to work on some of the rarer C. Frutescens varieties also and some rarer Brazilian Chillies. I have also sown some of my superhot hybrids I'm working on but only the most promising coming soon!!!
Do share! C. frutescens in particular has caught my attention of late. Looking forward to seeing what you bring!
JungleRain said:
how did everyone's chilli season go????
Pretty good here, Grant, although I've only been growing for 3 years so maybe my expectations are pretty low. ;)  The ones that were an utter failure were the Butch T and Choc. Hab, dunno why but I only got 2-3 pods off each! The only real dramas were when we had that run of 40+ days over summer ... SO much flower drop. :mope:
JungleRain said:
mine was shit the worst I have ever had but I'm back with a vengeance this season...
What happened? Why was it so bad? Maybe us less experienced types can learn from your dramas.
JungleRain said:
I'm back!!!!!! been lurking from time to time.....
how did everyone's chilli season go????
Welcome back!
Mine went okay, learned a lot and am prepared for this season a little bit better.
Got the seeds I ordered last week from you, thanks for the bonus Fatalii and Manzano seeds!
gasificada said:
Talking up bark potting mixes (which are terrible! at least by the standard that is flogged off to us), suggesting sources of equipment and whatnot that can be found much cheaper elsewhere, general dumb stuff. I like to talk like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I'm quite the slow learner.... :lol:
Mite-free... I'll be in on that! :D Funny, last season I didn't really have too much of a problem with the bastages. Either previous releases of predatory mites have well and truly done the trick or it got so hot last season that it killed off the little buggers. Unfortunately that same heat also killed off, or at least contributed to killing off, half my plants too. :( And then there's the fruit fly which almost makes the issue of broad mite feel insignificant. At least I can set a bunch of feasting machines on their asses. What eats fruit fly, anybody know? hahaha (I laugh or I cry)
I can't believe winter has finally arrived here! :dance: Around 10ºC this morning I think... brrrrrrr...... hahaha.... nah, it's nice. :D It would be getting down close to 0ºC down there, wouldn't it? :P
Daaamn, just had a look at your forecast and looks like you guys are hitting the minuses? That's it, I'm moving to Canberra! I don't care if I can't grow year round... I love the cold!
That's interesting that you guys got more of our summer over there this year and everyone over there had a bad one.
I really don't think the Chilli's like our Summers  :P
JungleRain said:
I'm back!!!!!! been lurking from time to time.....
how did everyone's chilli season go???? mine was shit the worst I have ever had but I'm back with a vengeance this season...
I just started again today, sowing the first of 1500 seeds/500 varieties for this chilli grow season, decided to work on some of the rarer C. Frutescens varieties also and some rarer Brazilian Chillies. I have also sown some of my superhot hybrids I'm working on but only the most promising coming soon!!!
Hey Grant nice to see you around again. Not nice to hear you had a bad season but like the rest of us hardcore fans we keep coming back for more punishment!
I like the sound of Rarer Brazillian's, I hope there are some Chinenses in there too  :cool:
Micca302 said:
That's interesting that you guys got more of our summer over there this year and everyone over there had a bad one.
I really don't think the Chilli's like our Summers  :P
Summer is always bad for growing over here too... it was just extra bad last summer. Of course, it probably didn't help that I had a lot less time for my plants last summer, either!
Early spring and autumn is where it's at here. In fact, I've decided that autumn is going to be the season I label as "grow season". :D The other seasons can be "getting by" seasons seeing as there's no real off-season here.
gasificada said:
Summer is always bad for growing over here too... it was just extra bad last summer. Of course, it probably didn't help that I had a lot less time for my plants last summer, either!
Early spring and autumn is where it's at here. In fact, I've decided that autumn is going to be the season I label as "grow season". :D The other seasons can be "getting by" seasons seeing as there's no real off-season here.
Big yep to this, Gassy! Autumn is da best 'cause that's when the decent harvests come in. Spring is like ' go you good things' , grow grow grow. Summer is 'hang in there, little ones' the heat will be gone soon. Autumn is the 'money shot' - bountiful harvests abound. Although down here in Melbourne its the dreaded 'Winter is coming ...' runaway, runaway, shelter the babes from the cold!
I don't wanna jinx you, Gas, by mentioning the dreaded FF but how many months are Fruit Flies a problem up there in BrisVegas?