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off-topic You know what really grinds my gears?!?

IT support ended 7 yrs ago now. I bought a Mac just so I could stop supporting PC's #truestory

I'm a sucker for helping folks in dire straits with old systems though ... DOS (for a realtor), BeOS (for a church), and my own scenario (PC's w/ parallel ports for dongles and XP pre-SP2 for CAM for CNC's) ...

I still maintain 486's w/ 3.25"'s ... and they are SX's, at that ...
SadisticPeppers said:
My dad's horrible with this. He thinks he's actually good with computers, which as you are aware is the most dangerous kind of user... It doesn't help when he effectively goes "SQUIRREL!" and starts telling me something completely different that has nothing to do with the issue at hand, especially when he cuts me off mid-sentence, which also really grinds my gears! That and he insists on reading every little thing on the screen when something pops up, even if I've seen it a million times and was in the middle of trying to tell him something.
Swap your dad with my wife and kids and we have the same story. Talk about a gear grinder. I'm not even an IT guy, I just work with computers every day and learned how to do some minor upgrades and hardware swaps just to keep IT away from me.
They come at me in the driveway as soon as I roll up after work. "can't get to pandora/can't get to facebook/it said click here and now nothing works"
Thank God for beer.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Oh yeah - since changing to hot sauce guy it's just a different set of challenges - every wedding, bar mitzvah, or funeral it's "can you whip up a small batch of something for table favors?"
It's funny how if you started to charge everyone a fee to fix their computer, make them a batch of sauce or whatever, most people would call you tight and shy away from asking you for anything.

I give most of my sauces away free, BUT they are always to return a favor or are traded for something.

For a bottle of sauce I have been given:

-Chilli seeds (Thanks Teejay)
-A bottle of homemade wine
-Homemade spring rolls
-Homemade Vanilla slice

To name a few.

It's all about give and take and I can't take without giving back. It's just not my nature. However I'm starting to realize that the art of give and take is being lost....

Shorerider said:
It's funny how if you started to charge everyone a fee to fix their computer, make them a batch of sauce or whatever, most people would call you tight and shy away from asking you for anything.

I give most of my sauces away free, BUT they are always to return a favor or are traded for something.

For a bottle of sauce I have been given:

-Chilli seeds (Thanks Teejay)
-A bottle of homemade wine
-Homemade spring rolls
-Homemade Vanilla slice

To name a few.

It's all about give and take and I can't take without giving back. It's just not my nature. However I'm starting to realize that the art of give and take is being lost....

I've actually made wedding favors a couple of times now. I don't particularly mind - I was just illustrating a point that it's not just limited to computers.
I was going down a major thoroughfare today on the way back from a market & was in the left lane. Approached a stoplight, car in front of me stops at the red light, and sits there. Meanwhile cars stack up in the right lane.

Light changes, guy in front of me sits there for a couple seconds, then TURNS ON HIS TURN SIGNAL and inches forward, as he has to wait for the yellow to turn.

Which left me 1 car back, sitting through an entire goddamn green light, when had he signaled 1/2 block from the intersection I could easily have moved the the right lane. :doh:

And THAT really grinds my gears.
Something else that grinds the shit outta ma gears...
Friggen... "Boneless, white meat, CHICKEN WINGS"???
GTF outta here!
I like Sonic but... dude, c'mon man.

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
I was going down a major thoroughfare today on the way back from a market & was in the left lane. Approached a stoplight, car in front of me stops at the red light, and sits there. Meanwhile cars stack up in the right lane.

Light changes, guy in front of me sits there for a couple seconds, then TURNS ON HIS TURN SIGNAL and inches forward, as he has to wait for the yellow to turn.

Which left me 1 car back, sitting through an entire goddamn green light, when had he signaled 1/2 block from the intersection I could easily have moved the the right lane. :doh:

And THAT really grinds my gears.
Oh man... people with their fricken turn signals. Only thinking about themselves, never anyone else or even aware of their surroundings. UHG!
Another thing that grinds my gears... People who cancel or completely change the plans on me at the last minute. The "friend" I had mentioned in my prior post was particularly bad for this. In one instance, she said she wanted to come over, but I had another friend I was going to meet. She whined and cried, saying she was having a bad day and needed a friend, so I called up the friend I was meeting and asked for a rain check. So I sat there and waited... and waited... and waited, and nothing. By the time midnight rolled around and it became plainly obvious she wasn't coming, I texted her and asked what the hell was up. She didn't respond until two days later saying she instead decided to go out drinking by herself. That annoyed the hell out of me, because the friend I was originally planning to meet up with was flying back to Europe in the AM, and really wanted to hang out with me (she and my "friend" didn't like each other so the three of us meeting was not gonna happen without a catfight), and that I had to change my plans completely around for her only for her to leave me hanging. She got upset with that and said that next time asks for my help or wants to spend time with me, she'll come that day, which was kind of the point I was trying to make in the first place.
A few weeks later, my "friend" and I planned to go for a weekend to Disney. I paid for a hotel room, made sure my annual pass was in order, etc., and was ready to go. The morning of, she texted me saying she didn't have the money to go and couldn't make it. So I replied back and left her a voicemail, saying that since she couldn't go, I may as well make a solo trip out of it, as the hotel room I got was non-refundable, and so forth. About 20 minutes after I got into my car, I began getting a flurry of rather belligerent texts from her, saying that she really did have the money to go after all, asking me why I abandoned her, why I just up and left and didn't wait for her, etc. (She asked that I wait for her for 8 whole hours) My reply was simple... if she didn't have the money to go, why would I wait around for her? And how did she suddenly get the money to go in the span of under an hours? She didn't take too kindly to that, and basically spent several hours madly texting me the entire rest of the day about how I was a horrible excuse for a human being, when she needed to get her story straight. I found out later from a mutual friend she went and cried to that she expected me to pay for her ticket to Disney, along with food, etc., which wasn't the original agreement, and asked me why I just up and left. I told him quite simply that if she didn't have the money to go, then it wasn't my problem, and I was supposed to be her friend and not her personal ATM. He mused that she neglected to mention that part.
This kinda leads me to another thing that grinds my gears: People guilting or goading me into doing anything, or trying to be around me simply for the sake of being around me. One of my biggest pet peeves was always people hovering over me for any reason, and thinking they'll die if they're going to be more than six inches away from me. Being an introvert, I value my privacy, and hate having to spend my time and effort on people who can't get the hint and go do things on their own.
Scoville DeVille said:
Something else that grinds the shit outta ma gears...
Friggen... "Boneless, white meat, CHICKEN WINGS"???
GTF outta here!
I like Sonic but... dude, c'mon man.
Buffalo Wild Wings is always pushing their freakin "boneless wings" - they're called chicken nuggets assholes!

SadisticPeppers said:
asking me why I abandoned her, why I just up and left and didn't wait for her, etc. (She asked that I wait 
I have exactly 3.2 seconds of time for people like that.
Simple... "Bye."
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Buffalo Wild Wings is always pushing their freakin "boneless wings" - they're called chicken nuggets assholes!

And white meat for chrise sakes??? WHITE friggen MEAT???
NOT wings dumbass patrons.
Ya know what really grinds my gears? The people in the house behind me are having a party in their back yard, and they're grilling steak. And it smells freakin awesome. And I can't have any. And that really grinds my gears.

Ok, that's more just because I'm super hungry, but still...now that I think of it I've probably got them 20:1 on the "BBQ smell torture-o-meter". :rofl:
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Ya know what really grinds my gears? The people in the house behind me are having a party in their back yard, and they're grilling steak. And it smells freakin awesome. And I can't have any. And that really grinds my gears.

Ok, that's more just because I'm super hungry, but still...now that I think of it I've probably got them 20:1 on the "BBQ smell torture-o-meter". :rofl:
Why you can't have none? Gitchyo ass over there, and be a baller. (new word I'm trying out)
Even if you have to bring your own staek. unless they're a bunch of hipsters.
Then open your windows and let them hear some Metallica, Ride the Lihgtning.
Just had another things that grind my gears... People who refuse to acknowledge the concept of "personal space". Was at Subway, ordering a sub and the gentleman behind me was a few inches away, trying to talk to me and asking what he specials were that day, as if I magically had any clue about what they were. Never mind the fact his breath could curdle fresh milk, every time I moved away from him, he kept moving as well. 
I can't stand people that wash their car like they had their eyes closed, leaving big patches of unwashed car for all to see. I'd rather drive around in a dirty car than a half clean half dirty car.
Shorerider said:
I can't stand people that wash their car like they had their eyes closed, leaving big patches of unwashed car for all to see. I'd rather drive around in a dirty car than a half clean half dirty car.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Scoville DeVille said:
Here, they're called "swivel heads"... These dumb mFers (also called "tourons", tourist + moron) driving on the highway, at 35 mph looking at deer, stopping on the highway (speed limit 60) taking pictures. It's rural, a two lane highway smack in the middle of the highest Mule Deer population in North America. Deer are f**king EVERYWHERE!!! I wish I had a "spare truck" to smash into the bastards.


Then the tourons park in the tourist town and jay-walk EVERYWHERE!  Never Mind that the only road up the valley goes through said tourist town and all the people working up the valley have to drive through that town with their work trucks, dump trucks, excavators, etc.  Do the tourons really think it's smart to play chicken with a 1-ton service truck?  Dumbasses~
Another thing that really grinds my gears is- dumbass bike riders.  (bicycle...not motor bike)
I'm driving down the 2-lane hiway in said 1-ton service truck with wide body compartments and even wider truck mirrors. Come around a corner and up ahead are 2 bikes riding side-by-side.  Along this stretch of hiway the road margins are 2-3' wide outside the fog line, plenty of room for a bike to travel single file in complete safety.  These 2 morons were ride side--by-side with one rider on the road inside the white line. 
And Guess what!  There's an oncoming car!  Oh S#!T>  I swerve across the center line praying the oncoming car is paying attention, which they were.  They swerved way over the white line on their side, I'm about 2 feet over the center line and we all pass right next to the bikers.  I wonder if the morons knew how close they came to getting tagged~
Bike riding is very popular in the valley.  I get that, and motorists are supposed to "share the road".  Fine.  I'll share.  But Come ON!  Bikers have a responsibility to ride safely and outside the white line when possible.  There are a lot of roads in the valley that have very narrow margins, so why would a biker ride inside the white line on a stretch of hiway that has all kinds of trucks, semis, RVs and more driving 60 mph?!?!??? 
OK- Rant over...
OH and to Scott's story about vinegar...
a long time ago, Hubby was manning my FM booth sampling the chunky salsa.  The veggies are cut into 1/4" pieces and are easily identified as tomato, onion, green peppers.  One person came up and tasted the Mild, and the Medium, then the Hot and also the Scorcher. 
They then said "I don't like onions."
To which Salsadude replied "Well then don't f^cking eat it."
True Story.