• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
RYMERPT  2015  "BUCKET LIST" grow log
This ladies and gentlemen will be my second year growing peppers. A big shoutout to my friends that have helped me on this journey. Mike, Jojo, Rocketman, Spork, Hogleg, Sicman, SORRY IF I FORGET TO MENTION YOU. These folks and the entire THP community has made me what I am in the pepper world. I have grown 20+ plants on a small appartment balcony and had decent success. My list for 2015 is still up in the air right now, but soon to be. Trying to talk the wife into letting me start the seeds inside before Christmas. Tentitive thoughts about grow list: Purple jalapeno Reaper Ghost Aji pineapple Star fish LemondropXtepin Gonna try to get seeds planted soon. Stay tuned. This year I'm going as big as I can with the pots. My best...
So this is my first glog other then the one I am doing at home. Here's my grow list Grow List Capsicum Chinense varieties Bahamian Goat(Buckeye pepper company) Moa Scotch Bonnet(pepperlover) Datil(pepperlover) White Fatalii(pepperlover) My first super hot form seed Peach Bhut Jolokia S S (pepperlover) Red Mushroom form lake valley seed via local store(I think there seeds are crossed with habanero) Red Habanero burpee via menards Tobago Cheiro Roxa (pepperlover) Stuffing Scotch Bonnet (pepperlover) Capsicum Baccatums Aji Brazilian Starfish(pepperlover) Aji Melocoton(pepperlover) Aji Amarilo (pepperlover) Aji Cito(pepperlover) Dulce Sol(pepperlover) Capsicum Pubescens Pineapple Rocoto(pepperlover) March Farmers Market aka Potato Skin...
My 2016
  This is my first Glog on THP. Currently finishing my simple green house from bamboo. it's 5MX12M. Here is my seedlings will occupy their new house: -BTR -CPR -Butch T Scorpion -Reaper -Caramel reaper -Primo Red -Primo Orange -Moruga Scorpion Red -Burgundy Moruga -Yellow Moruga -Caramel Moruga -Mustard Moruga -Green Moruga -Orange Moruga -Moruga UV -BBM -BRM -DouglahXButch T -ReaperXCarbonero -PrimoXMoruga -Brain Strain red -Brain strain yellow -Cappy's CBS -John Ford's CBS -Judy's CBS     wish me a great season. :) will update soon..  
White Fatalii (PL) glog
I know I got a late start, but living in Florida I'm hoping that wont be too big of a deal (although the heat and rain kind of scares me).   Transplanted my little germinated seeds today, the root length was 1/2"-1" in some so I decided it was a good idea to transplant them today. I'm using Solo cups with 3 holes drilled into the bottom in a triangle formation. Planned on just doing 3 plants but we see how that turned out. Didn't have enough cups for all the germinated seeds so just going to let the extras grow some more before giving them away. The trench the cups are in has a nice incline to help drain off extra water to prevent the soil from staying too wet.
SnottyFox's First Ever Glog 2015 (CT)
Hello Everyone! I'm finally getting around to posting my first ever Glog and I'm pretty excited about it :dance: .  As this was my first year growing, I decided to try my hand at growing one to a few different varieties of peppers and then seeing which ones I like so that I can grow more of that kind the following year (as well as throwing in some new varieties I haven’t tried). The majority of my plants were grown using pepperlover.com seeds.  The service was amazing and I would absolutely recommend anyone to use their seeds for your grow.  They will be who I use next year.  I originally had purchased some from pepperjoes but the only pepper really to sprout was the purple jalapeños.  However, they are much further along than my other...
First time grower!
My first little set up. I have a heat mat below set at 79*F. Just put the seed in there yesterday so I'm hoping it germinates. I used miracle grow potting mix and keep it moist and the greenhouse effect. Ive never grown anything and i really want to start this off right so please let me know if i am doing anything wrong!
[FR] multi-var hydro and organic.
hi   so im starting this glog a bit late most of the plants have already germinated.   im growing all of them in my room in paris, and as most of you know the rent is really high so i dont have as much space as id like :(   i have 2 separate grow spaces, one is a small 50*50*90 cm box, with 125w 6400k cfl light, which is plenty sufficient. in this growbox im growing only in soil and organic, im more of a hydro guy but they get really too big, plus ive never, ever grew in soil in my whole life so i thought it would be fun to try something different.   im using biobizz all mix which works great, and most of biobizz organic ferts, bio-grow, bio-bloom, and topmax which i use maybe every other watering. i alos use plagron pure zym and canna...
MarkS 2016 Growlog
So the grow log now includes 3 x Naga Fire Flame - 3 out of 5 germinated 4 x Bhut Jolokia - 4 out of 5 germinated 6 x Mixed "unknown" hots - 6 out of 6 germinated Sown - awaiting germination 3 x Orange Habanero 3 x Chocolate Habanero 3 x Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 3 x Trinidad 7 Pod Bubblegum 3 x Trinidad moruga scorpion 3 x Turbo Pube 3 x Riesen Gelb Rocoto 3 x Tropical Orange Rocoto 3 x Peron Rojo Rocoto 3 x Santa Natalia Rocoto  
The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2015
Today launches The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2015, geared towards growers from this region.  Since there appears to be disagreement on what states, and areas, actually comprise the Pacific Northwest, I will use a broad definition, in order to include more growers.  If anyone thinks the definition could be even more broad, it can always be changed.  Come one, come all.   Oregon Washington Alaska Northern California Idaho Montana Wyoming British Columbia   I am from the Rogue Valley, in southern Oregon, so, I will begin with a couple of shots from my yard, which over looks the Rogue River.       It's still December 2014, but I've been busy putting together my grow list for the 2015 PNW season.  My seeds will be planted around the second to...
JCW's 2015 Glog
Well, here's to another year. I wanted to downsize from last year, and ended up practically doubling everything.  Started germinating on Jan 22 using paper towel method.  Tried 2 ways, one in cups with the seeds on top, other the way I have always done with the seeds in paper towel in ziploc.  Both have worked, but the paper towel in ziploc seems faster, maybe better temp control there.  So far have about 55 seeds in dirt after 11 days with many of them already popped up and looking happy.     Almost an embarrassing setup compared to many I see on here, but it worked great 10 years ago, and still worked fine last year so I figure no need to change yet. Will need another rack of lights this year for the increase in volume I have.   Grow...
West Oz Chillies
Not really a Glog in the true sense of the word ... just wanted to keep a bit of a record of what grew and what I did with it.   9 Dec 15 First proper pick of the season. Took 60 green Cayennes off the one bush mainly because a few were getting a bit of mould when touching the soil and I wanted to free up some energy for the plant to grow new ones. (this was about half of one 30cm high plant)   Weather's no good at the moment, can't dry them in the window as normal so made a sauce.   60 Chillies 1/2 Cup cheap white vinegar 1/2 tsp seas salt Whizz up in blender.   Ended up sticking it in a saucepan for 10 mins just to soften the chillis up before adding couple TBSP Olive Oil and blending again just to make it smoother.   End result...
Juanitos 2015 grow
Intro Besides just fun this year I hope to sell enough to make this hobby pay for itself. If you see something you like I will probably be selling plants or pods at some point in the year, check my website. I really would like to do hydro dutch buckets in a poly tunnel but don't have enough money/space this year. My dad offered me his small garden plot in the his backyard across town it's about 400+ ft2 so that will be the main grow for 2015 instead of pots like last year(although i'll have a few still). Updates: links to most notable updates here germination / into pots video update seedlings transplanted outside drip irrigation test Some pods showing up   List: A good variety of heat, flavor, color, and shape that I think will be...
Coach's 2015 Overwhelming Grow
Final Grow List- Updated 3/25/15- 152 Varieties, Around 280 plants: 7 Pot Brain Strain, Red 7 Pot Brain Strain, Yellow 7 Pot Bubblegum, Red 7 Pot Burgundy 7 Pot Caramel 7 Pot Chaguanas 7 Pot Jonah x PDN, F3 7 Pot Jonah, Red 7 Pot Primo, Orange 7 Pot Primo, Red 7 Pot Primo, Yellow 7 Pot White 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Yellow x Bhut Jolokia India Carbon Aji Amarillo Aji Bolivian Long Aji Brazilian Starfish Aji Colorado Ají Dulce, Orange Ají Fantasy Aji Jobito Aji Lemon Drop Aji Melocoton Ají Omnicolor Aji Panca Aji Pineapple Aji Queen Laurie Aleppo Ancient Sweet Bad Brains Bahamian Goat Banana, Sweet Monster Heirloom Bell, Lilac Bell, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, India Carbon Bhut Jolokia, Peach Bhut Jolokia, Purple Bhut Jolokia, Red Bhut Jolokia, White...
Peter's 2015 Glog
I've started germinating a few seeds for 2015. I'm using the wet paper towel in sandwich bag method for the first time. For each seed type, I soaked the seeds in 3% hydrogen peroxide for one minute, then rinsed before putting on the paper towel. I've got all the bags in a plastic box, sitting on a germination heat mat. I put a half plastic egg carton on the bottom so they won't get too hot.         It looks like a few of the seeds have something white poking out. These are ajijoes Chocolate Hand Grenade Habanero and Pepperlover's Mustard Moruga Scorpion.        I started them on 12/19. I'm going to move any germinated seeds to cups containing Fox Farms Light Warrior. This will be the first time using this as well.     Here's my...
Shigshwa's 2016 Carolina Reaper Grow
It's been a while since I've been on here. Well. I'm back, same tent, but this time, with hydro! I'm running a 25 gallon DWC setup, with clones and a mother. I'd use HPS if I had one, but I hope that MH will do fine. The growth rates in hydro have been outstanding, and I'm excited to see what the yield may be.   The mother. Stands at nearly 2 feet tall now, and clipped numerous times for clones/topping off. I can count at least 2 dozen flowers on her right now!   I hope the density of plants will not be too detrimental. The clones stand at a few inches, to give a comparison.     What is the aim of growing so many superhots, you may ask? To make a hot sauce that could be an analog of thermite! I'm going to name it... "Master Wong's...
Hello everyone, yes it's a tad early and I am not going to start anything yet, but soon as I have found it gets cold pretty fast in northern Arizona. I hope next year goes better than this past year, I didn't start anything early enough and ended up having to buy plants. Out of the 10 plants I got, 1 lived and that was a bust too. So I am OW-ing that one, it's a peach bhut. Here is my very small list. It is going to expand pretty soon as I hopped on Scorched seed train round 3, I am very excited for that. Jonah Coral Reef(no idea what that is) Zimbabwe Bird Chocolate Brain strain Aji Lemon Drop Peach Ghost Scorpion     Have a good day everyone.
Hello everyone (if anyone is even reading  :) ). I know I've started this a little late but I finally decided to get around to it. This is my very first year starting from seed and my first year with such a large grow. Over the past 15 years or so I've always ordered seedlings from CCN or gotten them from a nursery and only ever around 40 plants at the most. It was always jalapenos or habaneros until the Red Savina came along. I actually did grow 10 of those from seed when they were released. A few years later the ghost chile made its debut and things have just exploded since then. That was when I went from growing maybe a dozen plants to 30 or 40 each year. Have No complaints with CCN and always had a great experience and great plants...
Edit 03/09/15 - This OP was such a mess with multiple lists, Old Seed, New Seed, Saved Seed, Gifted Seed, etc., I'm redoing almost the whole post.  All of the lists have been merged into a single mega-list.  I am actually trying to grow at least two or three plants of almost everything on this list.  For those marked with a leading (x), I am currently out of stock of seed (though may have OW plants).  Those marked with a leading "*" are not currently planned to be grown in 2015.  Trailing numbers refer to the seed source, keyed at the bottom of the list.  The sourcing information is currently incomplete.  Many varieties I had linked to descriptions, but the formatting didn't survive the copy/paste.  I'll try to fix that at some point. ...
Hey Guys, I have started early this year... Real early hahah I already have over 60 plants started, not included my 16 or so over wintered. I finished my move from Germany to Kansas and as of now, I am starting my own plants. The over winters were gifts from Jimmy. I am glad to be back to growing and really ready to hunker down and have an amazing year, I am planning on anywhere from 200-350 plants, but we all know how that goes. Hahaha Enough about that, and more about Chillies! I don't have a set plan as far as varieties go. I just kinda dig in my seed drawer and pick a few to throw in every time a couple spaces open up. So far I have Cap 1144 x3 CGN 19198 x1 C. Galapagoense x1 C. Rhomboideum x1 C. Spp. x3 CGN 24360 x1 GRIF 9238 x1...
tsurrie's 2015 glog
so yeah, hey everybody... I just couldn't wait anymore put some seeds in the dirt and we're good to go   me and my brother in law built this new "grow-box"   I'm gonna put a fan or two in those holes .... to keep the humidity down when the box is going to be closed     this is how it looks now.... in my bedroom ... the wife said something about someone who's a little crazy but I don't know who she's talking about :rolleyes:   so, this is what I'm growing this year:   Baccatum   - Lemon drop (seeds from rghm1u20)   - Brazilian Starfish (seeds from rghm1u20, added on february 12th)   - Aji Brazilian Red Pumpkin (seeds from Rory, added on february 12th)   Chinense   - Bhut Jolokia   - Aji Umba   - Fatalii yellow   - Caribbean Red (seeds...
Slade122's 2014 Greenhouse GLOG
I update the following spreadsheet pretty much daily with information about the plants, etc. This also allows me to keep track of when to expect/allow flowering to occur. This is the first generation of my spreadsheet designed by myself. Download My Veggie Tracking Spreadsheet   Sprouting Setup Overview. I’m using a 2ft 2bulb T5HO shop light with a pair of 14 watt Warm White bulbs. I’m considering picking up another one of those lights to match so that I have a total of 56 watts to make strong seedlings with heavy-duty stems.     From left to right: Ring of Fire Cayenne, Hungarian Hotwax, Scotch Bonnet, Super Sweet 100 Tomato, Super Sioux Tomato, Yellow Pear Tomato, Calico Pepper, Fish Pepper, Bell Mix   Peppers I plan to sprout ASAP...
Meatfreak 2015 Glog
Hi all, thanks for watching. Will be keeping a small glog this year to share progress with my friends. I've started my grow on 26th of January, everything has popped by now and true leaves are being formed. Like every year I will be growing multiple "new" Jalapeno's I've collected so far, about 21. The rest of my grow will exist mostly out of crosses I made previous season and new crosses/phenotypes from friends. Goal was to keep the amount of plants limited because I want more time on my hands for of course family and to grow other veggies to.  
Ozzy2015 Glog
I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.   I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:   Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter) Jalapeno x Pepperoncini Early Jalapeno Purple Jalapeno Carolina Reaper Aji Pinapple Aji Mango Aji Limon Chocolate Hab Chocolate Bhut Red Bhut Large Red Bhut Big Sun Hab Unknown Brazilian White Hab Hot Lemon TMS Yellow TMS Red Pimenta de Neyde Douglah Sweet Cherry Yellow Fatallii Yellow Scotch Bonnet MOA Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Hot Chocolate Brazilian Starfish SB7J Tequila Sunrise 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot White 7 Pot...
alkhall 2015
Going to start in coir around first weekend of February.   The list so far, subject to amendment:     BROWN LARGE SCORPION-saved seed from last year 7-POT YELLOW-saved seed from last year ORANGE(ISH) BRAINSTRAIN-saved seed from last year ORANGE DOUGLAH-saved seed from last year   CHOCOLATE BHUT JOLOKIA <REPLACED ORANGE DOUGLAH   CARAMEL MADBALLZ-seed saved from last year <ADDED   NOT PEACH (ORANGE(ish)) GHOST-SCORPION-seed saved from last year <ADDED RED BRAINSTRAIN YELLOW BRAINSTRAIN CHOCOLATE BHUTLAH BIG SUN HABANERO 25 seeds, not one germinated. However, the vendor gave me 8 starter plugs for free to make up fo it. Unfortunately, none were the Big Sun. I found another vendor that had Big Sun (or Yellow Sun, as they called it)...
Hardy's Indoor Grow House / Overwinter / GLOG
First, let me preface everything by saying this is my first year growing peppers and I've learned a TON from this community and everyone's contributions.  I've been lurking and reading on this site since May and finally decided to register and post.   I started with a 'can' of Carolina Reapers I bought from a retail store in Tennessee (the novelty little can that you pop open, pour water in, and set on window sill).  Since then I've tried more 'cans', bought seeds from several online sites, and been trying a little bit of everything.   This summer I grew 2 Reapers, several cayenne, several Peter peppers, a few habanero.  I've since tried germinating chocolate habaneros, ghost, Bolivian rainbows and have had zero success (I have some...
Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)
NOTE: Skip to the later pages to see my latest grow. Most of this is a log of my previous grows.       --------------------------------------------------------- I saw quite a lot of grow logs out here, which inspired me to make one myself. I thought that I could also use this as an opportunity to learn from the more experienced growers as well. A bit about me: 1. At this point in time, I'm 16, likely making me one of the younger growers here. 2. Although I like to mess with all things technology, I also like gardening as well 3. This is my first time growing peppers, so I'm hoping that everything goes well! Now, onto the peppers. The Story So far The peppers, Bhut Jolokia on the right, Butch Ts on the left The first sprout, and...
Hey everybody, Starting my first gold of the year! I have some overwintered plants a couple new plants and am debating planting a lot more. Most are in soil but I have a couple that 5 that are in DWC. The Varieties I have in dirt or hydro currently are DWC: 1 Reaper x Brazilian Ghost F2 1 Chocolate Douglah 2 Yellow infinity Chilli Mini DWC: 1 C. Chinense, Suspected to be a black Naga Soil: 1 Quintisho 2 Morugas 2 Bhuts 2 Pink Tiger 1 Kraken Scorpion 1 Caramel Moruga 1 Douglah 1 Giant White Habanero 1 7 Pot Burgundy 1 Chiero Roxa 4 Yellow Habanero 2 Black Pearl 1 Farmers Market Jalapeno 1 Scorpion 2 Golden Cayenne x Chocolate Chery Bomb F1 I also have a few plants in Competitions Solo Cup Grow Off 1 Ramiro 1 Dorset Naga 1 Yellow...
It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community...
Pixel_Ninja's Grow - Season Starting to warm up!!
Hi Guys,    So I ordered some Carolina Reapers after my brother claimed that he loved hot stuff and could chow anything. Incidentally, I met PeriPeri via his website and ordered 10 seeds. It was only when I was at my local nursery shopping for seed starting items that I realized that we are heading for winter :( I was quite keen to get started and decided to gamble with half of my seeds and attempt to start them (very early, or late - My success would prove the former, while failure the latter) as soon as I got home.   Created a simple seed starting mix of coir/peat moss/perlite/vermiculite. I'm not really one for measurements so I just whipped up a batch that felt right. Soaked it with tap water then carefully laid 1 seed per cell in...
Bierz's 2015 Chicago Rooftop Grow
I haven't had a garden for a few years and decided to start growing some peppers on my roof in Chicago.  I originally planned to have 4 plants, and Dru (SmokenFire) offered to give me a few plants, as we're in the same city.  I met with Dru and not only did he have four healthy plants for me, but also several bottles of his delicious hot sauce, some seeds, powders and even a CD.  Great guy.   I decided to go a bit bigger on the garden and went to a local nursery and picked up some more plants.  To add to that, I found a seller on Craigslist who had ghost pepper, trinidad moruga scorpion and ed's carolina reaper seedlings for sale.  I got to his house and he showed me a 3 year old ghost pepper plant that he kept in a greenhouse.  Yes...
RedSkull 2015
My lil place to post my grow wierdness The Reaper is happy to see you   The CP115 seeds have been pretty exciting. The germination rate was terrible for me (I'm sure totally my fault) but the plants that did pop up have been incredible and crazy. Since everybody here is well versed in reapers I'll just post the cp115 variations I have run into with this years grow. I'll just name them plant 1 through 4ish...number 5 im not even sure if its a pepper plant yet...lol plant 1   Plant 1 is super bumpy with the newer ones producing tails. Absolutely scary looking and much hotter than reaper plant 2 looks like a chocolate scorpion and hands down the hottest pepper I've produced yet Plant 3 I dunno yet ...it's purple/black .....it popped...
Noah Yates' 2015 Grow Log
First Wave- Sown December 12, 2014   No star: original seeds One star * : second generation Two stars ** : third generation 7 pot bubblegum 7 pot douglah* 7 pot primo* 7 pot yellow aji pineapple* bhut jolokia caramel* bhut jolokia chocolate bhut jolokia indian carbon** bhut jolokia peach** carolina reaper** carolina reaper** (ultra thin tale) habanero (black**) habanero (mustard*) habanero (red savina) habanero (white) scorpion (ButchT*) scorpion (ButchT**) scorpion (jay's peach ghost*) scorpion (yellow*) scotch bonnet 7 jonah scotch bonnet 7 jonah* scotch bonnet TFM* trinidad perfume* tobasco*  24varieties x 12 seeds of each = 288 plants 288 plants x 1 tray/72 spaces = 4 trays Selecion- 24 varieties x 3 best...
SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update
Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:   Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today   On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray   Here's a...
Kalie's 2015 - 2016 Grow
Hello everyone! I am new to The Hot Pepper this year so I thought I would introduce myself here and get a grow log going. I might know someone of you from the other pepper forums... but I must say, I have been devouring the threads on this site lately and it's my new favorite. :party: Reading glog's definitely makes the corporate work day go by faster!   I live in Jacksonville, FL and have a small half-acre piece of land, although not all of it is sunny. I've been here for about three and a half years and I have been growing everything from corn, beans and tomatoes to exotic tropical specimens like coffee and cacao. I have taken my pepper growing from just four store-bought jalapeno plants in 2012 to over a hundred plants in 2015. I...