• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Here i am with my humble growing! That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.   The seeds, all form Semillas:   I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5). Total 59. I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.   Today i started that seeds:   Overwintered: 7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.   Well... Now let's see who germintates...   Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday. Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on...
I live in a small town near the southern tip of Africa with a moderate to hot climate. Summer highs 45C or 113F. Short frosty winter for 4 months . Lows of 0C or 32F . Enough to kill unprotected plants. Last year I started with Cayennes , Jalapenos and habeneros and managed to overwinter a few.   My greatest asset is great soil and homemade compost...
Hello Im from quebec so this year I will try to grow super hot (120+ days).   Last years I grew one habanaro plant but I only got 2 ripe peppers out of it because the night started to get cold by the end of the summer (only hot from june to september)   This year pepper growing list:   I got the seed from semillas , pepperlover and some from my friend Wicked Mike Thank you very much by the way Mike for the seed :) The peach bhut jolokia will be growing this year. Sorry couldn't grow any other I dont even grow half the kind I have because I have restricted room.   Reaper                                      2x Peach bhut jolokia                     2x Jonah 7 pot                               1x Chocolate 7 pot                        ...
I've been procrastinating a bit this year, and just got around to starting my seed germination.  Last year, I picked just a few varieties and grew 4-6 plants of each variety.  I realized that if a plant does well, one plant would give me more than enough peppers, so this year I decided to go the other way.  I'm growing 17 varieties, but only 1-2 plants per variety, with the exception of Maule's Cayenne which I'm growing 6 plants (I never have enough cayennes). My final grow list for 2015: Aji Lemon (2) - seeds from plants given to me by BPWilly Aji Pinapple  (1) - seeds from pods I got from Jusplayn Aji Cito (1) - http://pepperlover.c...aji-cito-detail Aji Peruvian (1) - http://pepperlover.c...peruvian-detail Aji Panca (1) -...
    Time to knock the dust off the keypad and practice with the camera I got at the end of last season.My seed list is ready but still needs taken down a bit.I will say (judy) is going to have her own section in my garden and Hence forth shall be stated in my updates as(The Judy Wing).Also I have some seeds from my good buddy Dew(thanks Scott).One more shout out to Chris(Joyners powders friggin rock)as I will be introducing his ""Mystery Wine""to some good old dark Iowa soil.     Alabama Jack,your puree basic recipe is the one I now will be using to preserve peppers for sauces that I don't dry,send to our friends on this site or torment my people at the factory with.It's so simple that I can move your numbers up or down and get the same...
 This season is a wild season. Previous seasons I have my greenhouse 90% full of chilis, now very little.   I´ll post some pics of a typical season in Finland.     150213, the basement of my house. NFT:s.     Problem. 010413.     Solution.     The seedlings in. 100413.     Bonda ma Jacques 040513.     140513     070613     090713.   Bonda ma Jacques produced  13,5kg (29lbs) during the season.   Next time I post I try not to put so many fotos.  
Hey everbody. Well I'm still working out of town and have been living in my 17ft travel trailer for the past 5 months. I've got some Jigsaw's soaking and when I get back home this weekend I'll start some more. Tepin x Lemons are on the list. Thanks to Mike (smileyguy697) for this fantastic pepper. I've got some others on my mind as well, just can't decide. I will be doing SIP and raised beds again this year. Hope all is well out there in the community. Here's to 2015 grow and good luck to you all.
This year my growlist is dominated by Fatalii and Fatalii X varieties, I thought it would be worth growing as many as I could get my hands on as a comparison.   I’m also growing four different types of Big Jals as we are having a biggest pod contest over on the Chillies Galore forum in the UK, so hoping for some monster pods!   I’ve got an overwintered Trinidad Scorpion Yellow CARDI, plant entering his 4th season and looks to be in for another good one, just taking off…   Also a smattering of other plants of interest, including quite a few baccas which I found particularly productive and useful last season.   New seedlings doing well so far, just about outgrowing the limited space I have under a small T5 set-up and will be potted on...
2015 grow   As Pictured.   Fatali Cream            Trinidad PI281317            Aji Pineapple Fatali Red                Yellow Brain                     Thai Dragon Fatali Yellow                                                     Doni Sali BG7                                                                 Black Naga SB7J                        Sunrise Scorpion             Peruvian Wild Bahamian Goat                                               Goat Weed   2014 small container project yearlings.       Now I have a better idea on how to do this after watching them for a year.
Good afternoon fellow pepperlovers, for 2015, I want to grow less hot varieties than last year, as I found out I'm way woosier than I thought. I would also like to have all 5 standard "species". Here is my list so far:   Chinense Bhut Jolokia Yellow Burkina Pink Tiger Fatalii Aji Limo Trinidad Perfume   Annuum Cumra Cherry King of the North Fresno Long Thin Cayenne Mulato Isleno Numex Big Jim   Baccatum Lemondrop Aji Melocoton Aji Mango Aji Verde Aji Amarillo   Pubescens Aji Rocoto Rocoto Oro Rocoto Huallanga   Frutescens Aji Pipi de Mono Aji Charapita   I should start seeds after Christmas, prolly December 26th at 8AM, hehehhehee   Here's last year grow: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/43897-teurf-2014-grand-finale/?hl=teurf%26%2339%3Bs ...
Hey guys,   as said in the welcome thread, i want to show you my grow 2015, even if the season is nearly over. I gonna post some recipes and everything i do. Lets get started! :)   First: What do i grow?   C. Annuum Pimiento de Padron  Jalapeno M Jalapeno Jaloro Jalapeno Hegyes Csipoes Paprika Gorria  Ungarische Chili mittelscharf Monkey Face Yellow Tazmanian Black Aci Sivri Chao Tian Jiao (Facing Heaven) De Arbol Joes Long     C. Baccatum Bishops Crown Peruvian Arancio Aji Golden Aji Cristal Aji Pineapple Lemon Drop Gelbe Teufelskralle   C. Chinense A ji Cajamarca x ?? Turks Cap Georgia Black Yellow Lantern Pimenta Bode Cross (F2) Tobago Sweet Pimenta Puma Orange Blob (F2) Murupi Amarela B ig Black Mama Bhut Orange Copenhagen Bhutlah...
bonchi from seed attemp hydroponically! this is my first try at bonchi and carolina reaper hydroponically! white duck tape, draw device; & net pot! pot traceddraw a quarter inch line on the inside and cut out the inner circle. drop the net cup in make two quarter inch holes, one in each side, with a knife or a drill. and punch air pump hoses into the container. fill resevoir to an inch above the bottom of the net pot now the "Reaper"! wash soil or coco coir from soil and make a small hole for tap root in the net cup
I'm starting a few weeks late this year, but I have the greenhouse in the backyard ready to go. Plus I cut down my number of plants this year so I could manage them better.    Grow list for this year.    Bhut Jolokia Peach Brown Moruga 7 Pod White 7 Pot Bubblegum Carmel 7 Pod 7 Pod Brown Habanero Big Sun Chocolate Habanero Orange Habenero Red Habenero Cheiro Roxa Yellow Butch T Brown Scotch Bonnet   I planted them in the indoor Ghetto greenhouse on 2-16-2015. Took a storage bin and bolted my 2ft 4-bulb T5 light to the lid. Then lined the inside with some Mylar emergency blanket material. The temp...
Hey gang. This is my first year trying to grow hot peppers. All of these came from members here at THP. They may not all be true varieties due to the possible lack of isolation but that's ok. Thanks to you all! I'm not entirely sure what I will do with all of these yet. I'm making a spreadsheet with all the heat, flavor and potential uses for everything I am growing. Sauce, salsa, ferments for more salsa, dry powder, chili, pickles, smoked pods, pickles,  and mustard are what I've come up with so far. I suspect I will have way more than I need so stay tuned as I will likely be offering fresh pods at the end of the season. I intend to save true seed for myself and for you all via the bagging isolation method. I might try a few isolated...
And so it begins!!   Well planning anyway...   I've put together my grow list for the year.  I'm scaling back the number of varieties, opting instead to grow more of each variety.   Here's what I will have going: Mild-Medium: Banana x3  Jalapeno x3 Huge Bell x3 Orange Bell x3 Orchid/Bishop's Hat x2   Supers (Yellow) Yellow 7 Pot Brainstrain x4   Supers (Red) - Monster Naga x5 7 Pot Caramel x5   Supers (Brown) - 7 Pot Brown x7 Brown Moruga Scorpion x7   I will be planting the supers on Feb. 1 and the rest will be started on Mar. 1.   This is the tentative layout for the community garden:   I'll be back on in a few weeks!
Introduction:   Now that things have finally slowed down for a few weeks it's time for me to get my 2015 grow log going.  We had a great year in 2014 and spent a lot of time over the winter upgrading our indoor space and searching out some of the rarest superhots being grown today.  We're growing almost 90 varieties this year but I'm only planning on posting about the superhots and other rare strains here.  I'll probably post random shots of the others here and there, but the main focus of this GLOG is the supers.   We grow select types inside in our indoor "lab".  We usually reserve the best of the best for that area and a few months ago I started a GLOG that focused on those plants.  I didn't have time to keep things updated but I'm...
Hey gang! It's been a couple of years since I started a glog, so I figured I should give it another shot. I have always been a slacker about updating my glogs in the past, and I expect this one to be no different (hence the title). I will post the important stuff though, and eventually some xxx pepper porn. I promise. There will probably just be some lengthy gaps in between. Just think of it as a condensed version. :lol:   Okay, here we go! The first round of seeds hit the dirt 1/20/15. I'm trying out Burpee organic seed starting mix this time. It's a coco coir based mix that seems pretty nice, so we'll see how that works out. 72 cell trays, 2 seeds per cell (for most). I started some seeds I saved from different years of the same...
After a miserable growing season last year, we're hoping 2015 is another great season for Red Hawk Premium Peppers!!! I didn't do much of a grow log last year, so I'll try to make up for it this year.   www.facebook.com/RedHawkPremiumPeppers   Lots of Carolina Reapers popping for 2015   Rocotos were some of the first to pop this year!   Habaneros from the Galapagos Island and a couple other oddball varieties!
It's finally time to start the 2015 season :) It's my first time doing a season glog but it's my sixth year growing chillies. I've learnt so much from reading this website and the knowledgeable people on it. The last couple of years have been pretty successful, so hopefully this year will be the best year yet. My grow list. I'm growing nothing that I've grown before so it should all be a nice surprise. Super Hots Bhut Orange Copenhagen Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion Red Moruga Scorpion Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Orange Mild Aji pineapple Large Orange Thai Peruvian Purple Crosses Pink Tiger Pimenta Puma Mojo Scoundrel (Bhut x Neyde) Mojo Big brown Bubblegum 7 x PdN Bhut x Neyde - Peach-Cream Buena Mulata Black Panther F2   Bonchi Cheiro...
I had a great 2014 growing year and can't wait to get started on 2015. Had some issues with overwinters and aphids but I ditched them and nuked the basement. Here is last years Glog link   I just went through and cataloged my current seed list. Built up a bit of a collection over the course of the winter.    Edited seed list to just a drop box file on 1/31/15 CLICK HERE FOR SEED LIST If you have anything on my wanted list feel free to give me a shout.    I will keep this first page updated as I add things to the grow. Many still to get germinated.     Currently Growing List:                                                          Member I received seeds from   Bhut Orange Copenhagen                               pier_man0909 Jays Peach...
Just getting this thrown up here so I can do some edits to it as it is shorter than I want it.   Scaling back my supers to one 30 plant raised bed and one 30 plant hab like bed.   annuums, sweets, and misc peppers will go in the back garden.  Since I had 8 rows of hots out there this year and only planning on 2-3 rows next year, it should make more room for other things.  Also scaling back the number of each type of plant I am growing.  Looking at most 2 per plant type, except for the ones in the back garden.       Raised Bed 1                                                                    Raised Bed 2   Big Sun (2)                                                                              TS Yellow (2) BMJ (2)                    ...
Hello ladies and germs glad to be back for another growing season. Most seeds have been started, just waiting on a few last minute deliveries from the post man to complete the list.  I will post some pics when things start to get going.  :cheers:   This years seed selection:   Caramel Moruga BBG7 chocolate Caramel Moruga x BBG7 7 pod orange X UBSC chocolate # 1 Peach Bhut Pink Tiger- KD Pink Tiger- Jamison Red Rocoto #1 Lima market Red Rocoto #2 Lima market Rocoto San Isidro Rocoto CAP 217 Rocoto Aji Largo Rocopica Yellow manzano- clones from "The Beast" Serrano Tampiqueno Maui Purple Nocturne Pimiento Piquillo Aji Piura CAP 455   added these to the above:   PI 355812 CGN 21566 CGN 2150XXX CAP 521 Billy Goat Hot Rod Serrano Red MoA ...
Had just 17 plants last year.  This year the goal is about 50.  Will have a ton of non pepper plants going as well.  But let's face it, we are here for the pods!   Started the following seeds on 1/2/2015.  The # in parens is what has successfully germinated. Planted just 2 of each seed.  If some of those don't pop soon I am going to start more seeds.   7 Pot Jonah Red 7 Pot Red Large (2) 7 Pot Red Original (1) 7 Pot White Bhut Jolokia Peach (1) Bhut Jolokia Red (1) Bhut Jolokia Yellow Ancho/Pablano (2) Bahamian Goat (1) Brazilian Starfish (1) Carolina Reaper Cheiro Roxa Clavo Red (1) Indian Jwala (2) Jalapeno Cracked (2) Jays Ghost Scorpion Red (fingers crossed on this one, had some amazing powder of this one and need it in my spice...
Planted some seeds today, I got these from a gentlman in the North. Scotch bonnets was from him too, so Im going to try these, I thought I had planted the Fatalii but was mistaken. Mixed 50/50 vermiculite and Cow M Compost, what I had on hand and didnt want to use the black earth top soil. Added filtered water with peroxide, I may have added too much since it fizzled. I use peroxide on my Sprout mix so I hope it does not disturb the seeds. So see what happens, obviously their going to be indoor growth for this time of the year but I know the lights I have are great :) Actualy I added a bit more peroxide then usual to make sure their were no vermants left in the soil. 3 seeds each.   :)    
So to get started I will have to post some photos from the history of these plants, luckily I have a good few that are decent photos!   This is the first picture of my Carolina Reaper, the first month and a half with this plant was rough as it seemed to not want to stay healthy at all. As you will see from the later photos I got it kickin' in high gear now. This was the plant on June 9th, 2015.     This guy... my Jalapeño pepper plant... he was eager to grow from the start, and is to-date one of the fastest growing plants I've raised indoors. This picture also from June 9th. The next big decision was when I officially decided to make these two plants a full indoor grow. Unfortunately I only have one picture from around the move...
So my first Glog ended kind of abruptly in January. Apologizes to those who were following for not posting up anything about what was up. To say the least we've had one heck of a year in the 5 months since then. The best part is welcoming our newest Grandchild A.J.       It's also been a rough 5 months for our little ones. As some of you know we adopted our 2 youngsters back in 2012 and in the time since then have made a lot of progress in their healing from the "stuff" and their bio put them through. This year though it's shown us that they're not as far along as we really thought they were, hurting other kids, teachers and property in school a big part of it, and that they need more from us than they have been getting.  So, after a...
Hi guys this is my first ever attempt at growing anything. its such a small little setup but i gotta start small and im in a place with very limited room so this will do for now.  got on the go:   Jalapenos moruga scorpian bhut Jolokia Carolina Reaper Brain Strain birdseye   and a couple i dont really know. can remember putting some seeds under dirt in a pot plant once and they just came up.( sorta how i got interested in it)   any tips on what i should do to get them up to scratch would be great
Well much much to really glog about at this point but my Fatali are really kicking it! At over 4 ft -closer to 5 they are producing nicely! Got a couple more in buckets too.   Just picked 7+ lbs today and only got to 1/2 of the plants (3 of 6) .     Fatali on the left. morugas -over 5 ft going on 6 on right.       I really enjoy these dried and crushed. Nice flavor and not too hot. Great for topping almost anything! I expect another 20 lbs when all is said and done. Bob
hi everybody !   after having had lots of fun last year, i already started this year's grow to have a headstart on my shady balcony, lots of foliage make the best of little light or so i guess ;)   im getting straight to the pics, here we go, so far so good !   tray one:   tray two:   i only plan on keeping four of the plants, all together it were 4 varieties planted with three seeds each so i am happy with germination rates !   i wish all of you the best for this new and coming season, bring on the heat ! ;)
Hey guys   I'm about to put together my aquaponics (barrel-ponics) setup over the next couple of weeks. The setup is pretty small - 2 grow beds from a single 55 galon drum, and 2 50L crayfish enclosures (each one will only be filled to about 30L).   I'm using a small 600lph pump, 10-20mm clayballs as growing medium. Not sure how big of a water heater I'll need as the greenhouse is heated and will not drop below 15C (60F) - its hot as at the moment anyway so I'll sus that out once the temperature starts dropping.   Crayfish I'm using are NZ native freshwater crays (koura) http://www.clearwatercrayfish.co.nz/koura.html and these guys seem to be comfortable with pH anywhere from 5-7 so I'll set it at about 6 which seems to be pretty mint...
I suppose rather than starting a new topic each time I update you all on my progress, it's better to stick to one...   So to begin with, I just have a small update for today:   My largest Cayenne (which I just pruned back in the past couple of weeks) is finally growing it's very first flowers. This is one of six Cayenne's that I originally bought as seedlings. This one has taken off the best. The rest seemed to have struggled to grow.     One of my young Jalapeño (I believe) plants is also starting to flower. This is one that I started from seed and it's showing a good many more flowers than the Cayenne, shown above, even though it is far smaller and younger.     Seeing them start to flower, I decided to add some more Tomato mix...
For the first time in my life I've decided to try and grow something, and since I like spicy food and especially chilis, the choice was simple. Chilis for the win!   Since my previous experience with growing anything is practically non-existant(I helped mom plant carrot seeds when I was a kid) I started with basic research. What did I need? How does it work? What's the process like? Can it even be done purely inside, only relying on sunlight? My, very patient, sister got several(read: tons of) questions, and still do. She's a saint ;)   All said and done, I ordered seeds, soil, pots, fertilizer, etc... everything I could come up with that I would need for the first two months of my adventure.   The seeds I decided to grow were: 3x...
Hey guys, late to the post party this year... Too much going on!   Check out my bed and the 3 over winters from last year:   The bed plants are all from the store; a variety of hots and super hots.    My baby's are in the pots which I care for tireless over this past cold canadian winter. Lots of bug problems but they made it and are now going HAM.   Cheers  :dance:                  
Woah...I uh...totally flaked on last year's glog. I have a 1 year old. That'll happen. The moral of the story last year was that none of my plants really performed all that great save for the plants in the DWC. I didn't really get out much to take care of things, so that was probably why. I also wasn't watching two of my hydro peppers (urfa biber) and they got too large too fast and weren't sufficiently supported and kinda snapped. My other two DWC plants were a basil plant that provided a ton of basil, and an orange hab that gave me about a gallon of pods. Not bad for a single plant.   I got my stuff going late this year, my seedling tray only got started a week or two ago. I've started buying the stuff to expand my hydro setup to 10...
Well my list gets bigger year on year.    Chinense 1. CGN21566 BRAZIL 2. CGN21500 BRAZIL 3. Tobago Sweet TOBAGO 4. Scotch Brain USA 5. Bahamian Goat BAHAMAS 6. Fatalii CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 7. Cumari du Para BRAZIL 8. PI257176 PERU 9. Pickersgill Orange BRAZIL 10. Tucurrique Yellow COSTA RICA 11. Puerto Rican Yellow PUERTA RICO 12. Belize Scotch Bonnet BELIZE 13. Mako Akokosrade GHANA 14. Coyote Zan White BRAZIL 15. UBSC Brown USA 16. Bhut Orange Copenhagen DENMARK 17. PI281317 TRINIDAD 18. Guwahati Bhut INDIA 19. Pimenta Puma ITALY 20. Cajamarca PERU 21. Morango BRAZIL 22. Pimenta Bico BRAZIL 23. Pimenta Tekila BRAZIL 24. Pimenta Ouro BRAZIL 25. Pimenta Salar BRAZIL 26. CAP691 UNKNOWN 27. Elysium Oxide Bonnet USA 28. Pimenta Lisa...
I will start of with the starting chamber I made.  It is basically a window box that is inside my deck greenhouse.  I also have aquaponic growbeds in the GH.  The fish tank is in the basement to keep fish through the winter.   I wanted to utilize the sun light and solar heat that the GH generates.  I can typically get a 50 deg increase on p. cloudy days and up to 70 deg increase on sunny days.  It is to cold to grow in for 18 hrs a day without heating.   Here is the chamber.  It has dropped to 45 with sub zero temps but usually stays between 55-60 at night and up to 90 on sunny days.   This makes it very easy to pull the plants out for some play time when GH is warm.   Here are the peppers.  They get morning and afternoon light from...
Hello everyone! First grow first glog.   Fire alarm, HID and CFL down low.     DIY 60w cfl light   Germination in progress, also got some basil and thyme sprouting under the dome. The large chili I bought at the store the other day           Checked on my japaleno and serrano seeds 4-5 days in, the white bit looks fuzzy. Could it be mold? When testing the HID the temperature was around 34c an hour or so. I put them back in the ziplock bag, they should be green sprouts right?   So far I have: Fresno (pepper) Serrano Tampiqueno Jalapeno Numex Pinata Old market Cambodian ( bonus seeds from order) Germinating. And some more seeds on the way.  
New season starting! New grow box. Bigger than the last. Tough decisions to make. Just Chinense starting today. Plenty of baccatum and a few annum coming soon. My beautiful bug slayer was nearby. Just for luck. So, seeds started today: Yellow Devils tongue Bhut orange Copenhagen Carolina reaper Reaper x bubblegum Peach congo Mako akokosrade Chocolate bhut red jays Ghost Scorpion. Plenty more to follow, this Is just Chinense