• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
No laughing!
So I found this florescent setup in my garage, and thought "hey, I can use this"! Using an unused bookshelf, I put some foil around the sides, fashioned the light to the top, and here is the result. I have a blackout curtain covering the front...don't really know what to do there. Carrots, tomatoes, okra, and some starting kit tomatoes and habaneros.Honestly, I  think it'd be cool to do all the shelves.
kmmuelle's 2016 Grow Log (First Time)
Hello!   This is my first attempt at growing peppers. However, in full disclosure I cheated a bit by avoiding the germination step and ordering twelve 6" tall plants from chileplants.com.   Types:   1 @ 7 Pot Yellow 2 @ Bhut Jolokia 1 @ Thick Cayenne 1 @ Fatalii 1 @ Chocolate Habanero 1 @ Lady Bell Hybrid 1 @ New Mexico 64 1 @ Serrano Del Sol Hybrid 1 @ Carolina Reaper 1 @ Szechuan 1 @ Thai Red   The plants were well packaged and arrived in small 2" x 2" x 3" plastic pots. I let them rest near a shaded window in a cool (65 degree) spot in my basement for about 3 days.   After the three days I transplanted them into 6 inch pots with a 50/50 mix of Hoffman's Organic Cactus and Succulent mix and perlite. The pots have several holes in the...
eLuke's 2015-16 Sth East AU Season Summary
Hi Guys,   My season is almost over, and it's been a busy one. I didn't really have a chance to post a glog, but I was taking photos throughout the season, so I'd thought I post a photo summary for the record (and mine)....Plus this forum has given me a lot so I thought I'd give something back and I'm very interested in peoples comments and suggestions for improvements for next season....   2015-16 Growlist: - Rocoto Red - Choc Habs - Padron - Dragon Pods - Pineapple Baccatums - Cumari - African Bird - Jalepeno - Thai Prik - Bulls Horns - Pasilla - Trinadad Scorpians - Carolina Reapers - Green Fire - Tezpun - Turkish Long - Kashmiri - Dorset Naga   Note: For the last two years I have sourced some of my pepper seeds from a supplier on...
2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown
I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.   My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.   A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'   And my soil test.... http://postimg.org/image/n09oi22fn/
ATL 2016 Grow, 12 Varieties
Started the seeds in the soil mix last Thursday. Today the first one came up, an Italian sweet pepper, and the lights are now on.   I've had great success with this setup before, hoping for more success this year. But I've also failed miserably... hopefully I learned my lessons. Wish the peppers luck!         Repeat varieties:   - Aconcagua (x2) (x1)  (Pepper Joe's) (Sustainable Seed Co.) - Banana (x2) (x1)  (market) - Jalapeño (x2) (x1)  (market) - Tabasco (x2)  (Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co) - Fresno  (Pepper Joe's) - Sapporo  (Pepper Joe's)   New varieties:   - Italian Sweet (x2)  (market) - Cherry hot (x2)  (market) - Lemon Drop (x2)  (Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co) - Korean hot (x2)  (Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co) - Filius Blue...
Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to start this.   When I first joined this forum I had a grow list that included only 5 types of peppers. It now sits at 25 and may yet get bigger before I actually get them in the ground.   Finally got everything sown that I am growing this year. I am sure there will be a few added as the year progresses, but for now I have edited the list for what is actually planted or already growing.   Updated 2/23/16 all OW numbers are correct, surviving this years plants in this color . I do have grow down seeds on towels, and a few plants I plan to add as plants.   Over Wintered: Carolina Reaper ( 1 ) Piri Piri  Laudium CP295 (2) 7 Pot Burgundy (3) I have two CP-119 Trinidad Viper x Purple Bhut F3 (1)...
I am going to start this glog to help keep track of what is going on. I always lose my notes and forget what I am growing. I haven't finalized my grow list yet.. I do plan on growing a bunch of Turkish pepper varieties this year along with a bunch of heirloom tomato's. So here is what I have started already.     12-8-2015   Aleppo  16 of 42 have popped as of 12-15-2015   Fresno 0 of 36 have popped as of 12-15-2015   Bahamian Goat 2 of 17 have popped as of 12-15-2015   Aji Jobito 2 of 24 have popped as of 12-15-2015   Brown Moruga cross of some kind 3 of 6 have popped as of 12-15-2015   Carolina Reaper (or whatever it is called now) 4 of 12 have popped as of 12-15-2015     12-15-2015   CPR  Just started them today       Well that is all...
2016 growing season is officially underway! I started my chinense & pubescens seeds tonight in an overnight peroxide soak. Using this mixture that I found from searching the THP threads. Here are the varieties that I started tonight and the seed stock source.   Variety - Source 7 Pot Brain Strain Choc. - Cappy 7 Pot Brain Strain Red - Cappy 7 Pot Primo Red - Troy Primo Bhut Jolokia White - jcw10tc BTR Scorpion - Butch T Carbanera - Matt Adams CPR - Butch T MA Wartyx - Refining Fire Chiles Manzano Yellow - hogleg Nagabrain Chocolate - scorched Rocoto Orange - PepperLover.com Rocoto Pineapple - PepperLover.com Rocoto Red - Unknown SBJ7 - Buckeye Pepper Scotch Bonnet Chocolate - Refining Fire Chiles Scotch Bonnet Yellow MOA - Refining Fire...
Girleatsfire 2016 grow log
I was a bit late to start growing but hey, it's still snowing in Cleveland. I'm doing this from my apartment and I have a garden plot and my friends backyard. I'm having a lot of fun!   My grow list for this season: Numex Sunset Royal Gold Pink Tiger Paper Lantern Habanero's Chocolate Habanero x scorpion Cardi Scorpion Red Chocolate Nagabrain Scotch Bonnet x Brain Strain Moruga Scorpion Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion Jays Red Ghost Scorpion White Bhut Jolokia's Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Seven Pot Douglah ACNV Seven Pot Lava Red Brain Strain Jigsaw Chocolate Trinidad Lemon Drop Jigsaw x Primo Red Seven Pot Primo Yellow Seven Pot Primo Red Bubblegum Yellow Bubblegum   Here is one of my...
thinking a combo of over-watered / mag def? Thoughts
I have had my plants outside hardening off for the past week + but a couple, not all, have leaves like these two. I had put in some extra water as last year a few of my first plants dried up when I put them outside.   Also, gave them a shot of miracle grow (just a low dosage) last week, might be contributing some fert burn...   Another thought I just had might be a little rootbound in these small containers...    
God save the queen... unless it costs too much. English cheapskates GLOG.
Hello and welcome to my GLOG   Growlist: Aji omnicolor Bonda Ma Jacques Datil Bahamian Goat Pepper Serrano Tampiqueno Jalapeno Purple Chile Da Arbol Lemon Drop(yet to germinate getting kinda late) Brazilian Starfish(ditto) I actually started some seedlings in January but most died due to over watering, only 4 survived.   This one was put into a super makeshift hydro setup. Here it is on the 24th February.   By the 10th of march it began to pickup pace.   Here it is today. Growing quick now but also with overall dwarfed leaves.     The other three survivors were a triple plant which I separated on the 14th of this month. Two of them lost a lot of root mass so i decided to top and prune them to lower the transpiration(not 100% sure it...
Brittlewater's 2016 Indoor Grow
Hi,    It's my first time growing super hots and also my first time growing indoors. I decided to grow indoors due to the climate in my area and limited grow season. I planted Bhut Jolokia, Carolina Reaper, and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper plants. The seeds were mostly from Pepper Joe's. I started the seeds in a Jiffy peat moss seed started with a heating mat underneath. The seeds sprouted on 12/26/15. The germination rate wasn't that great around 50 - 70% for most of the peppers. I planted 10 douglah seeds but zero sprouted. I plan to post progress pics of this years grow to this glog.        Transplanted to a grow box that has soil suspended above a water reservoir. There is a heater controlling temperature between 70- 85 deg F. I...
After two years or more my other grow log was starting to feel cluttered, so I figured it was time to start fresh. :)   Sadly, of the 60+ plants I had this past year only one (Orange Bhut Jolokia) seems to be semi-alright and one other (Devil's Horns) is just barely hanging on. Between work projects, relationship troubles, and having been sick far too long in the past few months (found out I ended up with Pneumonia - yay..ugh) I just didn't have time to try and fight off the aphids that spread all-too-rapidly across my plants that I had managed to take in from outside. Even one of my oldest plants - a Naga Jolokia that was at least a couple years old - that I had put in the bathroom (I was putting plants wherever I could fit them) ended...
2015 was mostly a flop for my grow.... Only ended up getting a handful or so of chocolate habs across two plants.... I had about 20 varieties I started seeds for.... Yeah.... Late start, haven't even germinated anything yet.... Just moved into a new house a month ago, sitting on half an acre with no HOA and outside city limits, so.... My garden is going to reuse the 8'x4' raised bed from last year.... Thinking I'm just gonna scatter seed in a tray and go with what sprouts this year instead of planning and planning....
First GLOG - Personal Hybrid Crosses
Hi Everyone,   I crossed a few plants last year, and I've started my F1 seeds from those. I will do my best to update this thread with those.   Here are the crosses I'm growing this year. Devil's Tongue (Yellow) x Naga Brain F1 (Not) Black Naga x (7-Pot Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion Butch T) F1 (Not) Black Naga x Antilles Fire F1   Here is my full list:   (Black Naga (Not)) x (7 Pot - Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion - Butch T) F1 (Black Naga (Not)) x (Antilles Fire) F1 (Devil's Tongue) x (Naga Morich - NagaBrain) F1 7 Pot - Bubblegum Antilles Fire Australian Atomic Top End (Rare) Bell Pepper (Orange) Bhut Jolokia - Olive Bhut Jolokia - Purple Bhut BR (Blotchy Red) Black Thai - TQ Broome Chilli Carolina Reaper (HP22B-A) Chinese 5...
My Grow log
Hi everyone,    The climate here is all year round summer and monsoon. And yes, I've been planing chili plants since end 2014. My first chili plants are red/Choc harbs and choc Douglas, and they are still producing pods for me every week.   For this log, my aim is to identify seeds that I had bought quite sometime ago, which came assorted   Here's the day 1 of the seeds. I plan to soak them for another 24 hours before sowing them in peat pallets.  
Hey guys I did say I was going to complete a log for this grow, however it has been a very hectic winter, and I have a busy spring ahead so the updates will not be as concise as I had hoped they would be, and I am hoping the video can be shared by simply pasting the youtube link.  This is my first time growing super hots, I am extremely excited.  Some quick info - these were all started on Jan 1st, via peat pods in two domes. The domes were heated by placing some heat cord I had from my reptile breeding days, underneath the trays.  These guys are all being fed PureBlend Pro, until their final move when they will be fed a combination of wonderful organic guano and compost teas.  These guys will all be transplanted into those milk/juice...
Austee's 2016 "The Good and The Bad" Grow Log
So I'll start with an explanation of what I have going on at the moment and then catch up on some pics a little bit at a time seeing it takes so long to get them downsized and uploaded.   At the moment I am growing 18 ed bell peppers by the name of "Sprinter" from Johnny's Select Seeds. For Spring/Summer crops I use a drain to waste system with rock wool slabs. The waste water does have a catchment system with pvc I ran underground that drains into a 20gal rubbermaid trash can that I recycle on house plants and potted plants. During the Summer/Fall/Winter crops I use a recycled system with pure perlite. I also only use perlite for all my potted and house plants. The reason for the Drain to Waste during Summer is simply for disease...
This will be my first full season Glog and a list of what i plan to grow this season....   Yellow Manzano Orange Rocoto Red Rocoto Bahamian Goat MOA Scotch Bonnet Yellow Galapagos Red Hab X CGN21500 Aji Limon Fidalga Roxa Brazillian Starfish Malaysian Goronong Tobago Treasure Large Orange Thai Chocolate Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Hot Chocolate Hab/Chocolate Habanero Chocolate Brain Strain 7Pot White Lucy (Naga Viper X 7Pot Red) Butch T Scorpion Red SB7J Red Mystery Wine
2016 FTW!!!
Every year I keep saying I'm gonna do one of these. Going to try this year for once. Started round one this week. This batch is: Gary's (Windchicken) Lumbre which is just spectacular red AND green. Stefan's (meatfreak) Elysium Oxide Bonnet (red and mustard) and Galapagos - Isabela Island Red. My heating pad is rather tiny so that's all for round one. As soon as these sprout I've got some  P.Dreadie Scotch Bonnets and the CGN21500 x Galapagos Red cross from MiChris and a CGN21500 x BBG7. Just realized in typing all this out that I don't have a chocolate and I need a Jalapeno. I'll fix that shortly. Peace everyone and a Happy 2016! Rob    
Just getting started.List and photos on the way. :party:Last year was almost a busted. :mope:  :mope:  :mope: I got lucky with some seeds that came up in 2015.   Over Winter Seedlings.   1) Tepin  1 2) Aleppo if it lives. 1 3) 7 pot Chocolate SR 1 4) 7  barrackpore  1 5) Primo 7 1 6) TS red  1 7) Reaper 1 8) Ts Yellow 1     2016 is going to be a better year for my pepper grow.   I would list them,but they haven't sprouted yet.Don't count you chickens before they hatch. :rofl:  :rofl:  In my class it would be peppers. :woohoo:  :woohoo:  :woohoo: My plan this year is to grow small. :liar:  
One last shot at it... DeNNiZ 2015 glog
so the past two years, ive been devastated with something i did not know.  it was a plague that consumed my plants late in 2013 and all year in 2014!!  this past fall, i had a chance to take a SOIL and PEST MANAGEMENT class and it was here where i learned what i was fighting..     i sent my plants to a lab and from there they diagnosed my issue to be ERIOPHYID MITES.. these guys are MICROSCOPIC (can be seen with 60x loupe)  and have consumed my desire to grow...  it was hard to fight something i did not know was even there.  now that i do.. i am ready to try again ....   WELCOME to my 2015 growlog!!   heres a little something to help me with my fight.. thanks romy6 for the suggestions     the last of the pods i got   and now on to my...
Red MOA Scotch Bonnets Community Grow
A while back Cmpman1974 started a thread for a SASBE of red MOA bonnets. As one of the lucky individuals that got in on this awesomeness, I figured i'd start a community glog for these babies. Anyone that got these seeds feel free to posty up your picks. These are all courtesy of the gracious generosity of Cmpman1974 and KiNGDeNNiZ, Thanks alot guys, y'all rock!  Oh and on an unrelated note, this is my first time creating a glog so if anyone has any suggestions on things I could do differently, don't hesitate to chime in.    NOW POSTY UP!     Not the best Image, I know... Like I said this is my first time doing this, lol.
Daniel's 2016 glog
Since this is my first time growing hot peppers in larger quantities and with putting actual thought behind the process I decided to do a glog.   I am growing:   Red/Orange/El-Remo/Chocolate Habaneros Bhut Jolokias Scorpion Butch-Ts Maruga Yellow Scorpions Jalapenos, Cayennes A long-thick type that I picked up from a supermarket Avariety that is grown by a local bed and breakfast called Zvono A cherry-like pepper that I bought in a supermarket Sweet peppers   I will end up with around 35 plants if all goes well.     I Sowed the seeds exactly a month ago January 5th, here is the progress.     Jan 15th   Most of the seeds sprouted, except the chocolate habaneros. I got a pod at a local restaurant, in the end it took almost a month for the...
2016 Hungarian Pumpkin GLOG by Jalabenjo
A big that you to stoney's_ghost for sending me the seeds for these peppers free of charge! I'm grateful, and exited to see how they grow.   All I have for today is a picture of one of my two sprouts. This is my first time doing a glog so I don't know if I should have waited longer and stockpiled some images, but what the heck, who cares. Oooooooo pretttty :lol:! My Halide was already off when I decided to take the picture so I had to use a flashlight, but it turned out alright anyway. I'll probably do another update when it's got 6 leaves or if something interesting happens like a genetic mutation that causes it to grow eyes and stare at my toenails or something  :high: .
TurtlePL 2016
Miniature Chocolate Fidalgo Roxa Trinidad Scorpion Green Limón CGN 21500 NOT Pink Tiger Mini Rocoto - PI 387838 Rocoto de Seda Cumari Beni Highlands Habanero Lucy Aribibi Gusano Habanero White Morouga Yellow Morouga Caramel Datil Cheiro Roxa Jalapeno Explosive Ember Pimenta de Neyde Filius Blue Rocoto Giant Bolivian Rainbow Source: Semillas Seeds are in an incubator waiting for germination, 2-3seeds per variety :-) Growbox: 90 x 74 x 57 (cm) 125W Elektrox Dual & 40mm computer fan @7V
2015 pepper mix
 This year I started most stuff off under the light ( Hydrofarm FLCDG125D 125-Watt Compact Fluorescent  X2). The Ghost peppers are the only ones I bought already growing, everything else from seed. With such few peppers from last year I had barely enough seed to start so I was carefull and only planted a couple each except the Thai, had a nice handful. Grown in Coco Coir, then once re-potted used Neptune Fs118 Fish Seaweed Blend feed on them. ​While indoors I had a huge Aphid problem and just couldn't get rid of them, soap water, and several organic pesticides tried with no luck, lost a few plants, finally warmed up outside so once they were out the pest problem delt with. The Tepin Chile did not make it (long one in picture), I think I...
Aussie Burnzy's first grow log
G'day,   So Im starting this early (really early),   We are in the lead up to winter in Melbourne but preparation should always start early. Fair to say nothing of mine has started yet, let alone finished. It's not my first year growing peppers but it is my first year growing more exotic peppers. My inspiration came from tasting reaper paste. HOLY SH!T Ba!!$ that was hot! But I liked it. Now I cant get enough. Sad but true....   I really want to start this log so I can keep track of updates for myself. I've seen so many awesome logs on here that I kinda feel like I need this to keep it all in one place myself. So it's not about you, it's about me lol.   My list as it is:   From http://thehippyseedcompany.com/ Efficient dispatch, less...
Winter 2015-2016 indoor grow
I recently built a new room to grow indoors throughout the long Canadian winter. It is 8'x7' and is lit by 2400W of mostly LED lighting.  I will be using this to over winter a few of my container plants as well I have started some seeds (Aug 19th).  For this winter I will have: red habanero chocolate ghost orange Brazilian starfish aji limon 7 pot Primo yellow 7 pot Jonah 7 pot douglah chocolate habanero big sun habanero naga morich datil X unknown MoA Jamaican scotch bonnet datil 7 pot douglah "red" Possibly more depending on what I decide to bring in.  The room is setup for 10 dutch bucket style hydroponic stations though only 2 are currently in use.  Temperature is held at 28 deg C from 7pm to 7am then allowed to drop TO 22  deg C...
BigBodyBussey's GLOG, uh, well, sort of...
This will really be more of a showcase of photos from throughout my grow season this year. I wasn't a member of this site when I started this year and obviously didn't have the intention to create any sort of GLOG. So...I'll start by posting the oldest photos from this year and work my way to the present. ENJOY!!! My grow list for this year included: Trinidad Scorp Butch T, Nagabon, Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga, (All From Neil at the Hippy Seed Co.), Caribbean Red Habanero, Orange Habanero, Bonda man Jaques, Naga Morich, Thai, Thai Sun, Bird's Eye, Scotch Bonnett, El Tio Chile & Globe chile (won from a facebook contest), and sweet banana for the soon-to-be-wifey. Well, due to less than optimal germination, I started off with roughly...
Romy6 2015
Just pepper pictures      Side garden        Unkown wild cross . Little black pods     Aji Amarillo     Pink Tiger     Flexosoum     The big Lava is still alive . He was about 10 feet but now more like 8 feet . Been fighting mealy bugs again        I also have a cheater tank AKA aerogarden . It is so nice    Chocolate brain       Thanks for checking my stuff out  :party:                      
PexPeppers 2016 Grow Log GLOG
We start off 2016 with a plant surviving from this year. A brainstrain 7 Pot! The light is orange because I am using a 600 watt High Pressure Sodium Lamp     Now on to the seedlings. I have a BUNCH of SB7J, Chocolate Brainstrain (judy strain), Chocolate BORG 9, and Chocolate Primo Reaper (by Butch T).   They were started in coco coir. :)     Start seeds yourself this way:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2KNkLDVBtM
After getting bitten by the hot pepper bug last summer I have decided to expand my grow from jalapenos and habaneros to some real deal hot peppers. The biggest problem I am facing is that our garden will have a full suite of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and squash all fighting for space (more on how that will be resolved later). For starters I am going to let everyone analyze my grow list and provide suggestions for what other varieties I should try. I'd like to add in one or two frutescens just to keep things rounded out. Any ideas of what I should try?   The 2016 Grow List   Annuums: Aji Peruvian Tomato Pepper Bob's Pickling (pepperlover freebie, I'm not sure what it is, but I guess I will be pickling it) Hot Salsa Cracked Jalapeno  ...
Noob Peppers
Hi guys I'm from Brazil and I love, love peppers, I started my glog with some types among them:   Bhut Jolokias red and chocolat TSM yellow and chocolat Arriba Saia Rosa Arriba Saia Vermelha Cayenne   I have great difficulty because the weather here does not really help, it rains a lot and barely shines, so the poor things grow slowly, but sprouting and growing healthy, but enough talk and let's go to the pictures             Now on the ground =P
GA Growhead's - something special this way grows
Welcome to the not so much of a glog, glog. This is really just more of peak into my garden. This season... Long story short, I'm still dealing with back problems, so my beginning of the season wasn't the best. I got hit hard with aphids. Couldn't pot up quick enough and lost a ton of plants/varieties that got no light/air under the bigger plants. Finally got some ladybugs and got the aphids under control. The whole ladybug experience inside was interesting. I will just say that, but they did there job. I never even made a grow list. That's an example of how this season was started. I just planted what I wanted to, over the course of a few nights. The germination went into two classes... what I wanted to grow, which included the...
Indoor LED reapers/habs/ghost
I started a small LED set up a whilre ago and havn't posted since. I introduced my set up a little in this post, http://thehotpepper.com/topic/58892-small-led-build/ .   Here's a little update. I'd received my seeds on Feb. 1/2 and planted them right away. What didn't occur to me is that I was going away feb 6-13. So I watered them heavily before I left and hoped for the best. When I got back I was happy to see that the reapers, habs, and one of the ghosts had sprouted nicely.      what I wasn't happy to see was that the fatalliis were doing terrible. Of the 6 fatalliis planted only 1 came up at all (on the 16th) and it had a seed stuck to the top that would end up killing it.     I later decided this was a result of my vacation and...
Rossi 2016 grow log
This year, ive purchased 9 varieties that i want to try.   7 POD MADBALLZ - x6 TRINIDAD MORUGA SCORPION CARAMEL - x6 HABANERO MAGNUM ORANGE - x6 FATALII YELOW - x6 HUNGARIAN HOT WAX - x6 ALEPPO - x6  HOT PEPPER LANTERN - x6 GOAT HORN - x7 JALAPENO TAM - x14        and this little fella is 2 weeks old, carolina reaper from 2015 ... i just want to see if the seeds are ok  :)     and now, its waiting time... seeds were planted 6 days ago...   and some reapers an 7 pod jonah's from summer 2015  