• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Well my list gets bigger year on year.    Chinense 1. CGN21566 BRAZIL 2. CGN21500 BRAZIL 3. Tobago Sweet TOBAGO 4. Scotch Brain USA 5. Bahamian Goat BAHAMAS 6. Fatalii CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 7. Cumari du Para BRAZIL 8. PI257176 PERU 9. Pickersgill Orange BRAZIL 10. Tucurrique Yellow COSTA RICA 11. Puerto Rican Yellow PUERTA RICO 12. Belize Scotch Bonnet BELIZE 13. Mako Akokosrade GHANA 14. Coyote Zan White BRAZIL 15. UBSC Brown USA 16. Bhut Orange Copenhagen DENMARK 17. PI281317 TRINIDAD 18. Guwahati Bhut INDIA 19. Pimenta Puma ITALY 20. Cajamarca PERU 21. Morango BRAZIL 22. Pimenta Bico BRAZIL 23. Pimenta Tekila BRAZIL 24. Pimenta Ouro BRAZIL 25. Pimenta Salar BRAZIL 26. CAP691 UNKNOWN 27. Elysium Oxide Bonnet USA 28. Pimenta Lisa...
Rairdog's glog 2015  First smoke!
I will start of with the starting chamber I made.  It is basically a window box that is inside my deck greenhouse.  I also have aquaponic growbeds in the GH.  The fish tank is in the basement to keep fish through the winter.   I wanted to utilize the sun light and solar heat that the GH generates.  I can typically get a 50 deg increase on p. cloudy days and up to 70 deg increase on sunny days.  It is to cold to grow in for 18 hrs a day without heating.   Here is the chamber.  It has dropped to 45 with sub zero temps but usually stays between 55-60 at night and up to 90 on sunny days.   This makes it very easy to pull the plants out for some play time when GH is warm.   Here are the peppers.  They get morning and afternoon light from...
Pettson: First grow 2015
Hello everyone! First grow first glog.   Fire alarm, HID and CFL down low.     DIY 60w cfl light   Germination in progress, also got some basil and thyme sprouting under the dome. The large chili I bought at the store the other day           Checked on my japaleno and serrano seeds 4-5 days in, the white bit looks fuzzy. Could it be mold? When testing the HID the temperature was around 34c an hour or so. I put them back in the ziplock bag, they should be green sprouts right?   So far I have: Fresno (pepper) Serrano Tampiqueno Jalapeno Numex Pinata Old market Cambodian ( bonus seeds from order) Germinating. And some more seeds on the way.  
George's 2015 - Yokohama Down In Flames
New season starting! New grow box. Bigger than the last. Tough decisions to make. Just Chinense starting today. Plenty of baccatum and a few annum coming soon. My beautiful bug slayer was nearby. Just for luck. So, seeds started today: Yellow Devils tongue Bhut orange Copenhagen Carolina reaper Reaper x bubblegum Peach congo Mako akokosrade Chocolate bhut red jays Ghost Scorpion. Plenty more to follow, this Is just Chinense
Here we go.  It's hard to believe it's come around to the time to start seeds again.   This year's grow list is below.  My lights and germinating area are set up and ready to go.  I'll update as I really get started.  I'll be using Rootcubes again this year.  I had great success with them last season.  Seed sources are listed if they are other than saved from my 2014 grow.   UPDATED  3/8/15 Germinated/Cells sown                                                                       Date sown         Date of first hook  \/                                                                                                          \/                                \/ 3/3   Corbaci Sweet               C. annuum  (bukowski9 - pods)        ...
MiChris 2015 GLOG
Decided to become official and put my 2015 grow here. I learned a lot from the people on this site last year and had a decent grow despite having cool summer temperatures.    My plan for peppers this year are:   7 pot primo Chocolate habanero Bubblegum 7 pot Yellow bhut jolokia Caramel bhut jolokia Infinity Galapagos red habanero CGN 21500 Bhut jolokia Fatalii White 7 pot Brown moruga Trinidad Scorpion Red Butch T Chocolate scorpion MoA Carolina reaper White bullet habanero Bahamian Goat 7 pot Jonah Galapagos Red Habanero x CGN 21500   Red long hot (unknown pepper purchased from market) Yellow long hot (unknown pepper purchased from market) Oro de Equador Hot Wax Cayenne Seranno Aji Pineapple Aji Lemon 2 different unknown Thai, seed...
JJJ Glog 2015....Peppers,Peppers,Peppers.....
Peppers,Peppers,Peppers.....   This starts my third Grow Log on THP.   And “I (as we all promise) am cutting back this year”, but we'll all struggle not to plant willy-nilly way more than we can easily get in the ground, consume, or harvest for next summer. There are many less innocent passions to pursue so, “what the hay?” My goal as far as cut-back, is to not end up with more that 45 plants in the ground about the end of May. But the “sowing itch” could make that 60 in a heart beat.   It's about time to get some soil made up. Last year I think for the first time I started to really get a handle and some decent results in the making of container soils, due mostly to the advice of Ganjagirl on a 420 site. Plus, I tried some plain ol'...
Inca's 2012 growlog
So here we go, the 2012 season has started; here's a list of the varieties i'll be growing this year : jalapeno mucho nacho - c.annuum jalapeno conchos - c.annuum madam jeanette - c.chinense CGN 19243 - c.pubescens fatalii chocolate - c.chinense bhut jolokia "indian carbon" - c.chinense bhut jolokia chocolate x 7 pod yellow - c.chinense bhut jolokia chocolate - c.chinense trinidad scorpion - c.chinense trinidad scorpion chocolate - c.chinense trinidad scorpion "butch T" - c.chinense trinidad scorpion yellow - c.chinense 7 pod - c.chinense 7 pod Barrackpore- c.chinense 7 pod long - c.chinense 7 pod white (hybrid) - c.chinense infinity - - c.chinense sukanya white flower pubescens - c.pubescens XCATIC - annuum BUBBA (GRIF 9221) -...
Hello all,   I am going to try to do a glog with the plants I am over-wintering this year.  Last year, all of my OW plants died.  :doh:  I have changed some things this year. I hope to have better luck.  :pray:   For starters, I picked up another set of lights.  I think I will have better lighting all around for all of the plants.  Second, I took each plant in and washed the soil from the roots and placed in brand new Happy Frog potting soil.  I started watering frequently and have now relaxed the watering schedule to an as needed basis.   Unfortunately, I have an aphid problem.  Funny how I never see the aphids on the plants while they are in the garden.  But, I have purchased ladybugs and they are fixing the problem as I speak.  Once...
Here goes another year of learning, experimenting and with a bit of luck more success than years past.  Last year proved to give some excellent yields however they started later than I had hoped, and will try and remedy that this year by getting started a bit earlier. As with most of us chileheads we are overwhelmed with the huge numbers in varieties available to us with more coming out each season, while I do plan to expand the number of varieties I grow this year from last, I have weeded out some (unfortunately only a few) to skip this year.  I will be expanding my secondary grow area down at my hunt camp, last year I only planted about 35 plants there, this year I am shooting for about 150 plants.  For the grow here at the house I am...
DC Balcony Glog
I am relatively new to this forum and have been posting here and there.  Think this might make more sense.     I am in Washington DC and have a 3rd floor condo with a West facing balcony.  Figuring out what will grow out there has been trying.  Extremely hot and dry in the summer.  Water has to be carried from the kitchen sink.  Rarely will anything last over winter.  Lots of pest problems because too high for many pest predators.  I love to cook and love hot foods.  The answer was obvious.   Here is last years set up:       I usually buy 12 plants from Chiliplants.com.  It's all I can do to take the 40 or so I want and pair it down to 12.   This year I was given some seeds from Jason at Jason's Fire Fusions Hot Sauce.  It took me...
Stung-Tongue's MORUGUM™ chile
Hello fellow chile heads.  I feel this post is fitting. this is something ive been working on since 2012/13 i cant hold it in anymore.    Stung Tongue Peppers MORUGUM™    Thank you Jon Harper who is the “Father” of the original 7pot bubblegum variety. i have crossed his BG7 with the Moruga scorpion via plants from RFC in 2013 (technically a back cross as the original BG7 is moruga x yellow 7pot cross. The purpose for our refined cross is to create a large Moruga style with a "bleeding cap/hat". after 3 seasons its physically very uniform...the punnett square sequence was used for the "cap"/large leafy calyx while choosing bigger size and moruga style. its perfect for dried pods with a thick jerky like flesh, seems great for...
Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...
I've grown run of the mill habs before, japs on a yearly basis, even had a successful ghost pepper last year. This summer I am making a slightly more serious attempt at growing some super hots. Not having the room in a good growing spot...I decided to go a little more vertical since it was really the only spot I had, but not enough room for all the plants. And, with nowhere to plant, I'm in pots this year which is another first. So using my trusty AeroGarden, I started a bunch of seeds that were graciously provided to me from a member here. What I ended up with was Scorpions, Yellow Butch T's, Chocolate Habanero, Black Habanero, and Carolina Reapers. I didn't take any pictures of the seedlings.   Anyways, to the vertical rack I built...
Hi folks, First time grow log, let me start with some details about the location: I live in Wageningen, a place well known by many of you, not by name, but because it is where the CGN genebank of the Netherands is located. I'm a low budget grower, renting a community garden of 200m2, of which little over half is used for peppers. The location has a mixed sandy/loamy soil and drains (too) well since it is located slightly uphill. Since the gardens are located in a protected landscape, we are not allowed to put massive greenhouses there, something that has been kind of a hindrance to me. Ripening peppers in the open field can be very difficult if the late season is too wet. From october onward freezing can kill of whatever remains in...
Hi All, First post by Gatehider from RI. I am a Nuub to Chilis and posting so bear with me. I got interested in hot chili's because my wife is SE Asian and eats raw chiles with every meal like they are candy. I can eat a little bit of spice, but my current tolerance is slightly above a total pansy. So I ordered 3 Carolina Reaper seedlings, potted them up in early June and watched them turn yellow and almost die within a month. I hope to upload some pics of the subsequent progress.
2015 grow list updated. If you've sent me crosses that you don't see on the list it's because I'm keeping them anonymous.     Strain ID# Species Apache A1 C. annuum Corno di Toro A3 C. annuum Goatsweed A4 C. annuum Jamaican Mushroom (Yellow) A5 C. annuum Nosegay X Unk. (F2) A6X C. annuum NuMex Big Jim A7 C. annuum NuMex Sunrise A8 C. annuum Purple Flash B1 C. annuum Takanotsume B2 C. annuum Thai Prik Ki Nu B3 C. annuum Tepin (corked) B5 C. annuum var gab. Tepin X Aji Lemon Drop B6X interspecific Aji Habanero B7 C. baccatum Aji Omnicolor X Unknown (F2) B8X C. baccatum CAP 215 B9 C. baccatum Cereja (Pi441560) C1 C. baccatum Dedo de Moca C2 C. baccatum Orchid C3 C. baccatum Sugar Rush Cream C4X C. baccatum CAP499 C5 C. chacoense 7 Pot...
Hello all, I mentioned that I was doing some research akin to Nigel, wherein I expose peppers to a chemical designed to double their chromosome count. That was several months ago. Today, that research comes to THP. All pictures will come later.   It is currently day 23 of my project, where I exposed purple jalapenos, roatan habaneros, and cayenne to oryzalin, an herbicide. Plant one in the experiment tray sprouted two weeks ago, and required the seed coat to be removed. It had cotyledons three times as long as normal, and as of now (three days after seed coat removal) it has displayed a slower phototropism(does not bend to the light as much). It is also bright purple despite not that intense light. Yesterday, three more grew, and one...
Yellowfin2na Hydroponic Grow 2015 *PIC INTENSE*
So I wanted to share my first hydroponic pepper grow so far. Started December 1st and now we are two months in. I have a home made indoor system that is half NFT half DWC. I also have a plant that I grew in a coffey can under T5 lighting.   I was so unorganized in the beginning and it was a rough start. But I think Im getting that hang of it. I am growing both peppers and tomatoes in the same system which became a challenge. Even worse I have no idea what plants are what because during seedling stages my tray was knocked over mixing everything up. The pepper plants are either Carolina Reaper, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet, or White Habanero. The tomatoes could be anything. I have 10 different exotic kinds and not a clue to what is what.      ...
Some kind of update is needed here.... I started this adventure back in 2012 growing white habs and Butch t's in containers on an 8th floor balcony. Mostly beginner's luck on that season. 2013 didnt work out as good, I moved and ended up with quite a few 4'x4' beds, alot of mystery mixes and dealing with horn worms and gophers.... 2014 was another move and I was reduced to a single 8'x5' raised bed. Transplants and some attempted over winters from 2013, nothing survived, but I had tomatoes growing like weeds from the compost pile. 2014 was cut short by a midyear move. I started a super chili in a solo cup and managed to get a few from it before the so cal "cold" moved in and I moved yet again. 2015, just relocated to North...
Hey guys, this is my late spring garden. I started germinating the following list in paper towel on june 4, I believe. 5 x black prince 5 x orange habanero 5 x facing heaven 5 x red bhut 7 x moruga scorpion Out of the above, I've had 4 bl prince, 4 hab, 4 heaven, 3 moruga aaand 2-3 bhuts tap. Tapped seeds went into the hothouse in jiffy pellets on the heat mat. Plants soak up 12 hours direct sun and a few hours of supplementary light a day.
Hello from Baltimore Maryland! My name is Nick, and I've been an avid outdoor gardener for the better part of a decade. I've been more interested/concerned with growing my own food (especially peppers) year round lately so I decided to jump right in. I did some basic research to get a base of knowledge, but didn't dig too deep into rigs, since I like to do my own thing.I'd love to hear comments/ideas/suggestions/criticism (though I can't swear I'll take your good advice.) Thanks for taking a look! Stay tuned for some pictures if I can figure out how.
Jeff's Glog- 2015 edition.--In the dirt
Here we go again. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:         Starting a little later this year. Right now, just some pubes. Supers in a week or two and the rest of the crew in Feb sometime.               Since the glog is pretty boring at this point, we'll get it off to a good start with some good food. Blackened chicken and dirty rice with jalapeno poppers.  
Newril's swedish indoor grow (update: The world outside)
I've been thinking about starting a glog for sometime, but for some reason I haven't started yet.. Atleast until now:)   This is my second season, but i'm going to start with a recap of my first season. It started in late march 2014 in a little 24slot grow box and 4 months later I had built a 185cm wide, 185cm high, 79cm depth grow box and 450w och MH and 300w of T8s.   Season 2014 (my first)   bhut jolokia carolina reaper Thai sun chili       After i bought my first lights 150w mh 150 w t8. Didn't have any spare space in my little apartment so they got the dining area (since we have another table)       First version of my indoor ikea growbox             I didn't even get one single bhut jolokia or reaper :( But i did get plenty of...
Shane's Tiny Glog 2015
Well...wasn't going to post one this season. Not much going on. I am set to leave for 6 months in August so I'm not growing very much this year. Mainly a couple varieties I am trying to stabilize...but I got some volunteers and wilds that overwintered in the ground. I am in the middle of a crazy pre-deployment training schedule, so updates will be sporadic. I really just want to document the crosses on here for future reference. So here are a couple pics. Primo X...   Romy Mystery X Goat's Weed along the back with Jals in front.    A couple of the Mystery X GW's in front of a coffee table for reference. They are already about 2.5 feet tall. I am hoping they'll top 11' this season.   These are large orange thai for the Growdown this...
KingLeerUK GLOG 2015 - "time to make the powders"
Prologue   "Our hero, battered from the trials and frustrations of the 2014 season had originally determine that there would not be a sequel to his story.  2014 was a terrible year, between the torrential and unending rains of March-May, the unrelenting whiteflies, the brown spot, and the zombie aphids that continually arose from the dead to plague again and again...   Pair this with a busy race schedule for the Fall and extended family drama: our hero decided to sit 2015 out.   Alas, a decision was made to "plant some of my overwinters and a few tomatoes" and like a phoenix, the pepper-growing bug struck again.   Sit back friends and revel in the continuation of our story..."  ...
So I'm lucky enough to live in Hawaii where we can grow year round. I just got back from a trip to Bali a couple weeks ago and finally have enough time to start a new Chili plantation :dance: I'm going to focus mainly on breeding different varieties and would like to take y'all on my adventure.   I will post pictures and an update every week or two.        Grow List: Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto Aji Omnicolor Aji Lemon Drop Aji Pineapple Aji peruvian Black Pearl Brown Moruga Caramel Moruga Chocolate Bhut Chocolate Hab Peach Bhut Orange Bhut BB7 Brainstrain Primo Douglah 7 pot Brown Yellow 7 Fatali Cumbra Cherry Red Savina Bali Mystery Chili #1.......spicy Bali Mystery Chili #2.......sweet      
First Glog - 2015
Hello world:   My name is Nick.  I am from Indiana, about half way between Ft. Wayne and South Bend.   My screen name stems from my background in automotive hobbies.  I am married with cats and am lucky enough to have a wife that loves hot peppers.  I am a mechanical engineer by degree and own a photography business on the side.   I spent last year stalking this forum and decided to post my grow this year.   Last year we grew:   Ancho Long slim red cayenne Hungarian wax Caribbean red hot Ghosts Reapers   Our favorites were the red hots and the reapers.  They seemed to have the most fruity pepper flavor to compliment the heat.      On 02.22.15 we planted a Burpee 72 count starter tray we found on sale.  Here is the layout with the cover...
Finally started the 2015 season with the following varieties; 1. Datil 2. Orange Blob F3 3. Wes Lane's Bad Brains 4. Pink Tiger 5. 7Pot Chaguanas 6. Mississipi Butch T 7. Pimenta Lisa F2 8. Bubblegum7 9. Vezena Piperka 10. Kraken Scorpion 11. Fidalga Roxa 12. Primo x Fatali 13. Habanero Burning Bush 14. Habanero Jaguar 15. Gibbering Idiot Habanero Only one  Bad Brains seed. Datil planted end of the summer.
This year is my first year that I am going all in. I've helped with the family garden in the past but I would say I am pretty new to peppers for the most part. I've done a lot of research in the past few months regarding next year's approach. Here's what I have came up with so far: I am planning on growing roughly 120 pepper plants of differing breeds and heat levels. Roughly 50% of the plants with be Jalapeno or lower for the rest of the family and friends. I am planning on doing a the bulk of the plants in the garden. As an experiment I am toying with 1 plant in DWC (5 gallon bucket), 1 plant in "fogponics" (5 gallon bucket) and 6 plants in a DIY low pressure aeroponics system (27 gallon tote). I may scrap the "fogponics" idea mainly...
Hot Stuff's 2015 Glog
Here's my chili grow list: 17028 19199 21410 21514 22106 22164 22817 22861 22871 22871 17015 amarillo 411576 cbp aji amarillo aji amarillo aji cajamarca aji cevesa aji cito aji cito aji de gorita aji ethiopian fire aji pineapple aji pineapple aji pineapple bangledore torpedo birgits locoto bolivian rainbow bonda ma jaques brainstrain brainstrain brazilian starfish carolina cayenne catacamus hot charleston hot charleston hot charleston hot chilacle negro chilhuarde negro chili...
Guitarman 2015
Hello everybody! Finally i discovered how to post images so i would like to share with you my 2015 glog!   I started in January, had 25 varieties of peppers: mostly superhots, a few Annuums and a Baccatum   Things are going good, as usual here in Italy we pick up in July our first crop, and go on till September-October if the weather helps us! :)   By the way this is how it's going so far       AJI MANGO       JALAPENO     BULGARIAN CARROT     CHILHUACLE NEGRO     CRIOLLA DE COCINA   And then we go with the Chinense :D   BARRACKPORE CHOCOLATE     BRAINSTRAIN YELLOW     CARAMEL 7 POD (PL)     DEVIL'S HEART (PL)     DOUGLAH x BUTCH T cmpman1974 sel.strain     YELLOW DOUGLAH     Hopefully next time i will post more coloured...
Bam's First Glog
First time growing peppers, lets see how this goes.   Right now they are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest.   Thai Chili's     Red Scotch Bonnet     Trinidad Scorpion     Carolina Reaper     Yellow Scotch Bonnet     Chocolate Scotch Bonnet     Peach Habanero       because we have animals that like to dig, i had to build           resting safely in their new home   We will be adding more plants as well as repotting the Habs, Yellow scotch bonnets and Carolina Reapers today    