• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Emeoba69 2012 grow season.
So these are some pics of my plants this year. I transplanted them outside maybe two-three weeks ago. The ones in pots are in a mixture of compost, peat, and Promix organic. They are doing great. Though seeing some of your guys set ups they should be spitting out peppers by now! The first pic is a pepper I brought back from china. I labeled it facing heaven pepper but it is actually just a regular pepper that was used liberally in schezaun food there. I found some actual Facing heaven peppers at a local chinese market. Ill test them out to see if they are growable for next year. The second shot is a red scotch bonnet. I also have bhuts, two are from my first year two years ago in one pot, and yellow scotch bonnets. Then there are some...
2012 grow log
Its been a while since i've posted anything so i thought what a better way then to show what i have in the backyard. a hybrid 7 pot bhut jolokia ( from pablo i believe... said pablo 1x on the seeds from a few years ago) thai orange thai orange same seeds from the first picture but a different plant same plant as the above picture a jalapeno super hots in the right bed and the others are in the left bed. And the tomato plants
This will be my first real year of growing peppers. Last year I only had a few types of pepper seeds that I brought with me from China. This year I'm wanting to grow 25 different types if everything goes to plan. Here is the list: 7 Pot Aji Amarillo Bhut Jolokia Cayenne Chili Pyramid Chocolate Habanero Congo Trinidad Demon Red Devils Tongue Fatali Filius Blue Goats Weed Gobincho Scotch Bonnets Numex Twilight Peperone Fuego F1 Hybrid Prarie Fire Red Habanero Red Manzo Ring of Fire Tepin Thai Dragon Trinidad Scorpion Tropical Heat Zimbabwe Bird
MisterNo's glog - harvest time  :)
I was looking all of this beautiful glogs here, and decided it would be nice to share some info about my log also Thanks to good people from THP (Ela, SuperHot, Dshlogg) and some shops and ebay sellers), I've managed to collect a nice amount and variaty of hot pepper seeds. 1. Serrano 2. Purrira 3. Numex B. Piquin 4. Georgia Flame 5. Jalapeno M 6. Jalapeno Purple 7. Habanero Mustard 8. Scotch Bonnet Red 9. Habanero Red 10. Habanero Chocolate 11. Habanero Jamaican Hot Ch. 12. Habanero Red Savina 13. Habanero Mustard 14. Aji Habanero 15. Giant Wht Habaneros 16. West Indies Red 17. Black Stinger 18. Bhut Jolokia Chocolate 19. Bhut Jolokia Red 20. Fatalii Yellow 21. Fatalii Red 21. TS Butch 22. 7 Pot Brain Strain 23. Aji Cubanelle Now...
Started today, 7 22 2012 first attempt at an "Aerogarden". Many great seeds from members, but only 7 spots to occupy for this grow. Using an aerogarden extra, with recommended mix of Fisch Industries fert, surrounded on 3 sides with reflective mylar, 24 hr. light. Top row: Smitty---Naga Jolokia. Pepper Joe---Fatali AlphaHydroponics----Datil jsschrstrcks---Yellow Devils Tongue Bottom Row: ajijoe--Peach Habalokia ajijoe--Douglah Pepper Joe--Butch T. I have many more seeds for spring 2013, but really wanted to get a "members only" planting for fall/winter. I am very aware that the majority, if not all are OP seeds---some I have taken out of pods I bought from members. Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Seeds From Dale were ones I wanted to...
Okay, so I have been incognito here on the forums for the last couple of months. Been distracted by video games, working on house projects, etc. Anyway, I decided last week that once I laid the vinyl flooring in my laundry room that I would start germinating my seeds! I have settled on 20 varieties for this year, with (as many as) 50 plants, some of which I will keep at my mother's house, since she has a big garden space that won't all be used this year. I have the following varieties planted in Jiffy pellets in a "Germination Station" heating mat. I represented the "Big 5" species (Chinense, Annuum, Baccatum, Pubescens, Frutescens) with at least one variety, and also have a couple wilds (C.Lanceolatum, and one called "Tio") to round it...
Season 2012/2013 will be my 6th growing year and while first three years were quite successful (beginners luck :P ) last three are not so good especially last one primarily due extreme weather in this part of the world (eastern Europe, Croatia) - this year last frost date was in the middle of May followed with hot June/July and extreme scorching August with temperatures around 40C (104F) and with humidity around 20%. At first part of this growing season plants were full of pods (Trinidad Scorpion Butch-t, Nagabon, Douglah and Naglagh) and everything looks like perfect year but when heat started plants constantly lose all flowers so production of pods was quite poor. I'm not biggest fan of overwintering plants and I prefer to start...
MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!
With that being said, to my grow log. As a disclaimer, if you came here to learn how to grow peppers the right way, you might as well leave. Also, if you get easily offended, send all hatemail to Romy6. Thx. If you are looking for a pro log …… click http://www.thehotpep...al-discussion/. If you want meticulous notes, and updates like clockwork, click http://www.thehotpep...hot-grow-2012/. For those of you who are still here, I’m Matt, and you can call me that. That or homie, bro, chief, man, buddy, or Javier. This is season number 2 and last year was a disaster. Somewhere between scouring the web to find out why all my plants couldn’t break the 2 foot mark I ran across this forum, and bam, hooked. I started...
Hi everybody! I think I'm gonna start with sowing at the beginning of March 2012. The seeds are all stored in my seeds book, but I'm having short time till the end of February; moreover I'm not gonna use any lightbox, so I'll grow indoor till the outside temperature is rising again in Southern Italian spring. I started growing in 2011 for the very first time, reaching the amount of about 25 pots/15 different varieties at the end of May; other 15 were given as gifts to friends and relatives. My growing list for 2012: CHINENSE Bih Jolokia Chocolate Bih Jolokia Assam Naga Morich Fatalii Habanero Orange Habanero Chocolate Habanero White Habanero Red Savina Chupetino Trinidad Scorpion TS Morouga T. Douglah 7 Pod 7 Pod Brown 7 Pod Strain...
I just now got the idea at put my grow list in here to save it for reference because I am ordering seed/pepper for next year and need my member grow list for 2013. Had a good year and saved a lot of the seeds for planting next year---best selling locally here in Door County was no heat specialty little peppers from ajijoe. No one wants to try anything that they do not know and are afraid of the heat/spice. If anyone wants some open pollinated seeds of these let me know---I did not save them all but have some of these. Message me with any requests. 2012 grow list Vietnam/Thai pepper last years carry over http://www.tradewindsfruitstore.com 559 Manzano Pepper, Orange - Capsicum pubescens NO SEEDS LEFT So got some from onefowl1 1164...
Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012
Thanks to all the good information on this site, my plan is below: Hot Peppers started three weeks ago (03Mar2012) in 72 cell domed tray: Standard Orange Habanero, Bishop's Cap, Chocolate Habanero (gift from my daughter, it is all her fault that I am having all this fun), Bhut Jolokia, Hot Cherry, Big Sun Habanero. Planter's Pride seed starter mix. Heating mat with temp controller. Set to 85F with probe inserted into the soil of a middle cell. Basement is 65F. Styrofoam Insulation covered with mylar (emergency blanket). Lights = 6500 32W T8 (now four bulbs total). I was about 2" above the seedlings. Now it looks closer to 4-5" depending on seedling height. Lights are on a timer 18hr on/ 6hr off. Bottom watering with distilled water. I...
Wayrights 2twelve
OK ! Another season is upon us! :dance: I am gearing up and getting some seeds to hook! First thing.. I got some ProMix BX for the first time ever! I usually just buy cheap ish and add my own stuff to it! But I do like this stuff! If for no other reason than, that even after being wetted a bunch of times,,,it still wicks up the bottom water amazingly! So,, again! Simple setup of flouros,, will get me going till plantout! I started my seeds about a month ago,,, no heat ,,no fert ,, the way I always do it! :) And now I have some lil sprouts! Soo... I will soon get together a growlist! I know that I cut it WAY down this year! to like, 20 types! I know!! crazy right?? :crazy: Oh and my lil voodoo chemistry set is updated and...
spongey's 2012 grow
well, so far a couple plants are still producing pods! and the rest are still growing and my seedlings are plugging away for being outside here in San Diego. my douglah that i have at my office Devils tongue red has 10+pods on in now blooms still coming in Brain strain DWC Douglah DWC Choc Bhut, still waiting on my fist pod Choc hab i pruned its roots and re potted it so hopefully it takes off once it warms up a little. here is my mystery plant, gotten 30pods so far and more coming here are the seedlings, carmen, 7pot white, fatalii, choc scorp, choc hab X Red hab, naga morich. i will update from time to time hopefully this will be pics of tons of pods come spring time! Eric
Better late than...
Starting this glog late into the season so no seedlings or such just pics of grown plants and then PEPPERS :dance: Went away for 6 days and left a teen in charge of plant care and well, it isnt very pretty... 95+ with little water makes for unhappy plantage :hell: First off some of the happier plants... Golden cayennne... BrainStrain.... First BS poddage... Beni Highlands... Trinidad Scorpion... Warning some of this pics maybe unsuitable for the weak in heart :mope: Sunburned Yellwo Scorpion pod... Scotch Bonnet TFM(Cmpman) Another Yellow Scorp... Scotch Bonnet (TFM- Cmpman seed) Brandywine pink...
YumYumYellow's first try at superhots
First sprouts First MH light about 2 weeks in... fluorescent worklight just wasn't cutting it anymore Switched to HPS after 2 weeks since it seemed like very little development Guess they were just light hungry :) I just planted them all in the garden yesterday... taking a big risk planting 3 weeks before the frost date buuuut.... oh well, that's 3 weeks less electric!
Winter Grow 2012-2013
Hey, I'm doing a winter grow and figured I would make a grow log for it. The Seeds: 4 x TS Morguna 3 x Butch T 3 x Naga Viper 3 X Naga King 4 X CAP1144 2 x White Bhut's 2 x Brain Strain Red 2 x Brain Strain Yellow 2 x 7POD Barrachpore 2 x 7POD Burgundy 2 x 7POD Primo 2 x TS Douglah Lighting: 8 x 40W Floro's for Seedling (16 On/8 Off... Fan 30 minutes every 2 hours On/4 hours Off) 400W MH/HPS for Medium Sized Plants (14 On/10 Off... Circ. fan 24/7) 1000W HPS for Final Pots (14 On/10 Off... Circ. fan 24/7) The Current closet setup: Currently on heating pad in Jiffy Pellet/Ziploc bag. Once they sprout I''ll move them to the non-heated tray without the Ziploc bag. Subscribe there will be plenty of updates. --James
i'm a bit behind this year, but here's what i've got going (i will post some pics at a later date): 7 Pot, Brainstrain (1) 7 Pot, Brainstrain, Yellow (1) 7 Pot, Jonah (1) 7 Pot, Large Yellow (3) 7 Pot, Primo (1) 7 Pot, White (1) 7 Pot, Yellow (2) Aji Limo Rojo (4) Anaheim, Barker's X-Hot (1) Anaheim, Big Jim (2) Anaheim, Sonora (1) Banana (2) Bell, Minature Red (1) Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate (4) Bhut Jolokia, Red (4) Bhut Jolokia, Yellow (4) Broome Chile...
The Howster's 2012 Season
Last year was my first year growing chilli's seriously and was my first time with superhots. As I didn't produce a grow log I'll start with a quick recap I grew the following varieties: 7 Pot Jonah Aji Limon Bih Jolokia Bhut Jolokia Indian PC-1 Naga Morich Orange Habanero Red Devils Tongue Red Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Scorpion Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend Of these I chose to put 3 each of Bih Jolokia, 7 Pot Jonah, Naga Morich and Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend in the ground in the greenhouse (limited space). The rest either went in to 11 litre pots initially in the greenhouse, in the ground outside, or were sold. Germination: Some windowsill time: Ready for plant up: The greenhouse in the beginning: Pots head to the...
I had a pretty successful little Habanero plant a few years ago, but haven't been anywhere long enough to try again. But this year I'm stable enough to try again, so here is my beginner's glog and we can all laugh at my newbie mistakes, or beginner's luck together. I'm attempting 3 different peppers this year: Habaneros, Cayennes, and Kung Pao. Nothing too special, just some common store brands. I'll try some super hots next year. Planted them into peat pellets on Thursday the 15th, so probably not another update until they sprout. I'll be transferring them into 5 gallon drywall buckets after that. We'll see how it goes. I'll post some pictures of the first sprouts when they arrive. See ya then!
Coheed196's Grow Log (Minor storm damage edition)
So this is my first time trying to grow superhots from seeds so hopefully I will get some plants out of all this. Anyways I started 80 seeds on Jan 12th. I'm using Hoffmans seed starting mix and small solo cups. For heat I'm using just a regular electric heating blanket. I put 2 seeds per cup, and started 10 seeds of 8 different varieties. The varieties are: Chocolate Fatalli Fatalli TS Butch T TS "FG" Peach Bhut Yellow Brain Strain 7 Pot Jonah Aji Joe's Surprse Hot mix (we'll see what pops out of here) Here's some pics now Day of Planting 1/12/12 Surface temp of Blanket Temp inside of cups Have had 2 out of 80 pop up in 4 days!!! I thought I was seeing things Here is a TS "FG" And a Chocolate Fatalli That's it for now...
Burning Colon's 2012 Grow Log
Okay folks, most of you know that i don't live in a very hot pepper friendly grow area. this means no outside in ground growing for peppers - i live in a zone 3a. this means my hot pepper growing is confined to indoor growing.......until this year! yes it is nice in the summer, we really don't require air conditioning as a window fan works just fine. nights are cool and hail can strike anytime during the summer months and has been mixed with snow. after september, consider the outside growing season as over! so without further adieu, here is my 2012 grow log, most of the chinense are 2 years old or older and this year i decided to try peppers from south america's mountainous regions as my summer climate is very similar, for some S/A...
Absolute newb's Glog, please advice if I did anything wrong
Hi everyone, First of all, thank you! My name is T, this is my first time ever growing chilli from seed and I am an oversea student studying in Perth Australia. I just want to say, I AM ADDICTED! I will keep updating this log and hopefully, some of you cool guy can give me some pointer about growing chillis! Below are the bhut jolokia babies (photo taken 12 Sep, seed in the mix on 28 August) 60W lamp to keep them warm =======================QUESTION:======================= Why the sprout (lower) only has one leaf?? (the upper one do had 2 leaf before, it happened after I attempted to take its shell (seed) off.... I damaged one of its leaf...)
J-Man's pepper plants
Hi there! I'm new here, but i've been stalking this forum for quite a while now. Then decided to start my own growlog... so here we go! Thai hot Ring of fire Hot Paper lantern Devils tongue Aladin Madam jeanette Bhut jolokia Hot Paper Lantern .......... Thai Hot More to come!
My first year of chiles *PICS*
Hey everyone. Ive been watchn this forum now and again for awhile now, but was waiting to have some reasonable pictures to get posting. This is the first year where i have grown peppers. i put together a raised bed garden last spring but did not get much of anything growing last year. so this year i did my best to get a head start on the season. i have 8 different types of peppers i will list... i ordered seeds online from a seed vendor and got... bolivian rainbow white habanero datil fatalii hottest orange (thats all it was labeled as) hottest red (again this is how it was labeled) trinidad scorpion butch t i also dried some seeds from an orange habanero i got from the supermaket and have a few plants from those growing. i figured i...
BrainFart's Glog (Small hydro setup/indoor)
Hi there! I started growing peppers a few years ago since I stopped growing cannabis and I'm enjoying it alot! I will be growing indoors in a growtent and a few outdoors in the garden The plants indoors: - Jolokia - Thai Hot - Devils Tongue - African Birds Eye Plants outside: - Cayenne - Some unknown habs - Goat pepper Hardware: Secret Jardin DR90 (90x90cm) Secret Jardin Tneon 2x55w and 2x36w lightning Selfmade Hydro system Computer-fans for exhaust/intake Nutrients: Canna grow Canna Bloom Foilarspray PH @ 5.0-5.5 A little sneak preview(more pics coming) Indoors: Ouside:
1st year darkrosechilli growlog
So this is where I'm at so far. Bought six Superhot plugs back in mid May. 2 weeks later bought the annums and hab types as well. Due to bad weather kept them inside until strong enough, then put them into the plastic greenhouse we bought 4 years ago to protect from the worst of the welsh weather. Realised that the old greenhouse was leaking so went and paid £30 for a lovely new hexagonal one and moved them over. Better weather today had a few hours of unbroken full-on sun and plenty of broken sunshine intermixed with showers too, so I went to check on them little darlings to see how they are settling into there new home and.......... :shock: Aji Limo (AKA the tree) doing well throwing out twice as many buds as the 1st batch it...
Bhut Jolokia hydroponic Grow Log
Hello all, i've just stumbled upon this site and it looks like a good place to present my grow log in progress. I'm currently growing Bhut Jolokia in hydroponics system with light nutrients and compost tea. I'm using 5 gallon bucket top-drip system with 2.5 gallons of water in each bucket. Airstones are also present in the bucket for a DWC type effect also. Hydraton is the medium in my net-pot-lids. Under 500watt equivalent CFL, and 100 watt incandescent (for warmth) My peppers are currently on week 7. I am trying to learn as much about indoor cultivation as possible, and hopefully can start hydroponic greenhouses in the future for lage-scale pepper production. I wish to try to cross-breed peppers in controlled...
Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum. My name is Christoph and this is my first season growing different varieties of hot pepper. Last season i already grew some red Habanero. Now i try to grow the following hot peppers (name/number of seeds/number of seeds that came out): - Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1) - Habanero red (3/2) - Jalapeño (2/0) - something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/0) - something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0) - "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2) I'm not totally sure about the names, because i got most seeds from fruits i bought on markets etc. and which were not declared...
Indiana_Jesse Grow Log 2012
Hopefully this one will be a great deal better than 2011! My growlist changes daily, so I may or may not periodically update it for my own entertainment. C. frutescens (Mexican Bird/Pequin de Vera Cruz) overwintering indoors, this spring will be its third growing season. Thai Red Aji Amarillo at home Aji Panca at home Jamaican Scotch Bonnets at Greenhouse Aji Amarillo in Greenhouse Aji Panca in greenhouse
OK here is my list for next season.. Having never eatin 90% of them how many are close to others on the list and could some one give me a heat ( mild med hot super hot) and small description of what they are please.. Perple Bhut Jolokia Brain Strain "red' 7 POT Red Inferno TS red Trinidad 7 pod Bhut Jolokia yellow OG seeds Asia Gardans Orange Hab love them heat not much Flav. White Bullet Hab Red Scotch Bonnet AJ's Hot and Super hot mix AJI mix Seranno Anaheim I groiw now Poblano grow now Green pepper grow now Orange Hab (seeds are Black in color) Congo Red congo Black Douglah ? WANT CHOCOLATE FATALII JAMAICAN HOT CHOCOLATE HABANERO CHOCOLATE SCOTCH BONNET CHOCOLATE BHUT CHOCOLATE SWEET BELL CHOCOLATE HABANERO Peach...
Hi guys been a while lots gone on and realised I haven't posted in a looooong time so here goes this years list: 7 pod Primo x4 plus one clone 7 pod long LG strain x2 ( one is a clone of the other ) 7 pod Barrackpore x3 7 pod original T scorp butch T overwintered x2 Douglah overwintered Jonah 7 pod overwintered Bhut jolokia Bhut jolokia Indian carbon Rooster spur Prik kee noo Bengle naga Pimenta da Neyde (late) T.s moruga blend 7 pod S.R Trinidad scorpion sweet I think that's it pictures will be up soon. Hopefully stick some more seeds up for grabs end of season too!
hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones
So today i just transplanted my first set of seedlings that are about 3 weeks old now and have started my new seeds I just got from pepperlover.com today. 3 week old peppers are: Manzano Gochu Caribbean Red Jalapeno Cayenne Bhut Jolokia Fatalii Aji Lemon Aji Chuncho Tepin Red Habanero Scotch Bonnet TFM Maui Thai 7 Pod Yellow Transplants were done a bit early for some but I think it was for the best as they were all in jiffy pellets and some of the seedlings were starting to root past the pellet and starting to dry out faster than I was comfortable with. Pepperlover.com was awesome and threw in Orange Hab, Red Hab, and Aji Chuncho with my order Also all of the seedlings I'm growing I still have extra seeds if anyone is interested...
Growing peppers in Finland
Hello! I decided to make a grow log for my second season. I grow peppers with hydroponics and traditional growing methods. I don't have hi-tech growing equipment but plants are doing fine. I use 30W CFL, two 18W CFLs, 15W CFL and two 11W CFLs. Grow list (all of these are not sowed yet): Capsicum annuum: Dutch Apache Snack Pepper Cheyenne Jalapeno Trinidad Bush Rawit Bolivian Rainbow Cap 1473 Hungarian hot cherry Lilac Bird's eye baby Short Yellow Tabasco Lombardo Goat's Weed Black scorpion tongue Keltainen mysteeri, JohnnyBlade Fish pepper Poblano Koristepaprika California Wonder Hungarian hot wax Peter pepper Jidungo Anaheim Serrano Capsicum baccatum: Aji Finlandia Inca Red Drop PI 260549 PI 370004 Starfish Dr. Green Aji Cristal...
I haven't actually started seeds yet, but it will be happening in the very near future... this year's growing season will almost certainly be cut short for reasons I won't go into, so I'm trying to avoid going crazy seed starting... think of this as a healthy start on my overwinters for the year. I've narrowed down my grow list to the following for 2012. With a couple exceptions I only plan on doing 1 or 2 of each variety, and some might be cut for space reasons, TBD. The superhots will be going into the trays as soon as I get my supplies, with the rest following shortly afterwards. My setup is slightly less ghetto than last year, but don't expect anything too fancy. Anyway, the selection, including any overwinters that make it to...
first time hydro grow
sup everyone?! i took a bunch of cuttings off a 'butch t' scorpion im growing and they were taking too long to root, so i washed the soil off some of my other plants and transplanted them into dwc bubble buckets. i do have one butch t that rooted quick enough 5/8 ( day 1) left - trinidad scorpion 'morouga' center - trinidad scorpion 'butch t' right - 7 pot 'brain strain' 5/22 5/28 6/5 6/12 flowers started opening yesterday!
Well, I finally started my first 284 cells today. 3 days earlier than I planted last year. Here is a list of what is planted so far: 1. 7 Pot Barrackpore (me) x11 2. 7 Pot Brain (me) x9 3. 7 Pot Douglah (me) x21 4. 7 Pot Douglah (HC) x4 5. 7 Pot Jonah (Sean) x5 6. 7 Pot Jonah (HC) x5 7. 7 Pot Primo (Sean) x6 8. 7 Pot Primo (Tonly) x4 9. 7 Pot Primo (Chris) x6 10. 7 Pot Red (me) x7 11. 7 Pot White (Sean) x7 12. 7 Pot Yellow (me) x12 13. Bhut Jolokia (MWCH) x6 14. Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (me) x14 15. Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (me) x15 16. Bhut Jolokia Peach (Sean) x6 17. Bhut Jolokia Purple (Sean) x8 18. Chiltepin (RTF) x6 19. Datil (Datil Patch) x5 20. Dorset Naga (me) x12 21. Fatalii (me) x9 22. Manzano Orange (MWCH) x6 23. Manzano...