• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
This Is My First Year Growing This Is My Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 4feet Tall 5 months only. 60+ peppers. This Is My Black Naga Jolokia Grew Wide 5 months 100+ peppers. This Is My 1 1/2 month Chocolate Bhut Jolokia All Flowering/ Pepper throwing. is this bob marley's pepper? LOL jk My Trinidad Scorpion 4 feet tall
Hi everyone, First of all, thank you! My name is T, this is my first time ever growing chilli from seed and I am an oversea student studying in Perth Australia. I just want to say, I AM ADDICTED! I will keep updating this log and hopefully, some of you cool guy can give me some pointer about growing chillis! Below are the bhut jolokia babies (photo taken 12 Sep, seed in the mix on 28 August) 60W lamp to keep them warm =======================QUESTION:======================= Why the sprout (lower) only has one leaf?? (the upper one do had 2 leaf before, it happened after I attempted to take its shell (seed) off.... I damaged one of its leaf...)
Hi there! I'm new here, but i've been stalking this forum for quite a while now. Then decided to start my own growlog... so here we go! Thai hot Ring of fire Hot Paper lantern Devils tongue Aladin Madam jeanette Bhut jolokia Hot Paper Lantern .......... Thai Hot More to come!
Hey everyone. Ive been watchn this forum now and again for awhile now, but was waiting to have some reasonable pictures to get posting. This is the first year where i have grown peppers. i put together a raised bed garden last spring but did not get much of anything growing last year. so this year i did my best to get a head start on the season. i have 8 different types of peppers i will list... i ordered seeds online from a seed vendor and got... bolivian rainbow white habanero datil fatalii hottest orange (thats all it was labeled as) hottest red (again this is how it was labeled) trinidad scorpion butch t i also dried some seeds from an orange habanero i got from the supermaket and have a few plants from those growing. i figured i...
Hi there! I started growing peppers a few years ago since I stopped growing cannabis and I'm enjoying it alot! I will be growing indoors in a growtent and a few outdoors in the garden The plants indoors: - Jolokia - Thai Hot - Devils Tongue - African Birds Eye Plants outside: - Cayenne - Some unknown habs - Goat pepper Hardware: Secret Jardin DR90 (90x90cm) Secret Jardin Tneon 2x55w and 2x36w lightning Selfmade Hydro system Computer-fans for exhaust/intake Nutrients: Canna grow Canna Bloom Foilarspray PH @ 5.0-5.5 A little sneak preview(more pics coming) Indoors: Ouside:
So this is where I'm at so far. Bought six Superhot plugs back in mid May. 2 weeks later bought the annums and hab types as well. Due to bad weather kept them inside until strong enough, then put them into the plastic greenhouse we bought 4 years ago to protect from the worst of the welsh weather. Realised that the old greenhouse was leaking so went and paid £30 for a lovely new hexagonal one and moved them over. Better weather today had a few hours of unbroken full-on sun and plenty of broken sunshine intermixed with showers too, so I went to check on them little darlings to see how they are settling into there new home and.......... :shock: Aji Limo (AKA the tree) doing well throwing out twice as many buds as the 1st batch it...
Hello all, i've just stumbled upon this site and it looks like a good place to present my grow log in progress. I'm currently growing Bhut Jolokia in hydroponics system with light nutrients and compost tea. I'm using 5 gallon bucket top-drip system with 2.5 gallons of water in each bucket. Airstones are also present in the bucket for a DWC type effect also. Hydraton is the medium in my net-pot-lids. Under 500watt equivalent CFL, and 100 watt incandescent (for warmth) My peppers are currently on week 7. I am trying to learn as much about indoor cultivation as possible, and hopefully can start hydroponic greenhouses in the future for lage-scale pepper production. I wish to try to cross-breed peppers in controlled...
Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum. My name is Christoph and this is my first season growing different varieties of hot pepper. Last season i already grew some red Habanero. Now i try to grow the following hot peppers (name/number of seeds/number of seeds that came out): - Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1) - Habanero red (3/2) - Jalapeño (2/0) - something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/0) - something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0) - "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2) I'm not totally sure about the names, because i got most seeds from fruits i bought on markets etc. and which were not declared...
Hopefully this one will be a great deal better than 2011! My growlist changes daily, so I may or may not periodically update it for my own entertainment. C. frutescens (Mexican Bird/Pequin de Vera Cruz) overwintering indoors, this spring will be its third growing season. Thai Red Aji Amarillo at home Aji Panca at home Jamaican Scotch Bonnets at Greenhouse Aji Amarillo in Greenhouse Aji Panca in greenhouse
OK here is my list for next season.. Having never eatin 90% of them how many are close to others on the list and could some one give me a heat ( mild med hot super hot) and small description of what they are please.. Perple Bhut Jolokia Brain Strain "red' 7 POT Red Inferno TS red Trinidad 7 pod Bhut Jolokia yellow OG seeds Asia Gardans Orange Hab love them heat not much Flav. White Bullet Hab Red Scotch Bonnet AJ's Hot and Super hot mix AJI mix Seranno Anaheim I groiw now Poblano grow now Green pepper grow now Orange Hab (seeds are Black in color) Congo Red congo Black Douglah ? WANT CHOCOLATE FATALII JAMAICAN HOT CHOCOLATE HABANERO CHOCOLATE SCOTCH BONNET CHOCOLATE BHUT CHOCOLATE SWEET BELL CHOCOLATE HABANERO Peach...
Hi guys been a while lots gone on and realised I haven't posted in a looooong time so here goes this years list: 7 pod Primo x4 plus one clone 7 pod long LG strain x2 ( one is a clone of the other ) 7 pod Barrackpore x3 7 pod original T scorp butch T overwintered x2 Douglah overwintered Jonah 7 pod overwintered Bhut jolokia Bhut jolokia Indian carbon Rooster spur Prik kee noo Bengle naga Pimenta da Neyde (late) T.s moruga blend 7 pod S.R Trinidad scorpion sweet I think that's it pictures will be up soon. Hopefully stick some more seeds up for grabs end of season too!
So today i just transplanted my first set of seedlings that are about 3 weeks old now and have started my new seeds I just got from pepperlover.com today. 3 week old peppers are: Manzano Gochu Caribbean Red Jalapeno Cayenne Bhut Jolokia Fatalii Aji Lemon Aji Chuncho Tepin Red Habanero Scotch Bonnet TFM Maui Thai 7 Pod Yellow Transplants were done a bit early for some but I think it was for the best as they were all in jiffy pellets and some of the seedlings were starting to root past the pellet and starting to dry out faster than I was comfortable with. Pepperlover.com was awesome and threw in Orange Hab, Red Hab, and Aji Chuncho with my order Also all of the seedlings I'm growing I still have extra seeds if anyone is interested...
Hello! I decided to make a grow log for my second season. I grow peppers with hydroponics and traditional growing methods. I don't have hi-tech growing equipment but plants are doing fine. I use 30W CFL, two 18W CFLs, 15W CFL and two 11W CFLs. Grow list (all of these are not sowed yet): Capsicum annuum: Dutch Apache Snack Pepper Cheyenne Jalapeno Trinidad Bush Rawit Bolivian Rainbow Cap 1473 Hungarian hot cherry Lilac Bird's eye baby Short Yellow Tabasco Lombardo Goat's Weed Black scorpion tongue Keltainen mysteeri, JohnnyBlade Fish pepper Poblano Koristepaprika California Wonder Hungarian hot wax Peter pepper Jidungo Anaheim Serrano Capsicum baccatum: Aji Finlandia Inca Red Drop PI 260549 PI 370004 Starfish Dr. Green Aji Cristal...
I haven't actually started seeds yet, but it will be happening in the very near future... this year's growing season will almost certainly be cut short for reasons I won't go into, so I'm trying to avoid going crazy seed starting... think of this as a healthy start on my overwinters for the year. I've narrowed down my grow list to the following for 2012. With a couple exceptions I only plan on doing 1 or 2 of each variety, and some might be cut for space reasons, TBD. The superhots will be going into the trays as soon as I get my supplies, with the rest following shortly afterwards. My setup is slightly less ghetto than last year, but don't expect anything too fancy. Anyway, the selection, including any overwinters that make it to...
sup everyone?! i took a bunch of cuttings off a 'butch t' scorpion im growing and they were taking too long to root, so i washed the soil off some of my other plants and transplanted them into dwc bubble buckets. i do have one butch t that rooted quick enough 5/8 ( day 1) left - trinidad scorpion 'morouga' center - trinidad scorpion 'butch t' right - 7 pot 'brain strain' 5/22 5/28 6/5 6/12 flowers started opening yesterday!
Well, I finally started my first 284 cells today. 3 days earlier than I planted last year. Here is a list of what is planted so far: 1. 7 Pot Barrackpore (me) x11 2. 7 Pot Brain (me) x9 3. 7 Pot Douglah (me) x21 4. 7 Pot Douglah (HC) x4 5. 7 Pot Jonah (Sean) x5 6. 7 Pot Jonah (HC) x5 7. 7 Pot Primo (Sean) x6 8. 7 Pot Primo (Tonly) x4 9. 7 Pot Primo (Chris) x6 10. 7 Pot Red (me) x7 11. 7 Pot White (Sean) x7 12. 7 Pot Yellow (me) x12 13. Bhut Jolokia (MWCH) x6 14. Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (me) x14 15. Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (me) x15 16. Bhut Jolokia Peach (Sean) x6 17. Bhut Jolokia Purple (Sean) x8 18. Chiltepin (RTF) x6 19. Datil (Datil Patch) x5 20. Dorset Naga (me) x12 21. Fatalii (me) x9 22. Manzano Orange (MWCH) x6 23. Manzano...
Alright so we're late in the season, but its just a trial run right now. If we actually get decent plants we'll overwinter a few and try again next year. Below we have: 4 fatalii 1 brain strain 1/1 3 datils. 3/3 3 uba tuba 3 peach hab 2/3 2 7 pot 1 pumpkin hab 1 white hab 1 cherry bomb 2 choc. Bhuts 3 butch t 2 baby boy douglah 1/2 1 explosive ember 1 taz red 1/1 1 spanish paquilla 1/1 2 choc habs. 1/2 1 cap chine bhut There's a lot of diffrent varieties in the same tray to check on how different they grow and what kind of tweeks I'll have to make for next season. Its the only way I know how to learn. Besides reading is borring :) forgive the pics as its done on a cell phone. Seeds Below are pictures of plants donated by thp...
This is my 1st year growing chiles. Since I didn't know what I was getting into, I decided to start slow: I'm growing 2 Jalapenos, 5 Cayennes (2 Varieties), 1 Corbacci, 2 Cherry, 1 Seven Pot Yellow, and 1 Chocolate Habanero Long. I've got to tell you that I'm officially hooked - next year's garden will be much bigger. Thanks to Buddy for getting me started and helping me along the way. A few pictures: My 1st Yellow 7 Pot: Jalapenos (making salsa tonight): Cayennes: More Cayennes: Corbacci: Chocolate Habanero - Long Cherry: It's a start!
Hey guys, I thought I would start my first mini glog off. This is a grow log for my office purple ghost chilli. I have a large-ish setup at home (CFL and greenhouse), but I thought I would start a little chilli at work under a CFL desk lamp. I've had the chilli there for a week or so now after sowing it on 18th June 2012. I sow the seeds in a 30mm jiffy on a heated mat untill 2 true sets of leaves and then potted the jiffy into a clear tumbler with a mixture of Vermiculite, permite and potting mix (with a hint of lime). First day at work. (13/8/2012) First week Friday (17/8/2012) Took the plant home over the weekend and left him under the CFL and brought him back to work on monday (20/8/2012)
Grow Log 2012 Scince a few years I only grow Capsicum pubescens. This year I have got many plants over the winter an for that I wanted to cut back with growing new plants but that did not worl out so well. So here's my Story.... I tried to get 252 pubescens plants over the winter and in January it was not looking so good with them so I looked into my seed box and picked out a few pubescens Seeds to Sow The first were sowed on the 22nd of Jan. I use an old Medical Fridge that also can be heated After only 6 Days the first sprouts appeared At that time the Capsicum pubescens that I was trying to get over the winter looked like this So not so bad And the new plants also had a good start But then in Febuary we got hit by...
Ladies and Gents, This year's grow list includes Piri-Piri (Portugal) - Seeds from Two Wings Farms in British Columbia, Canada St. Helena Island Yellow - Actually from a friend who lives on St. Helena. She sent the seeds in her Christmas card. For the remainder of the 2012 season my avatar will be the St. Helena coat of arms. :) I have mailed my extra seeds to Alabama Jack, Silver Surfer, ajijoe, and RedTailForester. They have promised to distribute seeds after the upcoming season. Unknown Chili from Bhutan - Purchased from JungleRain Wild Brazil - Thanks to ajijoe for the seeds Wild Sonoran Desert Tepin - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds Florida Wild - Thanks RedTailForester for the seeds All have popped and are under the...
pulled some jalapenos and banana peppers this morning to cut up and freeze and hopefully get some more growth outta the plants before the season ends. the basket is setting under some nice looking bell peppers. I have some habeneros going in another bed but they haven't turn color yet. thanks for all the encouragement from you guys. I got plans for next year that will send my wife over the edge, so in true husband fashion, I will do the planting while she is at work and then beg forgiveness later!!! :liar:
What's happening everybody. My name is Big Jim and this is my first year attempting to grow a variety of assorted hot peppers. I am very excited to learn from everyone here and through my experiences. I wanted to document my Fabulous Pepper Adventures for everyone as well as myself for educational (and comical) purposes. Welcome to my glog and happy reading!
Hey everyone i figured i would put up my glog today. this is my first time so please let me know if you see something i am doing that is totally wrong. Also i may put a question or two next to pictures where i am in need of some advice. Thanks everyone and i apologize for any stupidity below! These are my peppers that i bought as plants. 6 from refiningfirechilis.com [Yellow Jamaican Mushroom, Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate Jolokia, Yellow Jolokia, Butch T Scorpion, Moruga Scorpion], 5 from Smoking J's Fiery Foods purchased at the Herb Festival in Asheville [Moruga Scorpion, Fatali, 7pot Jonah, 2 7pot yellow], and 1 bhut jolokia from an ebay seller [I purchased this before joining the site and will not do so again, sorry for funding...
Here goes...so now I've officially begun my 2011/2012 season, after alot of decision making today I finally started these seeds by first soaking them for 24hrs and then I'll transfer them over to jiffy pots tomorrow; 30/07/2011 UPDATE on varieties planted so far 7 pot/pod Brown 7 pot/pod Chocolate 7 pot/pod Savannah 7pot/pod Brain Strain 7pot/pod Barrakapore original strain 7pot/pod Barrakpore 7pot/pod Congo 7pot/pod Douglah 7pot/pod Douglah Hybrid v1 f2 7pot/pod Douglah Hybrid v2 f2 7pot/pod EverGreen 7pot/pod Jonah 7pot/pod Jonah x...
I know I know I'm the hot sauce guy. The cooking food with hot stuff guy. The guy who likes beer and microwave hot dogs :lol:. Some of you probably don't even know that I grow peppers. This year, I am going to show you. 1 January 2012. Meager Beginnings. Grow List: Tray 1. Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Chocolate Bhut Purple Bhut 7 Pot Brain Strain 7 Pot Douglah Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (thanks Butch) Mulo De Tiro (thanks Nova) Fatalii BikerBilly Jalapeno (thanks AJ) Naga Morich Peach Hab Each cell planted with two seeds. I Planted six of each variety (twelve seeds total). Grow light and heat map set on low. Trying something a little different with this Burpee Germinating kit, so going to have to keep an eye on this. I have a...
This is my second year of growing hot peppers so I decided to share some of the photos with you guys. I live in a Slovakia, wheater conditions are quite good here, nowadays we have temperatures around 26-28 C. Peppers are 2 months old. Grow list: 2- 7 Pot Doughlah 2- Yellow 7 Pot 2- Red 7 Pot 2- Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2- Dorset Naga 2- Jalapeno Fatali Bonda me Jacques Red Savina Habanero Chocolate Habanero Mulo de Tiro Habanero Red Pepper
I started my grow season late and unorganized with mixed up Amazon seeds. I have no way of knowing which plants will be what with the exception of the red hab seeds I planted from a store bought hab. Of course this may not even grow true. So this is my mystery garden. My first bud from the store bought hab. My garden ninjas are everywhere. Thanks to the ninjas I haven't seen any notable insect damage. After realizing I wouldn't be able to know what each plant would be till it podded up I got some seeds from PepperLover.com. From right to left in paired columns: Choc Bhut 7 Pot Brain Wild Tepin CGN 22795 Tabasco Red Hab
It is my first season growing super hots so I figured I would join in the Glog thread and document my efforts. First off, my list of seeds ordered: Habanero Orange Habanero Red Wasp Trinidad Scorpions (Red, Yellow, and Mourouga Blend) Bhut Jolokia's (Red, Yellow, and Brown) Fatalii 7 Pod Brain Strain 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow Douglah Scotch Bonnet's (Red and Yellow) Bhut Jolokia (Indian Carbon, Bih, Dorset Naga) Naga Morich 7 Pod (Red, Yellow, Barrack Pore) and, Butch T Scorpion......when it arrives, (I ordered all my seeds from pepperlover.com and the Butch T's were not in the order. I have an email in to them and I hope to get those seeds ASAP) I actually made one order and couldn't suppress the itch to order more, so I placed a...
Hi there, I'm a newcomer to the scene from Belgium, we're not a country where eating spicy let alone growing your own peppers is "hot" (pun intended). Supermarkets in Belgium rarely sell anything but the classic (genetically modified) Cayenne, I've only found some Bird's Eye twice and to my surprise once found a temporary supply of Red Habanero's. I got bit by the pepper virus about two years ago and it's only a good year ago that I came to the conclusion that I should start growing my own peppers. So last year I ended up growing a couple of Red Cayenne plants, they were grown from seed and started somewhere around may wich was quite late but still early enough for them to give me a good harvest come the end of summer. Growing and...
will be adding more pictures of my 2011 chilli pepper plants this is the unknown white chilli pepper plant i have.its loaded with pods. can someone name it for me ? a close up shot this is a shot of my habenero X(still not sure what habanero variety is it yet). its full of flowers but nothing has set yet . flowers are just dropping/turning yellow it use to be like this a few months ago.12 nov 2010 post
First of all, I want to thank everyone from this forum for helping a newbie. After dozens and dozens of hours of intensive research of how to germinate and grow ghost peppers It finally paid off !! My set up is hydrofarm heat mat, hydrofarm temperature control for heat mat, Tray and dome, E.B. Stone seed starter mix, hydrofarm 2ft 2 tube T5 grow light. Process....I sowed the seeds on 12/4/11....................... Before I sowed the seeds I soaked them in warm distilled water for 24 hrs. Then I filled my tray with E.B stone seed starter mix and sowed the seeds 1/4' deep. I lightly watered them and set temperature control to 85* F and covered the tray with clear dome. I watered every two or three days depending on the surface of...
Hello all. Back in the fall of 2011, I came across a steal on Craigslist for a 400w HPS light and ballast, and ordered up some pepper seeds. That was when I lived in NC and my grow space was confined to my small apartment's walk-in closet. The plants and I have since moved to GA and I now have 8 pepper plants growing in 5-gallon buckets outdoors. All fully organic, and grown in 100% soilless media (peat moss, pine bark, perlite, vermiculite, and coir). I've taken photos regularly along the way, so I'll try to bring you up to date without getting too caught up discussing the old indoor setup. I sowed some Purple Beauty bell pepper seeds, as well as some Giant Bhut Jolokia's, during the first week of October 2011. They were started in a...
Whats up worlddddd :D I've been keeping updates mainly on youtube, but for you know all of those who care, il post them here for easier access to me and to all of you. Feel free to hate, compliment, encourage, discourage, and all of that other stuff thats probably going through you're mind while reading this. Enjoy! Heres some info: What I'm Growing- Trinidad scorpion Morougas Douglahs Brainstrains Yellow pot 7s Habolokia Butch Ts Bhut Jolokia's I also plan on getting most of these potted up in containers and going outside. No space for ground nor time. Touchdown sequence begin. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=py38YNvezo4 Update #2 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JNUm_DwMEWA Moving along like a Train, not no Metra stuff either :D #3...
I'm a new gardener starting with a challenge. I received 34 seeds from a pepper plant that was brought over from Vietnam a few years ago. A client from work gave them to me after a discussion about gardening a few weeks ago. His wife brought them with her when she moved to the states. He has described the pods as looking a little like a cayenne you would get from a plant you bought at Walmart but shorter, broader, and a whole lot hotter. After reading a while on this site, It became clear he may not know much more about them then I do. Will they they be Vietnamese Tearjerkers or something more common? I don't know. It's a mystery. I know I got a very late start, but i have high hopes for overwintering.On 4/18/12 I planted 24...
I guess I can start a GLOG on here since its easier to update! I'll start from the begining and work my way forward. I think I'm doing "Okay" for being a newbie at this. Much help from the people on here has got me past some "hiccups"! Thanks every, enjoy, and as always SUGGESTIONS!! I started from seed on 2/25/2012 The begining when things were leggy and looked in trouble! The lighting system and my adjustments to the light heighth I didn't take pics of my first pot up. Basically Just moved everything into solo cups! And from that point on they did well, for the most part. Have some that stunted, some that died, some that burned, but mostly all good! So my second pot-up happened 3 weeks ago. And then today, 3 weeks after the...