• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Pete Maws Glog
Hi all, I'm from New England but spending time in Puerto Rico - hopefully a few more months so I can finally get some ok harvests. Been a decent gardener back home but not particularly with peppers. Thought I'd take advantage of the endless growing season and try growing a lot of pepper varieties for food and fun. Started last June with a few local varieties (a cayenne-type and aji dulce) but most died after transplanting. Got more into it (and ordered more exotic varieties) in late fall, Learned to improve my germination results and thought I had improved my growing techniques when, again, plants started looking sick. With the help of people on this forum, I figured out that broad mites had been sabatoging not only my pepper...
Bodeen's 2012 Grow Log - THE END!!!!!
Anxious to get dirt under my nails, so I might as well start this thing off. Got an unfinished basement that is mainly storage. It has an old 1957 bathroom in it. I tore that out today and will be using that as my grow room as soon as I get it done. It is small enough a small heater will keep my temps in check. (Pictures of progress will come once I get it looking better lol) Last year I built a grow table and this year I am putting up a shelving unit with grow lights on many of the shelves. My one garden area that will be expanded on this year I believe. 40x30 My other garden which is longer, but not as wide. Then I put this row in last year and my thoughts we strawberries, but it might be a row of peppers. Ugggh...
Durham Bull's First Glog [2012]
Testing, testing ... This will be my first season of growing superhots. I'd like to thank everyone here who shared the seeds with me, especially AjiJoe, Mopeppa, Wayright, Lanman, Spicegeist, Hot Stuff , AtomicCobra, RedtailForester, Chilefreak ... and all the great info on growing chiles. I will post more photos as the season progress. Thanks, Sy
slater1980 2012 Glog
:welcome: :welcome: hi everyone this is my attempted at growing chillis for the first time first off I bought a vitopod then I built my grow lights ready for when the seeds sprout I used a clothes hanging rail to hang the reflector which I found at home bargains for 6.99 and it can extend to about 2 metres high ive got build a box around it with some emergence blankets for reflectivity as there will be no weight to the box it can be made light weight and a little close up of the bulb at work the bulb is 125w 8000 lumens & 6400k http://www.ebay.co.u...9#ht_4737wt_951 this is what I planted yesterday Capsicum Chinense Douglah (0/4) Dorset Naga (0/4) Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (0/2) Bhut Jolokia Red (0/2) Bhut jolokia yellow...
To set the stage: It's May, everybody else has been preparing for months, many have their plants ready to go, 20 feet high if they're an inch! Wulf wakes up one morning and says "Hey, you know what I've never done? Grow anything, ever. I think I'll try that." Skip ahead. It's July. Wulf has a kitchen table full of cups and bottles with things growing in them. This time, they're growing intentionally. He thinks "Hey, you know what I should've done a month ago? Put the damn plants outside. I think I'll try that." Skip further ahead, it's August. The purples are the first to start creating flowers, followed by serranos, followed by the jalapenos. The scorps, habs, and peters are disturbingly masculine in their refusal to...
SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log
This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season . I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list: Red Trinidad Scorpion 1 Trinidad Scorpion Green 3 Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1 Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully) Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2 7 pot Chaguanas 2 7 pot Brainstrain red 1 7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1 7 pot Jonah 1 7 pot yellow 1 7 pot Burgundy 1 7 pot Brown 1 Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1 Bhut Jolokia...
dannyd Peppers 2012 - 1st Grow
So, I got a bit of a late start, but nonetheless I am proceeding with my first pepper grow. On May 1st I planted 36 seeds. 12 each of jalapeno, cayenne, and habanero. In the picture below, these are the seeds in the right half of the tray. I hadn't done much reading at the time I planted the first 36 seeds so I just bought a seed starting kit with pellets that expanded into potting soil when I poured water over them. After a bit of reading that night (I couldn't stop, and still can't, reading learning and watching my peppers (thanks THP!)) I started to worry about the potting soil that I used, so I planted 34 more seeds on May 2nd in a MiracleGro orchid mix, in the right half of the tray. For fertilizer I am using: I am...
Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward  video update.
Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice. Happy growing! The Beehunter
LLM's grow log - my first growing attempt
Hello, everyone! First of all I'm from Russia and I'm here,on this forum, cause we don't have such great forum. Now I'm growing some cayennes, unknown chili from Vietnam and local variety called "Ogonek" or "Little Fire" along with parsley. Also waiting for lots of other seeds to come =) Here are some pics(all was sown at the end of April): All plants together with my main helper =) Little temporary light box( 5.050 lm) for foggy days Unknow chili from Vietnam Some leaves on cayennes are covering with tiny black dots, seems like bacteria or so, and one small new leaf just dried out comletely. The question is worry or not? Pic of city at night just for show you where I live. =) And I'm glad to hear your comments.
Megahots grow log 2011-2012
First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.
Hi...I'm new to growing, and having a problem germinating seeds. I've used the damp paper towel in a ziplok before, and it usually works. Over the summer, I seeded about 3/4 pound of t-scorps, and have tried to test-germinate 10 or so seeds, 3 times now. They go from a firm, straw colored seed, to a yellowish brown, and start looking slimey after a few days. I'm not sure if I harvested the seeds wrong, but have done this a few times before with jalapenos, and scotch bonnets, (and a few others) and they germinated just fine. Any ideas what I may be dong wrong, or suggestions? I have a few hundred seeds, but I don't want to waste them all trying to geminate them unsuccessfully. Thanks
The Green Man's Glog
I figured I could start one of these now that I have two different plants growing. Some of last year's Cayenne seeds from a foaf who sells in a farmer's market. I started these back in June. The dried pods from last year Seedlings to be divided Newly divided seedlings Back in March I planted a packet of Minorcan Datil seeds. I ended up with two plants which made it to maturity. One is a Datil, and one is either a hybrid, mutant, or another seed entirely. The flower in singles, never doubles, so they aren't chinense, maybe annuum, or frutescens? Who knows...they grow well, pretty prolifically, taste good, look good, and aren't too hot for "normal" people to enjoy. So I'm growing the heck out of them. They are thick...
Hi. Okay, maybe not that close. I'm using good quality potting mix from the plant shop for everything. I first started off using two hot water cupboards - I don't know if you have them in the US but it is just a hot water cylinder for your house and makes the cupboard within which they reside warm-ish - depending on how old they. What you want is basic and/or old and then, they aren't as efficient. I first started off a few Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow, a few Fatalis and a couple of Rocotos in a plastic container at my girlfriend's beach house - that was nice and warm but we could only stay a week. The chillis didn't quite pop and they ended up going into the second hot water cupboard at my grandmother's house. It simply wasn't as...
Liquidjos 2012 GLOG
Hi! This will be my gf's and I first attempt at growing our own hot peppers. So im hoping all goes well, and we'll be able to give our families some quality spicy peppers. We started growing around mid-April(April 16 or 17). Started off with buying seeds from Hell Hot Products(ebay), a germination station, Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix, Miracle Gro Bloom Booster, distilled water. On the germination tray, i sowed them per row: 1st row: Naga Morich 2nd: Datil 3rd: Yellow Scotch Bonnet 4th: Butch T 5th: Jamaican Chocolate Habanero and the 6th row was a mixed bag of the leftover seeds. And basically followed these instructions to germinate the seeds: http://www.ecoseeds.com/Pepper.growing.tips.html. After the first 7 days I...
JCR glog - re-loaded.
This is late in coming, and I don't have pictures for everything... So bear with me. Iive in zone 9b, and we had quite a mild winter, so I started germinating seeds indoors in october. I have a desk with a hutch and a built in Flourescent light... I also have a surround sound system with rather tall speakers that leave about 5 inches between the light in the hutch and my jiffy green house. I started 10 Orange Habs, 10 Long Thin Cayenne, 10 Thai Sun, and 10 Big Early Jalapenos, the seed was not isolated and was collected off my plants from last year. The cayenne was a sad plant, and only produced 3 or 4 pods all summer... The Habanero beside it produced enough to make gallons of puree'd Habs that I love to eat by the spoon full. The...
Ok. I'm in the ring. This is really my first year growing from seed and may as well be my first year ever. Last year we had a bag garden (which was pretty weak), and Justaguy contributed a couple of bucket plants later in the season (awesome). So, just to get this out in the open early, I'm a little OCD. DANGER PLANTS! DANGER! FLEE FROM THE FURRY ONE! My natural tendency is to, well, let's just call it over-love my plants. "You like fertilizer? Well you'll love it straight from the bottle!" One of my bigger hurdles is to just let the plants do their thing. I mean, I have grown up in a culture of drive-thru instant gratification, which doesn't exactly breed patience… But I'm working on it. Trying to tread gently through the grow...
Final Grow list season 3rd March 3, 2012 1. Fatalli Yellow- the.chilli.man on ebay 2. Peter- Time and Terra- ID Terra ebay 3. Bere Bere- Jungle Rain 4. Trinidad Combo Brown/ Red- a la Congo??- Time and Terra- ID Terra ebay 5. Naga Black- Aji Joe 6. Peach Bhut Jolokia- Aji Joe 7. Xai Xai- Smokemaster 8. Piri Piri- Smokemaster 9. Mustard Hab- CmP 10. Cappuccino Hab- CmP 11. Kpakpo Shito - Ghana - J.T. Delaney 12. Maldives Heart- AISPES 13. Chocolate T S- AISPES 14. T M Scorp- J Duffy- bought months ago- got lucky on price. I have seeds from karmalies805 on ebay from Texas, THSC, Pepperlovers and Refining Fire Chilies. Decided to try Jim’s as he was a real gent to me 15. Orange Rocotto- Semillas.de 16. Trinidad Brain...
Lexa Rae's Grow Log
So this year I am growing White Habanero, Black Jalapeño, Sweet Crimson, Cayenne, Cayenne Blend, Green Bell Pepper, Chocolate Bell Pepper, Serrano, and Santa Fe Grande's. I have lived in Louisiana for about a year (for the Army) and because of the hot and humid climate I decided it would be a good time to start a garden (there is not much to do in our area). Naturally because of the ridiculous hot temp here, my peppers have done better than anything else. That was the beginning of my pepper plant obsession haha... So anyway not to long ago I purchased some seeds to add to my variety of peppers and decided to go ahead and germinate a few from each pack since the first frost where I live usually on average is Nov. 26, I'm hoping...
Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog
Well, here we go... Started about 35 Korean Gochu Peppers and a few Korean salad peppers, jalapenos and orange habs. All are mostly up today but the habs. I started them early last week in my heated grow tent down in my cellar on top of a grow mat, but didn't have the thermostat quite dialed in. When I left it it was 70 degrees f. in the tent. When I checked again the next morning it was 85 degrees, and I was afraid I'd cooked the seeds, so I moved them onto my kitchen windowsill on the grow mat and awaited developments. Looking much better now. I'll give the Habs until the weekend to pop, then move the flat down to the grow tent.
SG's 2012
Since late last year I've been starting seedlings in waves because of limited space and other constraints. So I have a good number of plants in varying stages of growth, with some trying to flower too. The plants are looking good and I am poised to have some tremendous harvests. Last year I only grew a fraction of the what I am attempting this year and even then I had a hard time keeping up with the harvests. I am sure I will go crazy with all the peppers this year. Here is the where most of the plants start out: Focusing on some individuals: Murupi Amarela Praetermissum initiating its first fork: Chacoense: Fatalii x Choco Bhut F2: Sonoran Chiltepin: A Brown Rocoto about to flower:
HabaneroHead Glog 2012 - Better late than never - Picture Heavy
Hi PepperHeads! It's been a while since I posted anything about my peppers, but it does not mean I was not following what's going on THP. As usual I did not only get inspiration, but also useful hints and kindness from the team members. And on the top of that, I managed to infect some of my friends, my family and my girlfriend with this addiction. :P Anyways, ling story short, last december Jack and Ela (aka Superhot and Ela on this forum) was so kind and sent me a batch of seeds (thank you for that, again): - Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon - Fatalii Red/Yellow - Tobago Seasoning - Naga Morich - Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow Unfortunately I could not make the Fatalii and Tobago Seasoning germinated, probably I cooked them with my...
DocNrock's First Grow Log -- 2013 Grow Has Begun!
Hi all. I've learned so much from reading the Glogs of others that I've decided to put mine out there. Hopefully someone can say, "Hey, you're doing it wrong!" before its too late. I got seeds from Refining Fire Chiles. The seeds were for Butch T, Bhuts, and Douglah. I soaked them overnight in water that I had boiled then cooled to room temp. All the seeds sank to the bottom, which I've read is a good thing. (?) Anyway, I got one of those 72 cell Jiffy Mini-Greenhouses with heater pad to germinate these. I didn't use the peat pellets. The germinating instructions that came with the seeds said not to use peat pots because of their acidity. I didn't know if this applied to the pellets or not, so I filled the tray with Organic...
So here we go guys in the mix is my two naga jolokia's(cross)of sorts back from Nov 2011 my first Pepper looked to be some kindly of a scorpion But it died :-( when the summer came as well i have those two jolokias a*sereno*habanero* caribbean red*yellow brain strain *(red)fatalli*thie* jamaican red*and one mistery bucket they ar just now starting to flower :-) cant wait to finally get some homegrown chilies ... HOPE. YOU GUYS/GALES NJOY....SMITTY:-) ^___naga jolokia jolokia(cross?) Yellow brain strain Orange habanero Red fatalii Sereno Caribbean red Jamaican red
MikeinSC's 2012 Digital Diary of Delaying Impending Doom
It's the last year of the Earth so I hope I get this right for once. Last year I bought a house and 5.7 acres with the sole intention of starting a farm and commercial greenhouse and grow operation. The goal is to eventually expand to also growing fish but that is 5 years away in my head. Within a few weeks of buying the house I was already clearing off an acre to use for the garden. Eventually I got to the point I could start turning over the ground. I now have about 4500 sq ft tilled but still I need more space. This year I am growing corn, honeydew, watermelon, peanuts, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, sweet peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins. More to follow.
Mido's 2012
Finally after a brutally busy spring season at my webshop it is slowing down a bit and I have the time to start a Glog. For those that don't know me as I haven't posted in maybe 6 months, I'm mido or Wouter in real life and I'm from the netherlands. I grow peppers in a 12 meter long plastic tunnel greenhouse in what I have 36 compartments to keep the different varieties of peppers seperated to prevent crossbreeding. This I do because I sell some of the seeds. Here is a picture of the tunnel when it was just build, at the moment te picture was taken I just stared building the compartments. Besides the tunnel greenhouse I also have a smaller greenhouse. This year I'm growing 49 varieties of peppers Isolated and 18 varieties of...
MB's Melbourne Grow Log 2012/13
Hi everyone, Im back again to give it another go. I had a great last season. However, this season things have changed. I have recently moved into a small apartment very close to Melbourne and my grow space is much smaller then last year. This year I am going for bigger pots in a hope to produce big plants. Last season I had great success with big pots and hence have overwintered a few plants. Here's a few shots of where I am at. Overwintered Bishops Crown Overwintered Butch T Orange Hab in BIG pot Brown Scotch Bonnet, Red Scotch Bonnet, Aji Lemon ready to go into BIG pots today Black Pearl Seedlings coming up (Brown 7 pod, Red Trinidad Habanero, Bih Jolokia, Brown Scotch Bonnet, Birdseye, Tobasco and more) I am hoping to...
Joshuap2000's 2012 Grow Log
Well, I figure I would start a grow log myself for this season. I have a numerous amount of ideas I want to use, but will be posting them as I go. I usually get lazy with my grows and forgot about them, but trying to turn over a new approach this year. For starters, here are a few pictures of my Chocolate Habanero, AJI Lemon's, Red Brain Strain. They seeds were planted on November 11, 2011, and all sprouted between last week of November and the first week of December. So hopefully I can get a least of handful of you guys to follow it so that way it will help keep me extra motivated to keep doing it. P.S. My spelling and grammar are typically horrible, but I blame the Fla education system in be raned in the 40's for US educations.
Hello there everyone! This is my first glog on The Hot Pepper and I am very excited to be sharing with you all For the coming 2013 grow season I have the following seeds coming my way ~Naranja Picante ~Trinidad Yellow 7 Pot ~Devil's Tongue ~Fatali ~Bhut Jolokia ~Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T) ~Trinidad Scorpion (Moruga) ~Paper Lantern ~Yellow Scotch Bonnet ~NuMex Big Jim ~Purple Jalapeno I do expect to be expanding this list, hopefully I will provide pics through the process, but as for right now I am waiting on delivery of seed Hope to get lots of feed back (good and bad) Jeffrey
Patricks 2012 Pepper Grow Log
Here we go again! Time is just jetting by and it's hard to believe it's time to get started again. It is though and ain't that wonderful! I may be moving this summer so going small this year. Here's what I got started tonight: 7 Pot Brain Strain x 4 7 Pot Congo x 2 7 Pot x 3 Armageddon x 2 Bengal Naga x 3 Bhut Jolokia, Caramel color x 6 Not the Black Naga x 2 SB7J x 4 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T x 10 Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend x 6 The seeds are in coco coir in 3 oz dixie cups. They will be covered and on a heat mat with the temp set at 84F.
TCB Glog 2012
So i finally got restarted...... very slowly, small # of plants.... so here goes.... one week after setting seeds....... These are actually from a brain strain that had undergone a couple generations in a small farm.... not sure what kinda crossing happened... but we'll see..... Check out the babies: Gonna get me some Jolokia's started tmr..... Yeah i know.... small number of plants n only two types.... no worries... i'll get back to where i was eventually... gotta start back somewhere....
Batterhammer's 2012 G-Log
So it's my first time growing chillies from seed, and my first time growing anything in the minute space that Sydney city would have me believe is an apartment. Nonetheless, I believe I have a fairly good little germination area kicking along. Having bought some seeds last year, I decided to plant some superhots, and anything else that took my fancy. As it stands at the moment I have 5 varieties growing: Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Bhut Jolokia Jalapeño Chocolate Habanero C. Frutensens (more on these later) This is my little grow set up in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. According to the thermometer that I have in there, the temperature I pretty constant at 26 - 27 degrees C (about 80 degrees F). I decided to grow in...
My GLOG by KevinH now with My list for 2013 season..
Ok this is how I did this in this my first year.. I started every thing in a Jiffy seed house with lid oust side.. So I have 20 jalapeno plants 10 serono's , 10 pablano's , 10 anaham. O Habano's of the 2 made it past transplant.. So I transplanted them in to MG garden soil... Guess I will wait and see how they do.. Last night I started the last of my Habanero seeds. I am using my cable box as a heat pad. I am just useing a baggie and paper towl. I will post up how it works out. I will be growing them in mushroom compost sand dirt and manure.. I will fallow the Pepper Joes tips for ferts. UPDATE Habs as far as I can death by slug... Guess I need to give them Beer..
Well I've just started growing Tabasco Peppers which is almost my entire Garden as of now but soon I'm hoping my garden will be much bigger. I went out and bought some seeds today to plant and add to my garden. The seeds consist of: 1.) California Wonder Bell Peppers 2.) Pasilla Bajo 3.) Long Thin Cayennes 4.) Serrano Chili 5.) Tam Jalapenos 6.)Anaheim Chili New additions! 1.) 7 Tabasco Peppers 2.) 1 Golden Cayenne 3.) 1 Cajun Belle 4.) 1 Chilli Reds 5.) 1 "Worlds Hottest Habanero" 6.) 1 Thai Hot peppers Seeds Started: 1.) Tam Jalapenos 7/12 2.) Serrano Chilis 7/9 3.) Tabascos 0/9 :mope: Seeds for Next Year: 1.) Easter Egg plant (Slade Russel) 2.) Unknown Bhut (Slade Russel) 3.) Tequila sun rise (SR) 4.) Purple Flash (SR) 5.) 7...
Black Pearl - off season indoor grow.
So I happened to come across some seeds for the recently developed ornamental/culinary Black Pearl. I started germination in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag taped to a sunny window on 9/6. In two and a half weeks, one seed (out of 10) had germinated. Here he is on 9/25 starting to poke his head out of the soil. This is going to be a small grow-log about just a couple of black pearl plants. I've noticed that there haven't been many of these done yet online so I felt I should contribute and share my experiences. :)