• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Hi guys, This is my first ever attempt at growing chili "or anything" from seed so figured i would make a Grow Log so people can give me any tips if they notice things about the plants i wont know about. my seeds have been sowed about 3 weeks ago for the capsicum & spring onion you will see in the background, just over 2 weeks for the morugas and various times over the last week for the other varieties "the newer ones have dates on the labels". i apologize about the quality of the pictures i could not find my camera so had to use my phone. hopefully moving forward will be able to find my camera and give nicer update pictures. any feedback would be much appreciated Hard to see but one of the black pearls has sprouted "each jiffy has...
So I just finalized my grow list for 2012, aka my first attempt at growing peppers. I'm starting out relatively small for my first time, although it has been tough trying to narrow them down thanks to Jamie (romy6) and his extreme generosity. But at any rate here is what I plan to grow: Red Bhut Jolokia - 1 7 Pot Jonah - 1 Naga Morich - 2 Brain Strain - 2 TS Butch T - 2 Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - 1 Yellow Fatalii - 1 So that's a total of 10 plants and 7 varieties. I'll be starting at the first of the year. Wish me luck! Edit: Hehe, I just posted this and I'm already changing it up. I decided that since I'm growing 2 naga morich, they are supposed to be similar to bhuts so I dropped 1 red bhut and added 1 7 pot jonah
Hello my fellow chilliheads, This is my first time growing chillis or any other plants for the matter. I have been reading and learning from this forum and am truely inspired but the impressive chilli plants grown by the members here. My goal is to be able to successfully grow chinense varieties that are currently unavailable here in Malaysia. I have been collecting chilli seeds from Australia, South Africa, UK and Australia and so far I have successfully germinated the following type. Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Red Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Fatalii Yellow Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend Yellow 7 Pod Chocolate Habanero Yellow Habanero Red Savina Datil Bonda Ma Jacques Dorset Naga Yellow Scotch...
2012 Grow log Vladan Smiciklas Rainbow Chili Seeds Here is the list of seeds I sow this week hope for the best , some of the variety was last seeds I will be very happy to see all those below germinate for me, all of my hybrids are with my initials V.S those are most of first time in soil. 1.CGN 22208 C.Galapagoense 2. Peppadew 3. Amarela de Belem 4. Murupi red 5.S.R Trinidad Scorpion 6.Aji Brown 7.V.S Colibri F-1 8.Habanero Rojo Yucatan 9.V.S Armaggedon F-1 10. Vounatu 11.Ethiopean brown 12.Hach pepper 13. v.v Urnebes F-1 14.Vera Cruz 15.Joker hat 16.Kuei Mei’s 17.V.S Vladan slider sweet bell F-1 18.Ciliatum ( Rhombodeum ) 19.V.S Kaval F-2 20.Arivivi/Aribibi Gusano 21.V.S Lolita F-1 22.H.Grosse Blatter 23.V.S Jivaro F-1...
Hey Everyone So I figured it is about time I start a Grow log of my own and I will do my very best to keep it up to date. With two kiddos and a massive amount of plants my days can be pretty hectic. I grew jalapenos and serranos last season, had a decent harvest considering the small pot size I used. In July I met a nice lady giving away hot pepper seeds to newbies on GW, decided to give them a try, August met Smokemaster through a generous SASBE offer and the rest is history!! lol I started a batch in late August so I have some "overwinters" if you will, living in SoCal I can grow year round with the right protection from time to time. I started out with a cheap 12'x7' hoop house and when the winds thrashed that I bought two 6x8...
This year I decided to try out hydroponics with a single ghost chili plant (which my girlfriend named Casper) in a 3 gallon DWC bucket. I started the seedling some time in March, but only transplanted to the DWC bucket about 3 weeks ago. It was severely root bound and not very happy before then, but has since taken off! The leaves are WAY bigger than any pepper leaves I have ever seen (the largest are about 9 inches long and still growing), and I think it's perfect. The stem went up about 5 or 6 leaves, then split to two, and each of those split into two. The only thing breaking the symmetry is branching at the bottom of the stem, which I have read that I should allow to grow rather than prune. Buds are forming at each of the splits...
Seeds soaked in peroxide and superthrive solution for 24 hours. First 72 cell tray of seeds planted 1/11/12. Pro-mix seed starting mix was used to fill the cells. Placed on my heated bathroom floor tile... Wait shouldn't this be in the ghetto grow thread? 1/17/12 hooks and seedlings 1/20/12 more sprouts and seedlings. 1/23/12 After 3 days of neglect while I was out of town. Tray sat on a table near south facing window. Not what they needed but it kept them alive. I used my 15 minutes of free time for the week and hung a light for them.
This year we have started a bit early due to inpatients, that and the fact that we can pull it off in our climate. My son and I have decided to team up with my old friend and build a green house. He just bought a house and has extra land that is dyeing to make us a little money. We are thinking about getting in to a local farmers market selling pods, powder, and maybe Sauce once we figure out all the legalities. What we have so far: Wintered from 2012 / New Brown 7 Pot 7 Pot Primo Bhut J. Indian Carbon Morougah Black NAGA Scarlet Lantern Yellow 7 Pot Red BrainStrain* Yellow Brain Strain* Fatalli* Douglah* Bhut Cross * Chocolate Devils Tongue* Butch T* Red T. Scorpion*
Going to cut back this year. Only 17 varieties started today, about 150 actual seeds. Probably only 5 more after this. Had a lot going on at the end of last season and did not pull any plant to overwinter, which means I lost my 3rd year Tree hab... O well. Time to start over. The list: Chocolate Bhut Giant Bhut C. Galapagoense C. Annuum var. Glabriusculum Black Congo Goats Weed Birgit Locoto Anaheim Jalapeno Chocolate Hab large long Fatalii Ugandan Tree Hab mother Tree Hab 1st gen Tree hab 2nd gen Tree hab 3rd gen PI 159236 PI 653675 C. Rhomboideum Hot Thai ornamental Everything is being germinated in cups in my little cabinet then moved up to the big one when they put on a good set of true leaves. Pictures to come when they...
This is my 2nd year growing peppers seriously and the first with superhots. I grow by windowlight because I'm in an apartment and finishing up university. These pics were taken today. First, these are my year old plants from last year. They were all pruned back to nothing when winter started and this is all new growth. Thankfully, they all survived the lowlight winter conditions with almost no problems. Since I only have 2 windows that get enough light to grow, I can't keep all my year olds if I want to grow some new strains. Thankfully, my parents have 3 acres to plant in at their place so I'll pick which ones to throw in the ground this spring to get one last big harvest from them. This is currently my favorite plant. It's a thai...
Hola people This is my second year on THP plants started begining of Feb. inside around 60 varieties(I do have pictures of the beginning if people are interested in seeing rows of plastic cups but it's prob a bit boring) here are some pictures of this years pods: Royal Gold Orange Bhut Bahamian Goat pepper Pickersgills Orange Jalapeno Piquillo pepper West Indian Hab Rocoto Aji Largo Rocoto La Paz Big thanks to Superhot and the people on THP for providing so many interesting new varieties this year
Playing catch up on the posting. Spring showed up about a month early here in Georgia and it's got us hoppin. Started around the1st of February, but staggered the germination trays by roughly a week to 10 days each. Started under 8 lamp T5, mixed bulbs. This grow will be "organic", meaning no salt based nutes, pesticides, herbicides. ******Please correct species or origin if you find error***** All strains below are from THP members with the exception of the Datil (minorcan). Grow List: 7 Pot Yellow chinense Trinidad 7 Pot Red chinense Trinidad Congo Trinidad chinense Trinidad Trinidad Congo Butch T chinense Trinidad Caribbean Red Habanero chinense Mexico Orange...
Hi all, I'm from New England but spending time in Puerto Rico - hopefully a few more months so I can finally get some ok harvests. Been a decent gardener back home but not particularly with peppers. Thought I'd take advantage of the endless growing season and try growing a lot of pepper varieties for food and fun. Started last June with a few local varieties (a cayenne-type and aji dulce) but most died after transplanting. Got more into it (and ordered more exotic varieties) in late fall, Learned to improve my germination results and thought I had improved my growing techniques when, again, plants started looking sick. With the help of people on this forum, I figured out that broad mites had been sabatoging not only my pepper...
Anxious to get dirt under my nails, so I might as well start this thing off. Got an unfinished basement that is mainly storage. It has an old 1957 bathroom in it. I tore that out today and will be using that as my grow room as soon as I get it done. It is small enough a small heater will keep my temps in check. (Pictures of progress will come once I get it looking better lol) Last year I built a grow table and this year I am putting up a shelving unit with grow lights on many of the shelves. My one garden area that will be expanded on this year I believe. 40x30 My other garden which is longer, but not as wide. Then I put this row in last year and my thoughts we strawberries, but it might be a row of peppers. Ugggh...
Testing, testing ... This will be my first season of growing superhots. I'd like to thank everyone here who shared the seeds with me, especially AjiJoe, Mopeppa, Wayright, Lanman, Spicegeist, Hot Stuff , AtomicCobra, RedtailForester, Chilefreak ... and all the great info on growing chiles. I will post more photos as the season progress. Thanks, Sy
:welcome: :welcome: hi everyone this is my attempted at growing chillis for the first time first off I bought a vitopod then I built my grow lights ready for when the seeds sprout I used a clothes hanging rail to hang the reflector which I found at home bargains for 6.99 and it can extend to about 2 metres high ive got build a box around it with some emergence blankets for reflectivity as there will be no weight to the box it can be made light weight and a little close up of the bulb at work the bulb is 125w 8000 lumens & 6400k http://www.ebay.co.u...9#ht_4737wt_951 this is what I planted yesterday Capsicum Chinense Douglah (0/4) Dorset Naga (0/4) Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (0/2) Bhut Jolokia Red (0/2) Bhut jolokia yellow...
To set the stage: It's May, everybody else has been preparing for months, many have their plants ready to go, 20 feet high if they're an inch! Wulf wakes up one morning and says "Hey, you know what I've never done? Grow anything, ever. I think I'll try that." Skip ahead. It's July. Wulf has a kitchen table full of cups and bottles with things growing in them. This time, they're growing intentionally. He thinks "Hey, you know what I should've done a month ago? Put the damn plants outside. I think I'll try that." Skip further ahead, it's August. The purples are the first to start creating flowers, followed by serranos, followed by the jalapenos. The scorps, habs, and peters are disturbingly masculine in their refusal to...
This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season . I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list: Red Trinidad Scorpion 1 Trinidad Scorpion Green 3 Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1 Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully) Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2 7 pot Chaguanas 2 7 pot Brainstrain red 1 7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1 7 pot Jonah 1 7 pot yellow 1 7 pot Burgundy 1 7 pot Brown 1 Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1 Bhut Jolokia...
So, I got a bit of a late start, but nonetheless I am proceeding with my first pepper grow. On May 1st I planted 36 seeds. 12 each of jalapeno, cayenne, and habanero. In the picture below, these are the seeds in the right half of the tray. I hadn't done much reading at the time I planted the first 36 seeds so I just bought a seed starting kit with pellets that expanded into potting soil when I poured water over them. After a bit of reading that night (I couldn't stop, and still can't, reading learning and watching my peppers (thanks THP!)) I started to worry about the potting soil that I used, so I planted 34 more seeds on May 2nd in a MiracleGro orchid mix, in the right half of the tray. For fertilizer I am using: I am...
Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice. Happy growing! The Beehunter
Hello, everyone! First of all I'm from Russia and I'm here,on this forum, cause we don't have such great forum. Now I'm growing some cayennes, unknown chili from Vietnam and local variety called "Ogonek" or "Little Fire" along with parsley. Also waiting for lots of other seeds to come =) Here are some pics(all was sown at the end of April): All plants together with my main helper =) Little temporary light box( 5.050 lm) for foggy days Unknow chili from Vietnam Some leaves on cayennes are covering with tiny black dots, seems like bacteria or so, and one small new leaf just dried out comletely. The question is worry or not? Pic of city at night just for show you where I live. =) And I'm glad to hear your comments.
First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.
Hi...I'm new to growing, and having a problem germinating seeds. I've used the damp paper towel in a ziplok before, and it usually works. Over the summer, I seeded about 3/4 pound of t-scorps, and have tried to test-germinate 10 or so seeds, 3 times now. They go from a firm, straw colored seed, to a yellowish brown, and start looking slimey after a few days. I'm not sure if I harvested the seeds wrong, but have done this a few times before with jalapenos, and scotch bonnets, (and a few others) and they germinated just fine. Any ideas what I may be dong wrong, or suggestions? I have a few hundred seeds, but I don't want to waste them all trying to geminate them unsuccessfully. Thanks
I figured I could start one of these now that I have two different plants growing. Some of last year's Cayenne seeds from a foaf who sells in a farmer's market. I started these back in June. The dried pods from last year Seedlings to be divided Newly divided seedlings Back in March I planted a packet of Minorcan Datil seeds. I ended up with two plants which made it to maturity. One is a Datil, and one is either a hybrid, mutant, or another seed entirely. The flower in singles, never doubles, so they aren't chinense, maybe annuum, or frutescens? Who knows...they grow well, pretty prolifically, taste good, look good, and aren't too hot for "normal" people to enjoy. So I'm growing the heck out of them. They are thick...
Hi. Okay, maybe not that close. I'm using good quality potting mix from the plant shop for everything. I first started off using two hot water cupboards - I don't know if you have them in the US but it is just a hot water cylinder for your house and makes the cupboard within which they reside warm-ish - depending on how old they. What you want is basic and/or old and then, they aren't as efficient. I first started off a few Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow, a few Fatalis and a couple of Rocotos in a plastic container at my girlfriend's beach house - that was nice and warm but we could only stay a week. The chillis didn't quite pop and they ended up going into the second hot water cupboard at my grandmother's house. It simply wasn't as...
Hi! This will be my gf's and I first attempt at growing our own hot peppers. So im hoping all goes well, and we'll be able to give our families some quality spicy peppers. We started growing around mid-April(April 16 or 17). Started off with buying seeds from Hell Hot Products(ebay), a germination station, Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix, Miracle Gro Bloom Booster, distilled water. On the germination tray, i sowed them per row: 1st row: Naga Morich 2nd: Datil 3rd: Yellow Scotch Bonnet 4th: Butch T 5th: Jamaican Chocolate Habanero and the 6th row was a mixed bag of the leftover seeds. And basically followed these instructions to germinate the seeds: http://www.ecoseeds.com/Pepper.growing.tips.html. After the first 7 days I...
This is late in coming, and I don't have pictures for everything... So bear with me. Iive in zone 9b, and we had quite a mild winter, so I started germinating seeds indoors in october. I have a desk with a hutch and a built in Flourescent light... I also have a surround sound system with rather tall speakers that leave about 5 inches between the light in the hutch and my jiffy green house. I started 10 Orange Habs, 10 Long Thin Cayenne, 10 Thai Sun, and 10 Big Early Jalapenos, the seed was not isolated and was collected off my plants from last year. The cayenne was a sad plant, and only produced 3 or 4 pods all summer... The Habanero beside it produced enough to make gallons of puree'd Habs that I love to eat by the spoon full. The...
Ok. I'm in the ring. This is really my first year growing from seed and may as well be my first year ever. Last year we had a bag garden (which was pretty weak), and Justaguy contributed a couple of bucket plants later in the season (awesome). So, just to get this out in the open early, I'm a little OCD. DANGER PLANTS! DANGER! FLEE FROM THE FURRY ONE! My natural tendency is to, well, let's just call it over-love my plants. "You like fertilizer? Well you'll love it straight from the bottle!" One of my bigger hurdles is to just let the plants do their thing. I mean, I have grown up in a culture of drive-thru instant gratification, which doesn't exactly breed patience… But I'm working on it. Trying to tread gently through the grow...
Final Grow list season 3rd March 3, 2012 1. Fatalli Yellow- the.chilli.man on ebay 2. Peter- Time and Terra- ID Terra ebay 3. Bere Bere- Jungle Rain 4. Trinidad Combo Brown/ Red- a la Congo??- Time and Terra- ID Terra ebay 5. Naga Black- Aji Joe 6. Peach Bhut Jolokia- Aji Joe 7. Xai Xai- Smokemaster 8. Piri Piri- Smokemaster 9. Mustard Hab- CmP 10. Cappuccino Hab- CmP 11. Kpakpo Shito - Ghana - J.T. Delaney 12. Maldives Heart- AISPES 13. Chocolate T S- AISPES 14. T M Scorp- J Duffy- bought months ago- got lucky on price. I have seeds from karmalies805 on ebay from Texas, THSC, Pepperlovers and Refining Fire Chilies. Decided to try Jim’s as he was a real gent to me 15. Orange Rocotto- Semillas.de 16. Trinidad Brain...
So this year I am growing White Habanero, Black Jalapeño, Sweet Crimson, Cayenne, Cayenne Blend, Green Bell Pepper, Chocolate Bell Pepper, Serrano, and Santa Fe Grande's. I have lived in Louisiana for about a year (for the Army) and because of the hot and humid climate I decided it would be a good time to start a garden (there is not much to do in our area). Naturally because of the ridiculous hot temp here, my peppers have done better than anything else. That was the beginning of my pepper plant obsession haha... So anyway not to long ago I purchased some seeds to add to my variety of peppers and decided to go ahead and germinate a few from each pack since the first frost where I live usually on average is Nov. 26, I'm hoping...
Well, here we go... Started about 35 Korean Gochu Peppers and a few Korean salad peppers, jalapenos and orange habs. All are mostly up today but the habs. I started them early last week in my heated grow tent down in my cellar on top of a grow mat, but didn't have the thermostat quite dialed in. When I left it it was 70 degrees f. in the tent. When I checked again the next morning it was 85 degrees, and I was afraid I'd cooked the seeds, so I moved them onto my kitchen windowsill on the grow mat and awaited developments. Looking much better now. I'll give the Habs until the weekend to pop, then move the flat down to the grow tent.