• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Here is my 2013 grow list 7pod Primo Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Billy Goat Black Pearl Brain Strain Red Brain Strain Yellow Butch T Scorpion Carolina Reaper Pepperjoe’s Carolina Reaper Smokin” Ed”s Devil’s Tongue Dorset Naga Fatalii Chocolate Fatalii Yellow habanero Caribbean red Habanero Black Habanero Chocolate Habanero Orange Habanero Pumpkin Habanero Red Sevina Habanero White Jamaican Hot Chocolate Laotian Manzano Mauruga Red Scorpian Naga Morich Peter Pepper Red S.R Strain Satan’s Kiss Scorpion Chocolate Scorpion Cardi Yellow Thai Hot Ornamental Trinidad 7-pot...
ok guys so i got some ga3 from a member on here to try out and see if i like it... so i started 3 black pearl seedlings a couple day after i got it and i will post results on here... Im posting this a little early.. i will be doing the test in a week or so but there is a reason for this.. i want to see if anyone has any opinons on this.. or any info on how to use it... i have info that came with it but seeing if any of you know more... I will post pictures tomarrow when i get home from school of the seedlings... THANKS TYLER
LanMan's 2012 Grow Log now with pods!!!
So away we go! The List: Butch-T 3 Chocolate Habanero 16 Brain Strain 3 Large Yellow Scorpion Cardi 9 Yellow 7-Pot 7 Bishops Crown 10 Red Bhut 6 Aji Yellow 9 Yellow Bhut 3 Hot Paper Lantern 6 Labuya 6 Yellow Scotch Bonnet 9 Black Naga 7 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion 7 Red Fatalii 7 Bhut Indian Carbon 1 as of today Moruga Scorpion 9 Billyboy Dougla 5 Red 7-Pot 12 Assorted Unknown Habaneros 13 The Seedflat Mabye some will come up, mabye all will come up. Who knows? I'll keep my fingers crossed and will be happy to have one of all sprout but I'm not usually...
Golden433 - First Time Grow
Hi Everyone - I'm just getting started with growing hot peppers, and have a MegaGarden each in two rooms. For each room, I have: - MegaGarden, with a water pump set to run 15 minutes every 6 hours (4 times per day) - A General Hydroponics Fluorowing 125W CFL, which is on 12 hours per day - Feeding using General Hydroponics FloraNova. The seedlings are a mixture of Tasmanian Habanero, Serrano and Ghost. The A room seem to be growing pretty well, but the I have yellowing leaves, leaves that curl inward, and the bottom leaves are falling off: A room - pH 6.5, Nutes 367 PPM B room - pH 6, Nutes 327 PPM [To follow] B room - pH 6, Nutes 327 PPM Does anyone know what might be wrong?
Howdy all, First post. Day one!! Germination commenced on July 27, 2012 at 19:00 UTC +1. The goal with this project is to grow peppers year round indoors. Probably do some herbs, onions, and tomatoes as well, if I have some beginners luck. I want to be eating fresh pico de gallo in January. So here's to the weekend and day 1. Cheers. I'll post some pictures over the weekend. Right now my better half is nagging that we should go for a swim. ** Oh I've got Cayenne, Jalapeno, Caribbean Red, Dutch Yellow, Habanero, Apache, Basil, Cilantro going.
Baker's Peppers 2012 GLOG
Welcome everyone and thanks for dropping by to check out how things are going here at Baker's Peppers! This GLOG is more geared for everyone to just follow us and our production this year..nothing serious, just for fun :) Remember this all started in my other thread on here...heres the link.... http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26029-indoor-grow-area-build-grow-pics/page__fromsearch__1 ...now i will continue the progress here as im guessing you have seen enough seed germination and grow...lol...Now we move to the meat of the operation! :) Heres a few pics of what i currently have on the ground in the nursery....this isnt all of it, just some pics i snapped today of some areas im working on lately :) Brain Strain Red Mix of...
Windchicken Grow 2012
Looks like I'm getting a late start again this year...Should be setting seeds to sprout in the next few days....Anyway, here's the order I made from Beth this morning. It's not really my complete grow list, because I'm planting lots of saved seeds (from my 2011 Grow and from trades with my THP friends) for the first time this year. Also, I don't know that I will plant everything from this order, but I am excited about some of the new varieties: Absent from the above list but going in the ground this year: Trinidad Scorpion Congo Trinidad True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Thai Chile (Garden Bird Seed variety) Nambe Pueblo Birgit's Locoto Several bird types from THP friends, including, but not limited to (because I can't remember them all...
D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food
so.... again this is my 1st year of planting peppers... i know i know some i bought at the store/arborateum/people but i also planted some frome seeds and have learned so much.... here are a couple of my mistakes my girls decided to help daddy and put a TON of water in these bhuts... what can i do to revive them??? started off strong now this.... why did it become weak like this???purchased some jamaican scotch bonnets from TRADEWINDS... and this is what i got so for from this packetno i didn't mislabel them or did i mix my seeds up...will the real jamaican please stand up...other pics can be found on herehttp://thehotpepper....started-a-blog/http://thehotpepper....ot-pepper-pics/
Sili Grow 2012
The stakes are higher (hotter) for me this year. My main grow starts in a couple of weeks, but I thought I'd test fire some of these C. Chinense varieties in baggies / coffee filters just to get a feel for germination rates. Baccatums and Annuums start later. My main grow will involve Hoffman's Seed Starter medium in 72-cell flats. This is a pretty big 'test,' and I'll grow 'em forward if they sprout, then compare with the dirt-born later. Thanks to those enablers who sent seeds and advice. I hope to let you know how they turn out. I thusly unleash heavenly hellish heat upon thyself. An unholy out-of-the-ground beginning: A high tech germination center:
Indoor winter flowering glog
So I got a chance to check on my plants after the long work weekend and found some cool stuff happening. I will keep updates, I'm pretty excited since this is my first indoor grow and first indoor harvest. Bhut. Been flowering for weeks but a few have opened! Orange Hab. 2 or 3 months old. Not a huge plant has about 4 flowers already. Pirura(spelling?) Only about 10" tall now and begining to load with flowers. One of my favorites as the go through color phases
My First Mini-Glog Post (With Amateur Pics)
I'm a relative newbie, and pepper growing in the Northwest can be a challenge. However, we have had a nice late summer and it looks like it may keep going for a while. In the past, I bring a few of the better plants into the garage in October and try to extend the ripening process. This year, I may buy a cheap tent style greenhouse for that purpose. I only have about 15 plants, so this is a small operation. I snapped these pictures today (September 16th). This is my first time trying superhots. A Ghost is on the left, and Trinidad Scorpion on the right. The Ghost is my weakest producer. The Scorpion is loaded but none are ripe. Here's a closer shot of my Scorpion. I hope you can see those green pods among the leaves! One...
GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!
This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago....... Purple Bhut Red Brain Strain Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy) Douglah x Butch T Monster Infinity Kaval Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White Peach Habanero Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate 40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
WhamGenetics Winter Peppers 2012-13 Picture Heavy
Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping in. I'll be growing lots of peppers, bring on the snow, bring on the heat! A big thank you to everyone who helped me collect these strains! Grow list: 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 7 Pot Congo Red SR (Cmpman1974) 7 Pot Infinity (Aji Joe) 7 Pot Jonah (Silver_Surfer) 7 Pot MadBallz Rusty 3x (Cmpman1974) 7 Pot Primo x2 (DurhamBull) Black Naga Jolokia (Aji Joe) Bhut Jolokia White 2x (PepperLover) Bhut Jolokia Carbon (PepperLover) Bolivian Bumpy Cheiro Roxa Chocolate Morouga Hix strain 1 (Cmpman1974) CGN 21500 (Hendrix1326) Fatali (PepperLover) Jay's Ghost Scorpion Red (JoynersHotPeppers) HP22b 3x (Hendrix1326) Impact (Cmpman1974) Nebru (Cmpman1974) New Mexico Suave Orange Hab Pimenta da Neyde Pimenta da...
Jmans 2012/2013 Aussie growlog
This is my second year growing, first grow log. Sorry havn't talked to anyone lately, had few health issues + work issues. Having alot of issues with my feet atm, making it hard for me to do gardening. Have afew plants to uproot this year, most my plants are still going well outdoors. I should have some early starting bhuts, aji lemons, butch T's, this season(should say next season winter only started lol). Still have some pods growing too, lowest temps here are about 10c. Just started soaking my seeds starting with 8 varieties Fatilii Zimbabwe Birdseye (from chilliseedbank.com.au instead of random nursery this time) Rocoto red Tabasco Asian birdseye (cambodian variety off a friend) Bigjim Hungarian black Jalapeno
BigCedars SuperHot Grow 2012
Hey Everyone :) 2012 will be my first full year being a member of this great forum. So, I figured why not do a start to finish growlog for the first time. Instead of writing down a journal of germination times, flower times, ferts, soils, plant out dates, etc.. like I have in the past.. I'll be using my growlog instead. There will be extra information that I'm sure the seasoned pros won't need to read but I'm sure anyone new to this hobby will enjoy the extra info I'll be posting. I absolutely love checking up on other members growlogs, It's my daily newspaper! :lol: I figured as much entertainment you all have given me this year.. It's time to entertain back. Hope you all enjoy. One more thing.. Before we get started with the grow...
Currently cut down one of my carrot/jalapeno plants (not sure what it was never grew large enough :P) Potted it up in a bonzai pot, new sprouts are shooting out which is good, ill get some photos up soon :) Ill keep it posted here so if people are interested they can follow progress. thanks
Capsidadburn grow 2012
Outside in my backyard are the remains of my 2011 season carcass sprawling all over the backyard. It is ugly! It needs to be reanimated and made ready for my 2012 season within 2 months. Inside of course the season has began all over again. I am very pleased to say that I am only germinating 36 variety's so far this year. That is down 75 from last year. Pending some trades arrival from Finland, (7 more), that will be all. I have managed to keep myself out of the marketplace where the seeds tend to flow like white water rapids. Here is my germ list for 2012; Yellow 7 Pod Cappy purchased pods Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Cappy purchased pods Trinidad Yellow Scorpion CARDI Saved seeds (me) Bih Jolokia T. S...
DonLava's Grow for 2012
Hey People! 1st Update The shelf was bought from lowes space heater 1000w does a 360 heat the plant flats I got for free from lowes because they where used to hold starts but I found they are great to keep plants upright and close but in their own cells. Double window that faces south for FREE sunlight :P Growlog 2012 Anaheim pepper Hungarian pepper Cayenne pepper Sweet Banana Pepper Pequin pepper Jalapeno pepper Orange Habenero Pepper Rainbow Bell pepper Black Pearl pepper Vine Sweet Pepper Tabasco Pepper Cubanelle Pepper Caribbean Red Habenero pepper Pasilla Bajo pepper Sweet Banana Pepper Pablano Pepper Yellow Habenero Pepper Cascabella Pepper Yellow 7-pot x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion (Aji Hombre) Scorpion Red (Aji Hombre) Bhut...
Well was encouraged to start a grow log so here is goes. I started my first set of seeds a week before Halloween. I sewed about 25 of my own habanero plant seeds. Was hoping I would be able to get a few plants from them if anything at all. I started these while I was waiting for other seeds to be received. They germinated very quickly and very well. Out of the 25 I got 22 sprouts that are still alive. I have 2 that are a little puny due to helmet-head. Last weekend I started some more seeds in jiffy pots and had a few pop through over yesterday and today. So, tonight I transferred two of my habanero cups into their own personal cup and transferred the new seedlings to their own cups as well. I am currently using the windowsill in...
JoynersHotPeppers 2012 GLOG
SEED LIST Butch "T" Trinidad Scorpion Naga Morich 7 Pod / 7 Pot Trinidad Scorpion Yellow Bhut Jolokia Ghost (Or Bhut Jolokia ) Giant Ghost (Giant Bhut Jolokia ) Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Scotch Bonnet White Habanero Golden Habanero Red Savina Purple Jalapeno Joe's Giant Jalapeno Black Jalapeno Jalapeno -Early Kung Pao Charleston Thai Sun Thai Red Thai Orange Thai Yellow Hot Cow Horn Lemon Drop Chiltepin Amarillo Mulato Isleño All seeds are soaking below and labeled. This produced awesome germination. I was well over 90% successful on what I planted. I ended up killing off as many as I had left standing. 3/12/2012 I'll post up to where I am now throughout the weekend. Cheers! First out of the soil Thai Orange 3/19/12...
Jamison's 2012 Grow Log Now overwintering
Hello everyone and welcome to my very own Glog. Got a later start than normal this year but I'll keep em under the lights 24/7 til end of May or early June, properly harden off and plant in 5 gallon buckets. All seeds came from Pepperjoes.com and pepperlover.com. Also one Burpee seed. Soaked seeds overnight on 3/27, and all went into coco pellets the next morning and placed into a propagator for germination. As soon as I had a sprout the dome came off for air circulation. Last Saturday, took all the sprouts I wanted mixed up 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite, and 3 parts Promix organic soil , took the netting off around the pellets and planted into the oh so famous solo cups, with holes drilled in the bottom of course. They have been...
First ever grow attempt - tips would be appreciated.
Hi guys, This is my first ever attempt at growing chili "or anything" from seed so figured i would make a Grow Log so people can give me any tips if they notice things about the plants i wont know about. my seeds have been sowed about 3 weeks ago for the capsicum & spring onion you will see in the background, just over 2 weeks for the morugas and various times over the last week for the other varieties "the newer ones have dates on the labels". i apologize about the quality of the pictures i could not find my camera so had to use my phone. hopefully moving forward will be able to find my camera and give nicer update pictures. any feedback would be much appreciated Hard to see but one of the black pearls has sprouted "each jiffy has...
So I just finalized my grow list for 2012, aka my first attempt at growing peppers. I'm starting out relatively small for my first time, although it has been tough trying to narrow them down thanks to Jamie (romy6) and his extreme generosity. But at any rate here is what I plan to grow: Red Bhut Jolokia - 1 7 Pot Jonah - 1 Naga Morich - 2 Brain Strain - 2 TS Butch T - 2 Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - 1 Yellow Fatalii - 1 So that's a total of 10 plants and 7 varieties. I'll be starting at the first of the year. Wish me luck! Edit: Hehe, I just posted this and I'm already changing it up. I decided that since I'm growing 2 naga morich, they are supposed to be similar to bhuts so I dropped 1 red bhut and added 1 7 pot jonah
MarkT growing log 2011
Hello my fellow chilliheads, This is my first time growing chillis or any other plants for the matter. I have been reading and learning from this forum and am truely inspired but the impressive chilli plants grown by the members here. My goal is to be able to successfully grow chinense varieties that are currently unavailable here in Malaysia. I have been collecting chilli seeds from Australia, South Africa, UK and Australia and so far I have successfully germinated the following type. Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Red Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Fatalii Yellow Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend Yellow 7 Pod Chocolate Habanero Yellow Habanero Red Savina Datil Bonda Ma Jacques Dorset Naga Yellow Scotch...
2012 Grow log Vladan Smiciklas Rainbow Chili Seeds Here is the list of seeds I sow this week hope for the best , some of the variety was last seeds I will be very happy to see all those below germinate for me, all of my hybrids are with my initials V.S those are most of first time in soil. 1.CGN 22208 C.Galapagoense 2. Peppadew 3. Amarela de Belem 4. Murupi red 5.S.R Trinidad Scorpion 6.Aji Brown 7.V.S Colibri F-1 8.Habanero Rojo Yucatan 9.V.S Armaggedon F-1 10. Vounatu 11.Ethiopean brown 12.Hach pepper 13. v.v Urnebes F-1 14.Vera Cruz 15.Joker hat 16.Kuei Mei’s 17.V.S Vladan slider sweet bell F-1 18.Ciliatum ( Rhombodeum ) 19.V.S Kaval F-2 20.Arivivi/Aribibi Gusano 21.V.S Lolita F-1 22.H.Grosse Blatter 23.V.S Jivaro F-1...
Melissa77754 2012 Glog
Hey Everyone So I figured it is about time I start a Grow log of my own and I will do my very best to keep it up to date. With two kiddos and a massive amount of plants my days can be pretty hectic. I grew jalapenos and serranos last season, had a decent harvest considering the small pot size I used. In July I met a nice lady giving away hot pepper seeds to newbies on GW, decided to give them a try, August met Smokemaster through a generous SASBE offer and the rest is history!! lol I started a batch in late August so I have some "overwinters" if you will, living in SoCal I can grow year round with the right protection from time to time. I started out with a cheap 12'x7' hoop house and when the winds thrashed that I bought two 6x8...
Casper's grow log
This year I decided to try out hydroponics with a single ghost chili plant (which my girlfriend named Casper) in a 3 gallon DWC bucket. I started the seedling some time in March, but only transplanted to the DWC bucket about 3 weeks ago. It was severely root bound and not very happy before then, but has since taken off! The leaves are WAY bigger than any pepper leaves I have ever seen (the largest are about 9 inches long and still growing), and I think it's perfect. The stem went up about 5 or 6 leaves, then split to two, and each of those split into two. The only thing breaking the symmetry is branching at the bottom of the stem, which I have read that I should allow to grow rather than prune. Buds are forming at each of the splits...
Pr0digal_sons not so Prodigal season.
Seeds soaked in peroxide and superthrive solution for 24 hours. First 72 cell tray of seeds planted 1/11/12. Pro-mix seed starting mix was used to fill the cells. Placed on my heated bathroom floor tile... Wait shouldn't this be in the ghetto grow thread? 1/17/12 hooks and seedlings 1/20/12 more sprouts and seedlings. 1/23/12 After 3 days of neglect while I was out of town. Tray sat on a table near south facing window. Not what they needed but it kept them alive. I used my 15 minutes of free time for the week and hung a light for them.
ATX-EFX 2013 Gro Log
This year we have started a bit early due to inpatients, that and the fact that we can pull it off in our climate. My son and I have decided to team up with my old friend and build a green house. He just bought a house and has extra land that is dyeing to make us a little money. We are thinking about getting in to a local farmers market selling pods, powder, and maybe Sauce once we figure out all the legalities. What we have so far: Wintered from 2012 / New Brown 7 Pot 7 Pot Primo Bhut J. Indian Carbon Morougah Black NAGA Scarlet Lantern Yellow 7 Pot Red BrainStrain* Yellow Brain Strain* Fatalli* Douglah* Bhut Cross * Chocolate Devils Tongue* Butch T* Red T. Scorpion*
Going to cut back this year. Only 17 varieties started today, about 150 actual seeds. Probably only 5 more after this. Had a lot going on at the end of last season and did not pull any plant to overwinter, which means I lost my 3rd year Tree hab... O well. Time to start over. The list: Chocolate Bhut Giant Bhut C. Galapagoense C. Annuum var. Glabriusculum Black Congo Goats Weed Birgit Locoto Anaheim Jalapeno Chocolate Hab large long Fatalii Ugandan Tree Hab mother Tree Hab 1st gen Tree hab 2nd gen Tree hab 3rd gen PI 159236 PI 653675 C. Rhomboideum Hot Thai ornamental Everything is being germinated in cups in my little cabinet then moved up to the big one when they put on a good set of true leaves. Pictures to come when they...
Geist's 2012 grow log
This is my 2nd year growing peppers seriously and the first with superhots. I grow by windowlight because I'm in an apartment and finishing up university. These pics were taken today. First, these are my year old plants from last year. They were all pruned back to nothing when winter started and this is all new growth. Thankfully, they all survived the lowlight winter conditions with almost no problems. Since I only have 2 windows that get enough light to grow, I can't keep all my year olds if I want to grow some new strains. Thankfully, my parents have 3 acres to plant in at their place so I'll pick which ones to throw in the ground this spring to get one last big harvest from them. This is currently my favorite plant. It's a thai...
Lando's glog pictures 2012
Hola people This is my second year on THP plants started begining of Feb. inside around 60 varieties(I do have pictures of the beginning if people are interested in seeing rows of plastic cups but it's prob a bit boring) here are some pictures of this years pods: Royal Gold Orange Bhut Bahamian Goat pepper Pickersgills Orange Jalapeno Piquillo pepper West Indian Hab Rocoto Aji Largo Rocoto La Paz Big thanks to Superhot and the people on THP for providing so many interesting new varieties this year
Alpha Hydroponics GLOG 2012
Playing catch up on the posting. Spring showed up about a month early here in Georgia and it's got us hoppin. Started around the1st of February, but staggered the germination trays by roughly a week to 10 days each. Started under 8 lamp T5, mixed bulbs. This grow will be "organic", meaning no salt based nutes, pesticides, herbicides. ******Please correct species or origin if you find error***** All strains below are from THP members with the exception of the Datil (minorcan). Grow List: 7 Pot Yellow chinense Trinidad 7 Pot Red chinense Trinidad Congo Trinidad chinense Trinidad Trinidad Congo Butch T chinense Trinidad Caribbean Red Habanero chinense Mexico Orange...