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  1. W

    DWC raft lettuce grow

    I wanted to try this after seeing pictures of a few systems that looked enticing, not to mention inexpensive to build and relatively easy to maintain. Found a cheap source for Styrofoam (a Drywall company), had a 24x30" box and some 4-mill plastic to line it with. I also have several shop...
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    My raised bed at the Fair grounds

    As some of you may recall, last year my fair project was constructing a raised bed on an asphalt parking lot and then trying to grow about 25 different veggies, usually two or more varieties of each. It did great until the heat and drought hit. Except for the cotton, my harvest was non-existent...
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    I think I'm finished sowing/planting stuff

    OK, at least for the spring planting. I'm out of room but later this summer or fall, I'll replace lot of plants. This is what I have so far: Acorn Squash - 15 Hot Peppers - 30 Onions - 20 Strawberries - 140 Potatoes - 100 Green Beans (KY Blue pole) - 450 Tomatoes - 140 Romaine Lettuce - 120...
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    misc Better production using science

    I am not a Master Gardener. I do not have a degree in anything related to agriculture. The following may be an abuse of electrons. But it may prove useful. For the past three years, I have been trying to learn the science behind growing plants. Not that there is anything wrong with "stick them...
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    Nuggets in the Mail!

    I needed some unique plants for this season and decided to go with hops. The ones I got are Nugget - apparently great for pale ales. Two of them will go in front of my house, behind some hummingbird vines (also massive plants!) and two will go in my raised bed at the Fairgrounds. At both places...
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    drying Dehydrating fruit

    Seeing how I have strawberry, blackberry and raspberry bushes/plants in the garden, a banana plant upstairs, plus a couple of cherry trees in the yard and hope to add apricot, peach and apple trees this fall/next spring, I figure I need to experiment with dehydrating fruit. Ohio has some weird...
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    contest It wasn't a Throwdown but...

    I found, and my son made (with changes) one delicious, diabolic, decadent diabetic dessert for his mom today. The basic ingredients: Filling Ingredients 4 cups rhubarb, chopped or sliced 1 cup fresh strawberries 1 large apple (whatever kind is sweet and in season) 3/4 cup organic apple juice...
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    I ordered five packages of these seeds: Red Quinoa, Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa and Quinoa. Linda, who is diabetic, told me about these a few months ago and they were on my list, but got forgotten among the tomatoes, peppers, peas, chard, onions, etc. Then I was looking up diabetic recipes for...
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    Got my fruit trees and plants today

    150 TriStar strawberries 5 Caroline Raspberries 3 Triple Crown Blackberries Vandalay Cherry on Gisela 5 Montmorency Cherry on Gisela 5 I'm impressed with the size of the trees - 3-4 tall above the graft. Probably will not have any cherries this year, though a couple of people reported they got...
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    seeds-germination For those who start hundreds of seedlings

    I'm sold! In years past, I always mass sowed seeds in premium potting mix then after they developed true leaves, transplanted them into nursery trays. I was able to start close to 1000 seedlings at a time, but it used up every bit of space I had. This year, I needed more than double that for...
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    Finally - Got to plant something

    Thanks to keeping plastic over part of my garden, I was able to actually work the ground today. Not bad, after a week in which we got rain six of seven days, a couple of times 2" or more. It took a while to till it - the last time was nearly a year ago and it was packed. But after five trips...
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    Wife in hospital

    Linda has Type 2 diabetes, but it seems to be insidious, causing way more damage than normal. She lost her ability to drive a few months, instead of years, after the docs noticed she may have diabetic retinopathy. Tonight, she is in the hospital with an early stage of congestive heart failure...
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    Orange Tree Has Set Fruit

    Several months ago, I ordered a dwarf orange tree. For a long time, it was in a DWC system under a 400 watt MH bulb. It grew very, very slowly then finally started adding a leaf or two. About six weeks ago, I moved it under a 125 LED panel and a couple weeks later, it started blooming. At least...
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    Weather sucks - intervention time

    We have had the fourth wettest April ever but things are going to get worse. Rain is forecast for the next seven days, with possibly 2-4" falling tonight/tomorrow. No doubt, we will shatter the 9" for the month record, since we are already well over seven inches. And that's at the official...
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    Companion planting

    Found this page while researching some ideas for companion planting or intercropping. Almost like doubling your growing area, not to mention other side benefits! Mike
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    Anyone own an Ambient Weater Station?

    I'm thinking about getting this one. Does anyone have any thoughts about this model or an alternative? Mike
  17. W

    Ordered some fruits and berries

    I've been waiting for this! Alas, having to rely on customers to pay is sometimes a PITA, but at least a couple did. Got everything from RainTree Nursery. There are much cheaper nurseries, but I like their rootstocks and customer service. Plus, their trees are usually much larger. My Sweet...
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    My small lettuce bed

    Last year, in the spring, summer and fall, I scattered lettuce (Simpson Elite) over a 3x7' foot area. Next to none germinated or survived more than a day or two. So I let the ground go. A couple of days ago, while walking around the yard, I noticed a couple dozen heads were growing, among the...
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    No good garden would be complete without some melons, thus I sowed 40 each of Sugar Baby and Florida Giant watermelon seeds and the same amount of Banana and Edisto 47 cantaloupe seeds. No way do I have room for all of them, some of these things seem to require up to 10' of space between plants...
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    My onion plants arrived

    600 of them. 120 each of Mars, Red Zeppelin, Ringmaster, Walla Walla and Yellow Spanish. All long-day varieties, all from Dixondale Farm. Now if the ground would just dry enough to allow me to work it and plant these things! Mike