contest BEGIN! Pizza Throwdown

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anything goes, what the hell why not?
300g flour
180g water
50g wheat sourdough starter
1 tsp chipotle chili powder
pinch of oregano
splash of olive oil
Mix sourdough starter with water, add flour and seasonings together in mixer on low setting and run for 10 minutes, cover dough with towel and let sit 20 minutes, mix again for another 5. remove dough and place in a bowel sit sit for a few hours then divide and spread.
San Marzano Tomatoes
Basil, oregano, garlic to taste at your preference
mash and stew together on low until it thickens slightly.
Ground beef
Italian blend cheese
Mini pepperoni
seasoning peppers individual preference
Bake on 425 for 17 minutes. Put pizza in mouth. Burn your mouth. Repeat. 


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Shortbread pizza crust

1 cup (2 sticks) salted butter, at cool room temperature

1 cup confectioners' sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 cups All-Purpose Flour


Preheat the oven to 300°F

grease the parchment atop a round pizza pan

In a medium-sized bowl, beat together the butter, sugar, vanilla,then beat in the flour.

The mixture may seem a little dry at first; keep beating till it comes together.

If it absolutely won't come together, dribble in up to 1 tablespoon of water, until it does. This is a stiff dough.

Using fingertips shape into pizza shape.
Use a fork to prick the dough all over; this allows any steam to escape.



Bake the shortbread until it's a light golden brown across the top surface, and a deeper golden brown around the edges, about 35 minutes.


Remove from oven and let cool

Cream cheese dessert pizza sauce

3 blocks of cream creese

1 stick butter

1/2 teaspooon Jay's peach bhut placenta powder

2 cups powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanila extract

Place all in mixing bowl and mix untill creamy

Once shortbread has cooled spoon topping onto surface


Basket of strawberries

Basket of raspberries

Basket of blackberries

5 kewi

Can of pineapple slices

2 cans manderin orange slices

Cut fruit and get creative with your decoration




This dessert pizza is a real crowd pleaser!

The heat is just enough to wake you up a bit and make you beggin for seconds.

Grass Snake's Wheelbarrow Pizza
Ingredients for dough:
2 1/2 cups 00 tipo flour + extra for dusting
1 envelope Fleischmann's Rapid Rise Yeast
3/4 Salt
1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Directions for dough:
Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl, then stir in water and olive oil. Boom! You got dough. Knead of course.
Ingredients for sauce:
1 28 oz can of SMT tomato
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 black pepper
Direction for sauce:
Strain tomatoes and discard water. Then mash all the ingredients together with potato masher. 
Buffalo mozzarella
Shredded Parmesan
Red crushed pepper
I have a whole new level of respect for pizza makers and bbq guys. Pizza making is an art form that is not easily learned over night. My first 2 attempts were complete failures. The first pizza fell apart moving it to the oven because I didn't have a pizza peel. The second burnt to a crisp trying to learn my new oven. The third attempt, which is what I present to you today, was a success, considering the circumstances. It's an honor to compete in this TD with people who are actual Chefs that take their work seriously.  
It now occurs to me I didn't get the POL pic :cry: Might disqualify me but still thankful for the opportunity to learn and challenge myself. Peace
btw: I used Live Oak for firewood



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Grass Snake said:
Grass Snake's Wheelbarrow Pizza
 Ingredients for dough:
2 1/2 cups 00 tipo flour + extra for dusting
1 envelope Fleischmann's Rapid Rise Yeast
3/4 Salt
1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
 Directions for dough:
Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl, then stir in water and olive oil. Boom! You got dough. Knead of course.
 Ingredients for sauce:
1 28 oz can of SMT tomato
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 black pepper
 Direction for sauce:
Strain tomatoes and discard water. Then mash all the ingredients together with potato masher. 
Buffalo mozzarella
Shredded Parmesan
Red crushed pepper
I have a whole new level of respect for pizza makers and bbq guys. Pizza making is an art form that is not easily learned over night. My first 2 attempts were complete failures. The first pizza fell apart moving it to the oven because I didn't have a pizza peel. The second burnt to a crisp trying to learn my new oven. The third attempt, which is what I present to you today, was a success, considering the circumstances. It's an honor to compete in this TD with people who are actual Chefs that take their work seriously.  
It now occurs to me I didn't get the POL pic :cry: Might disqualify me but still thankful for the opportunity to learn and challenge myself. Peace
btw: I used Live Oak for firewood
Nice job!

Stick with gets easier the more you do it.
Roman Style Pizza (apparently its what the NYC Hipsters are into these days)

Poolish / Pre-ferment
1. ¼ cup flour
2. ½ cup water
3. pinch of yeast (less than ¼ tsp)

Combine and cover. Let sit at room temperature for 24 hours.

Dough Recipe

1. Poolish from above.
2. 3 cups of bread flour
3. ¼ tsp of instant yeast
4. Water. No specific amount, just more than enough on hand to get the consistency of dough (said they guy in the most humid city on earth).
5. 1 tsp of coarse salt
6. 2 tbls of olive oil

Combine the ingredients (slowly incorporating the water until desired consistency) using a wooden spoon at first. Then mix in a KitchenAid mixer for 30 seconds on low and 4-5 minutes at medium. Let dough rest at room temperature for an hour and move to the refrigerator to slow rise for at least 6 hours (max 3 days).

Two (2) hours before cooking, remove from the fridge and. After the first hour knead dough into a ball and let rest for another hour then shape the dough. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Add toppings. My preferred toppings were white onions sautéed in balsamic vinegar, garlic and roasted Jimmy Nar
dello peppers. No red sauce just some olive oil.

Cook until done, approx. 10 -15 min. rotating every 5 min.

1 ingredient pic

1 cooking vessel fired up, pie in or out

1 uncooked assembled pie shot

1 finished pie shot before cutting
(Took a pic but something went wrong w/ the upload) Here's one of the test run the day before.

1 crust lift to see bottom

1 slice side shot to see crust and an individual slice
A little behind the scenes on my dessert pie ...

I just used our modified Five Minute Artisan olive oil recipe from pizza-making back in Drunken Chef from '13, because I planned to use this dough for a granny-style pizza when I mixed it up ...


I'll type it up tomorrow, but it's the recipe as printed, modified as indicated on the sticky note ...


It's a nice dough for non-mater stuff, IMHO, and is especially mild when you use the Mastro Fornaio yeast from Paneangeli ...


Zesting an aji limon like the lemon FTW (for dessert category) ;)

Added two more ...


I love me some corn meal bearings ...



Was a little bit impatient about the resting, but with good reason ...


That's HAWT!


Parbaked, large bubbles and smoke in 15 seconds, and I had to flip and build the pie really quickly and get it into the broiler pronto despite turning the burner off during the flip ...
A little behind the scenes on my breakfast pie ...

Second ball of same dough, but I handled it a bit differently in an effort to aporoximate an English muffin, it is late-night breakfast and all ...


Tasty breakfast gravy ...


That's a little NM pure vanilla paste mixing into lightly salted coffee jelly ...

In order to have more time to operate for this second pie, I shot for the temp I pre-heat my baking steel to for cooks, much less ...


Mise en place and all ...


Fresh slices of MoA or Goat from tctenten, and I used some butter for this one, to better relate it to breakfast ...

The breakfast twist's coming in the final post, tomorrow ;)

PS - those are my first ever sections of orange, lol! :rofl:
Lemon³y-Sage Sweet Naany-Pie

I drew inspiration for a dessert-category pizza from two pizza's I found while Googling 'lemon ricotta', ingredients that I had on hand for a dessert entry ...

Those links are:

1) lemon-ricotta herbed flatbread:
2) grilled naan with burrata and roasted potato and lemon:

In coming across them, I wanted to make something that looked like the latter, with an element of simplicity like the former, primarily because I intended to hit it with some gold flake for some potential photo bling!

I first thought to use an enameled cast-iron grill pan, but when Ashen used the word emissivity the other day, it dawned on me that I've explored this indoor pizza-browning space before, and hearing that word reminded me that I have a Lodge paella pan in carbon-steel that's pure baller for this application ;)

While I've come to using my Searzall for this, I decided to try the more common burner-to-broiler method for this cook, just because.

The dough is our adaptation of the Five Minute Artisan book's Olive Oil Dough recipe, using the Mastro Fornaio yeast from Paneangeli (we've previously found it be more mild than Red Star ADY), and with a little bit of added Diastatic Malt Powder to help the crust brown in the short duration cook.
  • 2x 7g packs of mastro fornaio yeast
  • 2.75x cups tepid water
  • 1.5x tablespoons of extra-fine himalayan pink salt
  • 3x tablespoons of Columela EVOO
  • 1x tablespoon of diastatic malt powder
  • 6.5x cups of leveled KAAP
A cambro was sprayed with a little bit of butter-flavored PAM, and all ingredients except the KAAP and DMP were mixed into the water and allowed to get happy for a few minutes. The flour was then added one cup at a time, mixing with a Danish Hand Whisk for dough mixing. The dough was sprayed with a little bit more of the PAM, and covered while it doubled in size out on the counter over the course of an hour-and-a-half. I punched it down thereafter, divided it into balls, which I placed in PAM'd 2 cup Ziploc containers, that I placed in the fridge to CF. The dough is usable after the 2 hour bulk on the counter, but the prime window is after at least a day, and it will becoming increasingly more twangy through the 10-12 days it's usable out of the fridge thereafter.

For this pie, it was used after a 35-40 hour wait.

You can see all of the ingredients I considered using for this, and which I eliminated:
  • 1x baseball-sized dough ball as above, cold-proofed/retarded for ~35-40x hours
  • 1/3 container of mascarpone cheese
  • 1/3 jar of lemon curd
  • 1x tablespoon maple passion syrup #FromMaine
  • 1x teaspoon of freeze-dried sage
  • 3x turns of ground himalayan pink salt
  • zest of a lemon
  • zest of three aji limon peppers
  • scant 23k edible gold flakes
The dough was allowed to warm up to room temp for about a half an hour, at which time the portable butane burner was lighted to begin heating the CS paella pan, and the broiler was turned to 'lo', and the gravy was mixed using freshly shallow-zested citrus and pepper fruit.

The pan started smoking around 650F, and I placed the elongated, corn-meal dusted crust in to par-bake once I read 720F+ on the infrared thermometer.

No more than 15 seconds later smoke was evident underneath the crust, which appearing alongside some large bubbles, so I flipped the crust in the pan to find that it was already nicely spotted, and hurried to apply the sweet gravy, before having to get it into the broiler ASAP.

The total cook time for the entire three-step process (one side pan, other side pan, and finally into the broiler) was two to two-and-a-half minutes.

No Searzall was applied during this cook, because it was a test of the burner-to-broiler technique, to see how things might work for an indoor Neapolitan pie later this weekend.

Now, continuing from:
Lemon³y-Sage Sweet Naany-Pie









I must confess, it was delicious. I actually had a picture of a more subtle upskirt shot that would have concealed that the very center of the pie was a little bit more charred than would be considered optimal, but in the interest of science, I'm posting the more candid picture. I'll add, that I really LIKE some char, and if you read my posts, it's something I'm *VERY* consistently in favor of. While I think this is open to some criticism, and it unfolded a bit faster than I could really keep up with, it was delicious, and it completely inspired making another pie later in the evening - a late-night, breakfast pie - aka 'category shananigans' for getting to cook another sweet-themed pizza in the Anything Goes category :D
Cuppa' Jō, Creamsickle BLiS - A Vanilla, Maple-Bourbon Breakfast Pie
I drew inspiration for this cook, from the dessert-pie cook.
The CS pan at 720F was unwieldy, everything happened too fast, but especially for having to assemble the pizza while it par-baked.

I love the taste of that Paneangeli yeast, which reminds me of sourdough English Muffins - especially when you use corn meal as well.

It's worth mentioning that I adore toasted & buttered English Muffins with orange marmalade and a biggie'd café con leche.
I've usually Searzall these, and I decided to try using my Searzall for the top of this pizza, in comparison to the burner-to-broiler method.

The dough is another ball from our adaptation of the Five Minute Artisan book's Olive Oil Dough recipe, using the Mastro Fornaio yeast from Paneangeli (we've previously found it be more mild than Red Star ADY), and with a little bit of added Diastatic Malt Powder to help the crust brown in the short duration cook.

Again, that's:
  • 2x 7g packs of mastro fornaio yeast
  • 2.75x cups tepid water
  • 1.5x tablespoons of extra-fine himalayan pink salt
  • 3x tablespoons of Columela EVOO
  • 1x tablespoon of diastatic malt powder
  • 6.5x cups of leveled KAAP
A cambro was sprayed with a little bit of butter-flavored PAM, and all ingredients except the KAAP and DMP were mixed into the water and allowed to get happy for a few minutes. The flour was then added one cup at a time, mixing with a Danish Hand Whisk for dough mixing. The dough was sprayed with a little bit more of the PAM, and covered while it doubled in size out on the counter over the course of an hour-and-a-half. I punched it down thereafter, divided it into balls, which I placed in PAM'd 2 cup Ziploc containers, that I placed in the fridge to CF. The dough is usable after the 2 hour bulk on the counter, but the prime window is after at least a day, and it will become increasingly twangy through the 10-12 days it's usable out of the fridge thereafter.

For this pie, it was used after a 40+ hour wait.

You can see all of the ingredients I considered using for this, and which I eliminated:

  • 1x baseball-sized dough ball as above, cold-proofed/retarded for 40+ hours
  • 1/3 container of mascarpone cheese
  • 1/3 jar of iGourmet-sourced coffee jelly
  • 1/4 half-stick of salted butter
  • 1x tablespoon of BLiS bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup
  • 1x teaspoon of nielson-massey pure vanilla bean paste
  • 3x turns of ground himalayan pink salt
  • zest and sections of a large sunkist orange
  • rings of a MoA (or Bahamian Goat, not positive) from tctenten
  • scant 23k edible gold flakes
The dough was allowed to warm up to room temp for a full hour hour this time, at which time the portable butane burner was lighted to begin heating the CS paella pan to a more moderate heat of ~420F. The red-eye 'gravy' was mixed using freshly shallow-zested citrus.

I placed the round, more relaxed corn-meal-dusted crust in the pan to par-bake once I read 420F on the infrared thermometer.

I placed some butter in the pan just ahead of the crust, and after a little more than a minute, smoke was evident underneath the crust, which came with a few large bubbles. I flipped the crust in the pan to find that it was very lightly browned this time, bordering on gray a la English Muffin. There was no leopard spotting this cook, but the butter smell conjured memories of a lifetime of Saturday morning pancake or French toast cooks, for sure. I applied the red-eye gravy, and then placed some dollops of mascarpone, before placing the orange sections and pepper rings and beginning to apply Searzall, finally.

The total cook time for the two-step process (one side pan, other side pan with concurrent Searzall) was about five minutes in total, all right there in the CS pan, on the burner.

In continuation from:

Cuppa' Jō, Creamsickle BLiS - A Vanilla, Maple-Bourbon Brekkie Pie









I was very, very happy with the taste of this pie, but I confess to longing for the appearance of the leopard spotting from the earlier cook in the dessert category. While it had a more relaxed and controlled (read boring) cook, and a vastly nicer upskirt shot for not being as high-temp, the char spots weren't as nice from the Searzall as they were from the CS pan and broiler. That said, it did in fact replicate an English muffin fairly well, and beyond that, it brought a lot of familiar breakfast flavors into one rather excellent-tasting pie. Coffee jelly, vanilla and bourbon-maple syrup, buttered muffin, Maillard's, mascarpone, Sunkist orange, and a little bit of Jamaican heat for good #THPmeasure ..

Cheers! :cheers:
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