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Damn, I think I've been Bit By A Brown Recluse

Pam said:
Sure, it's possible. It's also possible that I might win one of those gazillion million dollar lotteries and retire to a palatial yet green estate in the country where, in between growing acres of peppers and tomatoes, I'll lounge by the pool being vigorously pleasured by the buff cabana boy Julian and the studly gardener Jake...

don't you mean:

"I'll lounge by the pool being vigorously pleasured by the geeky, anaemic, be-spectalled, computer studies major, cabana boy Julian and the nerdy, cardigan wearing, 98lb, pale, shorts and long socks wearing, gardener Jake"?

I'm so funny!!!!!!!!!!
I've discovered you all are crazy absolutely crazy, but then eating any pepper above 100,000 SHU is probably not sane, OK I add myself to insane......
Pepper Belly said:
I've discovered you all are crazy absolutely crazy, but then eating any pepper above 100,000 SHU is probably not sane, OK I add myself to insane......

........in the membrane.....I'm insane, got no brain. For some reason that cypress hill song just popped up in my head.:rolleyes:
Pepper Belly said:
I've discovered you all are crazy absolutely crazy, but then eating any pepper above 100,000 SHU is probably not sane, OK I add myself to insane......
I passed insane along time ago. I'm now unsane and loving it (by most people's standards. Quite frankly, I consider myself normal. It's the rest of the world that's crazy) :rolleyes:
Pepper Belly said:
I've discovered you all are crazy absolutely crazy, but then eating any pepper above 100,000 SHU is probably not sane, OK I add myself to insane......

the first step is admitting you have a problem...

in the words of John McClane - welcome to the party pal! he also said Yippee Ki Yay...
Pam, like I said I'm not mad at you AT ALL!! I'm most definitely not trying to be a jerk. I did however look at the symtoms of a wolf spider bite. I know what you were trying to say and you are most likely right about the fact that they are normally not aggressive and I respect what you were trying to say. However I still think I was bit by one. I'm having these sypmtoms two weeks later. The bite size makes sense and my woman did kill it when I was gone. SHE found it in the bathroom. Which means they were in my house. Two weeks later I'm still having ALOT of itching and it's spreading like a rash on my chest. I'm putting Desitin on my chest now. (Yes, diaper rash stuff...LOL!!!) It's also a painful itching. I'm going to get benadryl cream on it tomorrow. Anyways, I'm just letting you know that I was being honest with my symptoms with what I though. I copied and pasted the symtoms of the side effects of a bite from them. It fits the description. Not being mad at ya. Just trying to inform you and make peace.:lol::sick:
The Wolf Spider is not aggressive but will inject venom freely if continually provoked. Symptoms of its venomous bite include swelling, mild pain, and itching.
rabbit said:
Two weeks later I'm still having ALOT of itching and it's spreading like a rash on my chest.
Oh no! I think we need a thread for Rabbit to continually update with pics. :lol:

That sucks that you still are having problems with that one.
imaguitargod said:
Oh no! I think we need a thread for Rabbit to continually update with pics. ;)

That sucks that you still are having problems with that one.
Yeah, it's an annoying rash. Nothing like yours though IGG. How's your's coming along by the way. I hope you heal up pretty quick.:) I'll take some pics later today. :lol:
rabbit said:
How's your's coming along by the way. I hope you heal up pretty quick.;) I'll take some pics later today. :lol:
Well, the pussing of intercelular fluid stopped about three days ago and now I have this scab that's in a sunken part of my face. The surrounding area is very bruised and slightly soft. It still aches a bit here and there and I don't dare touch it becuase it feels like needles piercing my skin when I do. It's gotten much better though. I still have to remain fairly elevated because the blood rushes to that area and it really hurt when that happens.

I read some more online and it turns out it may take anywhere from a month to a year to heal. The year is rare though.

Things are slowly returning to normal with my system.
imaguitargod said:
Well, the pussing of intercelular fluid stopped about three days ago and now I have this scab that's in a sunken part of my face. The surrounding area is very bruised and slightly soft. It still aches a bit here and there and I don't dare touch it becuase it feels like needles piercing my skin when I do. It's gotten much better though. I still have to remain fairly elevated because the blood rushes to that area and it really hurt when that happens.

I read some more online and it turns out it may take anywhere from a month to a year to heal. The year is rare though.

Things are slowly returning to normal with my system.

Dang IGG. That SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it heals soon. I'm sure it will. Glad I don't have that.;):D Sheeet happens. Hope ya get better soon.
Face still is sore from time to time. But it feels sooooo good when I massage it. Which is a sign that blood flow needs to be increased to the area.

On a bonus note: I just killed the mutha f*cker that bit me! I went into my room and turned on the light. There he was, crawling up the wall. I look at it and say, "Wait...that's...that's a brown recluse.". I raised my foot and lightly tapped him (don't want to stain the walls now do we :onfire: ) causing him to fall upon the floor. I lightly sweeped him into the next room with my foot and then delivered the killing stomp. A stomp so bousturous that it shoot the heavens!! Revenge at it's highest level.....boy did I feel good. No guilt whatsoever (I usually feel bad when I step on an ant...it's all life you know).

Now, let's hope the bastard didn't have any kids......
imaguitargod said:
Now, let's hope the bastard didn't have any kids......

hah that's what i was gonna say. very hard to tell if that was the actual one that bit you..it's a lot like people going out and killing a bunch of sharks to try and get one that recently attacked someone. :P

with spiders..where there is one, there are generally many others not too far off.
xgrafcorex said:
it's a lot like people going out and killing a bunch of sharks to try and get one that recently attacked someone.

And yet again another good use for small yield, low kiloton tactical nukes.
Situation Update: Well, it's been a little over 4 months and the thing still gives me problems. It's sore from time to time and slightly red in color. I now have a nice little scar there too.