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Damn, I think I've been Bit By A Brown Recluse

Dude...I figured it out! You've been bitten by a zombie!! Now go and do the zombie woof dance! Remember to post pics before and after morphing. Too bad for you man. Zombies don't drink beer. Cheers man. TB
imaguitargod said:
Oh god, I would probably faint. Or I would run down the street screaming and whacking the side of my face with a 2x4.

And post the pictures?

Only because we'd be, like, all concerned about you and stuff.
texas blues said:
Dude...I figured it out! You've been bitten by a zombie!! Now go and do the zombie woof dance! Remember to post pics before and after morphing. Too bad for you man. Zombies don't drink beer. Cheers man. TB
What does a Zombie Kitten say?


Pam said:
And post the pictures?

Only because we'd be, like, all concerned about you and stuff.
LOL. People seem to love to see me suffer (well, in a good way) :cool:
OH HELL! What the f is that?!?!?

I just did my last compress and noticed I was leaking again. So I went to the batroom with my toilet paper and started to push the stuff out as usual. I stopped when it was about 95% blood coming out. Dabbed it off and noticed this white thing that looked like puss. I decided to pull on it and more came out of the wound but the other end was attached. It was obvious that the small opening in my skin was too small for this...thing. I ran to Dave and said what is this? Is this part of my face?

He said to pull it out. So I went back and pulled and pulled and it would come out about 1/4 inch out of my face and then go back in (I was getting really squimish and had a few thoughts that I might be pulling out fatty tissue or a worm). I then put more pull power to it and...

PLOOOOOK! Out it came. It was about a half an inch long piece of....something and looked like an elongated cyst. It was just too gross!! But I think that was the crux of the situation right there. No more compresses tonight. I'm throwning some neosporin and a gauss pad on it.

It did however, leave this HUGE gaping hole on the side of my face (top spot on the pic bellow). Now THAT'S going to leave a mark.

Dude..go to the doctor. From what you describe and the pic that looks like staff infection. Bad juju. Bad joss. Go to one of the First Care sorta places. They are cheaper than the emergency room. Do it tomorrow. Don't worry about paying for it. They will bill you. Do it!
ouch! have a pic of the unknown object?

i feel for you on the no beer! i'm in the process of losing weight and have seriously cut back my beer intake..and even that is enough to make a man cry. :cool:

oh, and just to be a stickler for details, you said "poison" when referring to the spider bite..the correct word is venom. :P

hope this clears up for you now that you've removed some strange organic something or other.
This thread is pretty sick, but for some odd reason I can't wait for your next update! Hope you wake up today with it looking better.
I was bitten by a recluse about 5 years ago. You'd have a gaping hole about 3 inches across by now. I suffered moderate muscle damage on my left wrist within 36 hours, and had brown chunky goo pouring out of my arm. Thank God St. Barnabas Medical Center had the anti-venin.

Why haven't you gone to the doctor yet? Or is it that you enjoy the attention?
Damn dude. I hope you get better soon. And not to tweak you out or anything, but have you ever heard of Morgellons?!?


If you have strange thread-like fibrous material being exuded from the area. It might be something you'd want to have a medical professional try and rule out...

Those damn pesky chemtrails! -Lars-
Jesus! (No IGG NOT YOU)
But that is hideous. Maybe God did give it to you for impersonating his son.
I was bit by a brown recluse and it did not do anything like that. I know that peoples reactions can vary, but that doesn't look like a spider bite.
I hope you get better. And I hope you stop whining soon.....haha. Get well.
texas blues said:
Dude..go to the doctor. From what you describe and the pic that looks like staff infection. Bad juju. Bad joss. Go to one of the First Care sorta places. They are cheaper than the emergency room. Do it tomorrow. Don't worry about paying for it. They will bill you. Do it!
I've had staff infections before, I don't think this is one. But the anti-biotics I have should take care of staff...I believe.

DEFCON Creator said:
I was bitten by a recluse about 5 years ago. You'd have a gaping hole about 3 inches across by now. I suffered moderate muscle damage on my left wrist within 36 hours, and had brown chunky goo pouring out of my arm. Thank God St. Barnabas Medical Center had the anti-venin.

Why haven't you gone to the doctor yet? Or is it that you enjoy the attention?
I actually went to the doctor on Friday and they couldn't ID it. I got a tetness shot and mega strong anti-biotics and a bill that broke the bank (it was about $200 including the pills).

csigi_chili_sauce said:
Damn dude. I hope you get better soon. And not to tweak you out or anything, but have you ever heard of Morgellons?!?


If you have strange thread-like fibrous material being exuded from the area. It might be something you'd want to have a medical professional try and rule out...

Those damn pesky chemtrails! -Lars-
Ya, I've heard and studied that one for a while now. That deffinitly isn't what I have. Thank GOD.
Y'all stop scaring this child to death! He's already worried about this thing.

He went to the doctor, and is doing what the doctor told him to do, and he's getting the results the doctor expected. The poultices drew the infection up, and now it's draining. Hopefully it will be well on its way to being healed by the end of the week.
Status Update:

I'm feeling much better now. My eyes are focusing and my dizzieness has decreased majorly (I can now stand without staggering back and forth). Still draining puss every half an hour but the swelling is going down.
imaguitargod said:
... Dabbed it off and noticed this white thing that looked like puss. I decided to pull on it and more came out of the wound but the other end was attached. It was obvious that the small opening in my skin was too small for this...thing. I ran to Dave and said what is this? Is this part of my face?

He said to pull it out. So I went back and pulled and pulled and it would come out about 1/4 inch out of my face and then go back in (I was getting really squimish and had a few thoughts that I might be pulling out fatty tissue or a worm). I then put more pull power to it and...

PLOOOOOK! Out it came. It was about a half an inch long piece of....something and looked like an elongated cyst. It was just too gross!!

I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Hmmm.... sounds like a good start for a low budget B horror film, "It Came From My Face!!!"

Mild Mannered chilihead Jonathan Passow couldn't imagine the horror that was about to be unleashed. On that fatefull day he woke to find a strange lump growing on the side of his face. What would emerge would be the most horrible thing ever to hit L.A. In short... it was... The Thing From My Face!!!

....(sorry I had to say it)

In all seriousness though I am glad if it was a Recluse that you didn't get the necrotic reaction.
Dethwind said:
Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Hmmm.... sounds like a good start for a low budget B horror film, "It Came From My Face!!!"

Mild Mannered chilihead Jonathan Passow couldn't imagine the horror that was about to be unleashed. On that fatefull day he woke to find a strange lump growing on the side of his face. What would emerge would be the most horrible thing ever to hit L.A. In short... it was... The Thing From My Face!!!

....(sorry I had to say it)

In all seriousness though I am glad if it was a Recluse that you didn't get the necrotic reaction.

Bwahahahahahaha! That's pritty funny! :confused: :lol: :lol: