Douglah Cappy 2010

Makes the task ahead of me seem not so bad now, I will have less total than you do in one long row.

Cheers, mate. Hope they swamp the hell out of you with tasty berries.
That looks like it was an awfull lot of work Cappy. Everything looks nice and healthy and I'm sure will produce a heap of pods for you.

I Potted up 8 of my plants to their final 7 gallon containers today and it wore me out. Can only imagine how you felt :beer:
A little video taken from an old Flip camera so a little shaky but you can see the leaves blowing in the wind. A few of the younger plants are wilting a bit during intense sunshine but all bounce right back in the evenings or when the sun goes behind the clouds. At the end of the video you can see my 3 year old 7 Pod Brain Strain mother plant which is flowering but no pods yet this year. A big rainstorm is heading our way this evening which will water them all in good. A different view than a picture for sure!:cool:

Lets just say I've been quite busy. Not to worry though, I could NEVER forget about you guys here at THP. I have moved my family to a new property and house, I've gone way too overboard on the garden this year, and have just about been neck deep in all things horticulture. I'll try getting a thread up soon to show you guys the spread! Where is Cappy?

edit: Cappy Im reading through this thread dude, and I'm thinking all this germinating could be avoided by just picking the best plant (mother) and taking as many cuttings as you need from her to pretty much achieve the same, if not better, results without the waiting. Not to mention the stability you would achieve within the species and less risk of crosses. Just something to save you all that time and work dude, think about it. :)
PFR...looks like you now have the WALL OF FIRE in your back yard! Looking forward to seeing all those bad boys start producing! Best of luck to you this growing season.
Hey Rich, thanks for the advise but I have never been any good at taking clones of my plants and in the numbers I want. I prefer planting seed and have gotten a routine that doesn't take all that much effort. I did not lose one plant this year and cannot see taking 200 cuttings from an overwinter plant.

Now for the bad news my fishing season is over. I broke my left ankle earlier in the week and on crutches for the next month. My plants will just have to survive, hopefully we will get consistent rain precipiation or I can talk my wife in to helping watering for a few weeks.

My plants are growing slower than I'd like and want to add some bone meal but will just have to be patient and let the dolomite lime breakdown. I gave my plants their first fertilizer earlier before I got hurt, using Espoma Flower Tone top dressing around each plant. Hopefully everything will be just fine until I can walk again.
Sorry to hear about the ankle- speedy recovery to ya PRF.

I'll bet the fish are breathing a huge sigh of relief over that way though ;)
i might have missed this cappy but are u still using flora for your ferts when they get larger?
i like the reusing the promix i will def do the same. is theyre a specific dolomite u use.
how break ankle big game? any ways i would like to put my name on a few pods any with tails would be cool i have funds.
hope all is good
Yeah, I was asking about Yellow and Gold Pumpkin hab seeds. :) I couldn't resist.


Pepper-Guru said:
Gosh you probably have. I haven't checked the charter mail in a minute! I'll have to get on there and catch up on emails! Sorry man. Well you know I couldn't stay gone long:)
Sorry to hear about your ankle. What happened? Ya could always get yourself a wagon and wheel yourself around the back yard to water them. Here's to wishing you a full and speedy recovery. If the pills run out there is always alcohol ;) Just try not to crutch around drunk...:doh: