misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

I do that all the time, make a smoker full of meat and eat leftovers all week. Might make some smoked Warner on Sunday...
Time for a'nother.
I wish I could find a good jalapeno sausage...I got some last year from the cajuns over in Louisiana that was superb but can't my contact took another job and I can't remember the name of the sausage...it was the absolute best sausage I have ever tasted....yellow packaging with red text...
yup...they are a good starting position...I could grind up some fresh spice (if I have any :lol: ) and make a paste...then take a fork, pierce the sausage and get as much spice in the sausage as I could...wonder if that would work very well?
NOOOOOOOO! Never pierce the sausage that lets the juices out. maybe cook them in the smoker and finish them in a pan with a little oil and the spices/paste/sauce to coat them, but don't poke at 'em. What'd they do to you? (as Emeril would say)
well, I avoided a mistake before I made it...thanks JayT...this will be just the second time I have smoked anything...

:thinking how to qualify that statement:
I'm smashed. It was a brew day so that means I dtrink....alot. Had four Wintetr Laugers at Willoughby (picked up fresh yeast) a few Passow Imperial Pumpkin Ale's while brewing (12.1% abv each). Then had a Hopslam on tap at La Cave Du Vin and a Abby Ale....can't rememnber what one it was though....

Then I got home and had a Nugget Nector for Troggs (need more hops!) finished off the night with at Weyebacher Fireside Ale. Time for bed....and a trip to the batchroom....
Sipping and savoring the last of the Black Chocolate Stout.

I wonder if I could get them to order me a couple of cases next year. They do that with wine, surely they'll do that with beer.
I was eyeballin some bombers at Whole Foods today and some rotten bitch had to force her way in front of me and cop an attitude because i kept going back to my beer shopping when she was trying to buy her shitty bottom shelf "organic" garbage microbrew. I had to walk away after the 2nd interruption because i started to use the F word at her. All i needed was to get kicked out of Whole Foods because of a rude patron who had no manners.

So yeah, not a good day for me to be drinking.

Gosh yesterday is a blur. I remember drinking first 0.5L of Murphy's Irish Stout, then another 1L and then I guess a lot more cause I can't remember. :shocked:
Pam said:
Sipping and savoring the last of the Black Chocolate Stout.

I wonder if I could get them to order me a couple of cases next year. They do that with wine, surely they'll do that with beer.
You should be able to order a case. If you play your cards right you might get a discount for ordering a case too.
Well, it's Sunday morning...DefCon Zero and Habby Horse Bloody Mary....
Aaaargh! I shouldn't have read this thread before noon. I'm outta beer and you guys/gals are making me thirsty. And oh crap it's Sunday. No beer for sale here, well legally anyway. Still have some wine in the fridge though.

Just for the record, the wine is there because it doesn't "disappear" after I go to bed like beer tends to do. I love dark beers - Yeungling Porter was my last 'good' purchase. Black & Tan ain't bad either. But mostly we drink the cheap stuff in cans. I would LOVE to brew my own some day.
AlabamaJack said:
Well, it's Sunday morning...DefCon Zero and Habby Horse Bloody Mary....

I'm getting ready to go ice fishing soon. So the Passow's Imperial Pumpkin Ale is sitting the the fridge cooling off for the trip.
AlabamaJack said:
Well, it's Sunday morning...DefCon Zero and Habby Horse Bloody Mary....

Baileys and coffee for moi. Once the game starts I will be on the treadmill and the rowing machine but after that...an appetizer of tequila sunrises and then Pinkus Alt.

Eins, vie, prost! TB.