misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

QuadShotz said:
IGG needs to go to Europe.
Where he'd get his azz kicked in a pub for dissin' the local swill. ;)

chit, or just for being.
Hey, there iwll be no kicking of Iggy's ass while in Europe. Just because someone hands me a pint of swill doesn't mean I'm going to diss it. Only if they ask me what I think....that's when I'll diss it. :lol:
This was last night:


Some asshole apparently can't read labels:



Txclosetgrower said:
This was last night:

Looks more like the "bathtub o' mildew" instead of fun as the sign would suggest. :lol:

Tilex mold/mildew. Let it soak, scrub it off with comet. works wonders, but wear a ventilator.

edit: i'll take those hoegardens off yer hands
imaguitargod said:
Hey, there iwll be no kicking of Iggy's ass while in Europe. Just because someone hands me a pint of swill doesn't mean I'm going to diss it. Only if they ask me what I think....that's when I'll diss it. :lol:

No worries, I was talking outa the wrong end anyways...my bad.
Just cracked a Passow's Imperial Pumpkin Ale, and, after nearly a month and a half...it's ALMOST carbinated. A few more weeks and it'll be ready. But a beer like this doesn't need to be carbinated, but I'm still happy.
Just finished both a Stone Levitation Ale (OH MY GOD does it go good with spiced potato chips covering peanuts [read: Nutterz]!!!!) and a Smoked Beer (Rauchbier...sp?).

Now I'm going to crack a bottle of Passow's Imperial Pumpkin Ale.
No Coors here.

But, just got done with a lonngg day of setting up a computer for an uncle...so grabbed a 40 of SLiTz Malt Likker...IcE.

8.2% of ole skool drunkness 4 2 fiddy ;)

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Drinking a Bacardi premix Hurricane made with 151...gonna be a good evening...

:wondering where my tinfoil hat is...I may need to keep the aliens from knowing my thoughts:
Hurricanes are always good (well the drink kind anyway). I'm having this new Mojito tea that a local company (Turkey Hill) made with vodka.
evenin bro'...I am just getting ready to pour my third hurricane...this stuff is gooooodddddd!!!
Good evening to you too. I had a few beers and some Windsor at my boss' house after work. Now I am settling in with a plate of wings made with this Asian sweet chile sauce and some DM MKII and a 20oz Mojito tea with about 4 shots of vodka. Yep gonna be a good one. How's the smoker goin?
first try was a pretty good success...it was pretty good....gonna smoke a brisket and a bunch of sausage Sunday mornin'....was going to smoke some chicken but Linda said she wanted to make a braised chicken in the house...figured what the heck, this will be next weeks left overs...