misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

chilehunter said:
IGG - I was not talking about being castrated for making a new thread about drinking - though I wouldn't start another since this one is better!
I was just implying I'd get dissed for naming a certain drink in this thread! since it's usually about beer.

Oh, I kinda see what you are saying.

I fully admit you may get dissed for naming a girly drink, but if you name something man;y, like whiskey, I won't jump on ya. :lol:
oh what the heck I'll say it.

ok 1st off!
I really like beer & good beer like most of you like - beck's, st.pauli girl, harp's, spaten, bass, etc..... (many more that i forget the names right now or can spell)
but I'm also forced to drink your basic cheap american beer :(

besides the beer, bacardi n'coke's I also like drinking "smirnoff ice"!!! there I said it!
:dodges empty bottles:
I like'em especially their "pomegranate" & " wild grape" flavors! they're good to drink every now n'then. though I couldn't drink them all night.
chilehunter said:
oh what the heck I'll say it.

ok 1st off!
I really like beer & good beer like most of you like - beck's, st.pauli girl, harp's, spaten, bass, etc..... (many more that i forget the names right now)
but I'm also forced to drink your basic cheap american beer :(

besides the beer, bacardi n'coke's I also like drinking "smirnoff ice"!!! there I said it!
:dodges empty bottles:
I like'em especially their "pomegranate" & " wild grape" flavors! they're good to drink every now n'then. though I couldn't drink them all night.
Ok, I'm going to have to punch another hole in your man card for that one. Don't worry, you still have a few spots left.

Although, you get a point for actually drinking something alcoholic in nature.
imaguitargod said:
Ok, I'm going to have to punch another hole in your man card for that one. Don't worry, you still have a few spots left.

Although, you get a point for actually drinking something alcoholic in nature.

have you ever tried them ?
chilehunter said:
have you ever tried them ?

They're honestly not bad. My friend's girlfriend keeps those in the fridge, and sometimes when i happen to feel like a soda i'll say screw it and grab one of those cause it's same thing but with alcohol lol.

Tonight i'm going to a co-worker's party it's going to be sweet. Him and his girlfriend sent out invitations online that said:

"We're cleaning out the bathtub to make room for some out-of-town visitors (chilled in ice). Here's how it works:
1. Accept this invite.
2. Buy your favorite six-pack of import beer (or if you're a true beer snob, bring two four-packs).
3. Add your contribution to the bathtub o' ice and enjoy the merriment."

Lol. It was funny, it had a list of people who had replied as coming under the column that said "Prost!" And the people who had declined under the column labled "I drink PBR" (pabst blue ribbon).

Will post results if coherent. :onfire:
imaguitargod said:

It's been along time since I've had them but they are good. theres "southern comfort" in it & abunch of other stuff I have no clue, it tastes like kool-aid.
it's kinda of like those drinks you drink when you turn 21 - it doesnt matter whats in'em you just drink'em like the "vulcan mind probe"

I'm off to bed.
Well, after sipping this bell's Best Brown Ale, I've decided I'm going to brew it in two weeks.

I'm going to re-do my first beer, Passow's Senatorial Brunette, but with some changes. I really want this to be my signature recipe so I'm dialing it in with each brew.

Then a week after that I'll rack it to the secondary fermentor and then brew the Bell's clone.
i'm finishing the growler from last night. Still tastes fresh. Screw the beer snobs. ;)

I was gonna have the River Horse Double Wit, but it wasn't the right temp. I'll have that tomorrow perhaps.

My 3 Growler weekend was spoiled by River Horse Brewing Company. Damn you $1 unlimited drafts!!
Txclosetgrower said:
Tonight i'm going to a co-worker's party it's going to be sweet. Him and his girlfriend sent out invitations online that said:

"We're cleaning out the bathtub to make room for some out-of-town visitors (chilled in ice). Here's how it works:
1. Accept this invite.
2. Buy your favorite six-pack of import beer (or if you're a true beer snob, bring two four-packs).
3. Add your contribution to the bathtub o' ice and enjoy the merriment."

Lol. It was funny, it had a list of people who had replied as coming under the column that said "Prost!" And the people who had declined under the column labled "I drink PBR" (pabst blue ribbon).

Will post results if coherent.

Heheh, that reminds me of a buddy's B-Day party that involved a VERY large watermelon...and everyone had to bring a bottle..that went into the melon. Basicially turned out to be a 30lb Electric Iced Tea.

Yup, twas a spodie from hell. :twisted:

Oh, and we had beer too.
I had dinner with friends last night, and we had a very nice red wine, Pillar Box Red. I admit to being suspicious at the wine store because it was only $8.99 and had a screw top, but the guy who recommended it was correct. It's a really nice table wine that went well with the beef tenderloin.

Will buy again.
I'm concentrating some chiles and sipping a River Horse Double Wit. Goddamn this stuff is awesome! Not too hoppy, kinda sweet, very malty, thick creamy head, and is everything a belgian ale should be. Beeradvocate can eat a d!@& giving it a B+. I would drink this by the gallon if only i could.
Just finished a Old Man Winter Ale (was still way too alive...needs to age) and am now on a Spatan Optimator which has been skunked b/c it came in a green bottle...........grrrrr.......

Up next is Hairy Eyebal by Lauganitas (sp?)! It's been a year since I had one.

fineexampl said:
I'm concentrating some chiles and sipping a River Horse Double Wit. Goddamn this stuff is awesome! Not too hoppy, kinda sweet, very malty, thick creamy head, and is everything a belgian ale should be. Beeradvocate can eat a d!@& giving it a B+. I would drink this by the gallon if only i could.
Send it to me and I'll review it on BA for ya!!!

BA tends to be very middle of the road for their overall ratings which is why I read as many as I can in the list just to see what everyone is saying about it (as opposed to just taking one look at the rating and being done).
me and beer rating: got me drunk y/n


If I had money enuf for 'good' beer, I'd not be drinking beer. :D
Ya, I'm still in the wrogn fuking country.

IGG needs to go to Europe.
Where he'd get his azz kicked in a pub for dissin' the local swill. ;)

chit, or just for being.