misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Rarely, oh so rarely does the bartender friend I have, Ian, at La Cave Du vin, lean over and say to me, "You need to buy this bottle...NOW". He did that today, and when that happens, i buy the bottle. Not b/c he's trying to make money, but he'saying it to me b/c he has a very small number of them and they are so limited but are just plain next to amazing and knows I would enjoy it (signs of a good bartender)!

Well, this one was Nogne-O Double IPA out of Sweden. They teamed up with a famous Sake brewer and produced this beer. After I finish my Spanish Rice with Zesty Blend, I will open and enjoy.
imaguitargod said:

I was commenting purely to nark you mate. What i meant was :There is no way IGGY could wait the x amount of time that it takes for a brew to brew without indulging: :lol:
WOW!!! That beer is awesome, here's my review:
Poured to a very much still alive and unusually large head which takes it’s darn time to die down to a nice white froth with lacing. When held up to the light it has this most beautiful amber, cloudy glow that I find myself wanting to look at more and more (although it’s got a decent amount of sediment). The taste is definitely an IPA but not your standard IPA, there really isn’t much emphasis on the bittering hops. Most of the taste profile comes from the aroma hops which is a welcome change.

Right off the bat there comes a subtle malty sweetness but almost immediately it’s swept up by two separate, floral hop tastes. Extremely complex this one is….take like Yoda it makes me. The floral taste continues into the after taste which is where the bittering hops appear on the palette.

I would say this is my second favorite IPA ever! WOW! And this is coming from someone who generally doesn’t like IPA’s. If you find this, get it, heck, get two, one to drink and one to age because a beer this good, gets better with time!

Novacastrian said:
I was commenting purely to nark you mate. What i meant was :There is no way IGGY could wait the x amount of time that it takes for a brew to brew without indulging: :lol:

AH! I get ya, and ya, you are right. I had two other people that raelly know beer taste it (one was actually a homebrewer) and they said it's stil a little young. So I'm going to give ti another week or two. :lol:
Ok, I can't stop raving about this beer. I'm just salivating over the hoppy, chewie goodness of this beer. It just keep getting better and better as I drink it! OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!!
Which was your ever favorite IGG?

I am totally waiting for Saturday like a kid waiting for Christmas. It's Stoudt's 1st ever Winter Warmer/Barleywine Fest. $30 all you can drink samples from 20 breweries and a food buffet! Woot!
JayT said:
Which was your ever favorite IGG?

I am totally waiting for Saturday like a kid waiting for Christmas. It's Stoudt's 1st ever Winter Warmer/Barleywine Fest. $30 all you can drink samples from 20 breweries and a food buffet! Woot!

That fest sounds fun! My favorite was Stone IPA.....now it's this beauty.......DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! I WANT TO DRINK YOU FOREVER NOGNE-O DOUBLE IPA!!!
I love Stone, but the last couple I have been drinking a lot of lately may have passed it for me, West Coast and Weyerbacher Double Simcoe. Guess I just love the taste of Simcoe hops (it's in both of them).
Boy, there was so much sediment in that beer I'm going to have the farts tonight! HA! I do kinda enjoy getting woken up by a good fart, something satasfying in that.
Can I haz Beer Testing?!


Apparently there's the Bradenton Beer festival this saturday so i know where i'm going to be......especially since it's only about a mile or so down the road from me here.
Sickmont said:
Apparently there's the Bradenton Beer festival this saturday so i know where i'm going to be......especially since it's only about a mile or so down the road from me here.

Ah, loverly, you can wobble home on foot - or hands and knees - if necessary.
imaguitargod said:
HAHA! That picture is awesome!

Thanks! It was beer-inspired by a comment by caroltlw. :D

Now if only I could find the damn manual for that multimeter.
I got it at a uni sale for $1 and it works great...but I can't find out any info. on it. The thing is, some of the features I'm not familiar with. Back in HS, we didnt' have these newfangled gizmos...just plain 'ol VOM's
Pam said:
Ah, loverly, you can wobble home on foot - or hands and knees - if necessary.

I was going to ride my mountain bike there, but now that i think about it i'd really hate to get a DUI on it and then have my new bike impounded, so ya i guess i will just walk there
Ended up being awake late tonight after an afternoon nap, so went to get some cigs and beer at midnight at a local conveinience store and ended up buying this:

Moose Drool Brown Ale

The beer's one of my faves, also got buy-2-get-1-free Camels.

I also saw something on the floor back by the beer and I was the only person in the minimart so no worries, eh?

It looked like cash, so I snagged it. Paid for my stuff and went home.

Figured it was a few bucks or something, right?

Wrong...I about shit myself when I took it out and saw it was more than a couple dollar bills....it was $145 mutherfreakin' dollars! Most I'd ever groundscored before was a fifty back 25yrs ago..Holy $%$#@!

:onfire: w00000t!!!1 :onfire: