I had one of them. Better than Bud, but not good. Well, I don't have my list in front of me, but some highlights from the Winter Beer fest were Troeg's has a new "scratch beer" that was a winter warmer type. They also had Mad Elf which is a favorite of mine. A brewery I had never heard of from Seattle named Elysia (sp?) had an oaked winter ale which was possibly my favorite of the night. A hoppy malty winter ale. Yum. Unibrou was great as always. I had their 17th Anniversay beer, Trois Pistoles, and another dark malty one that I don't remember the name of at the momemt. All good. I had a couple from the Belgian contingent Belekus: Barbar and another that was a Black Belgian Ale. Smuttynose had their IPA (which is always good) and a Roasted Porter. Stoudt pulled out a surprise batch of their Old Abominable (barleywine). There were many others, but they were the highlights for me. Oh and Allagash had a great Abbey Dubbel. Now I'm back on the wagon.