misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

I thikn I've found my way back onto the trail. Thanks for that Quad! Og look! Whild blue brushing mushrooms growing...........

: nom nom nom nom nom :
See? It all works out in the end. I'm going to read an article in bed and then sleep. Need my rest for the frustration I'm going to experience with the doctor tomarrow morning..........................

I don't like docs much either...GL!
Been a great week, I'm drinking not-beer-whiskey-etc. for the first time today..

I paid rent, got a free computer, won (barely) a thtrowndown, and fed a cute gal some of my spicy Buffalo....Mac & Cheese Burger...

Ya..a good week. :D
I just came home from one of my favorite pubs. I had a Franziskaner, Sam Adams Summer Ale, Guinness 250, and a Stoudt's Fat Dog Stout. Mmmmmm.
texas blues said:
Brewday? Where 'da pics!!!

Salute', TB.
i'm with you. who doesn't like seeing brewday pics? I'm plotting my next brew. I'm all ready and i've got even more malt than the original recipe. I keep hearing people bitch about "i overshot my gravity" or some bullshit. Am i alone in thinking higher abv in the end isn't a bad thing? i can see going for a specific style, but why complain?

So i had one of my trappist clone homebrews last night and this stuff has gotten right where i want it. I just kept smelling it and sipping slowly. I may have screwed up the process, but the end result is really really good.

BTW. Stone 13th Anniversary is pretty dern good. Had a bottle night before last. Bitttttttter!
fineexampl said:
i'm with you. who doesn't like seeing brewday pics? I'm plotting my next brew. I'm all ready and i've got even more malt than the original recipe. I keep hearing people bitch about "i overshot my gravity" or some bullshit. Am i alone in thinking higher abv in the end isn't a bad thing? i can see going for a specific style, but why complain?

So i had one of my trappist clone homebrews last night and this stuff has gotten right where i want it. I just kept smelling it and sipping slowly. I may have screwed up the process, but the end result is really really good.

BTW. Stone 13th Anniversary is pretty dern good. Had a bottle night before last. Bitttttttter!

Damn that bastard IGG for the tease with no piccy!

Better to overshoot the SG than under, unless you are going for a specific style and feeling all uppity. Sounds like you're doing just fine FE...pun intended.

Salute', TB.
bottled 8 twelve ounce bottles of hard cider and just shy of half gallon of braggot. primed the cider with brown sugar and set the braggot in my bedroom closet. I figure i'll have to break the braggot out around my wedding or save it for the honeymoon and be all traditional, but nothing nobody else is doing nowadays.

waiting for a sample of the braggot to settle so i can get a sip. it's dregs, but i have hope. i'm watching the muppet show while i wait.
texas blues said:
Damn that bastard IGG for the tease with no piccy!
Yep, no pictures this time. I didn't have anyone around to take pictures and I was too busy making sure my brew sculpture didn't completely colapse on me during sparging..,..have to re work that thing........ :(

But the day went great. Got it done in 4 hours flat this time! This is my Blackberry beer this time.
imaguitargod said:
Yep, no pictures this time. I didn't have anyone around to take pictures and I was too busy making sure my brew sculpture didn't completely colapse on me during sparging..,..have to re work that thing........ :(

But the day went great. Got it done in 4 hours flat this time! This is my Blackberry beer this time.

Too bad about the pics IGG.(What a ripoff!!) Glad the brew session went well.(I hope it smelled like sauerkraut!) Blackberry beer? Sounds fascinating! (like a new wart on a frogs butt) I'd love to taste a sample! (fruit beers..bah! I'd rather gargle my own urine!)

All the best in getting some good brewing shots next time!:lol:

Salute', TB.