misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

texas blues said:
Too bad about the pics IGG.(What a ripoff!!) Glad the brew session went well.(I hope it smelled like sauerkraut!) Blackberry beer? Sounds fascinating! (like a new wart on a frogs butt) I'd love to taste a sample! (fruit beers..bah! I'd rather gargle my own urine!)

All the best in getting some good brewing shots next time

Salute', TB.

I see what you did there!!! There's some double meaning here, I know it! :lol:

Ya ya ya, I know, fruit beer is foo foo drink. But i got inspired by the Samual Adams Blackberry beer that i voted on a year ago and decided to brew my own. I did a gallon test run with my Dark Pale Ale (Passow's Senatorial Brunette) and it turned out fantastic!

So I'm going with a 5.5 gallon batch this time on blackberry puree. It's not going to be an overpowering fruit beer because I generally dislike fruit beer. It'll be a nice flavor but not overpowering fruit hinted beer. If it's any conulation, here's some pictures from the test run of "Berry Your Dead" Ale in the secondary fermentor:


Had a nice shopping trip today....


30-pak of Keystone - $15.00
Sixer of Obsidian Stout - $8.00

A supply of really good and just ok beer for a week or two for 23 bux = Priceless
Quad shopping trip pic. WIN.

IGG secondary fermenter piccy with bad lighting and too tough to make out. Still a WIN!

IGG facial merkin...STRANGE WIN.

Salute', TB.
A two year old Wee Heavy, two Hefes, Pale Ale, Blackbery Pale Ale, two year olf Pear Meed, and a few other notable drinks....god I love being a member of a homebrew club!

I can't see straight. I'm going to bed.
Finally took a road trip (all 45 minutes of it) down to Akron, Ohio. Went to Hoppin' Frog brewery, Ohio Brewing Company, then back up to Cleveland to Great Lakes Brewing Company and then a block to Bier Market. Came home, drank a ton of homebrew...now it's time for sleep.
Anyone else have the 12th anniversary oak aged Old Rasputin yet? I've had two corked bottles so far, and it's damn good! Have on extra one that I am going to age. Expensive stuff though.
xgrafcorex said:
Anyone else have the 12th anniversary oak aged Old Rasputin yet? I've had two corked bottles so far, and it's damn good! Have on extra one that I am going to age. Expensive stuff though.


Where the hell do you find that?!?!? Old Rasputin is in my top 3 all time favorites.
My future bride has the camera, so i had to borrow the photo elsewhere, but this is tonight's favored brew.

Mikkeller Warrior Single Hop IPA! I had the Nugget and Cascade last night and will have the rest in time. The Warrior is my favorite thus far. The Nugget was the harshest of the three. Cascade was nice, but i didn't care much for it once it warmed.

Anyone else into Mikkeller?