misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Cheers m8!


Been taking/posting pics liek a madman here, so now I'll hava brew too.
Someone suggested to me that I may have a drinking problem - personally i blame the economy - i mean if money were liquor to start with I'd probably drink less of my profits. Because of all that tax free stuff i do -- well thats my profit-see for the day. Night all

Almost done with Ichabod Pumpkin Beer. It's good, not as good as I remember though. A little too much pumpkin spice. Had a Imperial Pumpkin from Weyebacher.........that was FANTASTIC!
Yeah, the Weyerbacher imperial pumpkin ale is awesome! I haven't had any yet this year, but I have my eye out for it. I remember when Weyerbacher had a brew pub, and it was tiny! Unfortunately they closed it down when they wanted to move to a place where they could brew more beer. At least they are still going strong, and they make some creative beer too.
You can still go there Saturday mornings and have samples. I was there last year and they still send me emails saying to to stop by. They are one of my favorite breweries. I had their 13th Anniversary beer a couple weeks ago. YUMMMMMMMMM.
Ahh, I've heard of that show but don't think I've ever seen it before. Not sure if it's better than Monty Python. :P

While I was on leave I stayed at a hotel that had no fridge, so here's how I had to make due.

:lol: Was gonna leave my hot sauces in the fridge also. There were a few bottles of open sauce that I left in my parents fridge, so now I finally took them back.
Steve973 said:
Victory is a good choice for beer, too!
i second that! I love Victory. :)

This is what i was drinking tonight and right now as i type this. My new favorite brewpub! This is a growler of their W.H.A..L.E.S. IPA. I LOVE IPAs! This is a nice and simple version with a medium hoppiness to it and serious aromas of cinnamon and clove. This is just fantastic stuff. Oddly enough ratebeer.com has a ton of bad reviews for this place, but that makes no sense to me at all. I love the joint and i love their beer. The soda next to it us Wup. Best be careful before i open a can on ya!

Do they add cinnamon and clove to their IPA? That's definitely unconventional. If they are getting clove esters in their IPA just from fermentation, that's strange, too. What's W Up? I haven't heard of it.
Steve973 said:
Do they add cinnamon and clove to their IPA? That's definitely unconventional. If they are getting clove esters in their IPA just from fermentation, that's strange, too. What's W Up? I haven't heard of it.


Brewed with a recipe inspired by our local homebrew club. This is a big, aggressively hopped pale ale. Maris otter barley from England provides the bulk of the malt bill. Liberally hopped with Centennial, Newport and Cascade hops. Cheers (7.2%abv)

They claim is to be heavily hopped, but i thought it was pretty mild to medium on the hoppiness myself. I doubt they add any cinnamon or clove or anything to it, but it certainly is present in the aroma. I freakin good stuff.

Wup, as we call it, is the 7up generic sold at Wegman's. They also have Dr. W.
Having an iced dark roast coffee with Turbinado sugar and a shot of this:


Amusing serving suggestion..but prolly a good idea. :D