Fatalii smackdown

Novacastrian said:
I will take a pic of mine this afternoon. It has to be remembered though that i am a complete twit when it comes to growing stuff :) I just have to find something small enough to give a size comparison, a match head might work!!

Your a complete twit in general...:D

Pam said:
If you're going to call someone a twit, even in jest, you really ought to get the grammar correct.

Is it 'sposed to be the General that's a twit?;)

There be some pepper growing fools on this site. I am loving the pics, way to get folks motivated PRF.

Petey your babies are looking hot!
Pam said:
If you're going to call someone a twit, even in jest, you really ought to get the grammar correct.

Hehehehe, thanks Pam, where is the smiley face with the tounge poking out when you need it!
Smackdown Fataliis 03-01-09 (7 weeks)

My bad little boys have put on a growth spurt in the past week....they are loving greenhouse life...it's evident my homegrown are outgrowing tomato growers and peppermania seeds...

its time for the weekly update comparitors....lets see'um

Looks like we have a new leader, nice job. I tried to take a pics similiar to yours for height comparison and you have me by a bottle neck. Don't count me out just yet, mine are just starting their growth spurt.
Good lord PRF and AJ those are incredible. I should post a pic of my tiny fatalii this week. You guys will get a good laugh.
You two guys are just unbelievable. AJ yours look like mine do after they've been out in the June sun for a couple of weeks. However, I will not concede the race. When I get my camera back I will post pics.
AJ, are they reaching up for the morning dew? Or are they just a little cold and begging for more sun. :lol:

Nice plants both of you!
My fataliis never seem to grow very tall or quick, they always stay short and compact compared to other chinenses. I've been saving seeds for several year from my best looking plants and pods of this variety, but have never done any real isolating.
These are my 2 biggest fataliis started this year

Huge fat leaves on your Fatalli Derek. Your plants really have a nice dark green color. AJ and I better get our plants in the ground soon to have any chance when things thaw in the great white north. I know we aren't the only three with a camera and a Fatalli.
I was thinking about bringing a few plants outside to get some pictures in the light, but I changed my mind after a look at the thermometer.

I took a picture in front of the window in my kitchen instead:


I will get a better picture during the week:)

Kind of hard to believe that I'll start to harden them off in about 2,5 months, and that they will be outside 24/7 in just over 3 months.
MrArboc said:
I was thinking about bringing a few plants outside to get some pictures in the light, but I changed my mind after a look at the thermometer.

I took a picture in front of the window in my kitchen instead:


I will get a better picture during the week:)

Kind of hard to believe that I'll start to harden them off in about 2,5 months, and that they will be outside 24/7 in just over 3 months.

Looks nice and toasty outside! lol Good lookin plant from what little of it I can see