Fatalii smackdown

wow dude... they look fantastic.. no yellowing at all.. no purple at all...

whats your secret man ?

i would even pay for a step by step guide...
Happy birthday to all the Fatalii babies....

I am blown away PRF...gorgeous...

all I got is some small sturdy ones and a Shiner Bohemian Black Lager...


Just thinkin'...my best Fataliis are the ones from my homegrown pods last year and if I remember correctly, these are some big pods....
Okay. I know I'm not worthy. I only have 4 little fatalii plants...but at least I haven't killed them yet. Here's the latest. Transplanted into 4" pots on the 16th:

Post one Cappy...I will take one right now.....

Big leaves TCG....
Healthy looking Fatalli TCG that should really take off under your new cool tube. AJ, I want to see all the other entries in the comparision. I want to see everyone's plant pics so far good or bad. Still a long way off till any of us see a pepper.
I agree Cappy...I'm still gonna post mine...my leaves are not near as big as yours and TCGs....buuuuutttttt...they are sturdy little plants...

PRF you look like you're going to give AJ a run for his money. Too bad I'll be putting both of you to shame. Hey, tied for second isn't too bad now is it?

I suppose I could post a pic or two of a couple of plants, just to give you some confidence.:P Give me some time, I'll get to it.
cool MWM...they look like they are almost ready to transplant...
Yeah AJ, they will probably be transplanted to 16oz cups this weekend or next, if it is warm enough then the onions will go outside also.
Here's one of my Chocolate Fatalii's, not the one I'm going to use to crush AJ's dream of winning our little side contest, one of the smaller ones.:P I had a clothes pin laying around so I tossed it in for a size reference.

Looks like I have some catchin' up to do:P.

My fataliis picked-up the pace significantly over the past two weeks but remain my slowest growing Chinense variety. Even slower growing then my Naga's (go figure).

Actually, my white hab is the slowest growing but it doesn't count as I believe that it is from a bad batch of seeds and is retarded.




Petey that is why I wanted to see other pics. Absolutely beautiful nice Fatalli plants. You can really see the leaf shape is the same on all healthy plants. Nice job! Noah your seed tray Fatalli look really happy. Patrick nice pic.
hey, you guys...your fataliis....they look great....this is going to be one hell of a comparison...
I will take a pic of mine this afternoon. It has to be remembered though that i am a complete twit when it comes to growing stuff :) I just have to find something small enough to give a size comparison, a match head might work!!