Fatalii smackdown

Mine is too big to take a pic of. I have a new wide angle lens on order.

*stream of piss actually rises high enough to pass over the enourmous fatali bush*
Here are all mine currently.

Txclosetgrower said:
Yeah, well mine has seed leaves, a true leaf, and giant balls. :cool:

Giant balls are useless unless you ... darn it, these american forums automatically censor anything related to sex but let the violence through.

Just like the movies;)
Mine died. My own fault, I didn't have any decent potting soil so used some that may not even be decent for the compost pile. Okay, there is one microscopic seedling that has emerged and may not be dead but no way will it come close to catching up with everyone, unless I find some secret weapon.

wordwiz said:
Mine died. My own fault, I didn't have any decent potting soil so used some that may not even be decent for the compost pile. Okay, there is one microscopic seedling that has emerged and may not be dead but no way will it come close to catching up with everyone, unless I find some secret weapon.


No......*sob*...I was going to tell you, .....but I heard my fatalis planning to kill yours last week.

I am so sorry. I would just get rid of the damn things,.......but they scare me....
Bring it on....

Fataliis looking healthy...no more superthrive for them but they still will get their steady dose of nutrients...By Jove, I believe I can say I am growing them organic... (now)


This Chocolate Fatalii is growing like gangbusters....

Looking good AJ
I like to think I'm growing organic too, but I'm not sure if you can truly say you're organic using plastic pots or without being properly inspected and certified. But I guess it all depends on your defitition of "organic"
oh well, I tried ;) ...thanks Potawie...
Boy did I miss the knock down Fatalli mine is bigger than yours today. I slam mine with 40k lumens stressing the heck out of the kids. Mine have no superthrive, nothing but pure h2o and Neptune Harvest Seaweed and Fish extracts and pro-mix. Is that organic enough? Pics tomorrow, just drove 900 miles in the last 24 hours. good to be home.
A question:

If my fatali survives, and some friend I have from Akllejuvennu visit (it's a planet from a nearby star not many people know about) and they bring their organic, that is, all natural fertilizers with them, can I use it and claim organic status?

If not, I understand, and I'll have to resort to borrowing their space/time "maxiwave" machine that I can grow the plants to maturity in three days, using the ultra setting.

Of course, I don't want to break any rules!

glad you're home safe Cappy...can't wait to see the pics...

Mike...you know space travel slows time down.....
Here's a shot of my chocolate fatalii I took uh um er several weeks ago yeah that's it, three weeks ago no three months ago, yeah three no six months ago. I would take a more recent one but I have to get a new camera as my smackdown fatalii ate the old one. Yeah it ate the camera, said it needed the nutrients.


It isn't dry by the way, I just topped everything off with a bit of sifted peat. SIFTED PEAT!!

Of all the seeds I planted the Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich seem to be growing the best. Got to dig THAT!!
I was having a chat to my plant yesterday (telepathy rocks) and he asked me to obtain some more politicians for him to chew on (yes its a male, his name is Arny). I refused but he got me in a choke hold and basically said do it or die. I will have to get the bastards now.
Only problem is that i will not be able to eat the pods- they will be full of shit...