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FiveSix's 2009 Grow log

Pretty much have everything set up. Just going to have to move the lights closer soon they're almost used to it.

A plant i have in a pot by the window. I think it's seed came from a thai ornamental i bought at a local nursery

Yes they're still very young, but a lot of the roots were sticking through the rockwool and getting brown tips. I figured better to put them in early then to risk stunting them. They're soaking in nutrient solution diluted to 1/4 the recommended dose for seedlings.

3-14 caribbean red

3-14 Jolokia

Peach Lantern
The only thing money wise I'm worried about is the Nutrients. As far as electric, let's say 600W HPS is like running 6 incandescent 100 watts? or am I wrong, so it shouldn't be that much. I'm hoping less than 30$ a month including my air pumps. I'm not sure how much energy the fan is sucking. I should by one of those meters that you can plug things into and it tells you how much power it's drawing.
imaguitargod said:
Keep an eye on that cat, he may ruin everything.

yeah cats can get into trouble, but she's almost 13 with severe asthma. She is too old and tired to raise any hell by killing my pepper seedlings:P Couple years back i'd have to have them in a locked room lol
FiveSix said:
yeah cats can get into trouble, but she's almost 13 with severe asthma. She is too old and tired to raise any hell by killing my pepper seedlings:P Couple years back i'd have to have them in a locked room lol

*waits for frantic update about "vanishing" seedlings*

lol i have a cat. don't trust that thing! mine ate a damned seedling when i had the lid off for about 30 seconds and turned around to grab something. I wasn't even 5 feet away :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
*waits for frantic update about "vanishing" seedlings*

lol i have a cat. don't trust that thing! mine ate a damned seedling when i had the lid off for about 30 seconds and turned around to grab something. I wasn't even 5 feet away :lol:

There's a reason why 1 cup has catgrass sprouts, just in case she decides to get frisky.:lol: Hopefully she's go for that lol.
Deep Water Culture Experiment. Plants seem to like it, just a 5 gallon bucket with nutrient solution and an air stone. I have no idea what species this plant is. I like to leave myself with a few suprises later.

