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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 19 on its way to 48. Busy meeting schedule today. I need to make several things happen before year end. My wife is working on holiday meals. I really need to work on my 2022 grow plan but the damn chore list keeps growing. I'm interested in growing some new tomato varieties in 2022. I've got quite a collection of seed and need to look through them. I think I've got a pretty solid pepper plan but still have some trades and exchanges in process. Not sure what else we've got going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Daughter will be delivering banana bread and jams to her co-workers today as she has the next 2 weeks of ‘use it or lose it’ vacation. I’m hoping to make puppy treats - we shall see. More b. Bread tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy.
Good morning. It's 21 on its way to 53. It should be sunny and windy. Tomorrow we're back to 70 and breaking more temperature records. Moderately busy work schedule today. Today is my Friday .... I'm planning on a week off ..... though I expect I'll have to work some during the holidays :banghead: . Not much else is going on. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
The horse stables that we both work at which it doesnt look like I will be going back and wife will only stay the rest of the winter as business is just picking up gave us $500.00 christmas bonus yesterday. Total surprise! Have 3 jobs today with a possible 4th. Crazy winds overnight hade me up several times. Another cool cloudy day. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning. Not sure the plans for today, probably gift wrapping while daughter makes more banana bread. The painters are taking advantage of this weeks warm weather as they’ve started on one side anyway. The roofers still have us waiting.
Enjoy your day. Take time for yourself.
2 yards to mow today. went to Barnes and Noble last night, people are so gross and disgusting. Just angry miserable slobs with no direction in life besides being a waste. watched Noah for the umpteenth time last night, we love that movie. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 40 on its way to 58 and windy. Sic .... yikes! Not a pretty picture. I have the "day off". I'm working only a few hours this morning. I need to do some rearranging in my basement office today. My wife and I have Doctor's appointments this afternoon and then she's going to pickup the grandkids and I'm going to pickup booze. One of my fishing buddies is coming out tomorrow to deliver some beef. I'll need to pickup some beer for him. I'll need to pickup some whiskey for my other fishing buddy whose retiring. While I'm at it I'm going to stock up for the holidays. Grilling burgers and dogs for kiddos this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe, be good and be blessed.
Good morning. It’s supposed to be interesting he 60’s for another 2 days, so we may have a nice house that’s completely painted/fixed. Now for the roof. Sic-I’m sorry for the people you saw while out shopping. Just be happy you have an adorable, loving wife and home. Count your blessings.
Have a wonderful day and keep the smile.
Good morning and Happy Holidays. It's 53 on its way to 73. Shorts, T-Shirts and flip flops for Christmas Eve. Crazy indeed. Kiddos are here, my buddy is coming over mid morning to deliver some beef. After that, our daughter and friend will be here around noon. Today's meal menu includes Mac-n-cheese, green bean casserole with hatch chiles, ham, cranberry sauce (the good kind) and habanero pepper jelly/rolls. I'll spend most of the day entertaining the kiddos. Not much else happening. I expect leftovers for tonight and beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good late morning. We already had our Mcds coffee and conversation, a bit of quick grocery shopping, and now it's time to finish wrapping gifts. Great meal for today, Harry. Nothing here is planned except for tomorrow. Movies on TV or Netflix will be later in the day. The bananas have left the house and the bread will soon be in someone's freezer to enjoy later in the season.
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve day. County your blessings.
Good morning and Merry Christmas. It's 40 on its way to 60. We had a great Christmas eve. Good food and good times. Not sure what we've got going on today. I think we're having a big breakfast in a while. Probably just taking it easy today. Have a wonderful day, be safe and be good.
Good morning and Merry Christmas. We’re going over to daughter’s around noon, share food, do the Christmas thing. We’ll have 4 dogs keeping us company. The cat will be alone for 6+ hours and will get lonely - but away from the dogs. Sons dogs are hyper, not the best trained. We shall see how the day progresses.
Enjoy this wonderful day, keep the memories, share the blessings.
Good morning. It's 39 on its way to 70. I know .... I don't get it either. Chores/projects on the agenda for this morning. Probably watch some football later on. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Long day yesterday, lots of gifts for everyone and the pets, too. Time for a relaxing day of Netflix and maybe cleanup. One more box to open that has fruitcake inside - we’ll see how it tastes. It also has maple ‘good stuff’ they send every year.
Have a wonderful day and find time for yourself.
Good morning. It's 40 on its way to 50. Not a lot going on today. I have the day off. Heading outside in a bit to split more firewood. It looks like we'll be back to winter as we get closer to the new year. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.