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photography Pet picture thread!

Yin and Yang. 
Here are our two (hunting) dogs at the summer house last week. Both of them are 10/10 on the scale of "prey drive". Both are adopted from shelters in southern Spain.
The one on the left is Timmy, a "Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz" (Andalusian Wine-Cellar Rat Terrier). This is a rare breed from Spain that was created by the British colonialists and meant to keep the wine cellars free of rats. They are typically born with a nub tail and the intent of that is that the tail doesn't get stuck between the wine barrels (which would be quite dangerous). This breed was created by a mix of Fox Terrier, Jack Russell, Dalmatian and Bull Terrier. It is extremely powerful and agile, fast as lightning and has a neck than can kill a large rat with two shakes. This breed was only officially recognized by the Spanish Kennel Association less than 20 years ago, so there are still quite many of them that are born outside of the breed standard. For example, Timmy is a purebred but not a showdog because he weighs 15kg instead of the standard 7.5kg and he shows quite a lot of Bull Terrier in both his powerful build and do-anything-to-please behaviour. He will roll over on his back for almost any person but won't hesitate to start a fight and win with a dog twice his size before anybody even knows what happened. I've only heard him bark about 5 times in his life and when he does it is very intimidating.
The one on the right is Meggie. She's a Parsons Russell Terrier. She's usually between 5-6kg and she regulates her own weight, unlike Timmy who would eat himself dead if you gave him enough food. Despite Timmy being a male and twice her size, she laid down the law and kicked his ass repeatedly when he first joined our pack. She lets him walk first down the path but she will still leap through the air and take him by the neck if he starts acting up. She has killed various small animals, attacked a hedgehog and even once tried to attack a swan (would have been her last mistake). She's scared of thunder and low barometric pressure, starts vibrating and panting when it drops to 1014 hPa. She usually sleeps right next to either my wife or me, especially next to me when the air pressure drops. Meggie barks every day as she thinks that she is the guard dog of our entire neighborhood. She also is seemingly racist: growls and lunges at black dogs, growls and lunges at people dressed in black and even growls at black people. This was certainly not taught to her by us, I think it comes from some sort of trauma when she was living on the streets in southern Spain. When she had been with us for two days (she was a year and a half old), she bit clean through my wife's right hand. I had to forcefully pin her down and hold her 4 times within the first 4 weeks. Now she has her own unique relationship with every member of the family. Oh, and she's faster than Timmy due to lower center of gravity and far greater agility - he can't catch her in a chase.
My first cow was Alice.
We got her from an auction in Mercedes TX when she was a calf.
She was an angus holstein cross.
I was 13 years old if I remember.
She was my best friend.
And I loved her so much.
I don't have any pictures of her.
This flick reminds me of some things.
Excuse me now...
I have something in my eye.
Every day Trouble and I.
Go for walks in our neighborhood.
Always under control and on a leash.
She's such a pretty girl.
And kids always ask to pet her.
I always politely say no.
Because sticking your face right up against hers.
And groping her.
When she doesn't know you.
Makes her nervous.
And like all animals when this occurs.
Can feel threatened.
And rightly so.
You're a stranger and not part of the pack.
I would feel so horrible for a well meaning innocent kid.
To be bitten by my dog if she felt threatened.
Even unintentionally. 
And then what would happen?
My dog taken away by animal control?
Labeled as vicious and put down?
Me being sued to know end?
Teach your kids this.
Today a little girl about 7 years old.
Wanted to pet Trouble.
"Why can't I pet her?"
"Would you let a boy you didn't know kiss you?"
"But I don't like boys anyway."
Then the mom shows up.
"Oh she's so cute!"
"Why won't you let her pet her?"
"Because I don't make bad decisions mom."
Rawkstah said:
This old lady... She's 12 now. We don't hike or camp as much anymore but that's ok. Sometimes we take trips to the lake, but her favorite spot is usually on a pile of pillows these days.
Her ears are up.
Which means she's fake sleeping.
And knows you're talking about her.
Smarty pants she is.
Love her hard.
Thee Olde Mann. 14 year old Charles, half-n-half golden retriever/white shepherd. Clocks in at 135 lbs.

He can't get enough of the snow, but the displacia will only let him shake the front half off. The backyard is his own personal snowcone.

He's so gentle he doesn't even bite his own food. Has a two word english vocabulary (yum and YUM).

Most loyal, life loving animal I've ever known....
texas blues said:
Every day Trouble and I.
Go for walks in our neighborhood.
Always under control and on a leash.
She's such a pretty girl.
And kids always ask to pet her.
I always politely say no.
Because sticking your face right up against hers.
And groping her.
When she doesn't know you.
Makes her nervous.
And like all animals when this occurs.
Can feel threatened.
And rightly so.
You're a stranger and not part of the pack.
I would feel so horrible for a well meaning innocent kid.
To be bitten by my dog if she felt threatened.
Even unintentionally. 
And then what would happen?
My dog taken away by animal control?
Labeled as vicious and put down?
Me being sued to know end?
Teach your kids this.
Today a little girl about 7 years old.
Wanted to pet Trouble.
"Why can't I pet her?"
"Would you let a boy you didn't know kiss you?"
"But I don't like boys anyway."
Then the mom shows up.
"Oh she's so cute!"
"Why won't you let her pet her?"
"Because I don't make bad decisions mom."
DING!!DING!!!DING!!!!!!!! to this!!!!!
Our dog is red heeler/Jack Russel terrier.  What a hellofa combination.  He loves all the ladies, and most men (delivery drivers) especially if they'll throw a stick while we are visiting in the driveway.  He has mad herding instincts.  When the neighbors cows got out and were wandering through the yard/orchard, we let him out and he went right too it.  With no instruction/training or direction, he instinctually herded the cows across our field and into their pasture.  He will nip at the heels of adults or kids and has spontaneously jumped up to nip at a kid running by at a picnic.  He was on a leash and laying with me on a lounge chair at the time.  I absolutely do not trust him around kids.  He came to us at about a year old, and I don't think he was properly socialized and he was kept in a cage most of the time.
Also, a lady I worked with was at a friend's house lounging in a reclining chaise deck chair, visiting and absentmindedly petting the doberman pincer who was sitting next to her reclining chair....right at face level...
The doberman, for no apparent reason that she could say,  attacked her, biting her face, resulting in a lot of stitches.
Kids need to learn certain things about dogs, like, not getting in their face, don't trust all dogs to be friendly, especially to kids, ask before petting....
We've had some of the mellowest dogs ever!  One was laying by the campfire and our friends's youngster was sitting on the dog's rib cage.  Mos never batted an eye.  Some dogs are like that.  But, man, for kids....they just can't go up and pet random dogs! 
Stettoman....I had to laugh cuz when I looked at the picture at first, and read that it was a half-n-half golden and white...I'm like....OK...the front half is golden retriever and the back half is white shepherd.  :lol:  but I get it with old dogs.  Love them so much. 
Sandy -dog
Smokerz- cat
Janis (there's a story for that cat!)
all dogs and cats that have gotten old and passed away with us
Currently have-
Joe (the neurotic Red/Jack)
Pudderz (aka PuddyKat aka Princess)
salsalady said:
Stettoman....I had to laugh cuz when I looked at the picture at first, and read that it was a half-n-half golden and white...I'm like....OK...the front half is golden retriever and the back half is white shepherd.  :lol:  but I get it with old dogs.  Love them so much. 
Sandy -dog
Smokerz- cat
Janis (there's a story for that cat!)
all dogs and cats that have gotten old and passed away with us
Currently have-
Joe (the neurotic Red/Jack)
Pudderz (aka PuddyKat aka Princess)

Yes ma'am, we too have a laundry list of past and present family members that have enriched our lives and broken our hearts. The cats were named mostly after the Rat Pack of the 50s: Frank, Joey, Sam, Dean-o...Only Joe is still with us. Others included the likes of Al E. Cat and Squint (no, not a dope smoker, his eyes were pussed-shut when we found him...
For me losing the dogs is harder...We have a Heinz 57 named Sadie who has a cancer growing between her heat and lungs, we've been waiting for her to give us the sign that she's had enough, but she 's a tough ol' bitch...I think Chuck is the type that will just slip away in his sleep one night, he's got too much dignity to put up a fuss about it....