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Pete's Pepper Progress - 2009 Season

Got up to 74 degrees here today before the thunderstorms rolled through with the hail, wind and torrential rain.

Won't be long now before the plants will be outside 247...

Check out the Amarillo...Jack and the Beanstalk...:lol:


The transition to the outside has begun here in zone 6. Superthrive has been discontinued, nitro fert has been reduced while phos fert has been increased. Many of my plants, including the J. Hot Choc have buds.

Naga Morich:

Jamaican Hot Choc:
so petey...you go straight to bloom fert from grow?...

after mine are planted out, I stop using my progrow and use a straight 10-10-10 (vigaro) until about June then switch to the ProBloom...
AlabamaJack said:
so petey...you go straight to bloom fert from grow?...

after mine are planted out, I stop using my progrow and use a straight 10-10-10 (vigaro) until about June then switch to the ProBloom...

Essentially, yes. I wound down the grow while increasing the bloom. The blooming fert that I am using has some nitro but as you would expect is heavy on the phosphorus. My logic, right or wrong, is that the plants got to the point where they were producing buds. I figured I would feed them based upon the stage of their growth cycle. Now, I do realize it is extremely early so maybe I miscalculated. I'll see how it goes and if they seem lacking for N, I'll switch back to that.

What do you think, AJ? Too early?
I don't know Petey...your grow season is much shorter than mine and what you are doing may be just right for you...down here, I can let the plants grow a long time with just regular fertilize and they produce pods while they are growing...but as you saw last year...my major harvests came towards the end of september thru november...

I really think its all about the length of your grow season...
Wow. This is my first time checking out your grow log. You have some plants to be proud of there. If the pods come out like the foliage, you're going to have one hell of a harvest man!
Those are some massive stems you got there Petey. I just switched to the Probloom to see if it keeps my flowers/fruits on the plants after my efforts at indoor pollination are applied.
Great thread PP. Plants are incredible and the pictures tell the story. You're going to have a great year.
bigt said:
Great thread PP. Plants are incredible and the pictures tell the story. You're going to have a great year.

Thanks T. Hope the plants transition to the outside isn't a painful one...all inside now as 50 degrees for a high here today with winds 45+ and going below freezing tonite! Is this mid-April?

Here are some pics of my Serrano...




Cool "Fuzz":

RE: Antillais Caribbean

Nice - Neil just tasted that on Youtube and he really liked it. Of course he pretty much likes everything.
AlabamaJack said:
I don't know Petey...your grow season is much shorter than mine and what you are doing may be just right for you...down here, I can let the plants grow a long time with just regular fertilize and they produce pods while they are growing...but as you saw last year...my major harvests came towards the end of september thru november...

I really think its all about the length of your grow season...

very nice plants... what ever it is you are doing seems to be working very well..

but i would have to agree with AJ's statement about the length of the season in your parts vs AJ's... makes sense..

therefore you may be on the right track rather than being early... but interesting to find out as the days and months go..
I think you're early with the phosphorus boost Petey. Give your plants some time to grow before you try to focus all of their energy on buds. You need places for the buds to come from first. Let them grow some more. You've still got at least four months of nice weather to come.
patrick said:
I think you're early with the phosphorus boost Petey. Give your plants some time to grow before you try to focus all of their energy on buds. You need places for the buds to come from first. Let them grow some more. You've still got at least four months of nice weather to come.

I agree with you and I have stopped my phosphorous regimen. Won't start it up again until sometime in June....

Ok, I've had some great success with my plants since I started this grow log. Most recently, I've had some trials with my early start outdoor plants getting shredded with hail. No worries and I am taking it in stride.

All my plants will be outdoors by the end of this weekend. These will be my last pics from indoor growing....

THE DUO OF DEATH! (Fatalii and Naga)



THE BEANSTALK (Aji Amarillo)
4 ft tall


Amarillo Flower

I cannot get over how thick your stalks are Petey, absolutely Redwoodish. Hurricane winds wouldn't phase them. Did you have fans blowing on them as they were growing?

That Aji Amarillo is going to need an aircraft warning light on it if it keeps going like that.
Going to be in the 80's and wall-to-wall sunshine for the next three days. Good pepper growing weather!

Here is my Limon Bush enjoying the outdoor life:


Top shot view of the Limon:


Naga Morich in the middle, Jamaican Hot Choc to the right...this is the one that had almost all of its leaves shredded by hail about a month ago. Picked them all off and the plant has rebounded nicely...
