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Planting by the moon

From your own link:

Lunar phases are the result of looking at the illuminated half of the Moon from different viewing geometries; they are not caused by the shadow of the Earth or umbra falling on the Moon's surface (this occurs only during a lunar eclipse).
I'm beginning to get some sprouts from the seeds I've sown last Saturday. I think I need to purchase a few more heating mats. Simply being next to the radiator doesn't seem to be enough get the medium warm enough for the other 3 trays.
I'm beginning to get some sprouts from the seeds I've sown last Saturday. I think I need to purchase a few more heating mats. Simply being next to the radiator doesn't seem to be enough get the medium warm enough for the other 3 trays.
I'm not getting much good results from placing them under the kitchen sink, in a plastic bag w/ a paper towel, as I used to in the summer. It isn't hot enough under there anymore :-( Looks like it might be officially the heating pad time of year for me up here.
you guys build you a simple germinator...

take a cardboard box (or better make you a 1/4" plywood box), use a 100 watt bulb in the top of it...careful not to start a fire though...sit your box over your tray and dang if you don't have a DIY germination chamber...

think about what you have around the house you can "recycle"...mechanics shop lights with a long cord...surely a cheap thermometer can be had...100 watt light bulb...you can get a ceramic fixture from homus depost for less than 2 bucks and if you have an old extension cord, you don't need any wire...you may get away with a 60 watt bulb depending on how big you make your box...if it is just big enough to fit one tray under or a couple of cups, maybe even a 40W would work...


if you do decide to use a cardboard box, be very careful of how close you get the incandescent bulb to the box or it WILL catch fire....

if you need drawings as a guide, I can probably knock them out in a few minutes...
you guys build you a simple germinator...

take a cardboard box (or better make you a 1/4" plywood box), use a 100 watt bulb in the top of it...careful not to start a fire though...sit your box over your tray and dang if you don't have a DIY germination chamber...

think about what you have around the house you can "recycle"...mechanics shop lights with a long cord...surely a cheap thermometer can be had...100 watt light bulb...you can get a ceramic fixture from homus depost for less than 2 bucks and if you have an old extension cord, you don't need any wire...you may get away with a 60 watt bulb depending on how big you make your box...if it is just big enough to fit one tray under or a couple of cups, maybe even a 40W would work...

So you're saying put the light under the shelf holding the tray? Or would it matter if it was above the tray as I use them once they sprout?
So you're saying put the light under the shelf holding the tray? Or would it matter if it was above the tray as I use them once they sprout?

either/or...all you are using the incandescent bulb for is heat...above the tray is probably easier...
Will give it a try. The two with heating pads have 6 sprouts out of 144 so far. The rest no signs of life yet even though they heated by the radiator. Hopefully we'll see something from them in a few days.
LOL, how ironic. What great timing for this news:


Needless to say, I can't say I'm surprised... :whistle:
Uh, we've known this since at least 200 BC. Every astronomer/astrologer knows there are two different ways of working with the sky, tropically and sidereal. Most people use tropically in the west in the east they use sidereal mostly. What the reports report as new is nothing more than sidereal astrology. Doesn't change a thing.
LOL, how ironic. What great timing for this news:


Needless to say, I can't say I'm surprised... :whistle:

Now that you've posted that why don't you work on proving that you can grow hot peppers? That's what this forum is about.
Each to his own I say. If you wanna use it cool. If not just %^&G%^INP: J%^ (Random)
Just Jokes
This thread was getting way tooooo serious anyway.
LOL :rofl:
The last post was just the :beer: . I just got back from having fish and chips (or Shark and taties if your a Kiwi) on the beach at Freo. I just slathered my fish in hot sauce and dipped my chips in there too. Fish and Chips and Beers and chillies mmmm.................
But Seriously folks..
Each to his own I say. If you wanna use it cool. If not thats cool too. No-one is forcing anyone to do anything.
So I just finished reading this thread, and what y'all seem to be telling me is that I need to tell the seeds I started germinating in a ziploc on top of my fridge on December 25, 2010 that they need to somehow un-germinate because they're not in sync with the phases of the moon.... bad, bad seeds. Damn.... I thought I had something going there when all of them sprouted......

Hmm. I guess that must be why my son's cat kept killing all the seedlings I used to start and also got 100% germination even though I didn't pay attention to the phases of the moon - she was telling all those seedlings they shouldn't have germinated, either. Good kitty.... good kitty. Bad seeds... bad seeds.....

Nah - I think I'll continue to disregard the phases of the moon, and keep praying instead..... y'all have fun with it, though!
So I just finished reading this thread, and what y'all seem to be telling me is that I need to tell the seeds I started germinating in a ziploc on top of my fridge on December 25, 2010 that they need to somehow un-germinate because they're not in sync with the phases of the moon.... bad, bad seeds. Damn.... I thought I had something going there when all of them sprouted......

Hmm. I guess that must be why my son's cat kept killing all the seedlings I used to start and also got 100% germination even though I didn't pay attention to the phases of the moon - she was telling all those seedlings they shouldn't have germinated, either. Good kitty.... good kitty. Bad seeds... bad seeds.....

Nah - I think I'll continue to disregard the phases of the moon, and keep praying instead..... y'all have fun with it, though!

By all means keep praying. I do the same.

BTW, no one has said you won't get germination not planting by the moon. All we're saying is you get optimal results with the material you got.
UZ64 is locked-onto the thread like a pitbull. Let it go :rofl:

BTW- I absolutely INSIST on using the moon's phases and location inre: constellations as a guide to planting. So there.
Like AJ said, some things are worth believing in...... :cool:
Believing in the creator of science is a good start.

Indeed. He's also the one that said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, (15) and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. Gen 1:14-15
Like AJ said, some things are worth believing in...... :cool:
Believing in the creator of science is a good start.

Mate I was just making a point, You dont need to have hard science to believe in something good.
I use the biodynamic methods and some people call me a kook but they work for me and I like to grow my food a natural as humanly possible. Within reason of course. If I do happen to get severely attacked by some bug or disease I will consider other methods rather than loose my crop. That is only sensible but I do not go spraying nasties at the first sign because 99 time out of 100 nature will resolve itself with only a little damage and I find that it is usually the sick or weak plants that get attacked.