Potawie's Pepper Progress 2008

Mostly hab harvest

:)Here's a little harvest from yesterday and there is still a lot to pick today. I think all these are going on the smoker for a nice smokey sauce since it is too damp to properly dehydrate right now.
Nice....those are going to make some killer sauce P....
The Opalkas are very solid toms with very little juice or seeds. I think they make the best sauce but are also good fresh or in salsa or bruschetta or even smoked or "sun"dried
The Opalkas are very solid toms with very little juice or seeds. I think they make the best sauce but are also good fresh or in salsa or bruschetta or even smoked or "sun"dried
might make a good sandwich mater too being so long. You could get many slices that way.

i've been drooling over your pics since i joined. i really am jealous. you have this stuff down pat.
Here's a sweet looking Bangladesh naga ripening nicely

And here's a Merida Mexico pumpkin pepper. Thanks again Habman for the seeds!

And a Cili goronong ripening

Here's some end of July pics.

This is a 3rd year pequin that just doesn't want to grow big this year. On the bright side, its ripening quite early and there are still tonnes of pods to pick

This is a Pasilla Bajio that I gave to a friend and had to take it back(traded him) because it was my only one. He took good care of it while he had it

I'm getting a lot of Fatalli and yellow habs again so I'm thinking of trying to improve on my "Fatal arrow" sauce(fatalii/habanero) and maybe I'll even try to find some woozies this year. I may be looking for help with a label later on. I'm thinking of an arrow with a fatalii as the arrowhead

I've also got a tray with more fatalii peppers and yellow habsin the dehydrator

Stay tuned for more pics coming soon;)
great progress report Potawie...I got a question about the Pasillo Bajio...how do you know when they are ripe?...don't they just get really dark color?

That bangaladesh naga looks absolutely huge....

BTW...congrats on 3000 a little late...
The pod shown on the Bangladesh naga plant seems to be bigger and cooler looking than all the other pods on the plant.

The Pasilla Bajio turns to a brown or chocolate color when ripe

The pequin isn't really struggling but it was taller than me last year;)

Oops, not really the pic I was looking for
More end of July pics

Here's a turbo pube pod with a tail growing on it. Scorpion wanna-be

Here's a small purira plant full of colors

And this one is my pet monster Guadaloupe hab. My baby:hell: