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seeds PRF seed tray '09

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I have no doubt that you just lost 100 bucks Pepper-Guru. Look at Potawie's photobucket account and look at all his plants. Sorry dude.
Oh, I've seen his flickr and even gave him props for his stuff, but dude, Im not trying to shoot anything down here, go back and take a look at Potawie's plants...sure they seem to be rather large compared to their surroundings in the pics, but take away not only the height of the containers (1-2ft) but also the raised tray structure that all the containers are on and imagaine that those plants' bases were at ground surface level. We are really talking about plants that are mearly 2-3ft in height max. Now go back to look at my garden when I lived in the apartments, those plants are nearly as tall as I am (5'8) AND most of the largest ones were 5-6ft in diameter at their best. NOW imagine that my plants were in large, raised pots and then they would REALLY look like Fatalii trees! Seriously go back and look at the pics and just consider what Im saying, know what I mean?

AlabamaJack said:
ah, but yes...if the roots of the plant never get bound in a container, the container would win hands down because of the control of the "micro-environment" you have created for the plant....right?
Thats what I was talking about above. Air Pruning. Just the difference between a root system with a healthy, fibrous structure and one that has been forced to circle a container wall. Look, dont get me wrong I enjoy container garden just as much as the next guy....LOOK

and the watering system

All this is symantics really, and it just boils down to superstitions and traditions that you the grower choose based on past expereiences. Everyone has their things that they do... And in the end its all about growing the way that makes you feel comfortable, if growing in containers makes you feel good then your garden and plants deserve nothing short of the best vibes possible from you. I posted this same message last night but I have no Idea where it went, when I got on this morning it was gone so I had to remember most of what I had typed and reply again...lol. I think all this started with me just hoping that PRF would put at least one of those Fataliis in the ground so it could stand a chance against my trees;) But its all in fun, really.

p.s. PRF and Potawie, I won't be giving up that 100$ anytime soon, however, if you prove me wrong, Im a man of my word. So its as simple as considering this experiment and going through with it.
Dale, you can't do this with floro lighting. If you look back 9 days ago in this thread I put wave 2 under the MH. Here an update pic just a little over a week later. The root growth is even more impressive. I just rotate my plants under the halide for two weeks before they go outside. Really helps harden off my seedlings. And Pepper-guru you need to use bigger containers this year if you plan on getting large plants.:P


Looking down.
That's definitely a lot of growth in 9 days. My 125w CFL has made a difference for me compared to my twin tube shop light, but not like that.
Man PRF you're plants are simply stunning. Your herculean efforts and work ethic are paying off. I wish I had your energy and motivation. Go man go!
What a beautiful weekend weather wise it was here. Still too chilly to do any planting yet but getting all the prep work done. Scrubbed and armor all the containers all weekend, big chore. Dumped all last years pro-mix and let it bake in the sun on the tarp. Ready to start planting any day.

Those terra cotta are for my fatalli trees or whatever plants wants to outgrow the 5 gallon. I gonna try all this week in the evenings 20 each day. The next 10 days forcast looks good. Fingers crossed till April.
Man, that's really a lot of 5 gallon containers - just decompressing that much Pro-Mix is a ton of work. It's going to be really impressive when they're all filled with big, bushy plants. Great pics Cappy.
No Armor All on the containers, jokingly said that because they look purdy like you say. They do smell like petroleum jelly when they are that clean though. AJ I will move my Fatalli this afternoon, can't wait to start planting!
I will have to move mine back in the green house or growrage...got a couple of morning lows coming ~36F for Saturday and Sunday....get ready for another chilly couple of days....
My 10 day has nothing below 54F that gets me to April. If something shows up in early April like it did last year I will be moving a lot of heavy pots to the garage. Plants stayed out last night and it got to 47F all did ok. Like I said fingers crossed. :pray:
Well at least you're not playing with fire too bad (everything being in containers and mobile). I've got a buddy that just won't learn and puts his plants out every year in the ground at the first two week stretch of warm weather in the begining of April. Frost every time...lol Back in 2006 a member on gardenweb planted all his plants in containers all over his yard, then had one hell of a hail storm come his way that screwed things up for a few weeks! Everything was fine with his garden after that and he had one great season but still... Crazy things can happen in April...:shocked: