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seeds PRF seed tray '09

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Just moved a bunch of plants outside this afternoon. Gonna try to harden them off slowly over the next week.:)

Shit! Looking good dude. Hope you put em in the ground this year instead of pots...do those fine plants some justice! (I checked out your photobucket) You sure you don't have any more frosts coming your way?
I looks like they will be coming back inside over the weekend when the weather dips below 45F. There is an umbrella that goes with that table and covers my plants most of the day still. There is no way I'll have enough containers filled with pro-mix for all these plants. I still have wave 2 with another 70 plants under my HID lamp. Counted 124 5 gallon nursery pots plus my 20+ terra-cotta in the garage. I still like to grow peppers in containers and my tomatoes in the ground. The peppers that go in the ground never get as big as my container ones plus I like to move them around.
I am with you cappy, I like to move them around throughout the summer, mainly because they end up killing spots in the yard.
Nicely done PRF… mines are roughly the same size but I'm still at least 1 - 2 months away from bringing them outside.
Just catching up on some threads. That is one tub full of lushious greeness! It's hard to pick the best in breed from that batch.
I'm the same way, I have much bigger plants in containers than in the ground

Thats a shame:( But it does prove my point about amending your soil where the plants are to be planted. Think about it. Soil in containers = easy to control feeding/contents. PRF and Potawie's plants being bigger in pots than in an "EARTH SIZED POT" = poor soil constituents.
Ya know what. Do us here at THP a favor and grow just one Chinense var. in a well amended spot this year for comparison sake. Don't get me wrong, promix is a good tool/medium for growers in the know BUT With the correct sun exposure, soil condition, feeding and watering, I'll give you 100 dollars if that particular plant doesn't SMASH every other plant you have in terms of size, production, flavor of fruit etc etc...Seriously. Consider your reasoning here.
Pepper-Guru said:
Thats a shame
:?:A shame, no its a good thing but thanks for the concern.
I don't know about PRF but I have excellent soil in my garden, but pots or raised beds heat up much quicker than the ground, and pots can be moved around into full sun, or in and out of the greenhouse when needed. If it was simply a matter of amending my garden soil, I would have done that 20 years ago, but I'll still take your $100;) Tomatoes and other veggies in the garden do very well for me most years, lets just hope for good weather this summer.
For me it is all about space. I would have to dig up the whole backyard to have a garden big enough to accomodate all my peppers. I do plant many extra peppers randomly around the yard but they never get the attention or the water my main plants get. Maybe one day when I truely have a working farm and not just a backyard. I do like to mow a little grass once in a while. Let's compare harvest, Potawie will smash both of us and he lives north of the border.
I hear ya on the space thing PRF. Potawie, you can have that $100 if you can grow a potted plant that is bigger, badder, and better than one you grow in the ground. Same var. and care, of course...lol

Anyway, Im not trying to jack this thread by getting into highschool biology 101. The simple truth is that potted plants can't get bigger than ones grown in the earth, period. Well, unless we are talking about air pruning and using air pots (fibrous roots vs non-balanced root structures)...geeze listen to me. I gotta stop, NICE PLANTS PRF! Best of luck to you this season!
ah, but yes...if the roots of the plant never get bound in a container, the container would win hands down because of the control of the "micro-environment" you have created for the plant....right?
For me the advantages of container growing definitely outway any disadvantages, but If I lived in a warmer climate with a longer season, I would probably grow more pepper plants in the ground. Even my buddy LuigiM in Italy(and many others) grows in containers, and I've never seem such amazing plants!
I've done side by side trials many times, and my container plants are always biggest, without exception. About $100 bigger:)
Surely you can get a container size that is big enough that it's as if it was unbound for the first season? 15 gal maybe?
Personally, my biggest plants have been in the ground, but that was when my garden got full sun. Now with the trees grown up around it, it doesn't get enough sun for peppers anymore. Also, I have never grown in Pro-Mix before, so we'll see what happens this year. I notice that giant Bhut Jolokia plant pictured on the NMSU site is sitting in a rather large pot.