contest September TD Ideas?

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Oh. It's where moles were born, it's a more rustic cuisine with meats, moles, and chiles.


I like saucy food so I am into moles, and Oaxaca style.
Cool! Most Americans think moles have chocolate, which is a misconception. It's because Mexican chocolate comes from Oaxaca, and it is used is some moles like mole poblano, but a mole is just a rich sauce. I like mole roja, mole pipian, and a lot of them.

Can't wait to see your entry! You have me intrigued.
Scoville DeVille might be doing a mole, too. He makes a pretty mean mole, I can vouch for that. We might have a sub-forum mole mini-TD brewing!

I have an idea for my salsa using some orange fataliis we're growing, but beyond that,....not a clue what to make!
Mole with microwaved hotdogs doesn't count.

Sunofa!!! Damn it you guys have me all screwed up. I figured a microwaved hot dog with mole, a margarita with a floating hab to bring teh spiceenesxt, a couple cactus leaves and a donkey suit and I had this thing wrapped up. Now I am going to have to rethink the whole thing. Better have a margarita and think about it. :drunk:
I love this kind of stuff.

But this is SO out of my element!!! I've cooked it before, and it comes out great, but there really aren't a lot of Mexican's in South Florida, believe it or not.

We are mostly Hispanic, but almost all of Cuban descent. Being a white guy, I'm totally in the minority here. We do black beans instead of Pintos.

I've never had Mole or Chile Verde (green chilly for the Aussies).

But most of my extended family lives in Texas and I visit annually, so I have the Tex part covered. Now I just gotta bust out my inner Mex.

Look for something generic from this soflo member. It's gonna be great tho!!!
FD just relax find your center.

Now get in the car and go to your favorite local ABC and get a bottle of Mezcal. When you get back home take 3 double shots. At this point your ready. Find a very comfortable place, a grassy spot by your pepper plants will do fine. Now, pull the cork on the bottle, place the bottle to your lips and up end it. Wait 30 seconds and then suck in a nice size shot of mescal and the worm. Now eat the worm and embrace the visions your inner Mex will give you. When next you know where you are you will know what to do.

All this talk, I ordered mole roja carniatas enchiladas for dinner.
I love this kind of stuff.

But this is SO out of my element!!! I've cooked it before, and it comes out great, but there really aren't a lot of Mexican's in South Florida, believe it or not.

We are mostly Hispanic, but almost all of Cuban descent. Being a white guy, I'm totally in the minority here. We do black beans instead of Pintos.

I've never had Mole or Chile Verde (green chilly for the Aussies).

But most of my extended family lives in Texas and I visit annually, so I have the Tex part covered. Now I just gotta bust out my inner Mex.

Look for something generic from this soflo member. It's gonna be great tho!!!

I don't believe you. Fitty and Sum both could cook an armadillo turd, call it tex-mex and still win. Five-O could probably too. Damn SoFlo cooks!
Oh. It's where moles were born, it's a more rustic cuisine with meats, moles, and chiles.


I like saucy food so I am into moles, and Oaxaca style.
Man i love this forum. I learn something new all the time.
SoFlo knows about as much about cooking Mexican as I do about cooking Cajun...;)

JayT, I got them cactus leaves in and they are very fresh, you want half? I'll share~~~
Anyone else want any cactus leaves????
SoFlo knows about as much about cooking Mexican as I do about cooking Cajun...;)

I highly doubt that. I'm hungarian and I reckon those bastiges could cook stuffed cabbage as good as my ma if'n they wanted to. I reckon they are the best cooks on THP IMO. Love their work but I still hate 'em just a little bit. Bastiges. I need to go fishing with SoFlo to officially confirm their bastige status.
Maybe a love/hate relationship? as in ...we'd love to hate 'em...but just can't quite get there cuz we luv 'em anyway???

Just keep Bear away from my neck o' the woods......he wouldn't like what happens to wildlife up here~
true story~
TB... you better "got" this... or all your Tejas smack-talkin' and cheese sploogerie posts are in vain! :rofl:
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