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Swine flu panic = cheap bacon. W00t

No one is debating the health fact with you worlok, just the fact that your opinion is that grass-fed tastes better.
millworkman said:
No one is debating the health fact with you worlok, just the fact that your opinion is that grass-fed tastes better.

Exactly. Hard to debate when your posting facts.

And, I hate starting a sentence with a conjunction, corn fed beef being bland is your opinion, not a fact.

To each his own bro.
No, I said that corn fed is BLAND compared to grassfed. That is not the same as the tastes great less filling argument.

Maybe bland is not the right word. I use bland to denote a light or subtle taste as compared to a stronger gamier taste. Can we agree that corn fed has a lighter more neutral and/or less strong taste as compared to grassfed beef, or lamb, or venison? that is really what I meant. If you PREFER the taste of cornfed then you PREFER the less strong taste as compared to a stronger tasting meat. This would actually fit in perfectly with the fact that Americans prefer beef to lamb. Lamb has a stronger taste that many Americans do not like. This is fact. I like strong tasting food. I so stand by my opinion deduced from logic that many Americans think that US beef tastes better simply because that is what they have been eating their entire lives and are used to. To them, beef is "supposed" to taste like that, and anything that doesn't either isn't real beef or is something they do not like. This can also explain why many hunters will eat their strong tasting gamy venison and still not like grassfed beef or lamb because to them beef is supposed to have the lighter flavor that corn feeding produces. (it's all in the head) This also ties in with the idea of acquired taste and that most people do not bother trying to acquire the taste for other things or other varieties of the same thing. i.e. the plain yogurt or exotic foods scenario which I mentioned earlier. (anybody watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern??)

Let's face it, too many people drown their beef in steak sauces and ketchup to taste it anyway.... You can do that with hot sauces too. That is why as much as I like hot sauce, I still prefer a hot pepper relish on a steak to a sauce. That's just me. I put hot sauce and hot food in another category though due to the addictive nature of capscasin.

It's okay to disagree by the way, as long as you can back up your disagreement with fact or logic as opposed to "that's just the way I feel" or something nebulous. I just like a good debate. I can debate anything, and I can also do both sides of a debate, even taking a side that in my heart I disagree with, just to argue. I guess that classes me as "annoying". :P I do this in politics all the time. I am mostly conservative, for example, but I take perverse pleasure in occasionally taking up the other side of an issue (or genuinely taking a liberal position on a certain issue that I may not agree with the majority on) and firing back at unprepared or poorly thought out brethren just to, I dunno, piss them off. Call it a character flaw.

My thoughts of grassfed vs corn fed though are genuine. ..and like I said, I probably eat an equal ratio of corn fed vs grassfed beef simply because my wife or mother in law usually buy that when they go shopping.
I had white chili last night made with pork chops.

When it comes to eating beef, my dad was fine as long as the meat wasn't still alive on the plate, or at least not alive enough to outrun his fork. Once a skillet got hot, it took him about 10 seconds to fix one an inch thick.

worlok said:
Can we agree that corn fed has a lighter more neutral and/or less strong taste as compared to grassfed beef, or lamb, or venison? that is really what I meant.

I can agree with you. Dad always raised a few heads of beef to slaughter. His strategy was to let them eat almost all grass during most of the year with a small compliment of ground corn. But he waited well after the first killing frost to slaughter them and even then, they were on 90 percent corn for the last month.

He also claimed it made the meat more tender. I must say, his steaks were better than anything we could buy at a store.

millworkman said:
The blasphemers who put ketchup on steak need to be burned at the stake.

Anything more than salt & pepper and you're doing it wrong. Well, except for maybe a pan sauce made from the yummy brown bits stuck to my cast iron skillet. But who the hell can argue with a steak sauce made from steak itself?
Txclosetgrower said:
Anything more than salt & pepper and you're doing it wrong. Well, except for maybe a pan sauce made from the yummy brown bits stuck to my cast iron skillet. But who the hell can argue with a steak sauce made from steak itself?


Steak is one of the few foods I don't eat with chile.

I can sadly report that the bacon is no cheaper at my store now - they had actually raised the price by 10% when I did my shopping yesterday...
Oh man, probably the funniest thing anyone has ever had to say about this whole ordeal comes from a fark thread

PocketNinja: "It's like the man said. Everybody knew pigs would fly before a black man could be elected president of the US. And here we are, just a little more than 100 days into Obama's presidency, and what happened? Swine flu. Jesus."

In tears over here :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
Oh man, probably the funniest thing anyone has ever had to say about this whole ordeal comes from a fark thread

PocketNinja: "It's like the man said. Everybody knew pigs would fly before a black man could be elected president of the US. And here we are, just a little more than 100 days into Obama's presidency, and what happened? Swine flu. Jesus."

In tears over here

Took me a second - then - :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'm reading a weight loss book called The Gabriel Method, and he sums up (with footnotes) much of what I have read about corn and grains and how they have destroyed (along with many chemicals) the vitality of the modern food supply.
worlok said:
I'm reading a weight loss book called The Gabriel Method, and he sums up (with footnotes) much of what I have read about corn and grains and how they have destroyed (along with many chemicals) the vitality of the modern food supply.

I SMELL PROPAGANDA AND CONSPIRACY! I don't know about that and it might be spot on, just keep your bias meter calibrated :lol:
I can't believe IGG hasn't weighed in on this yet. He can smell a conspiracy theory a mile away!
IMO as a deer hunter, I have had deer that has been killed in the mountains and dieted mainly on mountain laurel, and corn fed deer that live in the farm areas near where I live. The mountain deer are certainly more gamey and strong tasting. I prefer the taste of the corn fed deer. Just me...
Put your hand up if you've had an e-mail from your employer about this piggy flu at work... Mine was printed out for me and left on the desk, lol.
rainbowberry said:
Put your hand up if you've had an e-mail from your employer about this piggy flu at work... Mine was printed out for me and left on the desk, lol.

I just e-mailed myself but I washed my hands before touching the key board.