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The Dreaded Ring-of-Fire

DEFCON Creator said:
I have found that first using bleach to bring the lovely little crystals to the surface, and then rubbing alcohol to remove them works pretty good.

I don't to even want to know how you came across that little gem of information...
man if you can handle the heat in you can handle the heat out lol my worst case was those wings I had to sign a waver for....it was warm both ways big deal lol I got my t shirt lol
Canuk Pepperhead said:
man if you can handle the heat in you can handle the heat out lol my worst case was those wings I had to sign a waver for....it was warm both ways big deal lol I got my t shirt lol

Ahhhhh, perhaps a candidate for a Defcon Deathmatch. :lol:
Boy, did I have this baaaaad yesturday. The night before I had a bunch of peppers (Piquins, Jalapenos, Tepins). Then, all those seeds came out in the form of a dingleberry the next day. I was sitting very uncomfortably for the next 4 hours suffering through the heat.

Someone asked why I was shifting around so much in my chair. I said "peppers" and looked at him wide eyed....hey knew what I ment :D
IGG...dude just be thankful that you don't gave hemmoroids. If you did and you ate all those peppers, they'd be hangin' down like a flaming cluster of grapes!
last time I had a bad case of the ring of fire I went to a resturant/bar and they have nuclear wings....12 wings for a shirt...Ill tell you this it was more than hab it was a very violent burn compaired to anything ive had but the rush...man it was awsome...The next night I went for scuacide wings at the local bar lol I didnt taste a damn thing...Ive got the shirt and the record for eating the wings that fast hehehehe
Canuk Pepperhead said:
last time I had a bad case of the ring of fire I went to a resturant/bar and they have nuclear wings....12 wings for a shirt...Ill tell you this it was more than hab it was a very violent burn compaired to anything ive had but the rush...man it was awsome...The next night I went for scuacide wings at the local bar lol I didnt taste a damn thing...Ive got the shirt and the record for eating the wings that fast hehehehe

Perhaps you would like to join our next Defcon Deathmatch, we've got a few coming up. :hell:
will there ever be a Defcon Deathmatch in Australia? if not, I'll have to arrange my US holiday so it aligns with a Deathmatch. hey, if I'm gonna go to the home of chile, I'm gonna get burned!!!
You know you exactly the right amount of peppers when you only get a nice, satisfactory warm 'glow', that slowly subsides!:shocked:

As for hot hands and other body parts, there is hope on the horizon. I get burns every day, and even ignores a spill on my chest that burnt a hole in my skin after an hour or two.:shocked: I've found that straight liquid hand soap counter acts the burn. Put it on, rub it around and then rinse. May take two treatments. Works on ALL parts of the body. If the burn doesn't completely disappear, will will die to 'just warm'. Very bearable and ignorable.
tinner666 said:
I've been training by drinking or eating lots of hot sauce every day. The ring of sting is usually just a glow, and a lot of sweat.:lol:
But a nice toilet for chili heads would have a water level that allows the tender area to be immersed during 'pepper extraction' activities.:) :think:

I need one of those!!! This thread is HILARIOUS!!!!;)
to solve my morning ring of fire I just take a shower right away.

but I might have a strange question for ya'all. do any of you ever get the stream of fire ? :shocked::scared:

I've noticed after some serious eating of homemade hab sauce or my homemade hot/sour soup theres a slight burning while pissing the next morning & if I kick back on the sauce its not there. & then theres the rude awakening during the night when that hot sauce finally reaches the intestines :shocked::fire: talk about burning your insides.
but you know what ? it tastes so good I'll do it again the next night LOL
texas blues said:
IGG...dude just be thankful that you don't gave hemmoroids. If you did and you ate all those peppers, they'd be hangin' down like a flaming cluster of grapes!

That's an image I could have gone the rest of my life with imagining.:doh: