Holy Crap JayT! That meaty, melty Stromboli looks awesome! and that's not just the 3 beer and 5 double vodka's talking. It'd be hard to resist chomping into that when hot and getting burnt, but it'd probably be worth the second skin that forms on the roof of your mouth. Gotta love the crispy dough, the cheesy, meaty goodness that comes with something like that.
Also gotta give props to TB and the shrimp. The last time I had shrimp I Q'd them with rosemary, garlic, and parsley, then dipped them in butter and garlic, and ate them with my mom (yea THP community make fun if you will, but you've got to be pretty cold to not love and respect your mother!).
Good stuff all around. God I'm gonna get fat from all the good eats I see here.