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food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Fatali zucchini is the prize of my crop this year, and the jars are just now ready to eat!!

Simple pickle brine, zucchini slices, fresh dill, garlic, and a whole fatali in each jar.

So damn good, we threw it on pizza.

Pickles on pizza is a strange concept, but paired with the black olives and sweetness from honey dough and artichokes, it was a home run.

a spicy home run!!

Someone else make this!!!!!! You won't regret it!
Damn, Sum, that looks pretty damn tasty for a green pie. I had some scorpion pickled cukes with lunch today. Those are pretty tasty too!
Lunch... :D

Edit: Just realised I was supposed have made my own dough...
Sorry, t'was the plan but I ran out of money so had to make do with what was at home... :(

• Flat Bread
• Adelaide Tomatoes
• Kassler (ham)
• Red Capsicum (aka Bell Pepper)
• Marinated Artichoke
• JungleRain's INQUISITION superhot sauce :)
• Bird Eye's
• Bulgarian White Cheese
• Tasty Cheese
• Salt, pepper, olive oil, basil

This smallgoods joint is amazingly good!


Why doesn't Domino's know about the pizza's on this post?! lol. Hell.. I'd buy any of these pizzas before the generics. Great work guys. ya got my mouth watering! :cheers:
Maybe need to tweak the recipe as it was a bit hard on the edge and chewy in the center

Looks yummy. Might not be the recipe, but the way you used your tools. Guessing here, but it looks like you spread the pizza dough out directly onto the cold baking stone. Is that right?
I haven't made pizza from scratch in years – as in at least a couple decades. We made 2 pizzas tonight. The first was my son's, which used a standard tomatoe sauce, and let's say it was educational – during the first bake the thing puffed up almost like a mound of bread, so we flipped it upside down to put the sauce and toppings on it. When I did mine, I first poked a fork all over the raw dough, and didn't let it stay in the oven quite as long for the first bake. It still puffed, but not nearly as much. I used a pizza stone for the first time tonight, after having done research on various ways to use it. It was definitely a good purchase, as the crust was nice and crispy all the way through. The learning curve on my pizza was primarily regarding the sauce; I had thought it was too thick after first making it, so thinned it with more cream. Mistake. But this was also proof the crust was excellent: it was crispy at first, in spite of the too-thin sauce, until even it got too soaked.

Crust: Flour, yeast, salt, olive oil, ice water
Sauce: Cream, flour, butter, sea salt, cayenne powder, chipotle powder, garlic powder, cumin, romano cheese
Toppings: Shrimp, pancetta, asparagus, green onion, tomatoe, jalapeno, romano cheese

This was mine, after the first bake when the toppings were put on, but before the second bake:

The finished pizza:

I will definitely make this again, but of course, won't thin the sauce. Also, I bought some crab and artichoke hearts to put on it, but somehow forgot to use them, so will definitely include next time. Another thing is that I had wanted to use Fontina cheese, but couldn't locate any in the time I was willing to spend on it, so will make some effort to find some for next time.

Haha - probably shouldn't post this, but you'll get the idea of just how thin the sauce got:

Yep - gotta have a sense of humor about one's self!
That looks great G. Maybe you might want to fork your dough so it doesn't rise so much, and if you use seafood like shrimp and crab with fontina, might I suggest some tarragon. Looking good girl!
I'm so thrilled to find this thread! Last Winter (which get long and boring here) I taught myself to make pizza from scratch. Tons of trial and error, but I had such a blast! I've learned alot already reading thru these posts and can't wait to get back to my new hobby! I'm not allowed to turn the oven on until the daytime temps dip below 90....but that'll be happening soon! Think I'll at least start making batches of the dough and stocking them in the freezer. This could be my year to 'Perfect my Pizza Skeels'!!! Thanks everyone! :)
Well now that's a ga-genuis idea! I'm not grill-skilled, but maybe Scovie will help me out with the cooking part of the program. Hmmm...I'd better go see what ingredients I have and start creating!
Tonight at the Rocket Silo it's Pizza on the Barbie night.

The Players:
2 Sourdough pizza dough balls

Peperonni, ham, pineapple, onion and pepper mix, homemade sauce, cheese and a Punkin Ale

Fresh Rosemary into the smoking tray

Pre-heating te stone

Stay tuned more to come......
Missed the before shot but fresh Peperonni pizza

Hawaiian style with ham and pineapple. Can't wait to grt some Captains sauce on this bad boy!

Finished shot

And now for the important part, the eating

With some Haba-Peno sauce

Beautiful grilled crust

Hawaiian style

Sauces down with the Captains Sauce

Which was AWESOME!!!!!!!

Here's hoping y'all are having a great end to the weekend too
