Brunch skillet-thingy here.
Needed some wakey-wakey power after last night, so fried up some hot breakfast sausage, then added this:
The Green stuff is cilantro, potatos were pre-nuked for about 4mins. so wouldn't take so long then peeled and diced. The 8" chef knife is for scale...and cutting stuff too. ;-)
Also added some curry powder, S&P, red pepper, chile powder, and a dash of thyme and mexican oregano. Came out tasty, and those jalas were hot..only 'bout 10 very large seeds in 'em. Weird things from Mexico, and extra hot so seeds saved.
Also had to double-wash my hands after cutting up the habs as got sticky cap stuff all over..very potent lil buggers.
Served up w/ grated Monterey Jack, Buttered Toast and freshly ground Double-Dark Sumatra Dark Roast. (cam batteries croaked b4 that tho, oops)
Good stuff..would nice for Pita Bread, but don't have ATM. Leftovers will be assimilated into a burrito of some sort.
I was still hungry, and the batteries were charged now, so spread some hab jack on a tort, added the skillet mixture, topped off with a bit more Jack and El Pato Salsa Picante Jalapeno.
Needed some wakey-wakey power after last night, so fried up some hot breakfast sausage, then added this:

The Green stuff is cilantro, potatos were pre-nuked for about 4mins. so wouldn't take so long then peeled and diced. The 8" chef knife is for scale...and cutting stuff too. ;-)
Also added some curry powder, S&P, red pepper, chile powder, and a dash of thyme and mexican oregano. Came out tasty, and those jalas were hot..only 'bout 10 very large seeds in 'em. Weird things from Mexico, and extra hot so seeds saved.
Also had to double-wash my hands after cutting up the habs as got sticky cap stuff all over..very potent lil buggers.

Served up w/ grated Monterey Jack, Buttered Toast and freshly ground Double-Dark Sumatra Dark Roast. (cam batteries croaked b4 that tho, oops)
Good stuff..would nice for Pita Bread, but don't have ATM. Leftovers will be assimilated into a burrito of some sort.
I was still hungry, and the batteries were charged now, so spread some hab jack on a tort, added the skillet mixture, topped off with a bit more Jack and El Pato Salsa Picante Jalapeno.