food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

Slathered in EVOO mixed with dry seasonings before slapping on the grill, then basted with the same periodically while cooking. Then SL's sauce added in the final stages, so not really marinated.
I guess I get a little too excited to eat, and forget to take pictures... but today I took some habanero powder that I just ground up yesterday and sprinkled it on both sides of a salmon filet... then coated the filet with agave nectar. Served it on rice with soy sauce over everything. Perfect trifecta of spicy, sweet, and salty.
I guess I get a little too excited to eat, and forget to take pictures... but today I took some habanero powder that I just ground up yesterday and sprinkled it on both sides of a salmon filet... then coated the filet with agave nectar. Served it on rice with soy sauce over everything. Perfect trifecta of spicy, sweet, and salty.

No Pics? Didn't happen.

Looks like a good wrap to me. Here's a lttle tip for your tortilla, 30 seconds each side on a nuclear hot pan, (it will smoke) or on the grill, you basically want burn marks on them, mmmmmmmmmmm.
Nice work!
Here's what i made on saturday night.
Double Moruga Chicken Jalfrezi
Here's a link to the recipe and post:

I don't really want to start a new thread for this, so here it is in the last spicy meal thread....

Some time back my daughter's BF's parents got into a pissing match regarding the quality of a certain meatloaf, and since then, they engage in a family meatloaf contest from time to time. Whoever happens to be there for dinner has to make meatloaf (yes, everyone makes their own), then the winner is decided based on whichever one is eaten in entirety first (which may or may not be the same day.)

My daughter and her BF decided to reel me into this madness since I was coming to visit this weekend. General rules are that you must use 2 lbs. of meat (any kind), may share but not steal ingredients (though sabotage is ok!), have a single common hour for prep, then they all go into the oven for an hour at the same time. I'm not terribly into meatloaf, so wasn't very enthused, but what the heck? We went to the store together, and even though I knew about the little competition a few weeks in advance, I still had no idea what I wanted to do. Fortunately, however, I had the forethought to bring some "special ingredients" with me from home, and I was able to develop a game plan fairly quickly while at the store.

His: (top left in image below)
Ground chuck (80/20)
Bob Evans Italian sausage
Red bell pepper
Parmesean cheese
Asiago cheese
Jalepeno peppers
Ground black pepper
Vodka marinara sauce
Ground cayenne peppers
Italian Seasoning


Hers: (bottom left in image below)
Ground Chuck (80/20)
Ground pork
lemon zest
lemon juice
red bell pepper
cayenne pepper
parmesean cheese
Topped with vodka marinara sauce


Mine: (right in image below)
Ground sirloin (90/10)
Ground pork
Coconut oil
Shiitake Mushrooms
Green Onions
Water chestnuts
Red Bell Pepper
Red Curry paste
Scotch bonnet
Topped with sweet ginger chile sauce

And here is a plate with one end slice of each:

Unfortunately mine is cut side down, so you're not getting to see the insides, but oh well - I forgot to bring my camera and had no control over the picture-taking.

The verdict? None of them are gone yet - there were only 3 of us and 6 pounds of meat - way too much for a single meal. But I'll relay what my daughter's BF said (roughly):

I'll admit ours pretty much tasted like meatloaf. (He's talking about his and my daughter's.) But yours had a flavor complexity that was unexpected in a meatloaf. .... At first, I thought the heat wasn't where I expected it to be, after seeing you put those peppers in. The sweet ginger chile sauce on top was sweet - almost too sweet - but then the heat hit, and I was really glad that sweet ginger chile sauce was there.​

Well, yes, I used the sweet ginger chile sauce because I intentionally pumped up the heat on this - I didn't want to make it totally inedible for them because of the heat, but I also wanted to have a little fun with it. The sweet ginger chile sauce was a nice contrast to the heat inside.

During the prep time, after I sliced up the hot peppers, I sliced up some of the bell pepper just to snack on. I still hadn't washed my hands, so the bell pepper got a dose of heat from my hands. I offered a piece to her BF.... hehe, hehehehe! That's where his expectation as to the heat of the meatloaf started - whoever thought a slice of red bell pepper would be that hot?

My general assessment - theirs each had good flavor, as he said, for more traditional meatloaf. I wouldn't necessarily peg either as better or worse then the other, just different since he used sausage and she didn't. Of course he also used BP, and those of you who know me know what that means. ;) Neither of them used panko or other breading, as he's on a low-carb diet. That made theirs much denser than mine, which was more tender. Also, I think the hour cooking time was a bit too long, as all were a tad drier (overcooked) than I prefer. In addition to having a more complex flavor then theirs, mine also had more variety in texture - the water chestnuts and pistachios added a little crunch here and there that was nice (not overly crunchy, though.)

Like I said, I'm not terribly into meatloaf, so don't usually make it. There's a very good chance the last time I made meatloaf was more than ten years ago. Also, I've never tried taking meatloaf in an Asian direction prior to this, so this was a total crap-shoot for me. However, I was pleased enough with the flavor and texture that I would definitely make it again, and would definitely serve it to guests - yum!
Oh cool you guys do a meat loaf comp.

Based on looks I'd give the award to either you (nice caramelization) or her (as long as it was mosit, can't tell). His is to hamburgery in texture. I can see the grind, which is kinda the opposite way of making a burger where you want a loose packing. Meat loaf, you want the meat worked good with the other ingredients until it becomes one. Hers looks fluffy and nicely done, without being dense. Can't see your innards.

Who won?
Way to go G!

The do look a tad dry but still mao-able.

What to do with the leftovers?

Why tacos of course.

You earned a big fat hot blue and righteous G!
Way to go G!

The do look a tad dry but still mao-able.

;) Neither of them used panko or other breading, as he's on a low-carb diet. That made theirs much denser than mine, which was more tender. Also, I think the hour cooking time was a bit too long, as all were a tad drier (overcooked) than I prefer. In addition to having a more complex flavor then theirs, mine also had more variety in texture - the water chestnuts and pistachios added a little crunch here and there that was nice (not overly crunchy, though.)

Aha! Breading will actually keep it moister, as it traps the juices that would otherwise end up in the pan. But too much breading can actually make it taste dry haha. Has to be prefect. I imagine yours was the moistest with the panko?
Aha! Breading will actually keep it moister, as it traps the juices that would otherwise end up in the pan.

Yes, mine was definitely the moistest of the three, though it was still drier than I prefer. Like I said, an hour was too long - 45-50 minutes would have been better.

I have to laugh a tad, as no winner has been declared at this point. I think we're all in agreement that mine won on flavor, but since the actual winner is based on which one disappears first, the heat level in mine will count it out.

Shredded cheese in the meat loaf always guarantees a moist loaf!
Not true. As noted above, mine was moister, but used no cheese.
Send me a meat loaf sandwich then, and you win! ;)
Oh, Way to go, G~

Schooling the young'uns

We have this Love/Hate relationship with meatloaf.....we used to love it,,,,,but now hate it.......

Basically, about 11 years ago, I made meatloaf with some spoiled beef, (long story....don't ask...) and within 30 minutes, hubby was in the bathroom, and I wasn't far behind. Luckily, the baby didn't eat enough to be affected by it, but hubby and I had one of the worst nights ever. Food Poisoning in the first degree.

Since that time, we have not eaten meatloaf. But, just this last week, I ate a chunk of meatloaf made by my cousin and had a couple other slices on a cold meatloaf sandwich. YUM!

That is the first meatloaf I've eaten in 11 years. That, and geeme's comments, I'm almost ready to try making meatloaf again.
Do it SL! You should add a boatload of peppers just to bring back the memories the safe way :lol: