favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Very small C.galapogoense with a flower bud. Plant is only 5-6" tall. Leave it or remove it?

Rhomb with flower bud. Again, on a small plant.

cardanesii on a good sized plant. Lots of flowers and pods forming.
Leave the buds. Any pod you can get on those is a bonus. How much have you been watering the galapagoense? A pot up would help it. It will have a lighter green leaves compared to other varieties.
Pr0digal_son said:
Leave the buds. Any pod you can get on those is a bonus. How much have you been watering the galapagoense? A pot up would help it. It will have a lighter green leaves compared to other varieties.
The galapagoense has been watered very sparingly. I watered it yesterday for the first time in maybe 8 or 9 days and it`s been 80°F every day, 70°F night. It gets more filtered light than anything I have. What would be the ideal growing conditions? Agreed on the pot up, I was planning on doing it today. I saw 2 amazing-looking galapagoense yesterday that were around 2-3 feet tall and had 8-10 flowers developing on each plant. I have my order in if any fruit show up! They were Pepperproblem`s plants and are being taken care of by a friend of Shawn`s, very well I might add. There are a number of other species in the same collection. Cumari de para, Cumari pollux, Cap1141, tovarii, cardenasii, lanceolatum,Trepaderia do werner, rhomboideum, galpagoense, microcarpum, Bolivian wild (?), Wild brazil. All had at least 2 plants.
Nightshade said:
Cardenasii is a really cool plant will have to trade for seeds when possible
Agreed on the cardenasii. I have 2 of them and both are flowering, but only the largest is setting fruit. If I get seeds I will send you some, no problem.
Thanks for the advice. It`s my first year with all the wilds apart from Tepins. It`s now in a 5 gal container. 
Pr0digal_son said:
I'm glad someone is tending to Shawn's plants. He had a nice list of undomesticated ones. Potting up will instantly help that plant.
Shawn`s friend Gerry is doing a fantastic job with Shawn`s plants. I was over there yesterday, as I said, and I was extremely impressed with how well everything is doing, especially given there were over 400 plants.
Is that Hogan in your Avatar??? I`m a Pro Golfer, so I guess i should know!!!
millworkman said:
That Rhomb is from me and should flower amazingly well from what I have seen from years past.  Let it go!!
I saw your plant and all the flowers/pods you had. `effin incredible job. 
I may acquire some more of Shawn`s plants and I`ll look out for species in particular. They will be made available to local growers, initially and I`ll post if and when that happens. 
Thanks Milworkman, I'll do that.    I had talked to Shawn about some seeds but as he has passed away I pretty much gave up on getting any, He told me he was having problems, but who would have thought that he was in bad shape, He was a very kind and generous person and will be missed by all of us, I'm glad that his plants and powders will be taken care of.
I am interested in the eximium and lanceolatum I think that I found some of my cardenasii seeds I got two plants that I know will produce seeds for me this season that is if their not self-sterile,  if I remember right its one that will pollinate its self.
My C. eximium that I thought I had evidently was lost in the move. I thought that one of my overwintered plants was a eximium but it has white flowers, I think it might be a microcarpum,  its still a nice plant and is full of little pods already.
Chris has a real knack for getting a lot of the rare wild species to grow for him, I on the other hand have had lousy luck getting them to sprout for me. 
I would like to get some tovarii and flexuosum seeds also, but I want to get a good temp controlled seed starting mat. I may have to make one as they just don't have a big enough one for me and I , next years grow will be about 300 plants 100 to 150 will be peppers, the rest will be tomatillos, tomatoes and eggplants. I also want to build a better seedling and grow stand, the one I built last fall was just not big enough once I had them all in 16 oz cups along with about 5 one gallon pots.
I plan to add more lights also the 4' bank of 4 T8's were just not enough for all the seedlings and some suffered from not getting enough lights.
My health problems are over for now, so maybe I'll be able to get everything I need this fall, next years grow will definitely be a interesting one.

capsicum praetermissum "cumari pollux"

capsicum eximium "CGN 19198"

capsicum annum var. glabriusculum "chiltepin"

I think the pics came out great for being taken with my phone :dance:  :dance:  :P
Thanks nightshade is CGN 19198 a variety that doesn't have any heat, i grew a eximium variety a while back really nice plant filled up with pods but none of them had any heat, still great plants and quite unusual as most have hot pods.