favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

MisterBigglesworth said:
Vincent, it looks like someone is clearing out the storage cabinet.    If the dates on the packets are correct, you can have some fun trying to germinate really old seeds.

The seeds that CGN distributes are stored at a temperature of -20C. The seeds where dried to a moisture-level of 3-4% before they where frozen. Every 5 years they take a random sample to test germination rates. If germ rates are below 85% they will grow a large number of that variety and harvest fresh seed. The scientists at CGN expect their seeds to be viable for 40-50 Years.

They also take great care of packing seeds. The seed samples are packed in laminated aluminium foil bags. The bags consists of 3 layers: the inner layer of 80 µm polyethylene, an intermediate layer of 12 µm aluminum foil and an outer layer of 12 µm polyester. Polyethylene is necessary to seal the bags, the aluminium is non-permeable to moisture and the polyester is used to give the bag its mechanical strength.

So basically, I don't expect to have any problems with germination rates :-)

PS. On the last batch of CGN seeds I received I had 100% germination, and that was on the wilds....(cardenasii, Eximium, Galapagoense etc etc
coheed196 said:
Another very special delivery in the mailbox today. Over 50 accessions directly from CGN. Not many "true" wilds this go around, but a ton of semi-wild, or very rare/hard to find varieties. Like C. Annuum v Longum, C. Annuum v Grossum, baccatum var pendulum, C. Annuum v Cerisforme, C. Annuum v Fasciculatum....etc etc

That's Great! It looks like your back in business buddy.
Update time on how my wilds are doing at this moment... So here we go







That's all for now folks, thanks for taking a look at how my plants are coming along...
/\  nice
I have a C. chacoense leafing out now.  Still waiting patiently(dammit) on the C. galapagoense.
Pr0digal_son said:
Things are looking good portuge. My plants won't be that big until July.
Quick little shot of a lance baby.
Hey John, that little Lance is looking great. In fact the only Lance I've seen on here this year other than small sprouts... Come tomorrow I will snap a pic of how my one and only Cumari Verdadeira is doing, finally got everything potted up and put outside in the kennel...
millworkman said:
Dammit P-Son, I havent had ONE Lance look that good in FOUR FREAKING YEARS!
We will see what we can do about that! There are 4 others next to this guy. I should be way ahead of where I am at but the cat wiped out round 1. This specific plant is putting out new growth daily...an insane amount of side branches that picture isn't showing.

Portuge said:
Hey John, that little Lance is looking great. In fact the only Lance I've seen on here this year other than small sprouts... Come tomorrow I will snap a pic of how my one and only Cumari Verdadeira is doing, finally got everything potted up and put outside in the kennel...
Cool. It should get quite large for you.
Dude Walt is that the same Galapa you got from Charles or is it from a different source? Checked out mine yesterday and got myself a flower blossom on one of two...

Yes it is, It's from Charles seeds.

That's awesome that you got flowers already. That's good timing considering the time left for the season ;).

This is basically cheating tho... this galapagoense was started late. It's only a month old. And it grows faster than a jalapeño :rofl:

Portuge said:
Super sweet looking Tovarii John. Is that your one n only?Wait a minute, think you said you had 2 right...
I have 4 and an overwintered plant from last season. Two of the seedlings will be going to friends when they get big enough. My favorite plant in the world by far.

Vegas_Chili said:
Galapagoense is taking over the Aerogarden LOL.
This thing is growing like a annuum on roids :rofl:

Branching out ;).

Wilds in my Aerogarden. Except for one chinense (smallest one).

That is a good looking plant. They take forever to ripen.
Portuge said:


Oh yeah won't be to long before I start seeing some pods off of these plants... I'm hoping
It will be long lol...I promise. You will get a ton though. They are prolific and pollinate easily. Nice looking plant.