• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Rebman2005 grow log
Ok this will be my first "blog"... So as of right now here it is Here we have 13 Trinidad butch t's Two long slim red cayennes (believe these have been cross pollinated by accident cuz these suckers are crazy hot These are my next batch of seeds that I received today Ghost peppers Scotch bonnets Chocolate habs Caribbean red habs I'm waiting for my apocalypse reds, Carolina reapers and Trinidad morugas (thank you pepperjo)
Sirex's attemp to grow the Capsicum and others..... 2016
Soooooooooo.......I guess it's time for ol' Rex-Y-Roo to start a GLOG. Been here long enough. I want to share the thrills of my little victories and agonies of mites and whitefly.       First we will start with my babies                 Here's some clones from Wicked Mike               More clones from Mike               Next is a couple mystery super hots I overwintered from last year.                         Here's a Lemon Drop dripping with pods               A Brazillian starfish heavy with pods                 Galapagos Red Habanero I'm suuuuper excited for                 And a nice little Trinidad Perfume               I got more pics but I'm limited to ten i believe.       So far we have ( I am going to leave quantity...
Austin87's 2016 Grow Log
March 8, 2016 - Post 1 for austin87's grow log 2016 Hey pepper heads! I'm pretty new to the forum but posted some basic info about me in the introduction section, and then asked some questions for answers, but I'm ready start my grow log here. I would love have support, criticism, ideas... Really anything to help learn. Here goes my setup: I've got a 2'x4' T5 fixture with 6500k bulbs and a heating mat under the tray. I have two cups of each variety, with 2 seeds per cup, for a total of 4 seeds for the following varieties: Red/Yellow/Orange Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Bhutlah Cayenne Jalapeño Poblano/Ancho BBG7 Yellow* Red Moruga* Wartryx* *acquired in a trade On the way I have Bahamian Goat Cascabel Shishito Carolina Reaper I...
Tick's 2015
New year, new plants, new glog!   At the end of the 2014 growing season, I brought almost all my plants into my basement for some extra ripening time. I started saving seeds (and sowing a few) and freezing pods.  I also intended to more thouroughly prepare overwinters of my now big plants; as opposed to last year when I relied more on luck and the availabilty of some nice sunlit locations.   However I got busy and, in the blink of an aphid's eye, it was almost December!  Meanwhile most of plants had been suffering in a very cold and dim basement.  As of now, it looks like 2015 will be more of a reboot-from-seed-type of year as most of my mature plants are looking far from pretty.  In addition, I want to grow enough F2s of a few crosses...
ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log
ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log Put the seeds in the dirt today. Trying to get a total of about 30 plants across 9 types. Ordered all my seeds from pepperjoe.com this year. Assuming some will die. Here's the list: Hot Banana Long Red Slim Charleston Hot Turkish Cayenne Hot Caribbean Atomic Starfish Tabago Seasoning Giant Jolokia Scotch Bonnet Here's where they will live (hopefully) over the next few months: The larger plants on the right are my overwintered Jolokias. Grow On!
First time I have posted on this fantastic forum but not my first visit. I found this site quite a while ago looking for pest information and downright got glued to it. I love seeing others progress and using tips and tricks they provide. most times I just want to see some hot pepper plants....   I grow and live in MD and have had some quite successful years recently so I can no longer selfishly linger around this site without providing some of this home grown hot pepper delight.   I have battled aphids, thrips (this year has been the worst), fungal infections, bacterial, and everything else humid MD has to offer.   So here the GLOG goes. worst germination rates ever this year. I got creative and messed up and cooked the seeds...
2016 off to a slow start
This is my first year starting seedlings under lights in the winter and glogging lol. In the first pick the row on the right is my Scotch Bonnet MOA's and the next row is my Bahamian Goats which are two of this years most anticipated plants I'm growing. The other has a 7 Pot Burgundy that has sprouted and it looking good with a Aji Lemon just starting to come out. the others are various tomatoes towards the top. The others that haven't sprouted yet are various chocolates and Aji's. 
STB's Kiwi Grow 2015/2016
This year I've started a whole bunch of seedlings about mid June, then some more in July and August: Reaper Choc Brazilian Ghost Red Moruga 7 Pod Douglah Peach 7 Pod Devil's Heart Devil's Brain Peach Hab Defcon 7 7 Pod Primo Dorset Naga Aji Pineapple Aji Habanero Aji Verde Hot Beads Also growing out a couple of hybrids, and have my own F1 hybrid plant that I'm hoping to get some pods off.   All up there are about 80 seedlings, have put aside about 30 plants to sell at my daughter's school fundraiser, so the rest will be planted out.   Have just brought 700L (185 u.s. gallons) of potting mix (50% potting mix, 40% large pumice sand, 10% chicken manure), also have about 10 more 50L growbags from last year, so plenty of space to plant...
Jeff H's trimmed down glog
I debated whether I was doing a glog this year. I guess I am.       The few pubes and chinense I wanted to grow had germination issues. I ended up with a few orange rocotos and a few MOA plants. That was all. I'll pick up a couple of supers at the nursery this spring. I don't need much, the freezer is still full.....   A couple varieties of cayanne, a few types of jalapeno, poblano, Brazilian starfish, bishop's crown, and several others that I forget round out the hot peppers.           Tomatoes in the forground. Since I took this pic a couple weeks ago the tomatoes have all been transplanted. I'm heading into the year with 15 tomato plants. 3 varieties.         Onions and sweet peppers here.       Update on the puppy too.    ...
First Year Operation (UPDATED w/ pics)
I started out think I would grow a few Reapers and couple Moruga Scorpions. Then this happened:   Toms   1 Jellybean 2 White Bianca 2 Black Zebra 3 Hayley's Purple Comet   Peppers   4 White Habanero 3 Bhut Jolokia 3 Trinidad Moruga Scorpion 2 Red Scotch Bonnet 2 Carolina Reaper 2 Satan's Kiss 3 Fresno Red 2 Chi Chein  2 Jwala 2 Anaheim   All raised from seed starting in January on an indoor grow. I had 70+ plants at first, but gave some starters to friends and family, and sold a dozen of them to Grocery Cafe, a Burmese restaurant opening in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. (and lost a few, of course) All organic. They were hardened and potted up, then into the raised wicking beds. A blend of turkey compost with clean topsoil...
Santi's 2016 Glog
First, the list…   7 Pot Yellow Aji Blanco Christal Aji Brazillian Starfish Aji Limon Aji Omni Allepo AZ 88 Bahamian Goat Bhut Jolokia Big Jim Bolsa de Dulce Bonda Ma Jacque Cayenne Chapeu du Frade Chocolate Habanero Chocolate Scotch Bonnet Congo Yellow Fatalii Fidalga Roxa Goatsweed Hoglesgs Jalapeno Orange Habenro Paper Lantern Habanero Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Urfa Biber Yellow Devilstongue     I have been planting in waves. First waves back in December, then it seems like every week since then. Just set some to germinate last week in some snazzy dollar store containers and the last plant will be on February 15th for the growdown throwdown (have to wait that day, or my wife will kill me if I do it on Valentine’s day).     The first...
Casper's Impulsive Collection Revival Glog
Welp you guys made me do it. Some of these varieties are of 4 year old seed. Wish me luck! I have many varieties that i started that I couldnt get again and they will be overwintered. I'll be purchasing plants for the garden tomorrow. Hoping some of these germinate so I don't have to hunt for these again. Letting them soak in this for the night. 1 teaspoon seaweed fertilizer for every 1 cup of water And here are the varieties that i am too lazy to type out. I don't have any seed left of many of them and i hope some of them grow because I wont be able to get more of some of these very easily.
KillerDuck03 2016
Hi All. I created my account here last fall when I was collecting ideas for what to grow this year after catching the hot pepper addiction and this is my first grow log. I live in the Portland, Oregon area and have gardened most of my life. Last year I had jalapeno, habanero, poblano, ghost pepper, green/yellow/red bells and tomatoes grown from nursery/Home Depot starts. The peppers did amazing in the relatively hot summer we had. I've never had much luck starting much from seed but I practiced with some seeds from a bell pepper and think I have it down. Wish me luck!   Peppers (I'm probably forgetting some):   7 Pot Bubblegum 7 Pot Burgandy 7 Pot Primo Aji Dulce Aji Fantasy Aji Lemon Drop Aleppo BOC Brazilian Starfish Butch-T Carolina...
HAJ's cross section
Ok, new GLOG is up  :dance:   Grow list updated ...   Main focus here is on my work with crosses. So first a list of what I managed to cross this far, and a status: HAJ12D, Chocolate Habanero X GRIF 9293. Wanted to make a medium hot chocolate chinense. Had 12 F2s, and 4 F3s from the best F2. But have since realised that medium chinense's are hard to come by. Either they are hot, or they are not ! Current status: No further growing of this cross. HAJ13A, Aji Lemon Drop X Choclate Habanero. This was most for the fun of it, but if I could get a choclate coloured aji, it would be great. F1 is really good, but have had next to no luck with F2s. Will try some more this season. 2015: Back crossed with Aji Lemon Drop, HAJ13A XB. Current status...
First glog
So I've been aching to do one of these since I joined. This is my third season growing peppers, it is incredible how much I've learned thanks to you guys :D It won't be the best of glogs, but it is my glog :D   I'm going with 25 plants for production and 12 decorative. Most probably the numbers will shrink as the season progresses ahahah   
Hello everyone, I am new to gardening so any tips or recommendations are appreciated :) I tried gardening on two separate occasions, a feweek years back and last year in 2015. I did not know a lot about what I was doing so all plants ended up dying for over fertilization, over-watering, not enough sun, ect. Thankfully, I have learned from my mistakes this year and my plants are doing much better. The plants are really close to one another and I realize that rampant disease can easily break out. I plan on transplanting them soon. I would buy a few more pots but I do not have money to do so at the moment. I have an extra much smaller pot but it was too easily overrun by pests. This season, I will grow Orange Habaneros, Pepper Caribbean...
Scuba_Steve's 2016 glog
I have been going since the 14th of Feb, but have not really posted any progress, so here is a bit of catch up on my grow this year.   I started all of my seeds in a 12 hour soak in a KNO3 mixture.   The seeds were all transferred to 2oz condiment cups.  I placed a cotton makeup pad in the bottom, and sprayed in a little water.   After that they went in to a DIY Incubator.  This is simply a storage bin with a 4" hole cut in the lid, with the top of a dehydrator placed on top.  The dehydrator was hooked up to a temperature controller that was set to 87F.  The temperature probe was also placed in a condiment cup, and sandwiched between 2 wet cotton pads.   After they popped, they went into 48 cell 1020 trays.  Each 48 cell tray is...
Flaming Youth's Indoor led grow
Starting some peppers for outdoor and going to keep 4 super hots growing indoors. Grow tent secret jardin 120(4x4) Led panel is a spectra 290 Peppers Carolina reaper (puckerbutt) BTR Scorpion (butch Taylor) CPR. (Butch Taylor) 7 pot (reimer) Red Savina (reimer) 7 pot douglah (peppersbymail) Jigsaw (peppersbymail) 7 pot douglah (Tyler farms) Billy Biker (reimer) Grande Jalapeño (reimer) Started seeds last Monday in jiffy 72 starter tray. All seeds are up except the reapers and CPRs. Not bad for just a week. Temps I keep at 80 . All are going outside but I am keeping 4 or 5 inside for full grow. They will be Carolina Reaper BTR Scorpion CPR Red Savina 7 pot douglah here. A pic from last Monday
2016 started really cold, but I still planted a few seeds in the hope that this would be The Big Season.   It is now the middle of April, night temperatures are in the high 40s F or about 10 C, which is very borderline for the chillies. I have thrown caution to the wind and am bit by bit putting my very small seedlings outside, come what may. This is because (drum roll) I will be purchasing a LED light, and say buhbye to soil.   My indoor hydro grow list currently consist of:   1 Tri-cot Reaper 1 Yellow habanero 4 Datils 6 Takanotsumes / Hawk's Claw   Some C7, Quintisho, Fatalii and mixed habaneros are being germinated. For the moment, theReaper and Datils etc. are just tiny seedlings with seed leaves. Once there is more to see, I will...
2016 Not so big in Texas
Hello Everyone, I will post some photos here of my grow of Jason's crosses. Got a late start in late Feb. 25 plants total. I will list the names here eventually. As always there will be additional nature photos. Thanks for lookin! Mike Two pics of the last plants out of the gate from early March. I-phone pics Inside the grow box on the older plants. Colors are weird here from the lights. Have a great day folks!
Glen's small-scale London chilli endeavour...
Hi folks,   Well, here goes. I tried my hand, for the first time last year at growing chillies as me and the missus had just bought a new house in London, and it had a beautiful South-facing garden. I naturally tried to grow way too many things (not necessarily chillies) and inevitably, due to a hectic lifestyle, couldn’t look after everything, so tomatoes, broccoli, and various other plants were “ok” but never really looked after or yielded enough. So this year, it’s chillies and chillies alone, in pots, with the addition of French marigolds to ward off greenfly… more on that in a moment. I had my Carolina Reapers, Pink Tigers, Trinidad Scorpions, Caynnes and Tabascos all germinated by January and was REALLY thinking myself pretty cool...
This is not the best GLOG in the world, this is just a tribute.
Behold here by I present you my glog!   It is kinda ghetto OG-log guys if you frequent the chat chances are you seen these pictures already if not hold your pants.   I have planted various peppers and few tomatoes that I will list later on in this topic or you can just read them from the labels on the pictures.   So lets begin with the soil, i have two bags of different soil at hand one from last season.. Bag numero uno,   very aerated light soil for plants that have problems rooting and some mycelium in it, drains like a mofo and can barely keep any moisture in it   second one that is potting soil rich will all of that sweet sweet nutritional value   Next i did 50/50 mix and started filling up the seedling trays.       Looking...
Shoreriders not a Glog.
Thought I'd share some pictures of my Chillies so far. The start to my season wasn't a great one, but thankfully I got it all sorted out without loosing any plants. They're over a month behind where they should be, but they are doing very well now.   Aji Margariteno, the only plant of my Lindberg varieties that grew out.   Tabasco, the ever reliable producer.   Jimmy Nardello, must be crossed as this one has some heat to it.   Jalapeño, must have crossed with something last season. I also have regular green Jalapeños that grew true.   Jalapeño.   Hungarian Yellow Wax.   Aconcagua.   Albanian Red Hot.    Cayenne.    Sweet Pepper.    Serano.   Habanero.   Scotch Bonnet.   Malih-Helow   Brazilian Starfish.  Many of my...
Fiveohmike's 2016 Grow log
Well at the poking and prodding of some folks here, I am doing my first grow log.    This will be me, out of sheer laziness, moving away from grow beds and starting from seeds, to moving to pure use of grow pouches. A mixture of 7 gallon and 5 gallon pots.  I am moving the old soil from the beds, mixing with fresh soil and potting up about 18 plants right now.  I will also be ordering more plants. This year I decided to test out www.chileplants.com after hearing some good things from TXCG and Guatemalan Insanity Pepper.  So I placed my order in January with the following list:   7 Pot Douglah  Aji Omnicolor  Bishops Crown  Brain Strain Red California Wonder Red  California Wonder Golden Fatalii Red Feherazon Inca Red Drop JALAPENO...
Guarita's Growing Log!
Hi ppl,   So, this is the Growing Log for my peppers! I've recently grown in interest on nuclear hot peppers so I decided to grow my own!   I bought a pack of seeds from an online retailer here with 40+ seeds, 10 of each of these kinds: Bhut Jolokia Carolina Reaper Trinidad Scorpion by Butch Taylor Trinidad Morouga Scorpion (don't really know if morouga or moruga I've seen both) So I started preparing the 'nursery' over a cement mixing tray filled with brittle to support the seed starter. Then I planted the seeds each kind on two 5 units columns as it can be seen on the pictures:   Peppers as of: february 28th/2016     First seed to ripe: march 11th/2016 (day 12)       First babies: march 13th/2016 (day 14)     Growing...: march...
Coming from 2015 http://thehotpepper.com/topic/52698-justaguys-2015-garden-season/ Yay I am now a first shifter. m-th 5a-3p officially but most weeks I work 5-5 m-f. Tis life. I have found that I no longer can seem to germinate seeds for some unknown reason. I am on my second attempt and almost out of seeds for what I need to have. The first attempt popped some and they all had helmets and died. This year could get very ugly, but this week coming up or next weekend I will be going back to basics with wet paper towels. Just wanted to get this started for keeping a continual record of wins and loses.
Tango's 2016 first season
Hello Forum!   This is my first season growing peppers. I have 8 plants under 200W CFL. I plan to keep them small and maybe move some of them to the windowsil when there's more sun. I top the plants and do some training. Aesthetics matter. Here's what I got: 1. "Paprika". Seeds from a noname supermarket pod, that wasn't very hot. There's a few pods                     and the new flowers keep falling off, which is normal, right?   2. "Thai". Seeds from small dried pods. I'm hoping to find out exactly what it is after there are some ripe pods.                Topped more than once, quite bushy, no fruits yet.   3. "Cayenne"  Or something similar, maybe smaller. Very tasty. Seeds from a noname supermarket pod.   4. "P.Small"  The last...
Needles First Grow Log (of sorts)
A bit of background..... I make chilli jam and had been buying the super expensive here in Aus Coles Carolina Reaper pods to add to spice up the habanero base. I collected seeds from various pods to try my hand at growing them when time permitted.   Started late after noticing in Masters (local hardware/garden supplies store) the Chilli Factory "Pot n All" range. Grabbed a TS Cardi Yellow as I had a spot in the garden it could go. Mentioned it to a few other chilli heads at work (a bunch of us bring in various sauces etc to try) and they also visited their local stores.   One store had Carolina Reapers, so I grabbed 2 of them and also added to the garden. Since that time I found here :dance:  and have been catching the bug. None of the...
Casper's 2016 Peppers
A New Adventure What’s up guys? I joined and introduced myself to this great community yesterday. You can visit that post right here. First of all, let me thank you for your warm welcome!  Since an online community is all about sharing knowledge an having fun I thought I would share my current situation right away. Any kind of feedback, tips and tricks are appreciated. As I said before, This is my first year growing peppers seriously and I still have lots te learn.   Growlist  Habanero Chichen Itza  Lemon Drop Chinese Five Color Hot Paper Lantern   Cayenne (Overwintered)    Early Jalapeno (Currently germinating)  Bulgarian Carrot (Currently germinating)  Hungarian Hot Wax (Currently germinating)   03 Feb 2016 These pictures were taken...
The Krakens 2015-2016 Glog
*The Krakens 2015-2016 GLOG - Updated 12th of February 2016 ... Even More GREAT Peppers Added !!!  In the process of beginning my 2015 - 2016 grow here in Australia.....   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~*~ BIG THANKS TO  ~*~ Scorched, jcw10TC,  MisterBigglesworth, frank225 & LindbergF  .....Thanks for your wonderful seed's .. I'll keep you posted !!   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   *******   MY GROW LIST HAS GONE SO UP IN SMOKE I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO KEEP THE LIST UP   ******* Lots of super hots and lots of unusual crosses... Along with some...
My first glog 2016
Hey all, So i have followed other peoples glogs but never got around to doing one so i decided this is the year.  I think this is my 3rd year growing from seed and i have really enjoyed the ride and all of the help i have gotten here on THP.  I figured the least i can do is do a glog and maybe it will help some people, and i am sure i will get help from people along the way. I am not saying i will be the best at doing a lot of new pictures and updates, but i will certainly try to as often as possible.  I am trying a new setup this year.  The past couple of years i used a card table and had a pvc light stand with a couple of t8 double lights and using 1020 trays. That took up a lot of space and wasn't very good on the back. This year i...
Indoor grower from Europe
Good day, fellow pepperheads! My name is Gabriel, 23 yo from Romania, first year serious grower Been reading this awesome forum for about a year or so, this is the first time i've decided to go a step beyond and show you in return, what i am growing. I think this glog will be a bit different, since i am only growing indoor (tried outdoor, failed miserably) in a not so sunny balcony; i don't have more than 1-2 hours of direct sunlight a day Tried to grow flowers, but didn't find that very interesting nor rewarding. Peppers on the other hand... man, you got all that amazing colours and shapes... it's mindblowing! Chocolate habs, purple tigers, bishops crown etc. are trully wonders. Edible wonders! Anyways, will post more chit-chat...
2015 list     BBG7 X PDN F1 GA Growhead BG X Choc? SuperHot Morouga X BT Reaper SuperHot Brown BBG7 Romy6 Mourga Scorpion UV JoeMamma Bhutlah Clamshell Red SuperHot Douglah X Scorpion Seedtrain Fatallii Gourmet Jigsaw TexasHotPeppers Chocolate Mourga SuperHot Ice Scream Scorpion Butch Taylor Carolina Reaper X Mourga Rocco BBG7 X Carolina Reaper GA Growhead Jacks Chocolate Super hot Mine Butch T Scorpion X Jonah Bhut Shape SuperHot Barrakpore X Chocolate Bhut Romy6 Chocolate Brain Strain RSMC BhutCamp Frank09 TMudder 7 Pot Peanut Matthew Arthur Gator Jigsaw Romy6 BBG7 X Mourga Rocco Douglah SR (Faces) very sick SuperHot Yellow Jonah Romy6 Borg9 Romy6 BBG7 off pheno BhutCamp Rennie Brown Buckeye Seeds Chocolate Brakkapore Seeds from which...
Heefys 2016 Grow
It's that time of year again. I started a few weeks back and am more than happy with the progress so far. I have only planted pubescens so far, as I am hoping for a very long season from them. Probably sow some Chinense in a week or so and the Baccatums in February. Most have looped, with good germination rates. I have started to pot on now. I am aiming to grow out as many different pubescens as possible, so if you have any info on rare ones, please post or pm me. Cheers. Happy Christmas everyone.
Hi all,     2016 is off to a little bit of a late start.  This is my second year growing peppers and I feel like I've stepped up my game quite a bit.  I'm starting out with a few 78-cell trays with a variety of peppers.  I'm using rockwool cubes to germinate and will use Dyna-Gro Foliage when they start to show some leaves.  After these guys get large enough I will transfer them to cups.  I've got a 10ft x 20ft plot out back where a lot of these will end up.  Unfortunately, I can't take over the entire garden and have to share some space for tomatoes, watermelons, herbs, and other veggies.  Some peppers will probably remain indoor plants.  I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with potentially 100s of plants indoors.  This is what...
BigB's first pepper log/grow
Hello and thank you for viewing! This is my first season in miami fl focusing on peppers. Last season was my first ever grow in general and I seem to have a green thumb when it comes to a lot of plants, but peppers seem to be different. I use self watering containers which you can see in the first picture of my yellow scotch bonnet + ? pepper. These boxes save me when it comes to watering everything especially tomatoes, but peppers I think are different since they need the soil to dry out right? Anyways, my ignorant self is very open to any guidance and opinions on what I should be doing.   So here's two pics of my yellow scotch bonnet that I bought last year and a pepper plant which I thought was a bhut when I started it but it's...