• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Tatts' first time growing anything from seed
I have never grown anything from seed before, nevermind had much of a garden. My very limited gardening experience is a couple of herbs, Mint and Parsley, which are 2 plants that you almost can't kill. I also have some Rosemary plants that were in the house when we bought it and a Lemon Tree that we recently purchased and have put in a pot.  My experience with chilli plants is limited, I bought a few chilli plants (not even sure what they are, Thai variety of some type) from a market and I have kept them alive for about a month so far.   Since I have no idea what I’m doing, any advice along the way would be much appreciated. I am in Melbourne, Australia and we have a temperate climate. Winter (June-August) night time temps occasionally...
Fred's 2013 Glog
Even though the season is quickly winding down, I wanted to get some pics posted from this year and write down some notes.   All were started from seeds in late December to get a good start on the germination process.  All in all I think I had about 75% germ rate over all varieties.  This year's varieties included: Red Ghosts Giant Ghosts Yellow and Chocolate Ghost Chocolate Habalokia Jay's Red and Peach Ghost Scorpions Red Brain Strain Carolina Reapers TS Butch T   Some Pictures from 9/7/2013 Jay's Red and Peach   Beautiful set of Yellow Ghost's   Red Brain Strain   More Brains   Mystery Ghost Cross   Naga Viper   Carolina Reapers slowly turning red   Chocolate Habalokia   Today's bounty   Thanks for looking! Fred
Ok.. I've started this grow log..   Background: I'm from Brisbane in the state of QLD in Australia.   Climate: Sub tropical- dry cool winters, hot humid summers. Winter temps- 5c to 23c  Av. with low humidity, Summer - 18c to 30 Av, with up to 90% humidity, depending on winds.   Growing aspect: Plants will be grown in containers on concrete, with an Easterly aspect under cover, They would get at lest 6hrs of full sun including shade during the hottest part of the day ( 12-2pm) ( Can move them to get all day sun, but its a bit harsh down here)   Soil; I'm going to Use Osmocte Plus  Organics Veg, Tomato, Herb mix   Nutrients: Liquid Powerfeed weak solution weekly, Sudden Impact For Roses pellets monthly (one tsp)   Defence: Neem Oil...
Hi guys, I finally took some pictures of my "garden," which is a small urban stoop that I have overflowing with chilis. Here's my gallery. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10100803078451147.1073741825.604146&type=1&l=356b0c6012 What started as a rather desperate solution for difficult-to-find cooking ingredients for Sichuanese food turned into a quest for every variety of one kind of pepper - the facing heaven chili (朝天椒). I'm up to 9 different kinds, with 3 more on the way. I've been growing for a few years and have a system which works best for me: 1) promix 2) grow bags (grocery eco bags make the most sense $) 3) tomato-tone It's not the cheapest way, but it works wonderfully for me! My stoop only gets about 3 hours...
Labor Day Labor
Picked some peppers over the weekend.  Most of the hot/super hot plants are still not producing ripe pods - some are starting to turn but most are still green.  Anyway, here are some pictures of what I picked over Labor Day.  Nothing too exciting, but still not bad.   Sweet/Bell:   Some Hot Ones:   Jalapeno and a few Cherry Pods:   Cayenne and Thai:   Thanks for looking.
Poypoy's Growlog - First Big Harvest and Salsa!
I have hooks/seedlings on at least one of everything except the Chocolate Hab. This is what I started: Chocolate Habanero Red Habanero Not Chocolate Scorpion Naga Morich Brain Strain Yellow Bhut Jolokia Fatalii Suave Orange Peach Bhut 7 Pot Yellow Chocolate Scotch Bonnet Yellow Bhut Chocolate Bhut Editing the first post to include the Annuums I started later: Jalapeno Jalmundo Purple Jalapeno Serrano Santa Fe Grande Black Scorpion Tongue Espelletes Numex Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight A lot of new ones for me this year. I am really looking forward to the salsas and hot sauces :)
KingLeerUK's 2013 (first!) Glog - get these plants outside, stat!
Welcome to my first Glog for THP!  I did get a rather uneven and late start for growing this year but thankfully the season can run quite long in Florida so I still expect to have a good harvest.   Unlike last year, my grow has been done in fits and starts due to other competing activities for my time and some seed quality issues.  I've also done a few upgrades to my growing setup and I have some ongoing retrofit to my outdoor area that haven't even gotten started.  This post will serve as a quick catch up on 2013 so far, and hint at plans for the remainder of the year.   So, for the past 2 years I've done only very small chili grows for personal consumption and the occasional party salsa.  My growing setup was pretty simple, a DIY...
This is my first time making a grow log and only my second time trying to grow peppers. I tried last year but didnt produce hardly anything other then serrano, jalapeno and tomato. partly because i had neighbors that shot bottle rockets and fire crackers into my garden and partly because it was so hot last summer and mostly because i had no idea what was doing when it came to super hots. but i have moved since then and have my own backyard now im not sure i will have enough room for all the peppers that sprouted this year. i planted alot of peppers because of my failure last year and i got a heat mat this year for my seed starters i used jiffy pellets and when the peppers sprouted i planted them in solo cups so they wouldnt be on the...
GregK's 2013 Glog
Not up there with you pepper pros's but nonetheless I am excited to track some hots growing in New England, climate zone 6. I started a little late. Carolina Reapers- 9 Congo Trinidad- 8 Habanero-1 Takanotsume- 7 Jalapeno-2 Passilla Bajio- 7 Reapers were sown April 12th. Some pics on their progress. I'm moving them in between my unheated green house and the lights inside. They're forecasting mid and upper 30's for lows this week so I'll probably keep the Reapers and the Congos inside. [/url]
2013 Grow Log. Uk Climate, grown too many!
Here is a couple of videos of this years grow. Overdone it this year and have way too many plants in small pots as a result. think ill have more pods than last year though. I have an overwintered Bhut Jolika in there which was producing well, then i repotted it and it had a huge growth and pod generation increase, so im really happy about this plant.   Anyway here is a couple of videos (filmed a couple of weeks back now, there has been plenty of progression in the last two weeks which ill probably document this week)       following on from previous video
RoninGarden 2013 Glog
Welcome to another season of RoninGarden, In this episode... 2013 is here, and a new season is upon us. This season I got a good head start on the summer outdoor season. I've started a few new strains for 2013 as well as carrying over a few from 2012. Currently the kids are residing in my closet, within a makeshift grow room. All are in Airpots varying in size from 1/2 liter for the new sprouts, to 1.5 gallon for the 2012 survivors. Lighting is a dual bulb t8 fixture running 6500k lamps. My growing medium is Promix Bx. Here's the lineup for 2013: 2012 survivors in closet grow area: 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot Red Brain Strain Yellow Bhut Jolokia (thanks Taxing) Giant Bhut Jolokia Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Trinidad Scorpion #2 Butch T...
Vladan (Rainbow Chili Seeds ) 2013 grow log
2013 grow log Balloon,St.Lucia seasoning,Berbere coffee brown,Arledge,Da Rata,Fresno,Belize red,Morado,Rocopica,Brazilian beauty,Cubui,Florida wild,Trinidad Scorpion,Shottianum,904750136 Cardenasii,Martinique,Mili Habanero,7 Pod brown,7 Pod x Naga,Wild Brazil,7 Pod Barrackpore,Cleo’s Dragon,Pimenta Neyde,Pink Habanero,Cumari do para,Olho de Gato,Muruci red,Trinidad Scorpion chocolate,Jay Ghost Scorpion peach,7 Pod yellow S.R,7 Pod yellow THSC,CGN-19198,7 Pod orange,Habanero white giant,Pimenta Cabaca,Cabaca Roxa,Bido Tacana,Bih Jolokia Assam,7 Pod Billy boy yellow,Sunrice Scorpion,SB7J,Faria,7 Pod Primo,Caramel Bhut Jolokia,Trinidad Douglah S.R,Ttaeng Cho,Muruci yellow,7 Pod yellow x Bhut Indian carbon,Shata pepper,Pitbull...
Slater1980 2013
Hi to everyone :) I'm going to start a glog for 2013 and I plan to finish it but I've got to have open heart surgery soon for a congenital bicuspid aortic valve. I plan to grow less then half of the amount I did last year so it doesn't become such I commitment to look after the plants especially with all lifting of the plant pots you have to do to bring the plants back in at night to protect against frost. I will have the help of my lovely girlfriend but I don't want it to become a chor for her to look after them if I can't. I'm not a man of many words so I tend not to reply to questions with conversation starting answer but I really enjoy posting pictures and updates. I hope you can all enjoy my glog. I started by soaking my...
Cariocarj01 - Grow Season 2013
Official start of my grow season - 07/01/13. ***C. PUBESCENS*** Rocoto Manzano Amarillo - 2 Rocoto Manzano Rojo - 2 Rocoto Canario - 2 Rocoto Costa Rica Red - 2 Rocoto Equador Red - 2 Rocoto Costa Rica Yellow - 2 Orange Locoto - 2 ***C. BACCATUM*** Aji Habanero - 2 Aji Golden - 2 Aji Amarillo - 2 Aji Escabeche - 2 Aji Piura - 2 Aji Cristal - 2 Aji Omnicolor - 2 Aji Angelo - 2 Birgits Locoto - 2 Brazilian Pumpkim - 2 Dedo de Moca - 2 C. Annuum e C. Chinense Numex Sweet - 1 Numex Sunrise - 1 Numex Eclipse - 1 Numex Sunset - 1 Numex Bailey Pequim - 1 Marconi Red Italian Pepper - 1 T.S.B.T - 1 See you... Flávio. Some photos: The start 1: The start 2: Here are two more photos of the beginning og my 2013 season. My...
PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa
Hi All, So I'll give it another try this year. God knows I love chillies and I would love nothing more than to have a bumper harvest... but I suspect the truth of the matter is I do not have green fingers. In fact, give me a chilli and I will be pretty guaranteed to kill it lol That's not negativity talking, that's reality based on last years experiences lol Last year it was pots. This year its a farm east of Pretoria, here in South Africa. My reasoning for this madness is pretty much like a hunter hunting with a machine gun... out of the thousand seedlings I plant... I must walk away with something lol (I hope). So I have a pice of land. Good soil down by a river in the african sun. The planting area has been divided into two...
Pac_Heat507's 2013 Grow Log
Hey y'all, just wanted to share a progress report on the pepper plants. They are really shooting up quite fast. it has been insanely hot the past 2 weeks, with temps around 94F and feels like 102F. the plants wilt a bit then perk right back up in the evening once cooled down. Here are some pics. Pepperoncini The gang Fatalii I was using MG potting mix regular and MC, until i found this local soil mix at a local hardware store. it looked good and is organic (and cheap). It says it has trichoderma, metarhizium & maeclomyces, whatever those are. Here is a picture of 2 plants, same seed same age. One is in MG the other in the local soil mix. Can you guess which one is in the MG and which is in the local soil? Thanks...
Homefrys Glog 2013 (Pod Porn)
I meant to start a thread earlier in the year, but just got busy and never made it. Better late than never right?   Heres the grow list, I have a few more bells that aren't on it.   King of the North Orange Bell Mini Yellow Bells Mini Red Bells Ancho San Martin Hybrid Jalapeno Grande Marconi Reds Golden Treasure Alma Paprika Golden Greek Pepperoncini Big Sun Habanero Red Bhut Jolokia 7 Pod Jonah Douglahs(not) 7pod Brian Strain Yellow 7pod Congo TS Morouga Blend Yellow TS Morouga Blend Red Bahamian Goat Pepper TS Chocolate 7pod jonah x butch T 7 Pod Primo Bhut Peach Dorset Naga Long Slim Cayenne Tolli's Sweet Trinadad Morovas Monster Naga Jamaican Hot Chocolate       Yellow Brain        Moruga Red       Bahamian Goat       Trinidad...
Hi guys! I started recording videos of my garden and peppers this month. Consider the following video Grow Vlog number one. My growlist for peppers so far is; Bhut Jolokia Hot Paper Lantern (SAK59) Scotch Bonnet (SAK59) Ring of Fire Cayenne (SAK59) 7 Pot (SAK59) Naga Morich (SAK59) F3 Bonnie Jalapeno (Homedepot) F4 Red Savina Habanero X Chocolate Habanero F3 Long Thick Cayenne Red Fatali (SAK59) F2 NuMex Mexibell Hybrid
1/31/13 5 of each: Primo Douglah Barakpore 7P Yellow 7P White Jonah Carolina Reaper Charleston Red Bhut Peach Bhut Spicy Mustard Hab White Bullet Hab 2 of each: Thai Dragon Bolivian Rainbow ?Brain Strain? Pix? What pix. Imagine 66 plugs in a styrofoam aerogarden starter. Most came from pods, so it will be interesting to see what comes up.
Capehog 2013 I have no idea what these peppers are
This year will be my first attempt at the Super Hots aside from the Red Savina a few years back. I have at my disposal this online university and my 85 yr old Sensei Master mother who has had a garden in one form or another for over 75 years of her life. Old school meets new school and I welcome any and all comments and ideas to further my season. I ordered seeds from pepperlover and from New Mexico State University with the following is my grow list so far. I'm sure I'll add in some sweets to go with the hots. Pepperlover order placed on Thursday Dec 27th with arrival on Monday Dec 31st Red yellow Moruga Trinidad scorpion original strain Large red 7 pod Naga Morich Trinidad Moruga blend red Datil Bih jolokia Tobasco Bradleys...
       I want to thank everone in the HP for all your advice and knowlege in growing peppers.I also want to thank the weatherman who has kept it in the 80's with lows in the 60's all summer.We only have had a couple days in the 90's and thats not common.Now I have to decide what I am going to do with all the pods.Maybe I will send some to Nigel.He knows whats up.From top to bottom[moruga][orange habs][7-pot][ghost choco][moruga yellow][trinidad]
7Eye's (late) 2013 Glog
Hi everyone, im Isak and this is my grow for 2013. im starting late in the season or early depending on how u look at it as it never get below 5 degrees C here.   i dont have pics of when i started but ill post where i am currently. im growing Bishop's Crown and Trinidad Moruga Scorpions. will post pics as soon as i figure out how My Moruga Scorpions Planted 14 July 2013 - so far 18 out of 24 have germinated although ive get another 6 growing in another area.   here is the biggest of the lot          and here are my bishop's crown plants planted on 20 June 2013 - plated 4 seeds and ive got 2 plants got another 5 seeds left     a close up or the bigger plant   my question is. how long can i leave them in these cups, they dont need...
2013 growlog ** update 4-6-13
These are what I have so far germinated out of planting. Probably wont do much this season. Did ok last season but not as much as I wanted. probably going to change types of potting soil this year. anyone have any suggestions? All of my plants are going into 5-7 gallon pots chacoense 4/5 (from my plant.original seeds came from pepperlover) serrano 10/10 (from my plant. original seeds came from store bought, wholefoods market) black naga 4/5 (seeds from Sick625) white bhut 5/5 (seeds from ERHotties think original came from pepperlover?) morouga 4/5 (seeds from pepper joe) primo x butch t 5/5(seeds from ERHotties?) carolina reaper 9/10 (seeds from pepper joe) jays red 4/5 (seeds from pepperjoe and Joynershotpeppers) jays peach 4/5...
NorwegianChili - 2013
Hey guys. I bet 99.99% of you have better conditions than me, but I try and it Results in some good plants. Any tip how to get the cats not to nibble on the indoor plants leaves? This year I'm doing late, but ongoing, this list (Still more to be added) ;   "Naga Morich" "Cayenne"  "Thai" "Giant African Naga" "Trinidad Marouga Scorpion" "7 pot" "Trinidad Butch-T Scorpion" "Trinidad Scorpion" "Fatilii" "Bhut Jolokia" "African Naga red" "Habanero condors Beak" "Habanero Chocolate "Satans kiss" "Mem Jolokia" "Bhut jolokia chocolate" "Yolo Wonder" "Currant Sweet Pea tomato" Not so much exciting pictures yet.  
Oski Grow Log 2013
Ok so i planted some Tepins Bhuts and some mystery peppers (believed to be thais) on Tuesday January 29. One week to the day i came home to find three little guys were waiting for their papa yay im so excited. left two rows are tepins, middle two rows are bhuts and right two are mystery peppers. very likely thai peppers. Just using MG seed starter soil and a heat mat with a min green house. Guess ill be getting a light set up tomorrow. woo hoo im so proud of my little boys.
Jedisushi06 2013 glog
I'm working on some guano tea recipes for my indoor/outdoor grow this year. Here are some pictures to look at. Any recipes for teas you guys got please share. I will be sharing my recipes i'm making for my pepper and cannabis plants. I will put up a list soon of all the types of peppers i'm growing. Strain List 2013 Naga Raja Morich Naga Morich Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Purple Butch T Scorpion Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate 7 Pot Orange 7 Pot Brain Strain Red 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot Brown 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot Burgandy 7 Pot Jonah Carolina Reaper Mourga Scorpion Cow Horn Thai Dragon Bishops Crown Golden Cayenne Faria Scotch Bonnet Yellow Mushroom Datil Trinidad Congo Ring Of...
GhostPepperStore's *Not* Growlog 2013
So even though it is way too late in the year to start a growlog, I feel like it is necessary in order to not muck up other sections of the forums with random pictures. So really, this is just going to be my shameless promotion picture thread.   I am going to start from the beginning of the season with some pictures and try to do a quick catch up.   Feb 2 - part of the main crop and all of the test crops Feb2-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr   Mar 17 - six weeks later, Chinenses are SO SLOW! Mar17-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr   Apr 16 - starting to pick up the pace, it was still really cold in the Midwest. Apr16-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr   Apr16 - some of the test plants, just podding up for the first...
Superhots Only
Ok going to start a log of all my superhot pepper plants basically anything hotter than a ghost pepper.... Ill be posting pics weekly of a plant from each strain I have growing. Currently I have a small veriety. Jays red ghost scorpion, carolina reaper (hp22b) and the sunrise scorpion. Any other growers feel free to post pics (of super hots only) to compare and comment with any advice or input you may have thanks! ^^06/02/13^^ The other peppers ill be ordering today; yellow trinidad 7 pot primo. 7 pot brain strain. Chocolate trinidad scorpion. 7 pot congo gigantic. Malaysian goronong. Black naga. Jay's peach ghost scorpion. Trinidad perfume. Ecuadorian devil's breath. Cheiro roxa. Noga morich. Butch t / 7 pot jonah hybrid.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain this glog this year but I will give it a go. The last couple of years I was very disapointed in the yield of my peppers but I think the foil greenhouse and the other greenhouse where shaded out to much by 7 conifers and 1 ash tree. So I just had them removerd last weekend and now we will see this season if I get a larger harvest this year. By now all the sowing is done except for few that are still in the propagator but for now this is how it stands: Aji Crystal - 4 Anaheim - 2 Ancho Grande - 4 Black Hungarian - 4 Bulgarian Carrot - 2 Bolivian Rainbow - 4 Cayenne Golden - 2 Cayenne Large Thick - 4 Chile de Arbol - 3 Filius Blue - 4 Hot Portugal - 4 Jalapeno Early - 4 Little Elf - 3 Monkey...
FireEater101 2013 Glog
Hello friends and fellow chiliheads! My name is Mike and 2013 is my third year to grow a garden. I am a chili pepper fanatic and last year my interest in gardening blossomed immensely. I have been on this board now for one full year reading and learning from all the experience and knowledge that many of you hold. I decided as much as I love gardening and peppers that there is no way I will get locally as plants any superhots or peppers that I really wanna grow. This year will be my first year to grow superhots. I decided for 2013 to adopt the motto of "Go big or go home" so for this year having received a grow light (T5) setup for Christmas I am going to start my entire garden from seeds. Yes I do grow other veggies but this glog...
I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead. Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door. This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive. 7 Pot Brainstrain 7 Pot Yellow Aji Amarillo Aji Cristal Aji Lemon Aji Panca Aji Pineapple Anaheim...
PSmythe 2013
    Plugged in the germinator for the first time in years. Running at about 20 deg C, not sure if that is going to be warm enough.   Seeds: Anaheim, Long Red Slim, Ghost/Bhut Jolokia, Butch T Trinidad Scorpion, Naga Morich, Fatalii, Pimenta De Cheiro, Pimenta Malagueta, "Saigon Phô" Vietnamese, Fish Pepper, Piri-piri, Rocoto Red, Pasilla, Ancho, Thu's Vietnamese.   I'm really looking forward to growing out the piri-piri, malagueta and pimenta de cheiro, personal favourites of mine.   The "Saigon Phô" are seeds from chillies served on the side at a Vietnamese restaurant of that name in Lygon St, Melbourne. Typical small Asian birdseyes. The "Thu's Vietnamese" seeds are from pods given to me by a Vietnamese friend named Thu. Two inch...