• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
AMG's 2013 Grow!  Pods Pods Pods.  Overdue Update.
Hello friends! So this is my third year growing a garden, but only year two of my pepper obsession. Space is limited in my ittsy-bitssy townhouse backyard, though i just demo'd my HUGE shed that was in the most perfect south facing spot of my yard. Stay tuned for the DIY raised bed going in this spring! I just got finished building the new and improved Germinator (a few more bells and whistles to come). Last years model has been converted into my overwinter station. 2013 List Bonda Ma Jacque (Semillas) Pequin (Semillas/pepper Lover) Fresno (Semillas) Corno di Torro (Semillas) Piment d'espelette (Semillas) Serrano (Semillas) 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow (Pepper Lover) Fatalii (Pepper Lover) Jalapeno "Cracked" (Pepper Lover) Chile de Arbol...
2013 Greenhouse Grow
Hey everyone!   Im going to start my grow log here in a new thread because I had some set backs earlier this year mainly with overwatering. Thanks everyone for all your help this site is awesome. I just put this greenhouse up a few weeks ago and have been working on getting it all dialed in. Temps are still a little high, but Im going to install some bigger exhaust fans next week that will take my exhaust CFM from its current 2200 CFM to 6000 CFM so I should see a further reduction in temps. Its about 95 degrees in there today and some days it gets up around 100 or a bit past so Im hoping the larger fans will bring that down a tad.   Anyway ... heres what I have going so far. Here is the greenhouse, I still need to bring some more rock...
A few peppers on the balcony (:
Hey guys whats up (: For a second year i`m growing a few pepper plants on my balcony, I have Jalapenos 2x3 Habaneros (yellow and orange) 1x1, 1x2, and 2x3 Trinidat Scorpion 1x3 Those are potx#plants Here are some pics. Habaneros having little flowers on the top. They are quite bushy inside. Dunno do I need to trim them or something ? Here are they all. Jalapenos with a nice flower. All advices are welcome. THank you
Hi Guys, Im back in 2013 :) i have planted some peppers that i will list later on. just wanted to start the page and so on... Basically this year shoudl be pretty simple.. multiple plant of some super Hot to make more powder an sauce, so of them are Carolina reaper, Butch T, Primo's, 7 pot, some nice cross like Douglah x Butch T and Douglah X Morouga and so on.... Also for my Lady should have multiple plants of Espelette cause she love those peppers and i will also plant a lot of Aji Lemon Drop, Biker Billy Jalapeno and Cayenne for cooking and "not so hot" sauce for the family. shoudl have about 30-40 different variety so hang on guys! cant wait to post the list and picture of the progress of my seedlings.. also not to forget...
So far my season has gone like this ... goood ... average ... great ... bad .... things are on the up ... and today .... pretty f&^%king annoyed and frustrated ....so many pests ... and the plants are looking much worse then this time last season (when I had no pests to speak of). I had aphids early on during winter ... they were easy to clear off and didn't bother me too much ... but I have since been having major issues with thrips and broadmites?? (some sort of mite anyway) tiny little buggers which are about the size of a spec of flour (smaller then two spotted or spider mites). So My plants lurch from looking good to looking really terrible and then they bounce back for a while only to be hammered all over again. Anyway through...
I have no idea what I'm doing
This is my first time going from seed. I'm pretty sure I haven't screwed anything up yet. I'll get around to that later. For now, we've got: Sown circa Feb 16: Aji Lemon drop: 0/20 Germinated (Suspected bad seed, gave up. Not even a radicle had popped) Orange Hab: 4/4 Germinated (these are the guys in coco coir in beer can bottoms) Sown circa Feb 27: Mariwiri: 7/8 Germinated Yellow Fatalii: 4/4 Germinated NuMex Centennial: 2/2 Germinated Zavory: 3/3 Germinated Sown circa March 6: Bulgarian Carrot: 3/6 Germinated Jamaican Red: 0/10 Germinated All but the jamaican red, orange hab, and lemon drop seeds came from Ajijoe. He's the man, and his seeds have awesome germination rates. I have them all under two 42-watt...
Sunshine's super-mini Glog!
Hi everyone! I wanted to share my grow with you! even if it's a really small grow haha :) So I planted a few seeds a month ago: -2 bolivian Rainbow (Fatalii.net) -3 Piri Piri -2 Naga Morich (Fatalii.net) Everything sprouted! :) or I forgot how many seeds I first planted haha ... but I know that everything I wanted to grow sprouted! :) this is a pic from two weeks ago now I transfered them to individual Red Solo Cups and they are now in the window because my single light setup is obviously not big enough anymore haha
Emeoba69 2013 Glog
       OK. Sorry for waiting so long and putting these all in at once. I have limited these just to my pepper plants and not the tomatoes I started this year. The top ones are from the first week or so of May I believe. The potted ones, the top 3 of which closes to the garage door are my over wintered plants in the lined up pot picture (2 scotch Bonnets, 1 bhut). Then my facing heaven pepper bed. I also have some more in the ground in my front yard Ill try to get some pictures of. You can see the progression from the ones I took today which are the lower half of the set. Over winters are doing great but are hella bushy. My poor poor facing heaven peppers are being ravaged by slugs.     My front yard in ground peppers. Up top in the...
Robisc 2013 Alabama grow
OK guys, this is my second year growing from seed and let’s hope this year goes better than last year as it was a disaster all the way around, though I have learned a lot from all of you folks here. The seeds below are what I started a few days ago and I got them from the folks here (in parentheses) so I’m certain that they will be better than the ones I got last year from unknown sources. My setup is simple, this time I am using Jiffy Mix organic seed starter mix, under my trays I have some homemade heating made with Christmas lights under clay cat litter, the soil temp stays around 82 degrees, none of the seeds have made it up out of the soil yet so still waiting, these were planted on the 9th, I will try and keep this...
Ok - first post is gonna be somewhat short (typing on a tablet)... adult male growing peppers... How uncool can my life get? why not do something more exciting, like rub coarse sand into my eyeballs or drill a hole into my kneecap and fill it with Worcester sauce ? I don't know... I maybe it's the cheapskates version of a red sportscar I am not willing to spend moneys on I am glad I'm married - otherwise I would most Def. not be having any sex the in 2013. Did I mention that I am going bald, too? Well back on topic... I always liked spicy stuff, and I do like to grow stuff - so I guess I really carry the nerd deep within. But then again this makes it kind of logical to grow peppers (in a Douglas Adams kind of way). (to be continued...
Hi all, this week start hit the first seeds for new season. This is the compete list: Habanero Belize Habanero Giant White Habanero Cappuccino Habanero Mustard Habanero Green XL (Extra Hot) Rocoto Brown Rocoto "Big Apple" Aji Wrecking Ball Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Sweet Trinidad Scorpion Green Trinidad Scorpion Ice Scream F1, Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Mustard Trinidad Scorpion Orange Bih Jolokia Light Green Bhut Peach Bhut Orange Copenhagen Bhut Jolokia - Rust (Rost) 7 Pot / XXL - Hybride 7 Pod White 7 Chiguanas 7 Pod Burgundy 7 Pod Primo Red 7 Pod 007 F1, Butch T 7 Pot Bubblegum Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Ibrido Devil'sTongueWhite/HabaneroWhite SB7J (Scotch bonnet x 7 Jonah) Zavory...
YYY vs. Plants, Round Two
This year I did a few overwinters and broke open my precious seed stash(seed trains are the coolest thing ever), a few weeks ago. I had some initial trouble with the overwinters; my parents told me it was doomed from the start, that they've never had any luck. Well, 10 of 14 survived and bonus, now I have some geo pots ready to go to make new little monsters I haven't tried. I planted too many seeds to make sure some plants make it and have been limited in my pepper garden space because it was deemed excessive... go figure :crazy: . I plan on growing around 39 varieties so that limits me to around 1-2 of each Here are a few pictures to start this year's fight, for the rights to make it to the garden
The Lauren Delux Grow Log <3 Part One.
6/9/13 I know this is for peppers but this is what I am taking care of this year, I was given the 15 Habs and 2 Bhuts from Pex and the Bushy Tomato. The smaller Tomato was bitten by the nasty frost we got on May 15th, it is coming back though. The other Habs were bitten by the frost also, they are coming back slower than the Tom.  The other plant behind the Hab I found when I was helping Pex dig his raised beds, it was a bulb cluster and that is what it is so far... I was very happy to see it grow.  Two Bhuts in cat litter buckets.    I really can't see my ipod's screen outside, sorry for the crappy picture quality.  Frost bitten Tom. Anyone know what that plant is? Bushy Tom  Better picture Brothers Hab :/ j REPOTTED AGAIN    
Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy
Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't...
PHB's Grow Log 2013: Paris
Hi all ! So I decided to start a growlog to improve myself as a total beginner in growing chilies and to get your advices. I'll post updates and pics every week if I can. THE PLAN I've 2 houses in France : - a little flat in Paris : because the weather is very bad in Paris (< than 1600 hours of sunlight/year, cold, rainy & pollution) I can only grow peppers indoor. But my flat is rather small (40m&sup2;) so I grow things into my cupboard. - a farm in La Rochelle : I grew up in this farm which is not a big one because it's only 5 acres. It's located here, around 200 yards from the sea. The weather is usualy nice (same sunlight as the south of France, we have some kind of a microclimate). I've plenty of space to plant my peppers but...
Thanks, THP forum denizens for getting me to this point!
You all have really helped me out from how to start seeds, which grow light to purchase, which potting soil to use, to how best to fight bug infestations. Because I followed the advice here on the forum, everything went smoothly starting the seeds indoors and growing the seedlings to respectable size for transplanting. It was only after that where I started doing things on my own where I ran into problems, haha.   The first few months after transferring my seedlings outside was rough. I managed to make almost every typical rookie mistake in the book. First I encountered a rather severe green aphid issue, and instead of going to the local hydroponics shop or garden center I followed a home remedy guide utilizing dish soap as one of the...
Scotchnaga's 2013 grow log
Not growing to many varieties this year. I hope I have a good year for growing.   x3  Red Savina (these plants are in their 2nd year)   x2 Bengle Naga   x1 Devils Rib   x1 Jalapeño (now in its 4th year)    also i'm growing a few sweet peppers.   **All pictures are a week old and my 3 plugs have since been re-potted again into their final much larger pots**.   My freshly potted Naga plug's.     My Devils Rib.. it came very lop sided but thankfully since this photo my plant is now growing upright :)     New growth on last years Red Savina, I grew them from seed and due to crappy weather they where very slow in growing last year. I over wintered them by basically leaving them on a windowsill with very little other treatment. Aphids did...
15 Habanero plants (plus my brothers), 2 Bhut Jolokias, 2 Tomato and a mystery plant.....
I know this is for peppers but this is what I am taking care of this year, I was given the 15 Habs and 3 Bhuts from Pex and the Bushy Tomato. The smaller Tomato was bitten by the nasty frost we got on May 15th, it is coming back though. The other Hab was bitten by the frost also, it is coming back slower than the Tom.  The other plant behind the Hab I found when I was helping Pex dig his raised beds, it was a bulb cluster and that is what it is so far... I was very happy to see it grow. :D   Two Bhuts in cat litter buckets.      I really can't see my ipod's screen outside, sorry for the crappy picture quality.    Frost bitten Tom.   Anyone know what that plant is?   Bushy Tom :)   Better picture   Brothers Hab :/ j   REPOTTED...
Chaotianjiao's 2013 Grow Log - A little bit of everything!
Seeing the grow logs on here has inspired me to put up my own. It may not be the most interesting, the most frequently updated, or have the highest scoville units, but I think it will be fun to see how far I've come over the season and track my progress. I'm growing a lot more peppers this year than last year, including many new-to-me species. Grow list: Peppers C. annum Anaheim - Botanical Interests Bull's Heart - pepperlover Chaotian Jiao (Sichuan) - OP - can trade seed Chaotian Jiao (Tibetan Cascabel) - OP - can trade seed Goat's Weed - pepperlover Mulato Isle&ntilde;o - Trade Winds Pasilla Bajio - Botanical Interests C. baccatum Aji Rojo - Trade Winds C. chinense Bhut Jolokia Red - pepperlover Brain Strain Yellow - pepperlover...
Howdy ! Bigger place & room tah grow, heck ! reckon I'll push the limits this year. Thank ya much to all my great friends, and to all that traded with me with out any Bullshit ! so special thanks all that help....you know who you are. Heah is me lineup ..... Scorpions : -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (Mississippi Strain) -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (Yellow) -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (LongTail) -Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend -Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend (Yellow) -Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Satan Strain) -Moruga Scorpion Brown -Trinidad Scorpion AJ -Trinidad Scorpion (XL) -Trinidad Scorpion (Yellow) -Trinidad Scorpion (Orange) -Trinidad Scorpion (Peach) -Trinidad Scorpion (Green) -Trinidad Scorpion (Chocolate) -Trinidad Scorpion...
Backdating things a bit... will add pictures later.   Day 1: Seedlings arrived from the farm on June 1st. Took them out of the box, put them on plates, watered slightly, admired.   Day 2: Left them outside for the day, brought them back in at night. Plants looked a little weakened from the sun.   Day 3: Forgot to take them outside. Whoops!   Day 4: Left them outside for the day and night. Rectangular planters & soil arrived.   Day 5: Woke up to see that the plants all looked very, very wilted. Soil was bone dry. Added a good bit of water to each (far more than I'd been watering previously; I had probably been severely underwatering in retrospect) and they all looked as healthy as I'd ever seen them by the end of the day.   Day 6...
6/30/13 Finally going in the Ground
Bhuts are getting taller :)     And they have their first peppers :D (yes, I know the pic is crappy, dug the garden myself and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.....)   Second bhuts pepper :) the tallest one has two new ones.      I have four more habs to put in the ground.    The last one in the second row has IT'S FIRST PEPPERS! :D So excited!     I think the others may have peppers, but I really noticed those because they are pretty big xP :D   Nothing like some good hard work xP     Hah.    All clean :D and very proud of myself.  
Catastrophic's Total Newbie Grow Time!
So I've decided to pair my love of all things spicy with my total hack gardening knowledge and glog the results.  It's your time to waste...   I acquired 2 earthboxes from a garage sale awhile back for pennies on the dollar and elected to put them to use on this project.  The plants were all provided to me absolutely gratis by the supremely awesome and overwhelmingly generous KingLeerUK, known hither and yon on this very site.  The dude drove out to my house in the pouring rain to give me free plants.  He is the man.   The victims:       The operating theater:     Homemade compost tea for after the transfer:   And the results:   Since I have run up against my 5 image limit, I'll spare you an additional post featuring the other box...
Melissa's 2013 Bigger and Better grow!!
Hey everyone!! It's been awhile since I have been able to catch up with all my THP friends! Work, family and my continuous grow leaves me no free time.BUT I don't let the lack of free time get in the way of doing what I love, growing! My outdoor season is still going, production is down because they hate the cold but still picking so I am good with that! Plants look sad but even with low 30's nights they are still flowering/setting and ripening pods. I see them on the weekend right now, my step children plants because when I get home from work it's dark! lol I have been busy behind the scenes getting a super early head start on the 2013 season!! Fired up my indoor tent in September with my 4 bulb T5 and some monster CFL's, November...
First Time Grow - 7Pod, Scotch Bonnet, Serrano
Hey all!, Note: I'll start transplanting previous posts into this thread as times goes by. "First Time Setup" Thread Jumpstart T5 Fluorescent 2' kit (No Stand) For Seedlings LED Comet Magenta 150LED Lamp (HID Hut) (for veg and pre transplant outdoors to pots). Seed Cell Dome Rapid rooter plugs (General Hydro) Plastic Seed Cells CloneX Solution (For seedling foiler) Super Sprouter Heat Mat Super Sprouter Thermostat Salvation Army - Old CRT/TV Dresser ($25) 4L Jug (Great for Kool-aid ;) ) Oakton EcoTester pH1 General Hydro pH-Up General Hydro pH-Down A couple of pipets - One for nutrients, one for pH balancing. FoxFarm - Grow Big Plant Success - Granular Root Nutrients General Hydro Pro Bloom General Hydro Cal Mag (For...
6/25/13 Progress!
New Flowers on the Smallest Bhut :)   Better picture   Growing!! :)     Check out this one!!! :D     Have too many cat litter jugs?    Use a utility knife to  cut the top off :) (be very careful.....)   :)       Found the plastic bucket and the plastic flower pot in my basement. :) I put holes in the plastic bucket and will repot some of the habs when I get dirt for them. :)
Fupalooter's first year of learning...
Well, this forum has sparked a new passion in my life. It has continued to grow even down to the hour as I check my seedlings almost hourly. I am looking for as many opinions or words of advise from all of you seasoned Chili-Heads. I have a few pictures here that show some of my progress so far. It seems everyday I am finding something new and making a trip to the local Home Depot or Lowe's. Well I might have bitten off more than I can chew on my first season but im going to make the best of it!       First sprouts a few weeks ago.   Original setup with only one fixture with two 6500k T8 bulbs.... and the super hots soaking.   Super hots soaking...       THE CURRENT SETUP... a few modifications have been done since the above photos...
Start of an Adventure; 2013 Newbie Glog!
**UPDATE 6/24***   Over 1 week later and I have updates!!!   1.) Poblano- Still only the one pod, although it has grown...many branches but the buds are falling off before they flower :< Anyone have any idea why?     2.) Trinidad Red Hab- First pepper! :party: Still a baby but you can see a bunch of buds coming in as well. Hopes restored!     3.) Trinidad Purple Coffee- This one is becoming my personal favorite. The pods are sooo vividly purple it's crazy ( Go Ravens :P) and they are just popping up everywhere, even on the base of the plant (out of frame)     4.) Trinidad Scorpion- Slow and steady wins the race. Expect pods in the next update!       I am also pleased/apprehensive to announce I will record and post me eating my first...
6/21/13 Hab, Bhut, Tom Update :)
The Tomatoe plant reeeeallly love the epsome salt I gave it. :) Brand new Tomatoe.     The first Bhut grew a lot. I took the second one out, rinsed off the roots and stuck my hand in the dirt carefully putting the Bhut back in, I didn't look like the roots were going down towards the bottom of the pot....         I think I may take my brother's hab to Pex's, it looks worse. :( Makes me a bit sad.... 
Rancor's 2013 Grow, complete with superhot shrubs
Alright, after much negligence and procrastination, I've finally managed to get around to pulling the pictures off of my phone and start this here grow log. I'm Rancor. I live in Tennessee. I like good whiskey and hot peppers. Now that we've been introduced, I'll give you a bit of background. I started this whole pepper growing endeavor in good ol' 2011. Modest first year. Did some research and did better the next year. End of 2012, hopped up on craft beer, caffeine, and PepperGuru's over-wintering guide, I decided to chop down my favorite plants and let them continue life.   Nov. 2012     Fast forward to March 2013. After a miserable winter in a 4x3x5 grow tent with two 105w (real wattage, they're physically huge), and a 45w and 65w...
Hello ALL! Well, I am finally all moved and almost settled in the new DIGS in the Great Metropolis of Moosonee Ontario... :welcome: If you are wondering WHERE THE HELL is that..go North of Timmins Ontario and you eventually hit James Bay (which is then part of Hudson's Bay!!!!). Moosonee is about 7 miles south of James Bay. I have subtly asked quite a few people if they like spicy foods or Hot Chili peppers, and it seems unanimously that NO ONE enjoys hot and/or spicy foods here. :mope: :tear: :mope: Though I still have to talk to the few Asian people who live here... But it seems that only my wife (who's Indonesian) and I like Spicy foods and Hot Peppers. Moving along... So, recently I went shopping at the local (actualy the ONE...
I have just finished putting plants in to my newly built raised beds for my 2013 growing season. These are mainly starter plants that i bought online from John Ford or at the herb festival from Smoking J's Fiery Foods. I have a quick glog video to show where things are going. I have a different house from last season that gets better sun so I should have better results! I will have many more plants going into pots as they mature. Hopefully i will get a ton of Reapers by the end of the season! Thanks for looking :)   EDIT: Wanted to add the pepper varieties i am growing and who they came from to support the great people on THP as well as other chile heads and vendors that got me into growing and eating these wonderful different peppers...
Poop's DWC n Soil n Thangs
Howdy yall! This is my first grow. For now I'm growing Bhut Jolokia and Butch T Scorpion peppers. I recieved around 3 pounds of these peppers in January of 2012. It took me a long time to find these peppers because there isn't a market around here for super hots. I know a gal who works at my local courthouse and her boss, which is the head of the drug n alcohol program, gave me the peppers. I took the seeds out of most of the peppers and ate every one of these tasty peppers. Knowing that I have recieved an addiction to super hots which was supplied by the main drug/alcohol man,I had to start growing. This is a month after germ...March 2 This is March 15-at this time I had a recirculating DWC going This is today April...
AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow
I have ordered the new carolina reaper from Pepper Joe and thought I would start a grow log. Since I'm waiting to recieve the seeds and germinate them, I will show everyone the peppers I currently have growing. From left 2x banana; 2x TSBT; 1 Yellow Bhut; 2x Naga; 2x banana ( seeds from Pepper Joe) TSBT; Yellow Bhut; 2x Naga The next plants were started from seeds given to me by a customer. Don't remember how old they were in this pic. Here are some pics of these guys around 3 months. I'm new to growing peppers, so I have no idea what types of peppers these are lol. If anyone lives near Champaign, IL I will have extra seedlings and pods (when they're ready) for free. Thanks for looking. Scott