Alright, after much negligence and procrastination, I've finally managed to get around to pulling the pictures off of my phone and start this here grow log. I'm Rancor. I live in Tennessee. I like good whiskey and hot peppers. Now that we've been introduced, I'll give you a bit of background. I started this whole pepper growing endeavor in good ol' 2011. Modest first year. Did some research and did better the next year. End of 2012, hopped up on craft beer, caffeine, and PepperGuru's over-wintering guide, I decided to chop down my favorite plants and let them continue life.
Nov. 2012
Fast forward to March 2013. After a miserable winter in a 4x3x5 grow tent with two 105w (real wattage, they're physically huge), and a 45w and 65w...