• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Cayenne's Organic 2013 Glog
Happy new year all! We made it, it wasn't the end of the world. No Zombie Apocalipse, No Revolution, just a typical year full of Politcal BS. Well now that I'm not prepping for the end of the world, its back to reality. I enrolled in into School to get my B.S. in IT Security, so I have a feeling I will have a little less time for updates and such. Reguardless, I plan on spening a lot of time in the garden this year. I had a blast last year out in the garden but I became quit the Organic Evanglist >.< Well This year I plan on putting my money where my mouth is to show those in doubt that organic gardening is easy, cheap, and very effective. So this year I will be following these rules as a chalenge, and to prove to my self and to...
Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.
Alright, the season is officially over in Vermont, so it's time to fire up the lights and grow some peppers indoors. This is always my favorite part about winter. I love being able to come home after work and still have some sunshine to play in. Considering it gets dark around 4:30 in the deepest parts of winter, I'll take any sunlight I can get! I'm giving hydroponics a go this winter, so this will be a huge learning experience for me. But, if we didn't learn something new each time, it would get pretty boring, wouldn't you say? Alright, peppers! Plants are currently under 3 2' 4100k T8 lights, 17w each for a total of 51w of light. DWC buckets with GH Flora series nutrients This is my Carolina Reaper(hp22-b) seeding. She's about...
Terravexti's Two Update GLOG
So I've Been putting this off for awhile becasue I'm a horrible procrastinator (with growing you always have to wait for tomorrow). This has been my fist pepper grow from seed and it's been a alot of fun. I will only have two updates. One, to show how I got my peppers growing. One to show what I have at the end of the year. I know two updates are not a true glog, but I will appreciate any input, advise or critique from a great community of pepper growers. The List: Most seeds from Pepperlover and a couple from Pepper Joe. A few from myself. Seeds Were palnted Feb 1. I ended up with four of each plant. Serrano Bhut Jolokia Tabasco Chocolate Habenero White Habenero Dorset Naga 7 Pod Brown Yellow Brain Strain Red Brain Strain Trinidad...
EZG's pepper glog of 2013
Hello everyone. I gave a short introduction in the hello area so I'm just going to dive into pepper stuff now.    Peppers: Jalapeno Padron Serrano Bhut Jolokia Habenero   Soil: Promix   Light:  Florecents, MH, HPS   Nutrients: General Organics Base CalMag Down to earth bat guano (3-10-1) Nutriboost Roots (Yellow bottle) Soluble K  Mycorrhizae   I have grown out serranos, piquin, and cherry peppers before but I had terrible yields and very small peppers although tasty and hot. I went to Home Depot and bought live plants. The plants basically stayed exactly the same size they were when I got them even after potting up. I like to think I am a good judge of plant health but in the end I have decided the safest route is to not buy live...
Joshua's 2013 Organic Glog
Well lets hope my 2013 growing season goes great, and I get some activity in my glog. I dont plan on having a big garden but will be growing the following: 20-25 Fatalii's 20-25 Carliona Reaper's 10 Brain Strains (saved from last year) 10 Big Bertha Bell Peppers I will be using Roots Organic 707 (Fatalli's and Reaper's) and Promix mixture (Big Bertha, and Brain Strain), They will be grown in either 5 gallon Root Pouches (Thanks to Chris at Alpha Hydropnics) and 5 gallon air-pots. I will use also be using the Roots Organic for fertlizer and Xtreme-Gradening for my mykos and pre made tea brews. To start off with some photos, here are the Fatalli's and Reapers I am germanting to get me to what the amount I need. I have most others...
Frydad's Hot Mess Glog
Frydad's Hot Mess Glog. To describe my setup is kinda difficult. I am a teacher by trade, but not a teacher like you think of the term. I teach young children, old children, adults, I teach reading, writing, artithmatic, I teach people how to teach. I teach people with disabilities, I teach people without disabilities, I teach gifted people. I teach life skills, I teach marine skills, I teach social skills, I'm all over the place. Don't bother looking too far into this, it's not worth it. Anyway, I have access, through work, to a ilghted grow cart. It was sitting in a science lab somewhere, and I took it. Squatter's rights. My plan is to get these babies going, and then split them between my students, my home, and some for Sum...
A picture log of my second attempt at growing peppers
I ended up killing most of my sprouts the first time by leaving them in the rain/full sun, only 8 of those original plants survived out of 100+ seeds 1 purira, 5 red savina habaneros, 1 thai chili, and 1 numex twilight ended up getting seeds from pepperlover, killed quite a bit of the ones I got by experimenting but I ordered A LOT so I have a bunch of sprouts this time   original 7 pod and red bhut    barrackpore 7 pod red bhut jolokia peach bhut jolokia  yellow bhut jolokia  white bhut jolokia  chocolate bhut jolokia  datil     
GregK's Peppers-2013
I got bit by the "superhots" bug a little late for this northern boy but none the less I'm giving some Reapers a try. Along with the Reapers, I have Tekanotsumes, Congo Trinidads, Passillo Bajio, Jalapeno's for the hots and some Corno di Toro for my sweets. I sowed the Carolina Reaper, Tekanotsume, and Passilla seeds on April 12 and the Congo's and Corno Di Toro's on March 31st. I use a heat mat and T5's to get them started then I move them to my unheated greenhouse.
Greetings, all! I'm sure there are a ton of new faces here on THP, as par for the course when I don't make many appearances for extended periods of time! Anyway, I wanted to get the foot back in the door with my 2013 Glog! I took a short break headed through the late autumn into the winter now, but a chilehead's work is never done once truly dedicated! I've been piecing together my supplies for awhile now, and reinvested in some new Mylar emergency blankets to hang up in the corner of my laundry room, just like I did last year. This year, however, I have been using sticky Velcro strips to the walls and blankets for easy removal and reapplcation in years to come. So far, it's been wonderful. I also recently went browsing on Amazon for...
Jordan's Extremely Late Grow Log
A lot of nice people have sent me things last year and I have had no time to post anything since I've spent the past couple months writing my thesis! So here is the long overdue start to a glog, mainly as thanks to the people who have sent me seeds, to show them I'm actually using them.   Unfortunately no early pictures, but here's where I'm at now.   Peppers along the side already in the ground are mainly cherry peppers from RedTailForester.   Some closer to the fence are various bell peppers.    Anyways, onto the youngest...     Top row from left to right; brain strain (romy6), chocolate T. scorp (RedTail Forester), sunrise scorpion, wild chiltepin (RedTail Forester), 2 more sunrise scorpion   Bottom row from left to right...
DonDix Hydroponics Growlog...
Hi pepperlovers... :welcome: Inspired by all your growlogs I decided to start one my self... I have only started my second season and this is the first attempt to grow hydroponics... I have read alot and think that I am well suited to start, but I don't expect it to not cause any trouble... I bought a WaterFarm and drilled larger and more holes into the topbucket and throw an airstone into the reservoir... I read somewhere that it could improve the system a little... Beside that I throw together some parts and got myself a bubblerbucket... I bought the 3 part nutrients from General Hydroponics (Flora), PH-down and a PH-testkit as well... I have an EC-meter on the way home from somewhere in asia... Untill I get the EC-meter I have to...
Hombre 2013 Pubescens ,Pubescens and Pubescens
Started a Testbatch of 84 in december because I changed a lot of parameters of my grow setup. Tried using some cheap LED panels but they did not fit for me So almost all of the things worked out and now I have allready 79 pubescens Plants that I will keep. Yesterday I started the regular ones I put 2 Seeds from 148 C.pubescens Varieties From a Cross called Rocoto 3H from a friend I put 7 Seeds to germate after I allready had that one in the Testbatch and got 4 Plants I am trying to get 10 so I can compare how stable they are From 6 Varieites I put 9 Seeds each to germate. The first one is a variety a freind got in 2011 in Peru that is suppose to be the biggest Rocoto ever Problem is that I did not get one Seed to germate...
Well. I haven't posted much on this forum. I am new to gardening this year. My wife has been gardening for years and with a 2 year old at the house it can be a fun hobby for the whole fam. We do all natural gardening and eating and are trying to get back into the blog thing. Wife was doing great about it for a while and then the kiddo got mobile!   So is it kosher to post my url since I am basically doing a growlog on my wife's website?  www.revivingrealfoods.com.   I am learning as I go, so I really would appreciate any help. I am in Fort Worth, TX if that matters to anyone.   I grew my first peppers last year, and this year was my first attempt to seed. Learned a lot in a short amount of time, but I definitely could use some pointers...
Knucks' 2013 Grow
Back Story   This is my second year growing any peppers. Last year I got a late start and was only able to grow jalapenos, and habanero, this was also partially due to me only knowing about a few pepper types also.  Last summer I found this forum and learned a great deal about peppers. I started collecting seeds, some from donations from members of the forum and purchasing them myself in preperation for my 2013 grow. At the beginning of December I started many plants, and they were doing great, I had the seedlings in solo cups and placed under a cheap $10 grow light from walmart. In the beginning of January I went on vacation for a week. I watered the plants and left the light on them. Upon arriving back home I discovered something evil...
Nee's first pepper season. (Australia) Pics, vids & banter..  yey! \\(^o^)//
Hi all! Although i've been into hot sauces / chillies for a long time, a Google regarding "growing chillies in Australia" led me to this site......and onto amazing people here in Australia, who have inspired me to grow my own! There's not a lot to report as of yet, but here's my story so far! Please feel free to give advice to a newbie, as i really want this human vs chilli relationship to work out! The story so far.... Pre-soaking my chilli seeds. I have 14 or more varieties to sow: From top left to bottom right.... Habanero Chocolate Scotch Bonnet TFM Bhut Jolokia Macedonian Pimenta da Neyde Magnum Habanero 7 Pod Jonah Habanero White Giant Hot Fish Cili Goronong 7 Pod Red crossed Yellow Manzano Fatalii Habanero White JellyBean...
PexPeppers Aeroponic and DWC grow log
Hey! Im jumping in feet first to Hydroponic (DWC), Aeroponic, and Hydroponic Coco! I want to see the difference between all 3 so here we go! Aeroponic set up: inside: DWC and Coco Setup (HTGSupply Bubbleboy single-shot on left Coco on right Greenhouse in middle) In the green house/seed starter tray i have 2 douglah, 4 Brainstrain, 1 Jonah, 1 Chocolate scorpion, 2 Reaper, 1 fatalii yellow.
Kwest13's glog - 2013 - First time grower - Super hots added today
Hello all. I think I have finally gathered up enough content to start my first glog up. So here we are.   Location: Florida (South) Zone: 10A     I'll start by posting three different mini sections:   1) Seeds and sprouts. 2) Potted up, planted, and seedlings. 3) Inventory (soil, fertilizers, ect.)     Seeds and sprouts. ________________________________________________________________________________________     I chose to use Hell Hot Peppers (http://hellhotpeppers.com/) for most of the seeds because I liked the selection they had.   The seeds were priced well and they shipped very fast.    ________________________________________________________________________________________     Here they are listed: Purple Jalapeno Numex Twilight...
bz963's glog
Hey, this is my first glog so don't expect to much.  Last year was my first year growing anything, and I had over 30 pepper plants.  I just got back home from my first year of college so I haven't had time to grow anything from seed.  I wanted a couple plants so I went down to my local nursery and picked some up.   I was surprised at the variety that they had and it was hard not to buy a ton of plants.   Plants (so far)    cappuccino bhut jolokia   yellow 7 pot   chocolate scorpion    birds eye   cajun belle   I also have a jamaican hot chocolate that has been in an aerogarden since september.  The thing is massive and I'm considering trying to plant it outside.     Just added pictures to my original post.
Hello Everyone, Somehow I managed to delete my 1st set of pics but have more on my update further down on this grow log. Thanks for bearing with me as I learn. I just purchased a camera and I'm still learning how to use it and how to upload. So pardon me if I have trouble uploading pics. I'm trying to grow 14 types of peppers this year and they are as follows: Chocolate Douglah, Red Brain, Yellow Brain, Thai Sunrise, TS Moruga, Datil, SB7J, Wht Habanero, Pimenta De Neyda, Hot Lemon, Naga Viper, Goat, Butch T, Bonda ma Jacque I have had 7 pop sprouts. Actually had 8 but I manage to kill off the Datil (new seeds started) and possibly a Hot Lemon & Wht Hab. Per Patrick's advice I have doubled and...
Ok, I am very late starting this glog, but it seemed like a great way to show what I am doing and get feedback from all you amazing growers. Also, given my less than spectacular memory, I may need these notes in 2014. Just sayin... History: This is only my second grow; I had a very late start and a tough grow in 2011. I did get a ton of Manzanos which kept me in hot sauce and pepper jelly for all of last year. I got a slightly late start sowing seeds this year; I sowed 3/1, 3/15, and 4/5. Overall this went much better than in 2011. After things started working out, I got kind of addicted and decided to add some additional variety by buying a ~20 additional plants. At the moment, I have 82 peppers in the ground and 89 in 3.5"...
pepperproblem's 2013 grow log.
OK, I hope this is intresting to someone. My 1st attempt to share a season. I have not got the whole list done and I have just starting sowing this week. I have layed out about 300 seeds so far. Maybe another 300 today. At 4-5 days into it, I have a good number of sprouts. 3 types of wilds, some C. chinense, a Rocoto or two, and something else. I will get some pics together to show the grow spaces etc in the next day or so. Capsicum galapagoense Getting the 1st batch ready. Part of last years patch not quite half way thru the year. I had paths, but everthing overgrew. Hopefully better planning this year. Rocotos Pics from 2012 One of my contest giveaways. More coming, I hope. You get the idea. Its a problem I have. lol
TheFanMan's 2012/2013 GLog, Harvest Time :)
Ello all, time to start 2012/2013 Glog, well actually its quite over due. For this season i built my self a germination cupboard. and it looks something like this. as you can see its just an el cheapo flat pack cupboard that i bought 2nd hand, it then has 4 batten holders per shelf. not all the batten holders have globes in them atm, i have left some empty to regulate the temperature. As this is the first version of this cupboard it is pretty simple, the heat from the globes keeps the top 3 compartments about 16 degrees C above the room temperature in my shed (shed temp is same as outside), the daytime temp here for the last couple of months has been about 12 degrees C. so 16c + 12c = 28c. so for the daytime it usually sits about...
OZZZ's 2013 glog
Hey everyone, This is the first time Im really making an attempt at growing peppers outdoors. I have grown some super hots and some others indoors under HID's with decent results but I want to start doing it annually outdoors and overwintering them inside. Ive had an indoor garden for years now..... and recycled my soil for quite some time.. usually it consists of 1/3 ewc's from my worm bin, 1/3 perilite, and 1/3 recycled promix ammended with tomato tone. Its worked fantastically for my indoor garden.. but now Im really getting caught by the pepper bug and want to focus on these guys. Currently I have 3 trinidad scorpion moruga blend, 1 douglah, a volcano pepper (a hungarian wax type), and another plant that is either another TSMB, a...
Dismember Season 2013
Hi guys, this is my 3rd chili season and I would like to share some pictures of it with you. I dont use high tech equipment and stuff... all I use is quality soil , daylight lamps and fertilizer. My growing conditions may sound or look a little bit poor but the result is not bad. My plants are healthy and extremely sexy :) What soil am I using? Bio Bizz All mix What lights am I using? 6500 K , 12h per day What fertilizer am I using? Hakaphos blue List of plants: - Blue Mystery 1 plant - Morouga Scorpion red 1 plant - Morouga Scorpion yellow 1 plant - 7 Pot Primo yellow 1 plant - 7 Pot large yellow (somehow ) 3 plants - 7 Pot Infinity 1 plant - 7 Pot Brainstrain yellow 1 plant - Trinidad Scorpion chocolate 1 plant - Scotch Bonnet...
Hey guys this is my first year growing super hot peppers. I live in Northern California and I decided to start a video blog to see how these plants grow. I'm very new so if you have suggestions I'm all ears! I plan on doing an update video about once a week ( maybe every two weeks if nothing exciting is going on with them) I got my plants from cross country nursuries. I did not grow them from seeds ( although now I wish I had lol) any way enjoy guys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcjgxPSxmPI
I'm growing a few from seed: red savina habanero thai birds eye purira NuMex twilight I bought a few plants: 2 peach ghost scorpion 2 giant white habanero 2 chocolate scotch bonnet they've yet to be shipped, but the seeds I sowed on the 15th are starting to sprout, I just planted them outside since it's normally between 80 - 90 F they seem to be doing well
Schonke's 2013 Grow log
Decided to put my GLog here a bit late and make a heavy first post and then keep going at a more normal pace. This is my third season growing peppers (or anything really) and my first season growing anything but regular C. annuum supermarket varieties. Original plan was to grow in containers in the backyard (renting our apartment, so no huge garden and can't make big flowerbeds in it) but as of last month we managed to get a lease on a plot of growing field where I will give growing in the ground a try. Since summers are quite short and might be cold here (southern part of Sweden) I'm planning on building a hoop house to cover the peppers. Ordred all of my seeds except the Apache and the Bird's eye from Fataliiseeds.net last year in...
In the following thread over in the gardening instance of stack exchange there is a suggestion that a plant will pause fruiting during the period while the remaining segment between the node and the pod dies and falls off after plucking the fruit ... http://gardening.sta...ucing/2081#2081 What do yo think? I often pinch mine in he middle, and in a sense, I might be pinching the cross-section such that it doesn't lose hydration as quickly and essentially holding back my fruiting process ... Now I'm considering using my little fiskars and snipping them more tightly ... Interesting ...
*HeatofMiami* First superhot grow*
Hello THP, This is my first time growing superhots and i decided to grow a FEW. The potting mix im using is equal parts organic potting soil , promix BX, Worm casing , alaskan humus.. all outdoors, very jealous after seeing the results of indoors. I have around 40 plants and 50 more in my germ box, Pretty much 2 of each listed. Any tips would be appreciated!! Here is my current list of what i have atm. Carolina Reaper Jays Ghost Scorpion (Red) Jays Ghost Scorpion (Peach) Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend (Red) Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend (Yellow) Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Trinidad Sunrise Scorpion 7 Pot Primo (Red) 7 Pot Primo (Orange) 7 Pot Barrackpore 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot Savannah (Long) 7 Pot...
chaosbites- growing peppers in the 3OH3!
I am going to give it a shot and start a glog and post some photos. I started my 2013 season on 17 Feb 2013. I planted then what I had available and added more peppers as I got the seeds. Next year I am hoping I run a little logical in planting times. Anaheim (Lake Valley) Jalapeno (Livingston Seeds) Habanaro- Red (Lake Valley Organics) Habanero- Red (Burpee) Habanero mix Habanero- Yellow (Burpee) Habanero mix Habanero- Orange (Botanical Interests) Fatalii (Seed Savers) NuMex Joe E Parker (Botanical Interests) Poblano (Lake Valley) Jamaican Red (Lake Valley) packet says they are a scotch bonnet California Wonder (Burpee) Carnival mix Diamond (Burpee) Carnival mix Golden California Wonder (Burpee) Carnival mix Orange Sun (Burpee)...
My little grow log: First off I have very thick skin, so feel free to judge or offer any insults that would help this become a greater success. I am new... But I have been growing all sorts of veggies in my outdoor 20x13 garden for years with lots of good (and bad) results. This year I plan on changing it up a little. Last year I grew lots of tomatoes, to many. Some purple or grey Heirlooms that tasted like shit, cherrys that I couldn't keep up with and they dropped and rotted, etc. So this year I will dedicate a fair amount of my garden to peppers. As well as my garden, I plan on container growing a bunch, and I am building an indoor grow room with a 600hps. Today I received my first seed order. They were just a couple varieties I...
Hi out there! I thought i would try to make a glog this year! I live in Denmark so i don't have the best climate for peppers compared to most of the people in here. Also i'm a student so i can't afford to buy lights, heatmats and so on. That's why i thought i would make a glog about growing chili pretty cheap without all the pro hightech gear. I have little garden where i will try to grow my first outdoors chili. I have my windowsill where i can grow up to six small plants. And hopefully i can borrow a greenhouse from my parents in law again this year. Since i don't have a heat mat i am trying to germinate my seeds in ziplock bags on the radiator. I have put far more seeds to germination than i have space for because i'm not sure...
Buddy's 1st 2013 Harvest
I put 2 Thai Mound and 1 Thai Orange in the window at the end of last year. Been harvesting chiles all year. Thought that I would share a typical picture (harvest this amount approximately once per month) - enough to keep me going. A few of these stayed on the plant a bit too long - oh well. Not bad for Northern Illinois.
BeerPimps Winter Pepper Project
I decided to try my hand at growing peppers in the winter. I wanted also to try hydroponics. Just the basic DWC method. I picked up those supplies and a Quantum T5 Badboy. These are the Peppers I am going to try. Fatali Mustard Habanero Purple Jalapeno 7 Pot/Pod I had the Fatali and Mustard Hab seeds so I started them in Oasis cubes on 08/31/2012 The other two seeds came in on the 09/05/2012. So I threw them in the their cubes. I also tried germinating a couple Korean Gochu seeds. They germinate fast and will be a good test because I have never used Oasis cubes. So far they seem to be doing good. Took a picture today of them just peaking their heads out the top of the cubes. The tallest one is the Gochu pepper. The shorter...